Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Will of William Blake, Cardboard Maker, Dursley, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 25 Jun 1787

William Blake of Dursley is the testator. He is married to Sarah. On Family Search I found the baptism of Mary 16 Apr 1755 and Betty 18 June 1758 at Dursley. They would appear to be the youngest daughters.

On Ancestry I found Ann baptized 3 Jul 1744 at Dursley, There was also a William Blake baptized January 1749 at Dursley son of William and Sarah Blake. There was also a Catherine Blake baptized 8 Aug 1742 at Eastington daughter of William and Sarah Blake. Sarah is missing but by the naming in the will she would have been born after Ann and before Mary so between 1744 and 1755. Eastington (near Stonehouse is 5 miles from Dursley).

William Blake married Sarah Stephens 25 Dec 1740 at Eastington, Gloucestershire. The marriage lines mention that William Blake was of the parish of Dursly. In the baptismal at Eastington in 1742 Catherine is noted as a daughter of William and Sarah Blake of Dursley.

There was a William Blake (and his twin John) baptized 22 Mar 1710 son(s) of John and Ann Blake. A John Blake and Ann Cishall were married 26 Jan 1707 at Dursley.

This does not lead me back to any of the other wills for Gloucestershire at a quick glance. The next will is for a William Blake (administration) and was submitted by his sister Sarah Millard at Dursley.  On Ancestry I found that Sarah Blake married Edward Millard 18 Feb 1781 at Dursley. The marriage lines are witnessed by William Blake and Benj Hill. There is also a marriage 7 Aug 1781 at Dursley between William Blake and Hannah Samuels.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 18 Feb 2015
Source: Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry
Testator: William Blake
Place: Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 5 Apr 1786, probated 25 Jun 1787
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

1    In the Name of God Amen I William Blake of
2    Dursley in the County of Gloucester Cardboard Maker being (I bless God)
3    of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding do make
4    publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner
5    following (that is to say) First I will and Direct that all my just
 6    debts and Funeral Expences be paid and discharged And Subject
7    thereto and charged and chargeable therewith, I Give and Bequeath
8    unto my dear Wife the use of all and singular my Household Goods
9    Plate Linen and Furniture and all other my Personal Estate of what
10    nature or kind soever for and during the Term of her natural Life,
11    And my Will is that she may use and employ my Stock in Trade
12    and Monie part of my said personal Estate in Trade to the best
13    advantage she can the better to enable her to maintain herself And
14    I Will that a true and perfect Inventory and Appraisement be taken
15    of all my said Household Goods Plate Linen and Furniture and other
16    my Personal Estate as soon as may be after my decease which I
17    direct shall be signed by my said Wife and delivered to my Son in
18    Law Thomas Lockier to be at any time inspected by any or either of
19    my Daughters hereinafter named: And from and after her decease
20    I Give and Bequeath the Sum of Ten Pounds part of my said
21    Personal Estate to each and every of my daughters Catherine Ann
22    Sarah Mary and Elizabeth and I direct that the Receipt of my said Daughter Catherine for her said Legacy shall be sufficient alone without her Husband who shall not intermeddle herein All the rest and residue of my said
23    personal Estate from and after the decease of my said Wife I
24    Give and Bequeath unto such of my said daughters and in such
25    Shares parts and proportions as my said Wife shall at any time
26    during her natural Life by her last Will and Testament in Writing
27    or by any Writing purporting to be her last Will and Testament to
28    be by her Sealed and Delivered in the presence of two or more
29    credible Witnesses Give or Bequeath the same And for want or
30    default of such Gift or Bequest I give and Bequeath the same
31    rest and residue of my said personal Estate (from and after the
32    decease of my said Wife) unto all and every my said daughters
33    equally to be divided between them share and share alike And
34    I do hereby make nominate constitute and appoint my said Wife
35    the Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And Lastly
36    revoking all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore
37    made I declare this to be my last Will and Testament In
38    Witness whereof I the said William Blake the said Testator have to
39    this my last Will and Testament set my Hand and Seal the Fifth
40    day of April in the Twenty Sixth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign
41    Lord King George the Third And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand
42    William Blake
43    Seven Hundred and Eighty Six
44    Signed Sealed Published and Declared                                      
45    by the said Testator William Blake as and for
46    his last Will and Testament in the presence
47    of us The Interlineation on the other side being
48    first made
49    Conway Whithorne
50    J Hill
51    25th June 1787
52    The above named Sarah Blake the widow
53    and sole Executrix was duly sworn
54    before me
55    James Webster Surrogate
56    Sworn to less
57    than £100
58    This Will was proved the 25th June 1787 Before the Reverend James
59    Webster Surrogate to the Worshipful Edward Cooke Master of arts Vicar
60    general in Spirituals of the Right Reverend Father in God Samuel by
61    divine Permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester and of his
62    Episcopal Consistory Official principal lawfully constituted by Sarah
63    Blake the widow and sole Executrix etc to whom and having first Sworn well
64    and faithfully to administer the said Will and also to Exhibit an Inventory
65    and Render an Account etc

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