Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blake Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 4

Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents

       1.  100th member Blake DNA study FT DNA
       2. Galway Blake family
       3. Blake one name study
       4. Cornwall Blake family  
  5. Family Finder Results

1 100th member Blake DNA study FT DNA
We have reached a milestone in the Blake DNA study with our 100th member joining. The last couple of years I have encouraged people to do Family Finder if they find that DNA test to be interesting for their research. Plus it gives Blake women an opportunity to take an active part in the Blake DNA study. Blake is a multi-location surname and I would describe it as very large but in actuality it is a large surname study compared to studies like Smith and Jones. I continue to encourage Family Finder as a means to locate up to fourth cousins which may help to break down brick walls. You must have a fairly comprehensive family tree to really take advantage of this testing which includes all (or as many as you can find) of the descendants of your 4x great grandparents.

2 Galway Blake Family
One of the members of the Galway Blake family has sent me a copy of his published book on the Blake family descending from the Blake family at Kiltulla through Nicholas Blake (son of James Blake of Quarrymount) born circa 1744 and emigrated to Pennsylvania, United States of America circa 1772. I shall begin shortly adding this material to the Legacy Family Tree file that I created from Martin Blake’s two books mentioned in an earlier newsletter. 

3 Blake one name study
I reached a milestone myself and that is of 70 years of age. I decided that I would carry on for just five more years with my Blake one name study. I will continue to maintain it as long as I am able but will lodge all of the accumulated work with the Guild of One Name Studies (of which I intend to remain a member) and with the Society of Genealogists as well as The Surname Society. I will also give a copy to the Record Office of the Republic of Ireland in Dublin if they are willing to receive it of all the Irish material that I have slowly accumulated. I have enjoyed working on the Blake family these past four years and look forward to the next five years and hope to have a good deal accumulated by then.

4 Cornwall Blake family
I have now completed the extraction of all the Blake entries in the OPC Database for Cornwall and am now into collecting all the census material. I think that by the next newsletter I should have some interesting material to put in it for the Cornwall Blake family and will blog the trees that I have managed to pull together. Picking Bodmin as a centre was much more productive as the Blake families appear to move outward from this point. There is also movement into Cornwall by the Blake family(ies) in Devon.

5 Family Finder Results
I would like to come up with some sort of a tabular representation of the Family Finder Results as I am able to do comparisons within the project but thus far there are not too many matches with each other. As this develops I will add this information to the Newsletter although many of you would already be aware of such matches through your own portal at FT DNA. 

Any suggestions or information to add to the next newsletter please submit to:

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