Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth Storye

So I am back to Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth Storye as the parents of Grace Routledge. The will abstract turned out to be too good to be true! I should have clued in when I saw George of Oakshaw and two children listed without his wife Grace. She had been buried in March 1767 although having two burials for Archibald Forrester at Stapleton did not help either as one was in 1766 when Grace was still alive. However, the correct one according to the correspondent was in May 1767. There was also the problem of Kirkbeckstown where Mary Routledge married to Thomas Routledge had been baptized and this family appeared to live there.

Thomas and Elizabeth baptized four children at Bewcastle whilst living at Oakshaw, William, Jane, Grace and Leonard. This fits the will abstract as there is a Leonard Routledge of Oakshaw mentioned along with George and the two children (my ancestor Elizabeth and her younger sister Peggy (Margaret)).

Once again this blog has more than proved its worth to me in acquiring new information from other researchers around the world.

This also fits in better with my mother's memory of her Routledge family. Three first cousin marriages although in reality it is more of a first cousin marriage and then a second cousin marriage thus far. Thomas Routledge married to Elizabeth Storye is a brother to Henry Routledge married to Margaret Tweddle. Now to fit George Routledge who married Grace Routledge into the Oakshaw picture!

Revised Ancestry of Grace Routledge:

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
3. John Routledge PINCOMBE (b 10 Sep 1872)- Lobo Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
4. Grace GRAY (b 22 Mar 1839) - London Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
5. Mary ROUTLEDGE (b 1804 and b 23 Jun 1813) - Bewcastle Cumberland England
6. Elizabeth ROUTLEDGE (b 27 Aug 1763) - (Raw) Bewcastle Cumberland England

Elizabeth's father's line
7. George ROUTLEDGE (b 18 Apr 1729) - (born at Todhills lived at Raw) Bewcastle Cumberland England
8. George ROUTLEDGE (b 10 Mar 1692) - (born at Stubb and lived at Raw) Bewcastle Cumberland England

Elizabeth's mother's line
7. Grace ROUTLEDGE (b 6 Sep 1741) - Bewcastle Cumberland England

Grace's father's line
8. Thomas ROUTLEDGE (b c 1712) - Bewcastle Cumberland England
9. William ROUTLEDGE

Thomas's mother's line

Still a lot to look at and hopefully one of these days some of my Routledge cousins will do Family Finder and we might actually be able to sort out these Routledge lines.

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