Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Will of Robert Blake, Coachman, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 18 June 1847

Robert Blake is the testator. He and his wife Martha and children Eliza 8 years, George 4 years and Thomas 1 year appear on the 1841 census at Cheltenham. He was not born in Gloucestershire, Martha and the children all were born in Gloucestershire. He is said to be 40 years of age and Martha 35.

On the 1851 census Martha Blake is still a widow living at Cheltenham, 44 years of age, born at Preshute Worcestershire with daughter Eliza 17 years, son George 13 years, son Thomas 10 years and daughter Harriet 8 years.

On the 1861 census Martha Blake is still a widow living at Cheltenham, 49 years of age, born at Pershute, Worcestershire with son Thomas 21 years, Fly Driver, born at Cheltenham and daughter Harriett 18 years, born at Cheltenham.

Could not find a marriage for this couple or a baptism for Robert.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Oct 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Robert Blake, Coachman
Place: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 20 Mar 1847, probated 18 Jun 1847
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

1    This is the last Will of me Robert
2    Blake of Cheltenham Coachman made
3    the twentieth day of March one thousand eight
4    hundred and forty seven as follows, after the
5    payment of debts funeral and testamentary
6    expences I give to my dear Wife Martha all
7    my Household furniture and Effects and also
8    Sixty pounds part of the sum of one hundred
9    and twenty pounds I have in the National
10    Provincial Bank in Cheltenham and the
11    remaining sixty pounds I give equally between
12    my four children namely Eliza George Henry
13    Thomas and Harriet to be paid them as they
14    severally attain twenty one years of age and that
15    the Interest on each Child’s share shall accumulate for
16    his or her benefit until that period but in
17    case of the death of either of my said children
18    before that time then I give the share
19    of him or her so dying unto my said wife
20    absolutely and in case of her death before
    [Page 2]
21    before my children shall attain twenty one
22    and one or more of my children should die between
23    that period and attaining twenty one then I
24    will and direct that the share or shares of
25    him or her so dying and all accumulations shall
26    go and belong to the survivor or survivors in
27    equal shares my Executors not to be accountable
28    for any loss that may occur to my Estate through
29    any Banker I appoint my said Wife and
30    my friend Mr  John Bennett Executrix and
31    Executor of this my Will and Guardian of my
32    children as witness my hand
33    Robert Blake
34    Signed and published by
35    the said Testator as his last Will in the presence
36    of us in his presence and
37    in the presence of each
38    other and here subscribe our
39    names as witnesses
40    Jane Brimson 20 Rutland St
41    Ja[me]s Bevan 26 North Place
    [Page 3]
42    A Codicil to my Will on the other
43    side I authorize my said Trustees to
44    place the said sum of sixty pounds
45    in the Cheltenham Savings Bank
46    which I have given to my Children
47    and request them do so and I also
48    authorize them to advance out of the
49    share to come to either of my said
50    children any portion thereof to apprentice
51    them or for their advancement in life
52    Witness my hand the 20th of
53    March 1847  Robert Blake
54    Witness
55    Jane Brimson
56    Ja[me]s Bedvan
    [Send prob to Mrs Blake No 20 Sherborne Place Chelt]
    [Page 3]
57    18th June 1847
58    Appeared personally Martha Blake of
60    Cheltenham in the county of Gloucester
61    Widow and alleged upon oath that this
62    paperwriting contains the last Will and
63    Testament and Codicil of Robert Blake
64    late of Cheltenham aforesaid deceased who died
65    on the 26th day of May 1847 leaving Goods
66    Chattels and Credits wholly within the diocese
67    of Gloucester and Bristol under the value
68    of two hundred pounds That she is the Executrix
69    therein named That she will well and faithfully
70    perform the same and render an Inventory and
71    account etc
72    Wherefore she prayed probate
73    Let probate pass reserving power
74    for the other when etc
75    Andrew Sagar
76    Sworn under £200 before me Andrew Sagar Surrogate
    [Page 4]
77    In the Consistory Court of Gloucester,
78    In the goods of Robert Blake deceased
79    18th June 1847
80    Appeared personally Martha Blake of
81    Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester
82    Widow the Executrix named in the last Will
83    and Testament with a Codicil thereto of Robert Blake late of
84    Cheltenham aforesaid deceased bearing date
85    respectively the twentieth day of March One
86    thousand eight hundred and forty seven
87    now hereunto annexed marked it and
88    made oath that she was present at the
89    execution of the said Will and Codicil and
90    did see the Testator sign his name at
91    the foot or end of each respectively and that
92    Jane Brimson and James Bedvan were
93    also present at the execution thereof and
94    did sign their respective names thereto
95    as Witnesses in the presence of the said
96    Testator, the said Testator and Jane
97    Brimson and James Bedvan being all
98    present together at the same time
99    Martha Blake
100    Sworn at Gloucester
101    this eighteenth day of
102    June 1847
103    Before me
104    Andrew Sagar Surrogate

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