Monday, July 6, 2015

Pincombe-Pinkham one name study

I spotted one of my correspondents on the Pincombe-Pinkham one name study from the early days when I first took on the study. He sent me his material on his Pincombe line out of Devon and living in London since the 1700s. He has tested his autosomal DNA but we do not match. However our link would be quite distant so not surprising.

But that conversation reminded me that I had not written up a rather interesting DNA story dealing with the Pincombe family of Australia. My fifth cousin (descendant of the brother of my 3x great grandfather Robert, William) tested his yDNA years ago but has never joined my Pincombe one name study at FT DNA but he did put his results up on ySearch which is where I found them. About six months ago I received an email from a researcher who lives in Sweden and can trace his family line back to the early 1700s and he wrote asking if a Pincombe had ever gone to Sweden from Devon of whom I was aware as he was matching my fifth cousin in Australia. His furtherest back ancestor was named as if the "son of Peter" and that rather twinked a memory. Peter Pincombe was a son of William Pincombe who left his will in 1602 (probated in 1605) where he mentions his son Simon as having been in "foreign parts" at the time of the writing of the will. He also had a son Peter. Indeed he had seven sons and I am descendant of the fourth son Richard. William lived at East Buckland and his father Thomas had also lived at East Buckland and earlier at Filleigh. These places all being quite close to North Molton in Devon. It is known from the Visitation of Devon that unknown Pincombe came to North Devon around 1485 with Lord Zouch. Lord Zouch had been attainted for supporting Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field and I have rather hypothesized that unknown Pincombe had been some sort of retainer/supporter of Lord Zouch and they had all disappeared in the wilds of Devon Exmoor to escape the wrath of the Tudor King Henry VII! No support for that theory except that they are there.

Thomas Pencombe and Johanne (unknown) had three sons William, Richard and John and two daughters Alice married to John Locke one unnamed but married to John Jasse/Jesse. This Thomas is listed in the visitation as a son of the unknown Pincombe along with a brother John and an unknown brother. They also had a sister Margret who married Phillip Kingdon. The unknown brother is possibly William Pincombe who was buried 13 Sep 1564 at North Molton (married to Elizabeth who was buried 18 Feb 1653 at North Molton) and the father of Agnes, Mary and William. More information on this line but it descends through George Pincombe who lived at North Molton.

So a rather interesting story of a Pincombe line in Sweden which we are looking at and more to follow. Would love to have more Pincombe/Pinkham males test to prove this connection!

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