Monday, May 4, 2015

Henry Beard (1741 - 1795)

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 18

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, unknown, Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, Durnford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterel, Bartlett, Alderman, Ann (unknown), Sherwood, unknown, Habberfield, Collings, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Canham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

It does seem appropriate to do Henry Beard next because I just referred to him in last weeks 52 Ancestor Challenge.Finding Henry Beard was thanks to my cousin Robin Beard. An email out of the blue identified Christy and Mary Buller as being mentioned in the will of Henry Beard with Mary being his daughter. What a marvelous gift as I had not at that time identified the surname of Christopher Buller's wife. That was back in 2008 and since then we have put together an interesting tree for Henry Beard both ancestral and descendant.

Henry Beard left his will dated  16 Sep 1795 and it was probated 23 Jan 1796. His burial record states that he died at Lion Court, Parish St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey and was buried 1 Nov 1795 in the Churchyard of St Mary Magdalen. We visited the Church and graveyard in 2010. It is a beautiful quiet grassy area in behind the Church. We spent a little time there but the exact location of the burial place for Henry and his first wife Elizabeth Hemsley is unknown to me at this time. According to his burial record his year of birth was circa 1741. I have not yet been able to find a baptism/birth for Henry Beard that would fit into this particular year. His will reads as follows:

Source: The National Archives PROB 11/1270/251

[In margin] Henry Beard
1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Henry Beard of Bermondsey Street in the parish of
3    Saint Mary Magdalen Southwark in the County of Surr[e]y
4    Tanner being weak in body but of sound and disposing
5    Mind Memory and understanding do make publish and declare
6    this my last will and Testament in manner and form
7    following first I recommend my Soul into the hands of
8    Almighty God who gave it and my body I commit to the
9    earth to be decently and frugally interred at the discretion
10    of my Executors herein after named and to all my worldly
11    Estate whatsoever and where so ever where with it may
12    please God to bless me being all personal I give devise
13    and bequeath the same after payment of my funeral
14    expences the expence of proving this my will and all
15    my just debt as herein after is mentioned (that is to say)
16    I Give unto my Dear Wife Jane Beard the use of the
17    whole of my household Goods plate linen China furniture
18    and utensils what soever which shall be in my
19    dwelling house at the time of my death To hold use
20    occupy and possess the same during her life and from
21    and immediately after her death I direct that the
22    same be disposed of by my Executors herein after
23    named for the most money that can be reasonably
24    gotten for the same and that the produce thereof be
25    equally divided between my three daughters Mary
26    Buller the wife of Christy Buller Elizabeth Beard and
27    Sarah Beard share and share alike and in case any
28    one or more of my said Children shall die in the life
29    time of my said Wife Jane Beard then I direct
30    that the money arising from such disposal of my
31    said household Goods plate linen China furniture and
32    utensils be equally divided between such of them as
33    shall be living at the time of her decease to and
34    for their own sole and separate use and benefit and
35    I also Give and bequeath unto my said Wife Jane
36    Beard and to my said daughters Mary Buller the wife
37    of Christy Buller Elizabeth Beard and Sarah Beard the sum
38    of five Guineas each for mourning and I Give unto
39    Thomas Rippon of Bermondsey new road in the parish
40    of Saint Mary Magdalen in the County of Surrey afores[ai]d
41    Gentleman and Joseph Freeman of Grange Walk in the parish
42    of Saint Mary Magdalen in the County of Surrey aforesaid
43    Leather factors my Executors herein after named the sum of
44    ten pounds each for the trouble they may have in
45    the execution of this my will and in the performing the
    [Page 2]
46    Trusts hereby in them reposed and all the rest
47    residue and remainder of my Goods Chattells Stock in
48    Trade book debts Estate and effects of what nature or kind
49    Soever not herein before given or bequeathed I give
50    and bequeath unto the said Thomas Rippon and
51    Joseph Freeman (To hold to them the said Thomas Rippon and Joseph Freeman) their Executors Administrators and assigns
52    upon this Special Trust and confidence nevertheless (that is to say)
53    that they said Thomas Rippon and Joseph Freeman these
54    Executors or Administrators do and shall as soon as
55    convenient after my death sell and dispose thereof and
56    call in and receive all such debts sum and sums of
57    money as shall be due and owing to me at the
58    time of my decease either from my partnership made
59    with George Dade of Bermondsey Street in the parish
60    of Saint Mary Magdalen in the County of Surrey
61    aforesaid Tanner or from any other person or persons
62    whom soever and place the monies arising by such
63    sale or disposal and the monies so to be called in
64    and received upon government or other good and
65    sufficient security in their own interest and in such
66    interests as they shall think proper and also with
67    Trust that they do and shall receive the Interest
68    and Dividends thereof from time to time as the
69    same shall become payable and pay the same unto
70    my said dear Wife Jane Beard for and during the
71    term of her natural life provided she does not
72    intermarry with any other husband after my decease
73    and from and immediately after the decease to pay
74    assign transfer and convey all and every such said
74    and sums of money so to be placed out and
76    invested by the said Thomas Rippon and Joseph
77    Freeman upon Government or other good security or
78    securities unto and amongst my said daughters Mary
79    Buller the wife of Christy Buller Elizabeth Beard
80    and Sarah Beard share and share alike to and for
81    their own use and benefit and in case any or
82    other of my said daughters shall depart this life
83    in the life time of my said wife Jane Beard
84    then in Trust to pay assign transfer and receive
85    the part or share of such deceased child or
86    children unto such other or others of my said children
87    as shall be living at the time of the decease
88    of my said wife Jane Beard in equal proportion
89    but that if my said Wife Jane Beard shall marry
90    any husband in future then the Trust to pay assign
91    transfer and convey one fourth part of the money
92    So to be placed out upon Government or other
93    Securities unto my said Wife Jane Beard to and
94    for her own sole use and benefit and also In
95    Trust to pay assign transfer and convey the remaining
96    three fourth parts or shares of the said moneys
    to be placed out as aforesaid unto and among
97    [Page 3]
98    My said three daughters Mary Buller the wife of Christy
99    Buller Elizabeth Beard and Sarah Beard in equal shares
100    and proportions to and for their own use and
101    benefit and in case any or other of my said dau[ghte]rs
102    shall happen to die in the life time of my said
103    wife Jane Beard leaving issue of her or their body
104    or bodies lawfully begotten then In Trust to pay
105    assign transfer and convey the part or share of
106    such deceased child or children unto such her and their
107    issue share and share alike (if more than one)
108    when and so soon as they shall severally and respectively
109    attain their several and respective ages of twenty
110    one years and to pay and apply the Interest dividends
111    and produce thereof in the mean time for and
112    towards their respective maintenance and education
113    but in case one or more of my said daughters
114    shall happen to die without leaving issue of her or
115    their bodies lawfully begotten then the Trust to pay
116    assign transfer and convey the part of share of such
117    deceased child or children unto such other child or
118    Children as shall be living at the time of the dece[ase]
119    of my said Wife Jane Beard and I do hereby
120    empower and direct my said Trustees to pay assign
121    transfer and convey the same accordingly and I do
122    authorize and empower my said Trustees from time to
123    time as often as they shall think proper to alter and
124    change the securities or which the said residue of
125    my Estate and effects shall hereafter be placed out
126    and from time to time as often as they shall
127    think fit again to place the same upon Government
128    or such other good and sufficient security or securities
129    as they shall think proper and I do thereby
130    authorize and empower my said Trustees to apply
131    the respective part or share of any or other of my
132    said Children who shall so happen to die in the life
133    time of my said wife Jane Beard leaving
134    issue lawfully begotten for putting any or other of them
135    out to Business or any suitable employ or for setting
136    him her or them up in Business or advancing him
137    her or them respectively in any employ or otherwise
138    or his heires their  administrators ______ advancement if this would by marriage otherwise
139    ^ how soever any thing in this my will contained to
140    the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding
141    and it is my Will and meaning that my said
142    Trustees or other of them shall not be liable to
143    answer or make good any loss of losses that shall
144    or may happen to the aforesaid residue of my
145    Estate and effects in placing out the trust monies
146    according to the directions in this my will or in the
147    transacting any money affairs or otherwise relating to
148    or concerning the execution of the Trusts mentioned
149    in this my will unless the same shall appear to
150    happen by or through their or other of their
    [Page 4]
151    wilful neglect or default nor shall either of them my
152    said Trustees be answerable or accountable for the
153    acts deeds receipts or disbursements of the other of them
154    but each of them shall be answerable only for his
155    own separate acts deeds receipts and disbursements and
156    I do hereby direct that my said Trustees shall and
157    may pay and reimburse themselves and himself out of
158    the aforesaid residue of my Estate and effects all
159    reasonable and necessary costs charges and expences
160    what soever that they or either of them shall or
161    may bear pay be put into or sustain in or about
162    the creation of this my Will or the trusts hereby in
163    them reposed and Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute
164    and appoint my said Trustees the said Thomas Rippon
165    and Joseph Freeman Executors of this my last Will and
166    Testament and do hereby revoke and make void all former
167    and other will and wills by me at any time hereto
168    fore made and do declare this to be my last will and
169    Testament In witness whereof I the said Henry Beard
170    the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament
171    contained in three sheets of paper set my mark and
172    Seal (that is to say) to the first two sheets thereof
173    my mark and to this third and last sheet my
174    mark and Seal this sixteenth day of September in
175    the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred
176    and ninety five [The mark] + [of Henry Beard] [Seal] Signed
177    Sealed published and declared by the said Henry Beard
178    the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in
179    the presence of us who in his presence at his
180    request and in the presence of each other have
181    there unto subscribed our marks as witnesses [signed] James
182    Hopton [signed] Jno Rippon
183    This Will was proved at London the twenty
184    Third day of January in the year of our Lord One
185    Thousand seven hundred and ninety six before the w[or]shipful
186    Thomas Champion Crespigny Doctor of Laws Surrogate of
187    the Right Hon[oura]ble Sir William Wynne Knight also Doctor of
188    Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Perogative Court
189    of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oathes of Thomas
190    Rippon and Joseph Freeman the Executors named in the
191    said Will to whom Administration was Granted of all and
192    singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased
193    having been first Sworn duly to administer.

The Burial Registers at St Mary Magdalen also have a rather interesting entry 1 Apr 1797 for Ann Margaret Beard who died living at Grange Road in Bermondsey.  Going back in time Elizabeth Hemsley, the first wife of Henry, died while living at Grange Road in Bermondsey. She was buried 22 Jul 1781 (St Mary Magdalen). More on Elizabeth later but would mention that she was baptized November 1742 at St Mary Newington, Southwark, Surrey.

Today searching I have found a marriage for Henry Board/Beard and Margaret Cope 18 Jul 1744 at St Mary Newington, Southwark. Henry's date of birth has been estimated on the burial record as 1741 and I am thinking that likely Henry is not a son of this couple but there are a number of Beard families who live at Grange Road through the 1700s into the 1900s. This is my cousin Robin's line. Henry Beard (mistranscription by Ancestry has Board) was likely baptized 28 Apr 1712 at St Mary Magdalen and born 14 Apr 1712 son of Edward and Ann Beard. I need to find another Beard line that fits into my line. Finding this marriage does rather change the earlier ancestry that we had worked out for the Beard family.

I will leave Richard Beard who left his will in 1823  naming his children as Joseph George (born 29 Sep 1804 and baptized 4 Nov 1804 at St Saviour, Southwark), William John, Ann Elizabeth (born 30 May 1807 and baptized 30 Aug 1807 at St Saviour, Southwark daughter of Richard and Ann) and James Charles attached to the family of Henry Beard and Ann Margaret Cope. But not a daughter Sarah who married Thomas Charlton 9 Apr 1757 at St Mary Magdalen, I have unattached her and left her as a sister to Henry since he named a daughter Sarah. I will leave Edward attached to the family of Henry Beard and Ann Margaret Cope as well.

Source: The National Archives PROB 11/1674/76
Date of document: 9 Jan 1823, probated 23 Aug 1823

[In margin] Richard Beard
1    This is the last Will and Testament of me
2    Richard Beard in the parish of Bermondsey in the County of
3    Surrey I give devise and bequeath all my property and Effects whatsoever
4    And wheresoever ^unto my wife on condition that she pay unto my Son George one
5    shilling and further after the decease of my wife that my son Joseph
6    George have and enjoy all gains profits and Issues arising from the
7    Business on proviso that he pay to my daughter Ann Elizabeth three
8    long as she remain unmarried twenty five percent out of the said gains
9    profits and Issues and after her Marriage ten per Cent only and moreover
10    at the decease of my wife that all Estates main. and Stock in Trade and
11    Household furniture be valued and equally divided among my then
12    surviving children I do hereby appoint my sons George and James
13    Charles Executors to this my last Will and Testament and So declared
14    that neither them nor my Son William John shall at any time

15    during the life of my wife or after her death be employed in my Baking
16    Business In Witness whereof I the said Richard Beard the Testator
17    have to this my last Will and Testament at my hand and Seal this
18    9th day of January in the year of our Lord 1823 Richard Beard [Seal]
19    Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Richard
20    Beard the Testator and for his last Will and Testament in presence of
21    us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have
22    Subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto William James William
23    Rendle William Thomas
24    Proved at London 23 Aug[us]t 1823 before the Worshipful Charles Cook
25    Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of George Beard and James
26    Charles Beard the Sons the Executors to whom adm[inistrati]on was granted
27    having been first sworn duly to administer.

Parents of Henry and Sarah possibilities:

Henry baptized in 1712 had parents Edward and Ann.

Also baptized at St Mary Magdalen children of Edward and Ann:

Joseph baptized 8 Jan 1698

William baptized 23 Feb 1700

Solomon baptized 16 Nov 1702

Jeremiah baptized 2 Mar 1703

Abraham baptized 6 Oct 1706

Sarah baptized 12 Dec 1708

Henry baptized 28 Apr 1712

I did not find a marriage for this couple at St Mary Magdalen searching but will eventually look at the Parish Registers. Lots of possibilities as a father for Henry and arbitrarily choosing Henry as the father of Richard and Edward may be premature so will put that into the possibility column.

I now find that the ancestry of my Henry Beard is unknown and can not find a baptism for him. He was a tanner by trade as mentioned in his will. Perhaps I can find an apprenticeship for him. This was not successful at this time but I believe our next visit to LMA will have a few lookups!

The will of Henry's second wife Jane Blakely.

Source: The National Archives PROB 11/1652/24
Date of document:  1 May 1817, probated 5 Jan 1822
Author: Jane Beard, relict of Henry Beard
Relationship: stepmother of Mary Beard Buller (3x great grandmother)
Location: Crosby Row King Street, Southwark, London, England

[In margin] Jane Beard 13
1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Jane Beard of Crosby row King Street Southwark in the County of Surry Widow
3    do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to
4    say I direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences be in the
5    first place fully paid and satisfied by my Executors hereinafter named and after payment
6    and satisfaction thereof I give and bequeath unto my daughter in law Sarah Denner
7    now the Wife of Michael Jacob Denner of the Isle of Dogs Gentleman the sum of twenty
8    pounds to my cousin William Cooper five guineas to Christy Buller of Long Lane in
9    the Borough of Southwark aforesaid Slopcutter the sum of ten pounds to the Reverend
10    Doctor John Rippon of the Grange road Bermondsey Thomas Rippon of the Bank of
11    England Gentleman and the said Michael Jacob Denner a mourning ring each which
12    said several legacies I direct to be paid by my Executors as soon as conveniently
13    may be after my decease and as for and concerning all the rest residue and
14    remainder of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature
15    kind or quality soever which I now and or shall at the time of my decease
16    be possessed of interested in or entitled unto I direct that my Executors herein
17    after named shall convert the same into ready money immediately after my decease
18    and as to one equal third part of share thereof I give and bequeath the same
19    to the said Thomas Rippon and Michael Jacob Denner their Executors Admi[nistrat]ors and
20    assigns upon trust they they or the survivor of them and the Executors and Adm[inistrato]rs
21    of such survivor do and shall lay out and invest the same in this or their names
22    or name in the purchase of stock in the Bank of England and do and shall stand
23    possessed of such stocks together with the dividends and interest to arise therefrom
24    as and when the same shall become payable and which said dividends and interest
25    Interest I do hereby direct shall be by them from time to time added to and
26    become part of the principal of the said stock upon trust to pay and divide
27    the said stock and securities and the dividends and interest thereof between and
28    amongst all the every the children of my late daughter in law Mary Buller
29    deceased as and when they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years
30    and in the meantime to suffer the dividends and interests upon their respective
31    shares to accumulate by the way of compound interest for their respective benefits
32    and in case of the death of any or either of the children of my said daughter
33    in law Mary Buller before they shall attain the age of twenty one years then
34    I do hereby direct that the share of such child or children so dying together
35    with all accumulations thereof shall go to and be divided equally amongst the
36    survivors of them if more then one and if but one then to such only child and
37    in case they shall all die in my lifetime or before they shall respectively attain
38    the age of twenty one years then I give and bequeath the said stock and securities
39    and the accumulations thereof unto my daughters in law Elizabeth Millin Widow
40    and the said Sarah Denner their heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and
41    as to one other full equal third part of share thereof I give and bequeath the
42    same unto my daughter in law the said Elizabeth Millin her heirs Executors
43    Administrators and assigns to and for the and their own use and benefit and as
44    as to the remaining equal third part or share thereof I give and bequeath the
45    same
    [Page 2]
46    same unto my daughter in law the said Sarah Denner her heirs Executors
47    Administrators and assigns to and for her and their own use and benefit and I
48    do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Thomas Rippon and Michael
49    Jacob Denner Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do revoke all
50    former wills by me at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I the said
51    Jane Beard the Testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament contained
52    in one sheet of paper set my hand and seal the first day of May in the year
53    of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen Jane Beard [Seal] Signed
54    Sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix Jane Beard as and for the
55    last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence in the presence
56    of each other and at her request have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto
57    David Hudson No 40 Crosby row Sarah Hudson same place Josh Hudson
58    same place
59    This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me
60    Jane Beard of Crosby row King Street Southwark in the County of Surry Widow
61    whereas in my will after given certain specific and perminary legacies I have
62    directed that the residue of all my estate and effects of what nature or kind soever
63    and wheresoever which I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease be
64    converted into ready money as soon as conveiently may be after my decease
65    for the purposes therein mentioned now it is my will and mind and I do hereby
66    direct that all my wearing apparel which I shall be possessed of at the time
67    of my decease be not converted into money but shall be divided between my two
68    daughters in law elizabeth Millin Widow and Sarah Denner now the wife of
69    Michael Jacob Denner of the Isle of Dogs Gentleman and my will and mind is
70    and I do hereby desire to be buried in Burnhill Fields burying ground in the
71    City Road London and in all other respects I do hereby confirm my said will In
72    Witness whereof I the said Jane Beard have to this Codicil to my last Will and
73    Testament set my hand and affixed my seal this seventh day of May in the year
74    of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen Jane Beard [Seal] Signed
74    Sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix Jane Beard as and for a
76    Codicil to her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence
77    at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our
78    Names as witnesses David Hudson Sarah Hudson same place Josh Hudson
79    same place
80    [In margin] Proved at London 5th January 1822 before the Worshipful Samuel Rusle
81    Moyrel Doctor of Laws Surrogate by the oath of Michael Jacob Denner
82    one of the Executors to whom administration was granted
83    Having been first sworn duly to administer
84    Power reserved to Thomas Rippon the other Executor

An interesting set of wills with Jane's obviously being that of the widow of Henry Beard my 4x great grandfather. Both Elizabeth's and Sarah's marriages are known to me. As Jane mentions in her will, Mary Buller is now deceased at the time of writing her will.

Discovering more about Henry would be interesting and perhaps our visit to LMA may be fruitful.

Ancestry of Henry Beard

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada
3. Ellen Rosina BULLER (b 20 May 1886) - Birmingham Warwickshire England
4. Edwin Denner BULLER (b 8 Apr 1850) - Birmingham Warwickshire England
5. Henry Christopher BULLER (b 30 Jan 1805)- St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey Surrey England
6. Mary BEARD (b 15 Dec 1767) - St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey Surrey England
7. Henry BEARD (buried 1 Nov 1795) - St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey Surrey England

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