Monday, May 11, 2015

Matthew Hemsley (circa 1710s - )

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 19

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, unknown, Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, Durnford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterel, Bartlett, Alderman, Ann (unknown), Sherwood, unknown, Habberfield, Collings, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Canham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

Matthew Hemsley is an interesting story. Possibly my 4x great grandfather mostly according to my cousin Robin Beard so I thought I would pursue Matthew this 52 Ancestor Challenge. I do find it interesting that Matthew has a daughter Elizabeth born 16 Oct 1742 in Newington St Mary, Brixton, Surrey. Newington (or Newington St Mary) is a parish in close proximity to Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen. Indeed they are 1.1 miles apart. Elizabeth was the second child of Matthew Hemsley and Mary Coal. But I do note that the only son of Henry Beard and Elizabeth Hemsley was named Henry and in later generations the forename Matthew does not occur. Possibly I shouldn't judge on that because Matthew and Mary named their only son George and he was baptized 20 Jul 1744 at St Mary Newington. The only other children were Mary baptized 23 Aug 1741 (born 22 Aug 1741) and buried by 1750 and a second Mary baptized 14 Feb 1750 and all events at St Mary Newington.

To really place this area in context it is just 1.2 miles from Newington St Mary to Westminster Abbey in London.

Mary, wife of Matthew Hemsley was buried 27 Apr 1753 at St Mary Newington. I have done a little searching of the parish registers but did not find a burial date for Matthew yet.

My cousin found yet another interesting marriage between John Hemsley and Martha Roland 6 Feb 1704 at St Mary le Bow, London. Martha was baptized 20 Dec 1677 at Morden, Surrey but my cousin did not find a baptism for a John Hemsley that was for sure this man. John and Martha baptized three children at St Saviour Brixton:

Martha baptized 28 Jun 1709
John Roland baptized 3 Apr 1711 and buried 18 Aug 1746 at Morden
Susanna baptized 17 Sep 1712

Was there also a Matthew born to this couple before 1709? In retrospect I think this might be a bit too presumptive as there are other Hemsley families at St Mary Newington but since the work was done I have decided to post the following information on the Roland family at Morden. 

Martha Roland is thought to be the daughter of John and Elizabeth Roland and baptized 20 Dec 1677 at Morden, Surrey. This John Roland and his wife Elizabeth had seven children and baptisms were found for the following five:

Rebekah 29 Sep 1676 baptized at St Lawrence Morden
Martha 20 Dec 1677 baptized at St Lawrence Morden
Hannah 4 Apr 1679  and buried 13 Apr 1704 at St Lawrence Morden
Thomas baptized 15 Oct 1680 and buried 17 Oct 1680 at St Lawrence Morden
Jane baptized 23 Jul 1682 at St Lawrence Morden, married William Tyson 3 Jan 1714 at St Ethelburga Bishopsgate, London

The other two being:

Elizabeth born circa  1673, married to Bartholomew Elliot circa 1708 and their children Ann circa 1708 and buried circa 1708 and Elizabeth born circa 1711.

John born circa 1674 and buried 21 Nov 1691 at Morden (mentioned on the Church Plaque below)

There is a Plaque in the Church at St Lawrence Morden:

40. Near this place lyeth interr'd the body of John Roland, Gent., late of this parish who departed this life the 18th day of October Anno Domini 1700, in the 58th year of his age. Also the body of John Roland son of the said John Roland and Elizabeth his wife who departed this life the 14th day of November Anno Domini 1691 in the 17th year of his age. Likewise the body of Thomas Roland son of the said John and Elizabeth Roland who dyed an Infant. Also Rowland Hemsley who died July ye 30th aged 33.

Arms. — Sable, a pile wavy Argent.

Crest. — An eagle with a ball.

The Rowland Hemsley who died 30 Jul aged 33 is reminiscent of the John Roland Hemsley above son of John Hemsley and Martha Roland. Are they one and the same? John Rowland Hemsley died at 35 years of age and was buried 18 Aug 1746.

Another tomb in the church (Table Tomb) :

97. Here lyeth interred the body of Mre Hannah Roland daughter of John Roland gent, late of this parish and Elizabeth his wife Who departed this life the 5th day of April Anno Domini 1704 in the 25th year of her age.

Source for Memorial Stones:

Will of John Roland:

Source: The National Archives PROB 11/467/67
Date of document:  6 Jun 1702, probated 10 Nov 1702
Author: Johannis Roland
Location: Morden, Surrey, England

[In margin] T[esta]m[ent] Johannis Roland
1    This is the Last Will and
2    Testament of me John Roland of Moreden in the County of Surrey
3    Being written off with my own hand Wherein First I commend
4    My soul into the hands of Almighty God in hope of his acceptance
5    Into Glory And my body I commit to the Earth to be privately
6    Yet decently buryed without any manner of pomp or ostentation by
7    My Executors herein after named where about my will is that they
8    Shall not spend above the summe of thirty pounds And I doe desire
9    That my body may be layd as near to the body of my sonn John deceased
10    As may be in the Parish Church of Moredon aforesaid if I shall dye
11    At Moredon or within tenn Miles thereof otherwise where I shall
12    Happen to dye I will that all my debts be justly paid And I doe
13    Give and bequeath unto my cozen Martha Huish the summe of five
14    Pounds and unto my sister Marys daughter the summe of three pounds
15    And tenn shillings and to the poor of the parish of Moredon aforesaid
16    The summe of forty shillings And my desire is that my loveing wife and
17    Such of my daughters as shall be unmarryed at the time of my decease
18    Shall live together in my house at Moredon aforesaid dureing the
19    Life of my said wife or untill such daughters shall be marryed my
20    Said wife maintaining such daughters But notwithstanding their
21    Marriage my desire is that my wife shall live there and have the
    [page 2]
22    Reasonable use of the furniture thereof dureing her life Yet in case
23    Only that she continues herself a widdow soe long not otherwise All
24    My reall and personall Estate what soever and wheresoever whether the
25    Same be in my owne name or in any other persons I give devise and
26    Bequeath unto such of my daughters as shall be unmarryed at the
27    Time of my decease and unto their heires Exec[utor]s Adm[inistrator]s and assignes
28    Paying thereout unto such of my daughters as shall be then marryed
29    By and with my consent soe much moneys as shall amount to make
30    All such daughters portions equall as near as may be And in case
31    All my daughters be marryed I give and devise the same in manner
32    As aforesaid to such daughters only as shall be marryed by and
33    With my consent my expresse meaning being that such of my daughters
34    Who shall be marryed in my life time without my consent shall have no
35    Part of my reall or personall Estate And I doe make my daughters
36    Martha and Hanna Esec[utor]s of this my Will And I doe appoint my
37    Good friend and neighbour Mr. Peter Batt (haveing noe Male
38    Relation whatsoever of my owne family to intrust Overseer of this
39    My last Will desireing him to be assistant to my wife and Exec[utor]s in their
40    Affaires and for this trouble or rather a Token of my respects to him
41    I give him two twenty shilling peices of broad Gold And I doe
42    Revoke all former wills by me heretofore made And in witness
43    Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this sixth day of June
44    In the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and two John
45    Roland [signed] signed sealed and published as the last Will and Testament of
46    The said John Roland in the presence of us and by me subscribed in
47    His presence the same day and yeare James Braley [signed] Thomas Cope [signed]
48    Elizabeth Braley [signed]

John doesn't mention Elizabeth, Rebekah or Jane as his daughters by name only Martha and Hannah his executrices. By the tombstone he is known to be 56 but his year of burial is mentioned as 1700 and this will is dated 1702. An error in transcription on the tombstone perhaps as it does appear to be the correct John Roland.

The will of Elizabeth Roland was written 1 Nov 1714 also at Morden. Her death is not mentioned on the above tombstone. Elizabeth only mentions her eldest daughter Elizabeth. Is this the wife of John Roland as she doesn't mention her husband's forename.

Source: The National Archives PROB 11/547/86
Date of document: 1 Nov 1714
Author: Elizabeth Roland
Location: Morden, Surrey, England

[In margin] T[esta]m[ent] Eliza Roland
1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Elizabeth Roland of Moredon in the County of Surrey widow
3    Being aged and infirm in Body but of sound and perfect
4    Mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament
5    In manner following Imprimis I commend my soul into the
6    Hands of allmighty God that gave it being hoping assuredly
7    Through his mercys and the precious merits of my blessed
8    Saviour and Redemer Christ Jesus hereafter to be made
9    Partaker of Everlasting Life my Body I committ to the
10    Earth from whence it came to be buried in Moredon Church
11    As near my late husband as possible And as touching my
12    Worldly Estate I give devise and dispose thereof in manner
13    Following That is to say I give and devise to my loving
14    Freinds Peter Batt of Moredon aforesaid Yeoman and John
15    Mason Citizen and Mercer of London and the survivor of
16    Them the summe of four hundred and fifty pounds of
17    Lawfull Money of Great Britain which is out at Interest
18    Upon diverse Securities nevertheless upon this speciall Trust and
19    Confidence that they the said Peter Batt and John Mason and
20    The Survivor of them do so soon after my decease as conveniently
21    They can lay out the said summe of four hundred and fifty
22    Pounds in the purchase of Lands and Tenements to that value
23    Within Thirty miles of London and to settle the same Lands to
24    The use of my Grandaughter Elizabeth Elliott daughter of my
25    Son in law Bartholomew Elliott of Wallington Yeoman and
26    The heirs of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and
27    my Will and meaning is that the Rents and profits of the said
28    ERstate to be purchased as aforesaid during the Minority of
29    my said Grandaughter Shall go and be paid to my daughter
30    Elizabeth Elliott her Mother towards the Maintenance and
31    Education of my said Grandaughter And in case my said
32    Grandaughter Elizabeth shall happen to dye under Age and
33    without issue then I give and devise the said intended purchased
34    Lands and Tenements to the next Child or Children of my said
35    daughter Elizabeth and the heires of their Bodys lawfully begotten
36    in equall Succession as they are in priority of Birth and Seniority
37    of Age And in case of their deaths then I will and devise the
38    Said Lands to my Said Son in Law Bartholomew Elliott and
39    Elizabeth his Wife for the Term of their Lives and the Life of the
40    longer liver of them And after their decease then to the right
41    heires of my said daughter Elizabeth for Ever and to no other
42    use intent or purpose whatsoever And my further will and
43    Meaning is that what charges and expences my said Trustees
44    or the Survivor of them shall be put unto in purchasing of the
45    said Lands and in the Execution of this their Trust they shall
46    deduct and detain to their own use out of such Moneys as shall
47    come to their hands Item I give to the poor of Morden Forty
48    Shillings to be paid at my Funerall by my Executrix hereafter
49    named Lastly All the rest and residue of my Goods Chattles
50    ready Moneys Plate and household stuff and personal Estate
51    whatsoever that are in my disposal and not herein before by
52    me disposed of I give and bequeath to my said daughter
53    Elizabeth Elliott desiring her to pay and defray thereout all my
54    just debts and Funeral charges And I do hereby nominate and
55    appoint my said daughter Elizabeth Sole Executrix of this my
56    Last Will and Testament Revoking all other Wills by me formerly
57    made and declare this my last Will In Witness whereof I have
58    to this my last Will and Testament contained in these severall
59    sheets of paper put my hand and Seal to each Sheet of paper
60    this First day of November in the year of our Lord Christ
61    One thousand Seven hundred and Fourteen I Elizabeth Roland
62    her mark Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said
63    Elizabeth Roland to be her last Will and Testament and
64    attested and subscribed in her presence by us Geo: Knapp Wm
65    Batts Stephen Savery

However they both mention their neighbour Mr Peter Batt as being their good friend. I am left to think that these are the wills of the husband John and the wife Elizabeth and she has outlived him by more than a decade.

This is added to the story of Matthew Hemsley mostly to remind me of my cousin's thoughts and the small amount of work that I did do at the time when we were writing back and forth looking at this Hemsley line.

Ancestry of Matthew Hemsley

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada
3. Ellen Rosina BULLER (b 20 May 1886) - Birmingham Warwickshire England
4. Edwin Denner BULLER (b 8 Apr 1850) - Birmingham Warwickshire England
5. Henry Christopher BULLER (b 30 Jan 1805)- St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey Surrey England
6. Mary BEARD (b 15 Decd 1767) - St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey Surrey England
7. Elizabeth HEMSLEY (b possibly 16 Oct 1742) - St Mary Newington Surrey England
8. Matthew HEMSLEY

It was interesting looking at Matthew once again and I now have in my mind a clearer picture of my cousin's thoughts with regard to Matthew and possibly John as being the father and grandfather of Elizabeth. There was a John Hemsley buried at St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey who had been living at Grange Road that I found earlier so will have another look at the Burial Register. I found a burial for John Hemsley 28 Nov 1781 again Grange Roade. He was 58 years of age. Since Elizabeth was only 38 I do not think that they are related as Matthew is more likely to be the father of Elizabeth and John not old enough to be her grandfather. I did not find a John Hemsley as a brother to Elizabeth but rather a George. Plus at 58 years his likely year of birth would be 1723

I found a James Beard 16 months old buried 12 Aug 1781 so am left to wonder if this was another son for Henry Beard and Elizabeth Hemsley. Elizabeth was buried 22 Jul 1781 and the last child I have for this couple was Sarah born 23 Feb 1777 and baptized 2 Mar 1777. His birth would have been February 1780 so will have another look at the baptismal register another time.

It does rather seem like I am undoing some of the research but I think I am seeing it more clearly five years later and can see where I need to do some work now that more records are online. I can perhaps solve the mystery of the Beard/Hemsley families back another generation from Henry Beard and Elizabeth Hemsley.

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