Thursday, July 31, 2014

Will of John Blake, yeoman, Prestbury, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 18 May 1732

The testator is John Blake yeoman of Prestbury. He has a son Thomas and another baby due in 1726. His will is not probated until 1732.

There are several wills for Blake at Prestbury – Jane Blake in 1822, John Blake 1680, John Blake 1801, William Blake 1706 and William Blake 1820.

John Blake whose will was probated in 1680 has been blogged:

John names his children as Thomas (eldest), John, Mary Halling, Elinor, William, Elizabeth and Robert. This John names his property as Herle within the parish of Prestbury which is given to Thomas. Is Kirles Herle and has it perhaps fallen to John when Thomas does not have an heir. Thomas has not left a will.

A rather interesting discovery at the National Archives (UK):

Gotherington and Bishop's Cleeve  [no ref. or date]

[no title]  D1637/T14  [c.1300]-1357

Related information: See also D1637/T6

Lands in Gotherington and Bishop's Cleeve (Thomas de Agmondesham and William Agmondesham.
Original bundle

Bishop's Cleeve  D1637/T14/1  [n.d.]

[c. 1300]
Grant: [sic]
(i) Elona/Pigare of Goderinton [Gotherington]
(ii) William de Agmondesham, clerk
- 1 acre and 2 fardels of arable land in the parish of Bishop's Cleeve, two acres in Middelfeld next to the land held by Robert de Blake of Wodemonekote [Woodmancote], half an acre lying towards Brockhampton next to the land held by William Baldwyne of the same place, one fardel lying towards Saperton next to the land held by William le Ussher and one fardel lying towards Mokemede next to the land held by Richard Upehull.
Rendering accustomed services to the chief lord of the fee.
Witnesses: William le Ussher, Adam Haym, Edmund de Thornhull, Adam le Freman, Robert de Bonetoun, Robert Durel, William de Prestebury [Prestbury], clerk, and many others.
Seal tag with lines from a similar deed in the same hand.
Endorsement: Pigas, 15th cent. hand.

Woodmancote is just three miles from Prestbury. It would appear that there was a Blake family in this area circa 1300. The Calendar of Patent Rolls does not mention this particular Blake in the entries there. It does rather present a different picture on this particular area if there was a Blake family already there. Have they come down from the Madebrok area in Herefordshire? Roger le Blake had transferred land to the Knights Templer in the early 1300s as noted earlier in a blog and this same land transfer was credited to a Richard le Blake named as the head of the Blake family at Calne. I mentioned earlier that I felt that some of the Blake family in Gloucester was descendant of the Blake family at Calne and finding the possibility that a Blake line was in this Prestbury area in the 1300s is something I must pursue once I get all the wills done. I photographed some documents at Kew in this time period. It would be most interesting to solve the Calne Blake family in terms of ancestry. The Blake family at Calne and the Blake family at Andover  do appear to come together through the marriage of Margaret Blake and John Blake in the 1500s (not my direct line) and this has added some confusion to the Andover Blake line which I think is entirely separate from the Calne Blake line. Each new item provides a little more fuel for thought!

There is a will for William Blake in 1706 to come which might be interesting in this time period as well.

John Blake, Yeoman, Will number 92, 1732, Inventory number 17 of Prestbury, Consistory Court of Gloucester, GDR/Inventories/1732 (17). Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Gloucestershire Probate Records. Diocese of Gloucestershire, Finding Reference GDR, Wills and Inventories. Gloucestershire Archives, Gloucester, UK.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 Jul 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  John Blake, Yeoman
Place: Prestbury, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document: 12 Apr 1726; probated 18 May 1732
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: 18 May 1732 Test: Johannis Blake husb de paroi[ss]a de Prestbury

1    In the Name of god Amen I John Blake of Prestbury in the
2    County of Glouc[este]r Yeoman Do make this my last Will and Testament
3    in manner following That is to say First I Give and Devise unto
4    my loving wife Elizabeth My Two Closes of pasture ground lying
5    in the parish of Prestbury aforesaid called Kirles and all other my
6    lands in Prestbury afores[ai]d with their appurten[an]ces To hold to my
7    said wife Elizabeth her heires and assigns for Ever Upon Trust th[a]t
8    she as soon as may be after my Decease shall absolutely sell
9    the said Closes and lands with the app[ur]ten[an]ces to the best
10    Purchaser th[a]t may be got for the same and out of the money to
11    arise by Sale thereof shall in the first place pay off and discharge
12    such Mortgage money and other Incumbrances w[hi]ch affect the
13    same or any part thereof or to w[hi]ch the same or any part thereof
14    is lyable and also one Bond Debt of Ten pounds now
15    owing by me to Edward Nicholls of Tewkesbury in the County
16    of Glouc[este]r Malster and the Interest thereof and the residue of
17    the money that shall arise by such Sale after payment of the
18    said Mortgage money Incumbrances and Bond Debt shall apply
19    towards the Breeding up and Educating of my Son Thomas and of
20    such other Child with which my said wife is now enceinte It[e]m
21    I Give and Bequeath unto my said Son Thomas the Summe of
22    Twenty pounds to be paid within one year next after my Decease
23    into the hands of John Kilmaster of Siddington St Peter in the
24    said County of Glouc[este]r Yeoman who by him put out at
25    Interest or otherwise applied as he shall think proper for the
26    use and benefit of any said Son and I Give and bequeath unto
27    the Child my said wife is now ensceint of when it shall be
28    born the Summe of Fifteen pounds to be likewise paid into the
29    hands of the said John Kilmaster within one year after the
30    Birth of such Child to be by him applied for his or her benefit
31    as he shall think proper both the said Legacies to be paid by
32    my Executrix hereafter named out of my personal Estate
33    and in Case my said Son Thomas shall dye before his s[ai]d Legacy
34    shall become payable Then I Give his Legacy of twenty
35    pounds to the Child my said wife is now enseint of as afores[ai]d
36    And in Case the said Child my said wife is now enseint of as aforesaid
37    shall not be born alive or if it shall be born alive and shall dye
38    before his or her said Legacy shall become payable Then I Give
39    his or her said Legacy of Fifteen pounds to my said Son Thomas to be
40    paid and applied in such manner as his said other Legacy of
41    Twenty pounds is  above directed to be paid and applied Item
    [Page 2]
42    All the rest of my personal Estate I Give and bequeath to my
43    said wife Elizabeth she paying the Legacies herein before
44    given and my just Debts not herein before sufficiently provided
45    for And I Do make my said wife Elizabeth Sole Executrix
46    of this my last Will and Testament And I Do hereby Declare
47    that the Residuary Bequest of my personal Estate herein
48    before made to my said wife is and shall be taken to be
49    in her and satisfaction of all her Dower w[hi]ch she may have
50    a claym in the said Closes called Kirles or other my lands
51    herein before devised to her upon the Trusts above menc[i]oned
52    In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale
53    the Twelfth day of Aprill Anno D[omi]ni One thousand
54    Seven hundred Twenty and Six
55    John blake
56    Signed Sealed and published
57    in the p[re]sence of us who
58    subscribed our Names as Witnesses
60    in the Testators p[re]sence
61    Mary Hiet
62    The mark x of Walter A Crint
63    Joseph Nicholls
64    John Trevancon
65    18 May 1732
66    Jurat fuit Eliza Blake
67    Executrix coram nie
68    Edw[ar]do Niccolls Sur
69    Probatum fuit hoi Testum 18 die mensis
70    Maij Anno D[omi]ni 1732 Coram Verli Viro Duo
71    Henrico Penrice Milite Legum Doctore sendi
72    in djse sois ac diu diu Elisae permissione
73    dia Glouc[este]r Etei Vicns in Sprualibris genlies
74    per Elizabeth Blake Executricem et Cui et
75    primitus de bene et at de pleno et cre[d]iom
76    de vero et rile jurat Salvo jiore cujuisque
    [Page 3]
77    An Inventory made this 20th Day
78    of Aprills of the Goods and Chattels
79    of John Bleak of Prestbury Yeom[an]
80    Deceased
81        l     s    d
82    Imprimis His wearing apparel and money in purse     03:00:00
83    Three beds and beding and all other Household Goods    08:14:06
84    Five Horses and two Colt    22:00:00
85    One Waggon and two Dung carts    01:10:00
86    Corn Growing    23:00:00
87    Wheat Thrashed and unthrashed     01:00:00
88    Two Stacks of Hay    02:05:00
89    ___ Shepicks Sieves and one Bushell    00:07:06
90    One Sow and pigs and 2 other pigs    03:01:06
91    Thirty Six Sheep    11:14:00
92    Eight Cows and one Bull    26:00:00
93    Six young Beasts    08:00:00
94    Nine Calves    04:10:00
95    Taken and appraised by us                                      Tot:          123:02:06
96    the mark of
97    Tho[ma]s Horn
98    Tho[ma]s Curtis     appraisers
99    Exhibitum fuit hod Juven 18
100    die mensis Maij Anno D[omi]nio 1732
101    per Elizam Blake Executriuem
102    et pro vero et Sub protestations
103    tamen de addendo

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