Saturday, February 7, 2015

Will of Valentine Blake, clerk, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 20 Sep 1615

The testator Valentine Blake is a clerk at Winchcombe. He names his wife as Elizabeth and his sons Valentine the eldest and John the youngest. In 1614 both sons are less than 21 years of age.

In the Annals of Winchcombe and Sudeley, chapter xxiv, mention is given of a school and the appointment of Valentine Blake as schoolmaster in 1539. Since the present testator is said to be 50 years of age in 1612 this eliminates him but could it be that he is a descendant of this schoolmaster (Valentine was born at Fladbury Worcestershire circa 1562). It is 12 miles from Fladbury to Winchcombe. I did not pursue that thought at this time.

The testator is listed in the Clergy of the Church of England Database as being a curate at Winchcombe with Gretton 1603-1613. His Record ID 221643.

FindingRef     GDR/114/page 208
Title     CASE: William Browne & Peter Bowle v John Browne: Testamentary (Margaret Page): 18 June 1612
Date     1612
Description     DEPONENTS Mary Craker, widow, of Winchcombe. Lived there 20 years. Born Peopleton, Worcs. Aged 40. Valentine Blake, curate of Winchcombe. Lived there 15 years. Born Fladbury, Worcs. Aged 50. Bridget Ardway, single, of Winchcombe. Lived there 7 years. Born Bengeworth, Worcs. Aged 24. On the part of Browne & Bowle

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Feb 2015
Source: Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry
Testator: Valentine Blake
Place: Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 24 Jun 1614, probated 20 Sep 1615
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Top]: 178
[Top]: Testamentum sive ultima volu[n]tas Valentine Blake clerci

1    T[estate]r Vallantine Blake clirc
2    debts owinge unto mee Valentine Blake of Winchcombe in
3    the Countie of Glouc[este]r clerke the xxiij th daie of June 1614
4    Anno Regni Jacobi Regis [a]n[g]li[, scotia, hibernie] duodecimo
5    By speciallitie
6    Imprimis my Ante Cotterely of Dumble Milles by her husbandes
bond due at Mic[hael]mas next    x li
7    It[em] then for the use thereof    xx s
8    It[em] John Sewell and by his bonde nowe in suite    v li
9    lent him since in monie w[i]thout specialltie    x s
10    It[em] Richarde Harvie by his bonde    iiij li
11    It[em] for the use thereof    viij s
12    It[em] Richarde Barnes of Didbroke by his bonde    iij li
13    It[em] for the use thereof    vj s
14    It[em] Hewbie Grendmye by his bonde    xl s
15    It[em] for the use thereof    iiij s
16    It[em] John Williams of Condicote by his bonde    xvj li
17    It[em] An Shilie by her husbandes bonde    iij li
18    It[em] Bartholomew Blake by his bonde    iij li
19    It[em] John Harrison and Morris by their bonde    iij li
20    It[em] Thomas Hide by his bonde    xxx s
21    It[em] for the use thereof for two yeares and allredy    vj s
22    It[em] Giles Brodeware the elder by his bill    xlj s
23    in Gages     Somme    55 li 5 s
24    Mr Richard Powell upon iij peeces of silv[e]r plate    vij li
25    Richard Gibbes on viij peeces of pewt[e]r    xx s
26    Thomas Higges on a paire of Sheetes    xx s
27    Mrs Aven on iiij silv[e[r spones    xx s
28    John Burton on a Ringe    xx s
29    John Trewman on a bras pot    x s
30    w[i]thout specialltie          Some    vj li x s
31    John Harrison of ould debt    iij li
32    It[em] more for the use thereof hee is to cure
my fyll corne and hae    iiij li
33    It[e]m more for my shie pasture which hee is beehinde with mee    xvij s
34    It[em] Elizabeth Boughe my sest[e]r    vij li
35    It[em] Ursula Bucbee of Dumblely milles due at michelmas    iiij li
36    It[em] for the use thereof    iiij s
37    It[em] Will[ia]m Bowler    iij li
38    It[em] Simons Ricketts    xl s
39    It[em] Steeven Coffon    xxx s
40    It[em] for the use thereof due at michelmas    iiij s
41    It[em] John Cowell    xx s
42    It[em] Daniell Trappe    xx s
43    It[em] Thomas Hickes in monie lent    xx s
44    It[em] him more for ij yeres lent for his tithes    xvj s
45    Some    xxx li x s
46    more w[i]thout specialltie
47    It[em] widow Carpent[e]r    xx s
48    It[em] Anthonie Thune    xx s
49    It[em] Thomas Milton in mony lent    xiij s
50    It[em] Edmunde Katernes for ij calves    x s
51    It[em] Rob[er]t Jones in monie lent    xiij s viij d
52    It[em] Hendrie Hide of Getton in monie lent    x s iiij d
53    It[em] Mr Williams in monie lent as two times    x s
54    It[em] Richarde Gibbes for malt    x s
55    It[em] monie for my lords lente cloth    x s
56    It[em] Oliver Best for ij buchelles of Barley    vj s
57    It[em] him more in monie    iiij s
58    It[em] Will[ia]m Heath    vj s
59    It[em] John Drone    v s
60    It[em] Water Terneley for whom I gave my word to gibbes    iiij s
61    It[em] Mr Woodley for haye    viij s
62    It[em] lent him more in monie    vj s vj d
63    It[em] W[ilia]m Barkesdale in monie lent    vj s vj d
64    It[em] James Aishley in monie lent    vj s viij d
65    It[em] Thomas Bint of Parsher    iiij s
66    It[em] Nathanaell Stowe in monie lent and for other reccivinges    x s
67    It[em] __an Tierlen in monie at div[er]se times    vij s vj d
68    It[em] for an axelhed towards w[hi]ch he sharpened ij d beefends    viij d
69    It[em] more for est[e]r reccvinnges too yeares    ij s
70    Some    vij li xv s ij d

Section omitted as this was in tabular form and does not come across when extracted as text in a readable format but names found here are as follows: Richard Contas and Philip his sonne, Richard More in Hawkins, William Cotton, Grettan Gage, Widow Bendlow, Richard Smith, William Greeneny, Hendri Trinton, John Dolbins, John Hale, George Bowlets, Richard Hide, Henry Barkedale, Harry Best, Oliver Best, Widow Pendry,
91    A note of my cattell
92    vj kine
93    1 melch heifer 2 yeres ould
94    1 yeareling
95    1 allmost a yere ould
96    and two weaning calves
97    Bokes lent to Mr Williams which hee keepeth
98    Babington on genesis    iiij s
99    T__ebules works on St James and other places    j s vj d
100    a boke of common places valet     vj s viij d
101    Buishopes ____ szmons on Some psalmes    xvj d
102    an other boke of comon places called Syntagma valet    v s
103    one ould latin fza__ booke valet _______   
104    calvin upon the epistles Santi pauli pred[e]s[tin]ati[on] etc valet     vj s viij d
105    I doe owe for 13 logges of wodde to Mr Thorne
106    besides I ow nothing to any but good wil to all 24 Juinij 1614   
    [Testamentum sive ultima volu[n]tas Valentine Blake clerci]
107    In dei nomine Amen I Valentine Blake of Winchcombe Clerke in the County
108    of Glouc[est]er doe this p[re]sent 24 of June 1614 make and ordaine this my last will
109    and testam[en]t in man[ner] and forme following First I commend and bequeath my
110    soule to almighty God my maker and by faith in Jesus Christ my only savior[u]r
111    I hope to bee saved and my body to the earth to bee buried in the Chancell of
112    Winchcombe at my seates end there and as for my worldly goodes I bequeath
113    them as followeth first I give to the repacons of the Church of Winchomb
114    aforesaid x s It[em] I give to the pore people of Winchcombe xiij s iiij d
115    to bee paied them on the daie of my buriall I give and bequeath to Valentine  
116    my eldest sonne lij li half all my bokes j fth[er]bed, j boulst[e]rs, j pillow, j
117    pillow cover j cord of blankets and a coverlet and iij paire of flaxen and
118    one paire of hemp sheets one wied bed in the Chambr where fud is made
119    my best cofer and also my best bras pot my table bord w[it]h the forme
120    3 rond stowles and my best chaer It[em] I give unto my iongest sonne John
121    l li j featherbed j boulstrs j pillow j pillow cuver j courd of blankets one bolster
122    iij paire of sheetes ij of flax j of hemp iij forme stowles j chuner my second
123    best cofer and also the other half of all my books and one chare It[em] I
124    give unto my sayd sonnes j peece of gould of a peece of xx s a peece to bee kept
125    of them for a remembrance of mee my will is that they shalbe paid their porc[i]ons
126    affare as my debtes may bee taken up and resoved and it may be put out
127    for their p[ro]fit in some mennes handses And if it shall happen that each of my said
128    sonnes to dye before they come to the age of xxi yeares or bee married that then his
129    por[t]ion that shall he die shall come and remaine to him that shall survive
130    The residue of all my goodes not given nor bequeathed and chattels
131    whatsoever I give to Elizabeth my loving wif whom I mak my sole
132    executrix of this my last will and testam[en]t putting her in trust that and
133    my afforesaide two sonnes their porcion of legacies and to she then put
134    out to some honest trade as shall like her or her friendes best and to see
135    mee comely and honestly buried
136    per me Valentine Blake clerce
137    It[em] more debts owinge unto me 24 Junij 1614
138    Humfrie Goldeneye xiij s j d in monie lent
139    It[em] Henry Cowell x s in monie lent
140    It[em] Will[ia]m Cowell x s viij d in mony lent
141    It[em] Humfri Goldeneye for the re_ennyes xiij s j d
142    per me Valentine Blake
143    Probatum fuit humoi testamentum apud Glouc
144    vicesimmo die Septembris anno domini 1615 coram
145    A[r]ch[ibald]e Cerman cleric derbio [sp] prius Milems [sp] Glouc
146    Ep[isco]p[i] Vicario in spiritualis g[ener]alis __ p[er] eum approbatu[m] et  
147    Insinuatum commissaque fuit et est Adm[inistrac]io et
148    Debite prius jurat

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