Friday, October 24, 2014

Will of Robert Blacke, Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 22 Dec 1639

I have included this will of Robert Blacke although do tend not to include any Black family members normally. The reason I did do that was because one of the witnesses was John Blake and he has a brother John Blacke. Robert is married to Jane and has sons Robert and John. His mother is Elizabeth Drue.

Pucklechurch is a parish just six miles from Bristol.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Oct 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Robert Blacke,
Place: Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 10 Oct 1639, probated 22 Dec 1639
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 789

1    In the name of God Amen I Robert Blacke of
2    Pucklechurch in the Countie of Gloucester Ghownmaker
3    beinge sicke in bodie but in good and p[er]fect memory
4    thanckes be given to Allmyghtie god doe make this my
5    last wil and testament in manner and Forme
6    Followinge viz[ a vit] I give and bequeth my soule into
7    the hands of Allmyghtie god my maker and redeemer
8    And my bodie to be buried in the Church of Pucklechurch
9    aforesaid Item I give and bequeth unto Jane my
10    wefe Five pounds Item I give and bequeth unto Robert
11    my eldest sonn five pounds to be paid unto him at our
12    Ladie day next ensuinge the date hereof And the stocke
13    to be Imployed to his use and maintenance during his
14    mynoritie Item I give and bequeth unto John my sonn
15    Five pounds to be paid unto him at our ladie day next
16    ensuing the date hereof And the stocke to be Imployed
17    to his use and maintenance All the rest of my goods
18    cattles and chattles unbequethed I give and bequeth unto
19    Jane my wefe and to Robert and John my foresaid
20    sonnes to be equally devided amongst them And my
21    wefe to have the use of my goods cattles and chattles last
22    given and bequeathed for and duringe the tyme of her
23    widowhood Item I doe nominat constitute ordayne and
24    Appointe Jane my wefe to be my whole and sole Executrix
25    of this my last will and testament And to see this my
26    Last will and testament Justlie truelie and honestlie
27    p[er]formed I doe nominat ordeyne and Appoint my loving
28    mother Elizabeth Drue and my Brother John Blacke to be my oversears
29    of this my last will and Testament dated the tenth
30    day of October Anno RRs Carolinum decimo quinto 1639
31    In the p[re]sents of
32    those witnesses here
33    undernamed
34    Roger Gregorye
35    Hugh Wickham
36    John Blake

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