Monday, November 2, 2015

Grace Kent (1731 - 1799)

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 44

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, Mary (unknown), Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, O'Ford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterell, Bartlett, Alderman, Shepherd, Sherwood, Elizabeth (unknown), Happerfield, Collins, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Lanham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

Another one of my lines that I put together back in 2006 when I was looking at the Siderfin family that Grace Kent married into 5 Feb 1752 at Selworthy. Again I should go through the Overseer's Records to see what I can piece together on the Kent family. At the time of creating this particular line I was not so much into writing down everything that I thought about. I do have some of this written down in my course work from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies and I recorded every one of my assignments in a file that still exists on my computer. I had forgotten that working on the Rew family but it has popped back into my memory for the Kent family. So I shall pull up that material as well just to see why I chose this particular path for the Kent family at Selworthy. It is actually rather short going back and I could perhaps do better than that since I have all those records for Selworthy. This is going to be a long post!

One item I brought back in 2010 from Kew was a set of Kent wills which I have never to date looked at. I will also collect the others now.

George Kent, Smith of Selworthy probated 21 Apr 1842 PROB 11/1961/113
John Kent, of Dulverton, probated 26 May 1641 PROB 11/186/150
Samuel Kent, Gentleman of Cutcombe, probated 29 Oct 1819, PROB 11/1621/387
Mary Kent, spinster of Minehead, probated 19 Jun 1801, PROB 11/1359/225
Thomas Kent, yeoman of Minehead, probated 22 Sep 1855, PROB 11/2219/356
Andrew Kent, Tanner of Porlock, probated 4 Oct 1731, PROB 11/647/25
William Kent, Miller of Porlock, probated 20 Feb 1671, PROB 11/335/300
William Kent, Yeoman of Timberscombe, probated 27 Jul 1700, PROB 11/456/271
Thomas Kent, Gentleman of Porlock, probated 10 May 1714, PROB 11/540/61
John Kent, Gentleman of Luckham, probated 1 Apr 1808, PROB 11/1477/11
Mary Kent, spinster of Cutcombe, probated 11 Dec 1841, PROB 11/1955/99
Ilett Kent, widow of Porlock, probated 21 May 1763, PROB 11/887/434
Mary Kent, widow of Selworthy, probated 14 Jun 1785, PROB 11/1131/108
George Kent, of Selworthy, probated 21 Apr 1573, PROB 11/55/179
Walter Kent, of Porlock, probated 16 Feb 1652, PROB 11/220/551

I also have the will abstract of Grace (Kent) Siderfin fortunately recorded/transcribed by James Sanders who wrote a book on the Siderfin Family of West Somerset in 1910 of which I have an electronic copy.  This will would have been destroyed in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office so was a most fortunate save. I also have fiche of the Somerset Wills and will record here the brief abstract recorded for the Kent wills if collected by the author. Plus the burial record for Grace does give her age as 69 when she died in 1799 giving her a birth year circa 1730. Since she was baptized (I believe) 25 Apr 1731 and buried 2 Mar 1799 then her age at burial would have been 68 years 10 months and 54 days. Since that is generally thought of as in her 69th year then the dates work well with the burial record.

"Grace Siderfin, of Knowle, Selworthy, widow. Will dated 13th December, 17[9]3. Mentions son John, daughters Mary Potter, Betty Rewe, Grace Langdon, Joanna Siderfin. Son Robert and Joanna executors." from History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, James Sanders, 1912, private printing. This will in Sanders book has 1773 but the marriage of Betty/Elizabeth to John Rew is in 1792 and the other two marriages are prior to that date. The marriage of Joanna isn't until 1798. Along with the other errors, this does seem like a rather minor one!

As well the will abstract for Robert Siderfin, husband of Grace:

"Robert Siderfin, of Selworthy. Will dated 15th April, 1781. Mentions sons John, Robert, Thomas, to the two latter sons the testator gave all his right and interest in estate in Bratton in Minehead. Wife Grace, sole executrix."

Robert does not mention his daughters only his sons John, Robert and Thomas. The estate in Bratton at Minehead is where Elizabeth Rew lived as a child thus linking this Siderfin family (Elizabeth Siderfin married John Rew) with the property at Bratton. Robert, the son, never married and is found on the 1841 census with the Nurcombe/Siderfin/Rew/Pincombe families (blogged earlier):

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 1st Series. Brown, F.
no entry for Kent

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 2nd Series. Brown, F.
no entry for Kent

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 3rd Series. Brown, F.
John Kent 111
Matthew Kent 111

Will of Gilbert Cogan of Bristol Merchant 1543 (son in law Matthew Kent, brother John Kent).

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 4th Series. Brown, F.
no entry for Kent

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 5th Series. Brown, F.

John Kent 49, 64
Richard Kent 49
Stephen Kent 49
Thomas Kent 49, 64
William Kent 49

Richard Pyle of Upper Wallop, Hants. Will dated 26 Jan 1623, proved 12 May 1629 by his brother Edward Pyle. To be buried at Upper Wallop near my father. My brother Edward Pyle, Exor. Poor of Upper Wallop and Idmeston. To my brother Walter Pyle 100 pounds. Richard and Walter, his sons, and Jane, Agnes, and Mary, his daughters. John Kent, my sister Osgood's son. Stephen Kent and Thomas Kent his brothers. Lands in Lindhurst, held of my father Richard Pyle. Lands in Collingbourne, Aston, and in Littleton, Co Wilts, William and Riochard Kent, Overseers.

Will of Sir John Knight of Bristol. daughter married Mr John Kent with grandsons John and Thomas Kent. will dated Feb 17 1678.

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 6th Series. Brown, F.
No entry for Kent

With so much material on the Kent family in the PCC wills I must wonder in retrospect why I never followed through with looking at this Kent family. Perhaps because with Grace I was already back to my 4x great grandmother and a lot of my effort has been spent in other lines these past nine years.

I also find personally when I discover a published book on my lines I do not tend to do quite as much on those lines although I have found, along with several cousins, glaring errors in the book on the Siderfin family which I have recorded on my blog. A lot of Siderfin time was spent on those errors and the Kent family just went on the back burner and there they have sat until someone last year came up with the idea of 52 Ancestor Challenges. My research has greatly benefitted from this review of my 4x great grandparents!

I shall transcribe these wills as part of my blog on Grace (Kent) Siderfin. Since the daughter of Robert and Grace Siderfin, Elizabeth Siderfin married to John Rew, was the mother of Elizabeth Rew, the emigrant, some information on this family did travel back and forth between cousins so that some stories on this Rew family did traverse the Atlantic during the mid to latter part of the 1900s. I do have some memorabilia for this family which I did not write up in the story of John Rew. At some point I should bring that material together and record it.

There is a baptism for a Grace Kent 25 Apr 1731 at Selworthy with parents John and Elizabeth Kent. This would be a reasonable age for Grace given that she married Robert Siderfin 5 Feb 1752 at Selworthy.  To date I have not yet found another baptism for a Grace Kent in this area. There are several in London and one at St Dennis Cornwall from Family Search.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/1131/108
Testator: Mary Kent, widow
Location: Selworthy, Somerset
Date of Will:  20 Apr 1785, Probated 14 Jun 1785

1.     In the Name of God Amen
2.     I Mary Kent of the Parish of Selworthy in the
3.     County of Somerset Widow being of sound and disposing
4.     mind and memory do make and ordain this my last
5.     Will and Testament in manner following that is to
6.     say First it is my Will that all such debts as I
7.     shall justly owe at the time of my death and my
8.     Funeral charges and expences be in the first place
9.     paid by my Executors hereinafter named and as to
10.   my Estate and Effects I dispose thereof in manner
11.   following that is to say I Give and bequeath
12.   unto my Grandson and Granddaughter William and
13   Mary White all that my right title Estate and
14.   Interest which I have in and to all that my
15.   Leasehold Messuage Lands Tenements hereditaments
16.   and premisses with appurtenances commonly called
17.   or known by the name of Hoopers Ford now in
18.   the possession of Mr Thomas Giles situate lying and
19.   being within the Manor of Blackford in the said
20.   Parish of Selworthy to be enjoyed equally between
21.   them share and share alike To hold the same and
22.   every part and parcel thereof with Appurtenances
23.   from and after my decease equally between them
24.   the said William and Mary White share and share
25.   alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
26.   for and during all my Estate right title and
27.   Interest therein or thereunto Also I Give and
28.   bequeath unto my said grandaughter Mary White
29.   the Sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of lawful
30.   money of Great Britain to be paid to her by my
31.   Executors hereinafter named at the end of Six
32.   Months next after my decease And I also Give and
33.   Bequeath unto my said Grandaughter Mary White
34.   my Bed and Bedstead in the parlour Chamber and
35.   all the Quilts Rugs Sheets Blankets and Furniture
36.   thereto belonging and also a pair of Chest of drawers
37.   and also five Gold Rings Eight Silver Table Spoons
38.   Six Silver Tea Spoons and Silver pint one pair
39.   Silver tea tongs and one Silver Salt Cellar and
40.   likewise all my Wearing Apparel of what sort or
41.   kind soever Also I Give and bequeath unto my
42.   said Grandson William White his Grandfathers Silver
43.   Buckles also two Silver table spoons and likewise
44.   and Silver Tankard Also I give and bequeath unto
45.   my daughter Joanah White the Sum of five Guineas
46.   to buy Mourning Also I Give and bequeath unto
47.   Mary Wife of John Eames of Selworthy aforesaid
48.   labourer the Sum of two Guineas of like lawful
49.   Money of Great Britain for Mourning Also I Give
50.   and bequeath unto John Eames (son of the said
51.   John and Mary Eames The Sum of One Guinea of
52.   like lawful Money of Great Britain Also I Give
53.   and bequeath unto John Nicholas and Mary
54.   Harding (son and daughter of John Harding late
55.   of Luckham in the County of Somerset Yeoman
56.   deceased) the Sum of One Guinea each of like
57.   lawful Money Also I Give and bequeath unto
58.   William Webber my Apprentice the Sum of One
59.   Guinea of like lawful Money Also I Give and
60.   bequeath unto my Kinsman William Slowley Son of
61.   William Slowley deceased the Sum of twenty pounds
62.   of like lawful Money of Great Britain all whicvh
63.   aforesaid Legacies I do hereby will order and direct
64.   shall be respectively paid by my said Executors  herein
65.   after named at the end of Six Months next after my
66.   decease And Lastly as for touching and concerning
67.   all the rest and residue of my Estate Goods Chattels
68.   rights Credits Ready Money and Securities for Money
69.   and Effects of what kind or nature soever and
70.   wheresoever situate lying and being and not herein
71.   before given and bequeathed (after my debts Legacies
72.   hereinbefore given and Funeral Expences are defrayed
73.   I hereby give and bequeath the same and every
74.   part and parcel thereof to my good friends Thomas
75.   Giles and Philip Taylor both of Selworthy aforesaid
76.   Yeoman and Christopher Rawle of Minehead in the
77.   County of Somerset Yeoman who I hereby appoint
78.   joint Executors and Residuary Legatees of this my
79.   last Will and Testament In Trust nevertheless to and for
80.   the sole use benefit and advantage of my said Grandson
81.   William White and to and for no other use trust and
82.   intent or purpose whatsoever And I do hereby also
83.   Give and bequeath to the said Thomas Giles Philip
84.   Taylor and Christopher Rawle the Sum of two
85.   Guineas each and my Will and Meaning also is that
86.   it shall and may be lawful to and for the said
87.   Thomas Giles Philip Taylor and Christopher Rawle
88.   and the Survivors of them his Executors and
89.   Administrators to reimburse and satisfy themselves
90.   and every of them all such Costs Charges damages
91.   and Expences whatsoever which they or either of
92.   them shall or may sustain incur expend or
93.   anyways ut into for or by reason or means
94.   of the Trust hereby in them reposed or any thing
95.   relating thereunto and that they or either of them
96.   shall not be answerable or accountable for any
97.   more Monies than shall actually come to their
98.   hands respectively nor for any voluntary loss or
99.   misfortune which shall or may happen to the said
100. Trust Monies by reason of any bad or insufficient
101. security or securities _______ the same or any
102. part thereof shall be placed nor shall the one
103. of them be answerable or accountable for the
104. Acts  receipts neglects defaults misapplications or
105. nonapplication of the other or others of them but
106. each and every of them only for his and their own
107. respective wilful acts receipts neglects and defaults
108. And I do hereby revoke disannul and make Void
109. all former and other Wills by me at any time
110. heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto
111. set my hand and Seal this twentieth day of April
112. in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred
113. and eighty five The Mark and Seal of Mary Kent
114. Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said
115. Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in
116. the presence of us who at her request and in her
117. presence and in the presence of each other have
118. subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto The word
119. twentieth instead of Nineteenth being first interlined
120. Philip Ball S M Warren
121. This Will was proved at London the
122. fourteenth day of June in the year of our Lord One
123. thousand seven hundred and eighty five before the
124. Right Worshipful Peter Calvert Doctor of Laws
125. Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court
126. of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of
127. Thomas Giles Philip Taylor and Christopher Rawle
128. the Executors named in the said Will to whom
129. Administration was granted of all and singular the
130. Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased they
131. having been first sworn by Commission duly to
132. administer.

Joanna Kent married Thomas White of Old Cleeve 10 Apr 1769. She is likely the Joan Kent baptized 4 Dec 1739. Her parents are likely William Kent (of Selworthy) and Mary Slowly (of Porlock) who married 25 Mar 1734 at Selworthy. Related to my Kent? Looking for a William and John in the same family. The wife of William (parents of Joanna) was born at Porlock from the marriage registration. Andrew Kent married to Joan unknown probably in the 1680s had a son William, a son Robert, a son Andrew and a son John (John was baptized in 1696 at Porlock, his brother Andrew in 1693 and no dates for William and Robert). But Andrew Kent (son of Thomas brother to Andrew) also has a son William so can not be sure which William is at Selworthy. But it is interesting no mention of other relatives in this will so William is possibly the son of Andrew.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/540/61
Testator: Thomas Kent, Gent
Location: Porlock, Somerset
Date of Will:  16 Feb 1713, Probated 10 May 1714

1.     In the Name of God Amen
2.     I Thomas Kent of Porlocke in the County of Somersett Gent being of
3.     good and perfect mind and memory thanks be said Almighty God and calling
4.     remembrance the uncertain estate of this transitory life do make
5.     ordain constitute and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in
6.     manner and form following revoking annulling and making void by these
7.     presents all and every other Will and Wills Testament and Testaments
8.     by me made First and principally I committ my Soul into the hands of
9.     Almighty God my maker hoping through the merits death and passion of
10.   my Saviour Jesus Christ to inherit Eternall life And my body I committ to
11.   the earth to be decently buryed according to the discretion of my Executor
12.   hereinafter named and for the settling of my Temporall Estate and such
13.   goods Chattles and debts as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon
14.   me far above my deserts I do order give and dispose thereof as followeth
15.   Item I give unto the poor of the parish of Porlocke aforesaid Three pounds
16.    of lawfull money of Great Britain to be distributed amongst them the next
17.   Sunday or Lords day after my Funerall by my Executor or his Order
18.   hereafter named Item I give unto the poor of the parish of  Shirwill in
19.   the County of Devon Twenty shillings to be distributed amongst
20.   them by my Executor or his order within one Month after my Funerall
21.   Item I give and bequeath unto my son Andrew Kent Two hundred
22.   and Fifty pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid him
23.   by my Executor within three years after my decease (that is to say)
24.   one hundred pounds par thereof to be paid him within one yeare
25.   after my decease one hundred pounds more part thereof to be paid
26.   him within Two years after my decease and Fifty pounds more
27.   residue of the said Summe of Two hundred and Fifty pounds to be
28.   paid him within Three years after my decease Item I give devise
29.   and bequeath unto my Grandson Andrew Kent son of my said Son
30.   Andrew Kent and his heirs estate for ever All my Lands Tenements
31.   hereditaments and premisses with all the Appurtenances thereunto
32.   belonging situate lying and being in the parish of Sherwill aforesaid
33.   To have and to hold the said Lands Tenements hereditaments and
34.   premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances unto my said
35.   Grandson Andrew Kent and to his heirs Male forever more And for
36.   want of heirs Male I give devise and bequeath All my Lands
37.   Tenements hereditaments and premisses in Sherwill aforesaid
38.   unto the heirs Male of my said Son Andrew Kent forever And for
39.   wants of Such heirs Male I give devise and bequeath all my said
40.   Lands Tenements hereditaments and premisses in Sherwill aforesaid
41.   with the Appurtenances unto my Son Thomas Kent and his heirs
42.   Male for ever To have and to hold the said premisses with the
43.   Appurtenances unto my said Son Thomas Kent and his heirs Male
44.   forevermore And for want of such heirs Male I give devise and
45.   bequeath the same premisses in Sherwill aforesaid and every part
46.   parcell thereof with the Appurtenances unto my Son John Kent
47.   and his heirs Male forever And for want of Such heirs Male I give
48.   devise and bequeath the same premisses in Sherwill aforesaid unto
49.   my Right heirs forevermore Item I give unto my Grandson
50.   Thomas Kent Son of my said Son Andrew Kent Five pounds Item I
51.   give unto my Grandchildren Alice Kent William Kent Anne Kent
52.   and Robert Kent sons and daughters of my said Son Andrew Kent
53.   Five pounds a peece to be paid unto them and every and either of them
54.   at their severall Ages of One and Twenty years Item I give unto my
55.   Grandson John Kent Son of my said Son Andrew Kent Twenty
56.   pounds to be paid him at his Age of One and Twenty years Item I
57.   give unto my Grandchildren Mary Kent Joane Kent William Kent
58.   and Andrew Kent sons and daughters of my said Son Thomas Kent
59.   Five pounds a peece Item I give unto my Grandchildren Mary Kent
60.   John Kent and Alice Kent Son and daughters of my said Son John
61.   Kent Five pounds apeece Itemn I give unto my Grandson Thomas
62.   Kent Son of my said Son Thomas Kent Tenn pounds Item I give
63.   unto my Grandson Andrew Question Son of my Son in Law John
64.   Question Five pounds which said severall Legacies hereinbefore given
65.   unto my said Grandchildren are to be paid unto them as they and
66.   every of them Shall come and attain unto their severall and respective
67.   Ages of one and Twenty years Item I give unto Thomas Kent my
68.   Nephew Son of my Cousin Robert Kent of Hammersmith One
69.   Guinea to be paid him at his Age of One and Twenty years Item
70.   I give unto my kinswoman Rachell Question daughter of my
71.   said Son in Law John Question one Guinea to be paid her at her age
72.   of One and Twenty years Item I give unto my daughter in Law
73.   Ilet Snow one broad peice of Gold Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth
74.   my now wife One Silver Beaker which I bought in Porlock Fair And my
75.   Will is and I do hereby give unto my said wife Elizabeth the use of one
76.   third part of all my household goods during her naturall life if she shall
77.   not think fit to dwell with my Executor hereafter named and after her
78.   decease the said goods to be returned to my Executor without fraud
79.   Item I give unto my said Son John Kent Fifty pounds and one broad
80.   piece of Gold to be paid him within One year and halfe after my
81.   decease Item I give unto my said Son Thomas Kent Twenty pounds and
82.   one broad peice of Gold And I also give unto his now wife Joan one
83.   broad peice of Gold to be paid them within One year after my decease
84.   Item I give unto Richard Snow Son of my Son in Law William Snow
85.   and unto Richard Snow Son of my Son in Law Andrew Snow one Guinea
86.   a peice to be paid them at their severall Ages of one and Twenty yeares
87.   Item I give unto my Apprentice boy John Stripling Twenty shillings
88.   provided if he doth serve out the Remainder of his time with my
89.   Executor and not otherwise Item I give unto Mary Bond my
90.   kinswoman Twenty shillings to be paid her within one year after
91.   my decease Item all the rest of my Goods and Chattles not herein
92.   before given and bequeathed my debts Legacies and Funeral expences
93.   being first paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto my said
94.   Grandson Andrew Kent Son of my said Son Andrew Kent who I do
95.   hereby make and ordain to be my whole and Sole Executor of this
96.   my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Thomas
97.   Kent have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this Sixteenth day of
98.   February Anno Regni _______ Magna Britannia
99.   duodecimo Annoqz domi 1713 Tho: Kent Signed Sealed and
100. published in the presence of us Patrick Macdonald Will Siderfin
101. David Harden
102. Probatum fuit huijusmodi Testamentum apud
103. London coram prehonorando viro domino Carlo hedges
104. White Legum doctore Curie prerogativae Cantuariensis Magistro
105. Custode sive Commissario legitime constituto decimo die Mensis
106. Maij Anno domini Millesimo Septingentsimo decimo quarto
107. Juramento Andrew Kent Executoria in dicto Testamento
108. nominati Cui Commissa fuit Administratio omnium et Singulorum
109. bonorum jurimi et creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter
110. Administrando eadem ad sancta dei evangelia Vigore Commissions Jurat

This will is really interesting as I suspect that John Kent married to Elizabeth (unknown) and possible parents of my Grace Kent are from Porlock. They baptize several children in Porlock and for at least one are said to be from Luccombe all of these places are just two miles from Selworthy. This will is helpful putting together the descendants of  Thomas Kent and Alice Edbrook who married 22 Jul 1663 at Porlock and had sons Andrew, Thomas and John.  John and Thomas both have sons named John who would be in the right age to be the father of Grace.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/186/150
Testator: John Kent
Location: Dulverton, Somerset
Date of Memorandum:  20 Dec 1640, Probated 26 May 1641

1.   Memorandum that in the month of December in the Yeare
2.   of our lord God one thousand six hundred and fortie and on or about the twentieth daie
3.   of the same moneth John Kent late whilest he lived of Dulverton in the Countie of Somersett
4.   deceased beinge of perfecte mynd and memory uttered and declared his last will and testament
5.   nuncupative in these or the like words in effecte followinge viz[ a vi]t he gave and bequeathed
6.   unto Christian Kent his Mother all his goods and estate whatsoever and wheresoever And
7.   he named and made the said Christian Kent to be the sole and only executor of
8.   this his last will and testament. All the declaration of which presentes were then and there
9.   present Richard Foord Annes Kent and Edith Mills
Probatum fuit testamentum ..... 26 May 1641, Christian Kent Executrix (perhaps later I will transcribe this but is pretty much exactly the same as all probate at this time!)

For the sake of completeness and he has only mentioned his mother Christian so not a lot of genealogical information although there is an Annes Kent who is witness.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/647/25
Testator: Andrew Kent, Tanner
Location: Porlock, Somerset
Date of Will:  9 Mar 1730, Probated 4 Oct 1731

1.     In the Name of God Amen
2.     I Andrew Kent of the parish of Porlock in the County of
3.     Somerset Tanner being of sound and perfect mind and memory
4.     but sick and weak in body do make and ordain this to be my
5.     last Will and Testament revoking annulling and making void
6.     all other and former Wills by me made and declared First and
7.     principally I commit my Soul into the hands of Almighty
8.     God my maker hoping through the meritts death and passion
9.     of our Saviour Jesus Christ to Inherit Eternal Life And my
10.   Body I Commit to the Earth from whence it was taken in hope
11.   of a joyful Resurrection to life everlasting and as for such
12.   Worldly Goods and personal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty
13.   God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as followeth
14.   Imprimis I give unto the poor of the Parish of Porlock aforesaid
15.   the Sum of three pounds of lawfull money to be distributed
16.   amongst them within one month after my Buryal by my
17.   Executors of their Order Item I give to the Poor of the
18.   Parish of Sherwill in the County of Devon twenty Shillings
19.   to be distributed amongst them within one month after my
20.   Funeral by my said Executors or their Order Item I give and
21.   bequeath unto my Brother Thomas Kent the Sum of Six
22.   pounds a year to be paid unto him yearly and every year
23.   during the natural life of my Son Thomas Kent free of
24.   all taxes and outgoings whatsoever out of an Estate which I
25.   now enjoy called Courtplace Situate lying and being in the said
26.   Parish of Porlock which said Estate called Courtplace I give
27.   and bequeath unto my said Son Thomas Kent his Executors
28.   Administrators and Assignes with all the priviledges Advantages
29.   and appurtenances thereunto belonging And all the term and
30.   Interest I have therein provided always and upon this Condition
31.   that my said Son Thomas Kent shall pay or cause to be paid
32.   yearly unto my said Brother Thomas Kent the abovesaid
33.   Sum of Six pounds of Lawfull money during the time above
34.   mentioned and not otherwise Item I give unto my three daugh
35.   ters Elizabeth Joane and Ilet four hundred pounds apeice of
36.   Lawfull money to be paid unto every and each of them when
37.   and as soon as they shall come and attaine unto their several
38.   and respective ages of one and twenty years by my Executors
39.   herein after named Item I give unto my daughter Mary
40.   the Sum of Four hundred and Fifty pounds of Lawfull
41.   money to be paid unto her when She shall come and attain
42.   unto the Age of One and twenty years by my Executors Item
43.   further my Will is that if any or either of my said daughters
44.   shall happen to dye before She or they shall come and attaine
45.   unto their said several and respective Ages of One and twenty
46.   years that her or their portion or portions so dying shall be
47.   and remaine to and amongst the Survivors or Survivor of my
48.   said daughters and to my said son Thomas Kent to be equally
49.   divided between my said Son Thomas Kent and my said
50.   daughters Share and Share alike and my Will is that the
51.   Funeral Expences of such so dying shall be paid and borne
52.   out of her of their said portion or portions herein before
53.   given and further my Will is that my said Executors shall
54.   keep and maintain my said daughters out of the Interest of
55.   my daughters said portions herein before given until they shall
56.   come and attaine unto their several and respective ages of
57.   one and twenty years but not to be accountable for any
58.   more Interest than for their maintenance and Education Item
59.   I give to my Wife my largest Silver Tankard that I had of
60.   Samuel Chaffin Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth a
61.   Silver Tankard Item I give to my daughter Joane a Silver
62.   Tankard Item I give to my daughter Mary a Silver Cup Item
63.   I give to my daughter Ilett a Silver Cup that was Samuel Chaffins
64.   Item I give unto my said Son Thomas Kent the Sum of Four
65.   hundred pounds of Lawfull money Item I give and bequeath to
66.   my said Son Thomas Kent All that my Leasehold Estate
67.   commonly called the High Parke to him his Executors Administrators
68.   as assigns And all the right title and Interest I have therein
69.   Item I give to my said Son Thomas Kent One Tenement
70.   with the appurtenances lying in Allerford in the Parish of
71.   Sellworthy which I hold by Lease from William Blathwayte
72.   Esquire And all the term and Interest I have therein Item I give
73.   and bequeath to my said Son Thomas Kent his Executors
74.   Administrators and Assigns All that my Tenement with the
75.   Appurtenances lying and being in the said Parish of Sellworthy
76.   in the said County which I hold by Lease from Thomas
77.   Wyndham Esquire and likewise I give to my said Son
78.   Thomas Kent all the Leasehold Estate that I have at Porlock
79.   Ware and I do likewise give to my said Son Thomas Kent
80.   All that my Leasehold Estates called the Footlands and
81.   Hhallowmoores and postmeadow Provided always and upon
82.   this Condition and not otherwise that my said Son Thomas
83.   Kent shall and will permit and suffer my now Wife Ilett
84.   Kent ot have receive and take the rents Issues and profitts
85.   to and for her own proper use benefit and behoof of all
86.   those said Leasehold Estates for and during her natural life
87.   (that is to say) the profitts of all that my Tenement which
88.   I hold in the Parish of Sellworthy from Thomas Wyndham
89.   Esquire and the Profitts of all my Estates at Porlockware and
90.   the Footlands and Hallowmoors and postmeadow Item
91.   Item I give to my Cousin Andrew Snow that is now living
92.   with me One Guinea in Gold Item I give to Abraham Sparke
93.   five Shillings Item I give to Thomas Brayly ten Shillings
94.   provided that he shall live with my Executors until he
95.   shall come to the Age of four and twenty years Item I
96.   give to my Brother John Kent ten pounds of lawfull
97.   money to be paid within one year after my decease Item I
98.   give to my two God Children Elizabeth Blackwell and John
99.   Chapman half a Guinea apeice Item I give to my Godchil the
100. Son of Joseph Tettle of Withycomb ten Shillings Item I give
101. to my God Children John the son of David Withycomb and
102. John the Son of William Perkin five Shillings apeice
103. Item I give to my two Sisters Alice the Wife of John Phelps
104. and Anne the Wife of George Chapman a Broad peice of
105. Gold a piece of three and twenty Shillings value each broad
106. peice Item all the rest of my Goods Chattells and personal
107. Estate not herein before given and bequeathed my debts
108. Legacies and Funeral Expences being first paid and discharged
109. I give and bequeath unto my now Wife Ilett Kent and to my
110. said Son Thomas Kent whom I do hereby make and ordain to
111. be my whole and Sole Executors joyntly of this my last Will
112. and Testament Lastly I do desire nominate and appoint my
113. welbeloved friends Andrew Snow of Lucott and Nicholas Snow
114. of Hunscott to be Overseers and Trustees of this my last Will
115. and Testament and to be Aiding and assisting to my Executors
116. to see my Will performed in every particular In Witness whereof
117. I have hereunto set my hand and Seal to this my last Will
118. and Testament contained in two Sheets of paper to each of the
119. said Sheets this ninth day of March in the year of our Lord
120. God one thousand Seven hundred and thirty And: Kent
121. Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of John
122. Oland John Stripling Walter Ridler
123. Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud London
124. Quarto die mensis Octobris Anno domini Millesimo Septingen
125. tesimo tricesimo primo Coram Venerabili et Egregio Viro Johne
126. Bettesworth Legum Doctore Curia Prerogative Cantuariensis
127. Magistio Custode sive Commissario legitime constituto Jura Testo
128. Ilett Kent Vidua Relicta dicti defuncti et unius Executorium in
129. dicto Testamento nominat Cui Commissa fuit Administratio
130. omnium et Singulorum bonorum jurium et Creditorum dicti
131. defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem ad Sancta
132. dei Evangelia Vigore Commissioris Jurat Reservata Potestate
133. Similem Commission cui faciendi Thomas Kent Minori filio
134. et Alteri Execut in dicto Testamento nominate cum venerit
135. eandem petitur

This will fits neatly with the will of his grandfather Thomas probated in 1714. No mention of Uncles though so not helpful with this study.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/1359/225
Testator: Mary Kent, Spinster
Location: Minehead, Somerset
Date of Will:  15 Sep 1796, Probated 19 Jun 1801

1.     In the Name of God Amen
2.     I Mary Kent of Perdon within the parish of
3.     Minehead and county of Somerset Spinster being of
4.     sound Mind Memory and understanding do make
5.     and publish my last Will and Testament in manner
6.     following that is to say in the first place I render
7.     my Soul into the hands of Almighty God humbly
8.     hoping through the merits and introcessions of my
9.     Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full pardon
10.   remission of all my Sins and my body I commit to the
11.   Earth to be decently interred And I give and bequeath
12.   unto my dear and honored Mother Joan Kent and
13.   my Brother in law John North a Mourning Ring
14.   each of the value of one Guinea in remembrance of
15.   me Also I Give and bequeath unto my Brothers
16.   Samuel Kent and Thomas Kent one shilling a
17.   piece All the rest residue and remainder of my Goods
18.  and Chattles rights and credits personal Estate and
19.   Effects whatsoever and wheresoever my just debts
20.   Legacies and Funeral Expences being first paid and
21.   discharged and wherewith I charge and oblige the
22.   same accordingly I give and bequeath unto John
23.   Beague the younger of Dulverton in the County
24.   aforesaid Gentleman his Executors and admors upon
25.   Trust to and for my Sister Joan the wife of the
26.   said John North separate and apart from her said
27.   husband wherewith it is my will her said husband
28.   shall not interfere or have anything to do but that
29.   the same and every part thereof shall be entirely at
30.   the sole and separate use and disposal of my said Sister
31.   Joan North and that the same and every part thereof
32.   shall be paid and applied by the said John Beague
33.   his Executors and Administrators to my said Sister
34.   Joan North for her own sole and separate use and
35.   disposal whole Receipt alone the a Forme covert for the
36.   same or any part thereof shall be a sufficient
37.   discharge to the said John Beague his Executors and
38.   admors for so much thereof as such receipt or receipts
39.   shall be given for or otherwise that he the said
40.   John Beague his Executors or Administrators do and
41.   shall pay and apply the same to such person or
42.   persons and in such manner and form shares and
43.   proportions as my said Sister notwithstanding her
44.   coverture and whatevewr she shall be covert or shall by any
45.   writing under her hand direct limit or appoint and I do
46.   hereby make constitute and appoint the said John
47.   Beague Executor of this my last Will and Testament
48.   In Trust nevertheless to and for the sole and separate
49.   use and benefit of my said Sister Joan North and thereby
50.   revoking and annulling all and every other will or
51.   wills by me at any time heretofore made I do
52.   declare this alone to be and contain my last Will and
53.   Testament In Witness whereof I the said Mary Kent
54.   the Testatrix have hereunto subscribed my Name and
55.   affixed my Seal the fifteenth day of September in the
56.   year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
57.   eighty six Mary Kent Signed Sealed published
58.   and declared by the said Mary Kent the Testatrix as
59.   and to be her last will and Testament in the presence
60.   of us and by us subscribed as witnesses thereto in her
61.   presence and at her request and in the presence of
62.   each other. John Siderfin R: Beadon
63.   This Will was proved at London the nineteenth
64.   day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand
65.   eight hundred and one before the Right Honorable
66.   Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of Laws Master
67.   Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of
68.   Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of John
69.   Beague the sole Executor named in the said Will
70.   role in Admon was granted of all and singular the
71.   Goods Chattles and Credits of the said deceased having
72.   been first sworn by Commission duly to administer

Interesting seeing the witness as John Siderfin who was a brother to my Elizabeth Siderfin. Their mother was Grace Kent. This Kent family was at Timberscombe and traces back as far as a Samuel Kent who was buried there in 1731 with wife Joan. I could not find his baptism for sure.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/55/179
Testator: George Kent
Location: Selworthy, Somerset
Date of Will:  26 Feb 1572, Probated 21 Apr 1573

1.   In the name of god amen the xxvj day of February in the yeare of our
2.   lorde god 1572 I George Kent in the parishe of Selworthie within the Countie of Somersett beinge
3.   sicke of body and in perfect remembrance do make my last will and testament in manner and forme
4.   foloweth First I comende my soule to the grace mercy of Almightie god and my body to be buried
5.   in the church yarde of Selworthie Also I give towards the reparations of Saint Andrewes Churche
6.   in wells iiijd and to my parishe churche I give xij d I give also to Josephe my sonne fyve pounds
7.   and my drincking pece of silver Also I give to John my sonne Tenne pounds and to every one of my
8.   daughters _____ to Alice Tamson Mary Elizabeth and Christian to every of them tenne pounds
9.   a pece of currant and lawfull money of England to be paied unto my said daughters when they
10. shall come to the full age of Twentie yeres a pece or at the day of their mariage  If they
11. mary according to the advise and consent of my executrix and overseers otherwise if any of
12. them will not be ordered then this my legacie to hym or her being obstinate or disobedient
13. to remayne amongest the rest of my children and to be dispoosed by the discretion of my
14. Executrix and overseers Also I will that my two sonnes Joseph and John be paied
15. when they come to the full age of xxvj yeres a pece And further I will
16. that if any of my said children decease before they obtayne the age aforesaid and be not maried then this my legacies to
17. hym or her so deceasing to remayne to theother of them surviving Also I give to every of my godchildren iiijd a pece
18. The residue of my goods my debtes paied and my legacies performed I give and leave to Christian my wife
19. whome I constitute and make hole and onelie executrix Also I ordeyne and appointe my trustie frendes
20. John Gort Chrisfter Pincombe my overseers and to every one of them for their paynes herein I give fyve
21. shillings a pece this witnesses Peter Jones Clarke John Hoop William Westcote and George
22. Yende with others the day and yere above written Debtes owing unto the said George Kent as foloweth
23. Imprimis in the hand of Johan ab Jevan of Newton xviij s Item Griffith the boteman there iiijs iijd
24. Item Aldred Stockombe of Bidiforde xij li vj s viij d Item Richard Chraftman of Mineheade
25. iiij li Item Thoimas Couglie xij li xiiij s iiij d Item John Witheredge of Barnestable x li x s Item
26. John Hoper thare liiij s iiiid Item John Childes x li Item Pollard of Barnestable xix li x s
27. Item Udill x li
28. Probatum ....... 21 Apr 1573, executrix Christiane Kent

Interesting to see that George Kent is owed money by people living at Barnstaple and Bideford in Devon and people at Minehead as well. Christopher Pincombe lived at South Molton and interesting to see him as an overseer. How are these families entwined - Pincombe/Rew/Siderfin/Kent? First time I have seen a reference to Pincombe in a Kent will. But this Kent family does not appear to be my ancestor.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/456/271
Testator: William Kent, Yeoman
Location: Timberscombe, Somerset
Date of Will:  14 Jul 1698, Probated 27 Jul 1700

1.   In the Name of God Amen
2.   I William Kent of Timberscombe in the county of Somersett
3.   Yeoman doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and
4.   forme following Imprimis I committ my Soul into the hands of
5.   Almighty God my Maker and Redeemer and my Body to decent
6.   Funerall Item I give and bequeath unto my Sister Joane Wife of
7.   Edward Marchant of the parish of Luccombe in the said County of
8.   Somersett Yeoman the Summe of Thirty pounds to be at her own proper
9.   and personall disposall (her husband the said Edward Marchant never to
10. be concerned therewith) to be payd her at twelve Monethes end after my
11. decease Item I give and bequeath unto Ritchard Merchant sonne of my
12. said Sister Joane and the said Edward Merchant the Summe of Twenty
13. pounds to be payd twelve Moneths after my decease to be disposed of by his
14. Mother only to the best advantage untill hee accomplish one and twenty
15. yeares his Father in this also to be wholly unconcerned Item I give unto
16. my Sister Agnis Wife of John Gill of Minehead in the County of
17. Somersett aforesaid Sargemaker Five pounds to be payd her at twelve
18. Monethes end after my decease at her own absolute disposall her
19. husband to be wholly unconcerned herein Item I give and bequeath
20. unto Elizabeth daughter of my said sister Agnis and the said John Gill
21. the summe of twenty pounds to be payd at twelve Monethes and after my
22. decease her Father not to be concerned therewith but to be disposed of by
23. her Mother to the best advantage till shee be of the age of twenty one Item
24. I give unto my Sister Rachel wife of Benjamin Partridge of
25. Timberescombe aforesaid yeoman the summe of five pounds at her
26. owne absolute disposall (her husband also not to have any power over of
27. to be payd her at twelve Monethes end after my decease Item I give
28. unto Katherine Mogridge Widdow and Joane her daughter twenty
29. shillings apeece to be payd them at twelve Moneths end after my decease
30. Lastly all my substance besides whether money or goods quick or dead
31. Chattells or Leases or whatsoever I dye possessed of or might be hereafter
32. had I lived longer I give unto my wife Elizabeth whom I make Executrix
33. of this my last Will and Testament who is to take care of the due
34. performance of the payment of the severall guifts and bequests aforesaid
35. provided still that if my wife doe chance to Marry that then shee is to
36. pay within one Moneth afterward Fifty pounds to my Sister Joane and
37. Forty pounds to her Sonns Richard and Tenn pounds to my Sister Agnis
38. provided alsoo that after the decease of my Wife I alsoo give to Richard
39. Merchant my Nephew the remainder if any therebe of all my Estates
40. in Land in Timberscombe which I shall dye possessed of but if Richard
41. Merchant dyes I bequeath the same unto my neece Elizabeth Gill In
42. Witness whereof I the said William Kent have hereunto set my hand and
43. Seale the fourteenth day of July in the Ninth year of the raigne of
44. William the third over England and King Defender of the Faith and Annoqz
45. domini one thousand six hundred Ninety eight Signum Guilielmi
46. Kent Signed sealed published and declared to be my last Will and
47. Testament in the presence of Geo: Robins signum Katherine
48. Mogridge
Probatum .....27 Jul 1700,  Elizabeth Kent Executrix

Timberscombe is also closeby Selworthy but William does not have any sons mentioned and he does not name any brothers. Nor does it appear to relate to the Samuel Kent family at Timberscombe.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/887/434
Testator: Ilett Kent, Widow
Location: Porlock, Somerset
Date of Will:  15 May 1762, Probated 26 May 1763

1.     God's Will be done
2.     I Ilett Kent of porlock in the County of Somerset Widow
3.     being in tolerble health of Body and of sound and disposing
4.     Mind Memory and understanding (praised be God for the same)
5.     and considering the uncertainty of this Life do for avoiding
6.     disputes after my death make and ordain this my last Will
7.     and Testament in manner following that is to say First
8.     and principally I give and commend my Soul to God who
9.     gave it desiring pardon and Remission of all my Sins through
10.   the alone Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ my only
11.   advocate and Redeemer and my Body after its Separation
12.   from the Soul to be decently intered at the discretion of
13.   my Executrix hereinafter named and as touching my Worldly
14.   Estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me
15.   I give devise and bequeath as follows that is to say First
16.   I give and devise all that Messuage or Tenement and Lands
17.   with its hereditaments and appurtenances lying and being
18.   within the Village of Farley in the parish of Brinden in the
19.   County of Devon unto my two Grandsons Thomas Kent
20.   Larwell and William Blackmore share and share alike
21.   and to the heirs of their respective Bodies lawfully begotten
22.   as Tenants in Common and not as joint Tenants and in case
23.   my Grandson William Blackmore shall happen to die without
24.   lawfull Issue then his Moiety or half of all the said Lands
25.   and premisses shall descent and go to my Grandson Andrew
26.   Blackmore and to his heirs and assigns for ever and in Case
27.   my said Grandson Thomas Kent Larwell should die without
28.   lawfull Issue then his Moiety or half of all the above said
29.   Lands and premisses shall likewise descend and go to my said
30.   Grandson Andrew Blackmore and to his heirs and assigns for ever
31.   and in case all my said three grandchildren above mentioned
32.   shall happen to die without lawfull Issue that then I give and
33.   devise all the said Lands and premisses aforementioned unto my
34.   daughter Ilett Blackmore and to her heirs and assigns for ever
35.   Also I give and devise all my part of the Lands and Estate
36.   called or known by the Name of Shire otherwise Shear Lands
37.   lying in the parish of Ilfordcombe in the County of Devon unto my
38.   said Grandson Thomas Kent Larwell and to his heirs lawfully
39.   begotten and in default of such Issue I give and devise all the
40.   said last mentioned Lands unto my Grandson William Larwell and
41.   to his heirs lawfully begotten and in default of such Issue I give
42.   and devise the same unto my Grandaughter Ilett Larwell and to
43.   her heirs and assigns for ever also I give and bequeath unto my
44.   said Grandson Thomas Kent Larwell the Sum of three hundred
45.   and fifty pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Britain to be paid
46.   to him when he shall attain his full age of twenty one
47.   years by my Executrix hereinafter named and in case my
48.   said Grandson Thomas Kent Larwell shall happen to die during
49.   his Minority that then I give and bequeath the said Sum of
50.   three hundred and fifty pounds unto his Brother and Sister
51.   William Larwell and Ilett Larwell share and share alike also
52.   I give and bequeath unto my said Grandson Thomas Kent
53.   Larwell all the Right Title and Interest which I have in a
54.   field or peice of Ground lying near Porlock Ware in the County
55.   of Somerset called the Salter Land together with an Wood
56.   hereunto belonging and also a silver Watch with all its
57.   appurtenances and my Clock and Case thereto belonging and
58.   the Bed performed in the outer Chamber in my house at Porlock
59.   Ware Also I give and bequeath unto my Grandson William Larwell
60.   and to my Grandaughter Ilett Larwell the Sum of Fifty pounds
61.   a peice of Lawfull British Money to be paid to them by my
62.   Executrix when they shall each of them attain the full age of
63.   twenty one years Also I give and bequeath unto my several
64.   Grand Children hereinafter named that is to say Elizabeth
65.   Blackmore William Blackmore Ilett Blackmore Andrew Blackmore
66.   Mary Blackmore and Philip Blackmore the Sum of fifty pounds
67.   a peice of lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid to them
68.   respectively when they shall attain their full age of twenty
69.   one years by my Executrix herein after named and if
70.   and or either of my said six grandchildren last named should
71.   happen to die during their respective Minorities the Legacy or
72.   Legacies of him her or them so dying to go to the Survivors or
73.   Survivor of them share and share alike Also I give
74.   and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Elizabeth Blackmore and
75.   to her assigns all the Right Title and Interest which I have
76.   in an Estate called Wester Longlands To hold to her from and
77.   immediately after the death of her Mother Also I give and
78.   bequeath unto my Grand daughter Ilett Blackmore my Silver
79.   Tankard also I give and bequeath unto my Son in Law William
80.   Larwell five Guines to buy himself Mourning Also I give
81.   and bequeath unto my Son in Law Hugh Poole one
82.   Guinea and to my Cousin Mary Priscott one Guinea and
83.   to William the son of William Greenslade of Worthy one
84.   Guines and to Susanna Scott one Guinea and to Ann Budd
85.   and Elizabeth Stanbury fifteen Shillings a peice if they
86.   still be both living with my daughter at the time of my
87.   decease in order to buy themselves gowns Also I give to the
88.   poor Labourers and Widows of the parish of Selworthy
89.   who have no Relief from the said parish forty Shillings and
90.   to the poor Labourers and Widows of the parish of Porlock
91.   that have no Relief as aforesaid the like Sum of forty shillings
92.   to be divided amongst them at the discretion of my Executrix
93.   Also my Will and Mind is that in case my daughter Ilett
94.   Blackmore should happen to die during the Minority of
95.   any or either of my said Grandchildren and her husband
96.   William Blackmore Should marry again that then immediately
97.   at such his second Marriage all the Legacies given to my
98.   several Grandchildren which shall then remain unpaid shall be
99.   by him forthwith paid to my other Trustees hereinafter named
100. or to the Survivor of them In Trust to and for my said Grandchildren
101. to be paid unto each of them when they shall respectively
102. attain the full age of twenty one years as aforesaid and I
103. do hereby nominate and appoint my Sons in Law William
104. Larwell and William Blackmore and my Cousin Andrew Snow
105. Trustees to see this my Will duly executed and performed
106. according to my Intent and Meaning and Lastly all other
107. my Goods Moneys Chattels Effects Rights and Credits
108. whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Ilett
109. Blackmore and subject nevertheless to the payment of my just
110. debts Legacies and Funeral Expences and I hereby make and
111. ordain the said Ilett Blackmore whole and sole Executrix of
112. this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making
113. void all and every former Will or Wills by me at any
114. time heretofore made I publish and declare this to be
115. my last In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
116. and Seal this fifteenth day of May in the year of our
117. Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty two Ilet Kent
118. Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Ilett
119. Kent to be her last Will and Testament contained in two
120. Sheets of paper in the presence of us there who at her
121. Request have hereunto subscribed our Names in presence
122. of each other Richd Lovering  Jeremiah Weller  Abra, Bane
123. This Will was proved at London on the twenty
124. first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
125. seven hundred and sixty three before the Right Worshipfull
126. Sir Edward Simpson Knight doctor of Laws Master Keeper
127. or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
128. constituted by the oath of Ilett Blackmore Wife of William
129. Blackmore the daughter of the said deceased and Sole Executrix
130. named in the said Will to whom Admon of the Goods Chattels and
131. Credits of the said deceased was granted she having been first
132. sworn by Commission duly to administer.

Interesting will, Illet was married to Andrew Kent who was buried 25 Mar 1730 at Porlock (his will was transcribed above) so she has outlived him by 33 years. Their children were quite young, the eldest being just 12 years old when Andrew died.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/220/551
Testator: Walter Kent
Location: Porlock, Somerset
Date of Will:  7 Jun 1642, Probated 16 Feb 1652

1.   In the name of God Amen the seaventh day
2.   of June In the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty two I Walter Kent of the
3.   Parish of Porlocke within the dioces of Bath and Wells being weake of bodie but yet of perfect memory
4.   prayse be given to God doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First
5.   I commend my Soule into the handes of Almightie God hopeing to bee saved by the meritts of Jesus Christ
6.   Item I geve to the Church of Porlocke Twelve pence Item I give to the poore of the Parish of Porlocke
7.   Twelve pence Item I give unto my Sonne Henrie Kent one Silver Spoon more I give to the said Henrie
8.   the use and occupation of my Bible duringe his life and after his death I give the said Bible unto my Son
9.   Robert Kent if hee overlive the said Henrie otherwise to to remaine to my Executrix after the death of the said
10.   Henry Item I give unto my said Sonne Robert Kent one Bedstead and Twelve pence in money Item
11.   I give and bequeath unto my daughter Agnes Brayley one diaper Board Cloth and one Bedstead
12.   which shee hath alreadie in her Custodie more I give unto the said Agnes one paire of Blancketts Item I give
13.   unto my Grandchild John Brayley Five shillings of Lawfull English money The residue of all my goods
14.   that I hold and Credditts before not given nor bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my daughter Magdalen
15.   Kent whome I make whole and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament Those bearing
16.   Witnesse Peter Spurrier Senior John Mogridge his Marke Andrew Kent
17.   This Will was proved att London before the Right Worshipfull Sir Nathaniell Newton doctor
18.   of Lawes Master Keeper of the Prerogative Court the Sixteenth day of February In the yeare
19.   of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie and one by the Oath of Magdalen Kent the daughter and
20.   Executrix named in the said Will To whome Administration was committed of all and singular the
21.   goods Chattells and debtes of the said deceased  which any manner of ways concerne the said Will, Shee
22.   being first legally sworne by Commission well and truly to Administer the same.

Interesting to see Andrew Kent being one of the witnesses.  Still working on the Porlock parish Registers which I have on fiche.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/335/300
Testator: William Kent, Miller
Location: Porlock, Somerset
Date of Will:  24 Dec 1670, Probated 20 Feb 1671

1.   The Fouer and Twentieth
2.   day of the month called december in the yeare of the Lord one thousand
3.   Six hundred and Seventy I William Kent of the parish of Porlock
4.   in the County of Somerset Miler being sick and weake of Body but of
5.   perfect mind and remembrance doe make and ordain this my last Will
6.   and Testament as followeth First I give to my two brothers and my two
7.   Sisters to each of them fower pounds apeece to be paid to them in Six
8.   Moneth after my decease Item I give to all the children of my brother and
9.   Sisters that shall be then living Fower pounds apeece to be paid to their
10. respective Fathers for their severall uses within Twelve Months after my
11. decease their said fathers giving my Executors (hereafter named) sufficient
12. discharge for the same respectively Item all the rest and residue of my goods
13. Cattles Chattles and debts I give and bequeath to John Dando of Holowbrough
14. within the parish of High Litleton yeoman Henry Moore of the parish of
15. Burnham husbandman and Ferdinando Anderdon of the Towne and parish of
16. Bridgwater in the County aforsaid Gouldsmith whom I doe make and
17. ordaine Executors of this my last Will and Testament to see all my legacys
18. above given paid in manner and form aforesaid and funerall performed
19. according to their discretion (or any two of them) and all my debts paid And
20. farther my Will and intent is that all the rest and residue of my said goods
21. catles chatles and debts that shalbe and remain in their hands or either of
22. them after my debts and legacies paid and funerall performed shall be all
23. Imployed paid and delivered to such persons and to and for such uses and shalbe
24. for the advantage of the Everlasting truth of God and for the reliefe and
25. maintenance of the profesers thereof my deare brethren and Sisters in the
26. Spirit and life of truth caled Quakers at such time and in such manner
27. as my said Executors (or any two of them) shall se cause in this County
28. especially in the Westerpars thereof together with the advice and consent of
29. my dearly beloved freinds and bretheren John Anderdon of Bridgwater
30. Gouldsmith William Beaton of Puddimore yeoman Jasper Bat of Street
31. yeom William Leddon of Wythell yeoman and Mathew Perim of Ioelchister
32. Yeoman or the most part of them All which I doe hereby appoint and desire
33. to be overseers of this my last Will and Testament to advise and assisting said
34. Executors in the procecution and execution hereof as aforesaid And in
35. Witnes hereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal the day and yeare
36. first above written the mark of William Kent Signed Sealed and declared
37. to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of John Cox Richard
38. Allin Richard Jeffery John Coate
Probatum .......  20 Feb 1671, Executors, John Dando, Henry Moore, and Ferdinando Anderdon

Is William a brother to Thomas and Andrew, Joan and Mary? I need to extract all the data from the fiche of the early records for Porlock. The Kent legacy file has 295 individuals and 89 families. Interesting exercise but did not answer my query on the ancestors of Grace.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/1961/113
Testator: George Kent, Smith
Location: Selworthy, Somerset
Date of Will:  13 Nov 1834, Probated 21 Apr 1842

1.   This is the last Will and Testament
2.   of me George Kent of Bulwick Hill in the parish of Selworthy in the
3.   County of Somerset Smith I revoke all former wills by me at any time made
4.   I give and bequeath unto my wife Sarah Kent all my household goods
5.   and furniture and all her wearing apparel as well as my own wearing
6.   apparel and all my stock in hand and all my implements of husbandry and
7.   of my trade and all my horses and other cattle and all my liquors for her own
8.   absolute use And as to all the rest residue and remainder of my personal
9.   estate money in the public funds and money out at interest and securities for
10. money arrears of rents goods chattels and effects of what nature or kind soever
11. not herein specifically bequeathed I hereby give and bequeath the same
12. and every part thereof unto James Browne of Blackford and Thomas Browne
13. of Luckham Yeoman their executors administrators and assigns Upon trust that
14. they the said James Browne and Thomas Browne and the survivor of them
15. and the executors or administrators of such survivor shall and do as soon as
16. conveniently may be after my decease receive collect call in and dispose of and
17. absolutely convert into ready money so much and such part of the said
18. residue of my personal estate to them bequeathed as shall not at the time of
19. my decease consist of stock in the public funds or of money or government or
20. real securities with power to compound for any debt due to me at my decease
21. and shall and do lay out and invest all such sum and sums of money as
22. shall arise by converting into ready money all such part of the said residue of
23. my personal estate as aforesaid either in the public funds or on government
24. or real securities and shall and do stand and be possessed thereof and also of all
25. such part of the residue of my personal estate as shall at the time of my death
26. consist of stock in the public funds or of money or government or real securities
27. respectively and of the interest dividends and annual produce thereof upon the
28. trusts and subject to the discretions and declarations hereinafter contained that is
29. to say Upon trust thay my said trustees or the survivor of them and the
30. executors administrators or assigns of such survivor shall and do pay the
31. interest dividends and annual produce of the said trust monies stocks funds
32. and securities unto my said wife Sarah Kent and her assigns for and during
33. the term of her natural life and after her decease Upon trust to pay the legacies
34. hereinafter mentioned that is to say To my Niece Mary Burgess the daughter
35. of Edward and Sarah Burgess the sum of Fifty pounds To my nephews William
36. Burgess and Samuel Burgess Sons of the said Edward and Sarah Burgess the
37. sum of ten pounds apiece To my nephews Abraham Burgess and Isaac Burgess
38. Sons of the said Edward and Sarah Burgess five pounds apiece To my brother
39. John Kent and to my Sister Sarah and Emma one shilling each all which
40. legacies are to be paid within six calendar months after the decease of my dear
41. wife And upon trust to pay transfer and assign all the residue and remainder
42. of the trust monies stocks funds and securities and the interest dividends and
43. annual produce thereof unto Robert Kent otherwise Wyatt son of my said sister
44. Sarah his executors administrators and assigns for his and their own absolute
45. use I empower my trustees or trustee for the time being to alter vary or transfer
46. any of the trust money for the time being invested in government or on real
47. securities for or into other securities of the like nature when and so often as
48. it shall to them or him seem meet Also I direct that the receipts of my
49. trustees or trustee for the time being shall be sufficient discharges for all
50. money therein expressed to be received And I hereby declare that if the
51. trustees by this my will appointed or either of them or their or either of their
52. executors administrators or assigns or any future trustee or trustees to be
53. appointed shal die or be desirous of being discharged or of from or refuse or
54. decline or become incapable to act in the trusts in them reposed it shall be
55. lawful for my said wife Sarah Kent by any writing under hand and seal to
56. appoint fresh trustees or trustee who shall have all the powers given to the
57. trustees named by this my will and no one trustee shall be answerable or
58. accountable for any other trustee nor for involuntary losses and such trustees
59. may reimburse himself and allow to his Cotrustee or former trustee all costs
60. charges and expences which any trustee might be put to in the execution of
61. the trusts of this my will I appoint my said wife Sarah Kent and the said
62. Robert Kent otherwise Wyatt Executrix and Executor of this my will In
63. Witness whereof I have to this my will contained in two sheets of paper set
64. my hand to the first sheet and to the second sheet set my hand and affixed
65. my seal this thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand
66. eight hundred and thirty four George Kent Signed sealed published
67. and declared by the said George Kent the Testator as and for his last will
68. and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence
69. and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as
70. witnesses thereto Elizth Clarke Wm Hole
71. George Kent of Bulkeigh Hill in the parish of Selworthy declare this
72. to be a Codicil to my Will which will bears date on or about the thirteenth day
73. of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty four I revoke all the
74. gifts and bequests in and by my will made to James Browne and Thomas
75. Browne And all and singular the articles money and personal estate and
76. effects which in and by my will I have given and bequeathed to the said James
77. Browne and Thomas Browne I now give and bequeath unto the said James
78. Browne and Thomas Greenslade of Turton in the parish of Selworthy Yeoman
79. their executors administrators and assigns Upon and for the same trusts and
80. for the same purposes and under and subject to the same powers and declarations
81. as are expressed and declared in and by my said will in reference thereto And I
82. appoint the same James Browne and Thomas Greenslade the trustees of my will
83. I revoke the gift of fifty pounds made by my will to my Niece Mary Burgess
84. the daughter of Edward and Sarah Burgess and instead thereof I give to my
85. said Niece Mary Burgess the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid at the
86. expiration of six calendar months after the decease of my wife In all other
87. respects I confirm my said will In witness whereof I have hereunto set
88. my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of August one thousand eight
89. hundred and thirty eight George Kent Signed sealed published
90. and declared by the said George Kent the Testator as and for a Codicil to his
91. will in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the
92. presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
93. thereto Elizth Clarke Wm Hole
94. Proved at London with a Codicil 21st April 1842 before the Judges by the
95. oaths of Sarah Kent widow the Relict and Robert Kent otherwise Wyatt the
96. Executors to whom Administration was granted having been first sworn by
97. Commission duly to administer.

Interesting will and I will add this Kent family to the Legacy tree.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/1621/387
Testator: Samuel Kent, Gentleman
Location: Cutcombe, Somerset
Date of Will:  2 Mar 1810, Probated 29 Oct 1819

1.     This is the last Will and Testament of me Samuel
2.     Kent of Steart within the Parish of Cutcombe in the County of Somerset
3.     Gentleman whereas in and by certain Indentures of Lease and release
4.     bearing date respectively the third and fourth days of February in the
5.     year of our Lord 1772 the Release being of four parts and made between
6.     me the said Samuel Kent of the first part Robert North of Wiveliscombe
7.     in the said County of Somerset Gentleman and Mary one of the daughters
8.     of the said Robert North of the second part John Brayne the younger
9.     of Skilgate in the said County and James Norman the younger of Norton
10.   Fitzwarren in the said County Gentleman of the third part and John
11.   North of Wiveliscombe aforesaid Gentleman therein further described
12.   and Thomas Kent of Luckham in the said County Gentleman therein
13.   also further described of the fourth part being the Settlement made
14.   previous to and in order to my intermarriage with the said Mary my
15.   late Wife deceased all that Messuage and Tenement with the Appurts
16.   commonly called or known by the name of East Oaktrew situate lying and
17.   being within the Parish of Carhampton in the said County of Somerset
18.   therein further described was conveyed and assured and now stands
19.   limited from and after the deceases of myself and the said Mary my then
20.   intended and late Wife To the use and behoof of such Child or Children
21.   of the body of me the said Samuel Kent on the body of the said Mary
22.   North lawfully to be begotten at such time and times and in such parts
23.   shares and proportions and charged and chargeable with such sum and
24.   sums of Money for Sons or daughters portions and in such manner and
25.   form as I the said Samuel Kent should at any time or times by any deed
26.   or deeds writing or writings with or without power of reservation under
27.   my hand and seal attested as therein mentioned or by my last Will and Testament
28.   in writing or any writing intended for or purporting to be my last
29.   Will and Testament duly executed and attested direct charge limit give
30.   or appoint the same or any part thereof and for default of such direction
31.   charge limitation gift or appointment To the use therein expressed and declared
32.   as in and by the same Indentures will when referred unto now fully and
33.   at large appear Now I the same Samuel Kent by virtue and in pursuant
34.   of the power and authority to me reserved and now in and by the said
35.   noted Indenture of Release and by force thereof and of all and every other
36.   Power and authority powers and authorities to me in that behalf reserved
37.   or in me vested or me in anywise thereunto enabling so by this my last
38.   Will and Testament in writing by me duly executed and attested direct
39.   limit give and appoint and I do also devise all that the said Messuage
40.   and Tenement and all other the Lands hereditaments and
41.   premises mentioned and comprized in the said recited Indentures unto
42.   and to the use of my daughter Honor Kent her heirs and assigns for
43.   ever also I give and devise unto my said daughter Honor Kent her heirs
44.   and assigns for ever all my Messuages Lands and hereditaments in the
45.   Parish of Cutcombe in the said County of Somerset also I give and bequeath
46.   unto my said daughter Honor Kent the sum of one thousand and five
47.   hundred pounds also I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter
48.   Mary Kent her heirs executors administrators and assigns all and singular
49.   my freehold and Leasehold Messuages Tenements Titles Lands heredits
50.   and Premises situate lying and being within the several Parishes of
51.   Halse and Lideard St Lawrence or either of them in the said County of
52.   Somerset also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Joan the Wife of
53.   John Row of Tiverton in the County of Devon Gentleman the sum of One
54.   hundred Pounds also I give and bequeath unto my Grandson John Kent
55.   Row five hundred Pounds if he shall attain the age of twenty one years
56.   Also I give and bequeath unto my grandson Robert Row five hundred
57.   pounds if he shall atain the age of twenty one years also I give and
58.   bequeath unto my Grandson Samuel Row five hundred pounds if
59.   he shall attain the age of twenty one years All the rest residue and
60.   remainder of my Lands Tenements hereditaments and real Estate and
61.   also all and singular my Goods and Chattels rights and Credits personal
62.   and testamentary estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever subject
63.   nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the payment of my just
64.   debts Legacies and funeral expences and wherewith I charge and oblige
65.   the same accordingly I give devise and bequeath unto my said daughters
66.   Mary Kent and Honor Kent their heirs executors administrators and assigns
67.   equally to be divided between them share and share alike as Tenants in
68.   common and not as joint Tenants And I do nominate constitute and appoint
69.   the said Mary Kent and Honor Kent joint executrixes of this my last
70.   will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Samuel Kent have to
71.   this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of paper to the first
72.   sheet thereof subscribed my name and to this second and last sheet
73.   subscribed my name and affixed my seal this second day of March in the
74.   year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten Saml Kent
75.   Signed sealed published and declared for the said Samuel Kent the
76.   Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us and
77.   by us subscribed as witnesses thereto in his presence at his request and in
78.   the presence of each other W Leigh Margaret Wood William Vicary
79.   This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament above written of me the
80.   above named Samuel Kent I give and bequeath unto my Grandson
81.   William Row five hundred pounds if he shall attain the age of twenty
82.   one years and unto my Grandson Thomas Row five hundred pounds
83.   if he shall attain the age of twenty one years and I give to the Poor of the
84.   several parishes of Cutcombe and Timberscombe six pounds to be distributed
85.   amongst them according to the pleasure and direction of my executrixes
86.   Mary Kent and Honor Kent and I ratify and confirm my above written
87.   Will and give to my said executrixes and their heirs as Tenants in common
88.   and not as joint Tenants all such Lands Tenements and hereditaments as
89.   are vested in me by way of mortgage or in Trust To hold the Lands
90.   Tenements and hereditaments vested in me by way of Mortgages for their
91.   own benefit and the Lands Tenements and hereditaments vested in me In
92.   Trust upon the Trusts affecting the same In Witness whereof I have to this
93.   Codicil to my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal the eighth
94.   day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
95.   sixteen Saml Kent Signed sealed published and declared by the said
96.   Samuel Kent as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the
97.   presence of us and by us subscribed as witnesses thereto in his presence at his
98.   request and in the presence of each other Wm Leigh   Fred Leigh
99.   Alice Healey
100. Proved at London with a Codicil 29th October 1819 before the Judge
101. by the Oaths of Mary Kent and Honor Kent spinsters the daughters the
102. executrixes to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by
103. Commission duly to administer.

 Duly entered all this information into the Kent family tree. No luck yet with a definitive link to John and Elizabeth Kent and their daughter Grace. A couple of John Kent baptisms in the right time period.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/1477/11
Testator: John Kent, Gentleman
Location: Luckham, Somerset
Date of Will:  14 Jul 1805, Probated 1 Apr 1808

1.     This is the last Will and Testament
2.     of me John Kent of Luckham in the County of Somerset
3.     Gentleman as follows that is to say I give and
4.     bequeath unto the several parishes of Luckham and
5.     Porlock the Sum of three Guineas each to be paid
6.     unto the overseers of such respective parishes by my
7.     Executors and Executrixes hereinafter named within
8.     Six Months next after my decease to be distributed to
9.     the poor of such respective parishes I give and devise
10.   unto my daughter Betty Lock Wife of John Lock of
11.   Lynmouth in the County of Devon Gentleman all
12.   that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement called Amorys
13.   situate in the said parish of Luckham together
14.   with all and singular the respective hereditaments
15.   and appurtenances thereunto belonging to hold to
16.   my said daughter Betty Lock and her Assigns during
17.   the term of her natural life without impeachment
18.   of waste and from and after the determination of that
19.   Estate then to the use of Francis Bastow the younger
20.   of Minehead in the said county and John Kent the
21.   the younger of Hawtell within the parish of
22.   Cutcombe in the said County Gentleman their
23.   Executors Administrators and Assigns for and during
24.   and unto the full end and term of Five hundred
25.   Years from thence next ensuing and fully to be
26.   compleat and ended and without impeachment of
27.   waste upon such trusts nevertheless and to and for such
28.   Intents and purposes and under and subject to such
29.   provisoes and agreements as are hereinafter mentioned
30.   expressed and declared of and concerning the same and
31.   from and after the end expiration or other sooner
32.   determination of the said term of five hundred
33.   Years and subject thereunto to the use and behoof
34.   of the first and every other Son and Sons of my said
35.   daughter Betty Lock lawfully Begotten successively in
36.   tail Male and in default of such Issue to the use
37.   and behoof of my daughter Ann Kent and her Assigns
38.   during the term of her natural life without
39.   impeachment of waste and from and immediately
40.   after the determination of that Estate then to the
41.   use of the first and every other Son and Sons of
42.   the said Ann Kent lawfully begotten successively
43.   in tail Male and in default of such Issue to the
44.   use and behoof of my daughter Mary Poole
45.   Wife of Clement Poole and her assigns during
46.   the term of her natural life without impeachment
47.   of waste and from and immediately after the
48.   determination of that Estate to the use of the first
49.   and every other Son and Sons of the said Mary
50.   Poole lawfully begotten successively in tail Male and
51.   in default of such Issue to the use of all and
52.   every the daughter and daughters of the said Betty
53.   Lock lawfully begotten share and share
54.   alike as Tentants in common and not as joint
55.   Tenants and in default of such Issue to the use
56.   of all and every the daughter and daughters of the
57.   said Ann Kent lawfully begotten share and share alike
58.   as Tenants in common and not as Joint Tenants
59.   and in default of such Issue to remain to all and
60.   every the daughter and daughters of the said
61.   Mary Poole lawfully begotten share and share alike
62.   as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and
63.   in default of all such Issue to remain to the use
64.   of my own right heirs for ever And as to for and
65.   concerning the said term of Five hundred pounds
66.   hereinbefore limited to the said Francis Bastone
67.   and John Kent their Executors Administrators and
68.   Assigns as aforesaid I hereby order and direct that
69.   in case my said daughter Betty Lock shall die
70.   without such Issue Male of her body lawfully
71.   begotten as aforesaid or having such Issue Male such
72.   Issue Male shall die before he shall have attained his
73.   full age  of twenty one Years that my said Trustees
74.   the said Francis Bastone and John Kent do and
75.   shall by Sale or Mortgage of the said term of
76.   Five hundred Years or by such other ways and
77.   means as they or the Survivor of them or the
78.   Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall
79.   think fit raise and levy or Borrow and take use at
80.   Interest the Sum of One thousand pounds and pay and apply the same Sum of one Thousand pounds unto
81.   and amongst all and pay the daughter and daughters of the said
82.   Betty Lock lawfully begotten equally to be divided
83.   between them share and share alike and to be
84.   paid and applied unto them when and as
85.   they shall respectively attain their full age and
86.   ages of twenty one Years and in case my  said
87.  daughter Betty Lock shall die without leaving
88.   any daughter or daughters who shall not live to
89.   attain  her or their full age and ages of twenty
90.   one years or in case my said daughter Ann
91.   Kent shall also die without leaving such Issue
92.   Male of her body alwfully begotten as aforesaid
93.   or having such Issue Male or when having such Issue shall die before he
94.   shall have attained his full age of twenty one
95.   years that my said Trustees the said Francis
96.   Bastone and John Kent their Executors and
97.   Admors shall pay and apply the said Sum of One
98.   thousand pounds unto and amongst all and
99.   every the daughter and daughters of the said
100. Ann Kent equally to be divided between them
101. Share and Share alike and to be paid and
102. applied unto them when and as they shall
103. respectively attain their full Age and Ages of
104. twenty one years and in case both my said
105. daughters the said Betty Lock and Ann Kent
106. shall die without leaving any such daughter or
107. daughters as aforesaid the said term of Five
108. hundred years shall cease determine and be
109. utterly void I give and devise unto my daughter
110. Betty Lock all those my three freehold Orchards
111. or Tenements called Stobs Beaches and penys
112. together with all and singular their respective
113. appurtenances belonging To hold to my said
114. daughter Betty Lock her heirs and Assigns for
115. ever I give and bequeath unto my said
116. daughter Betty Lock all those my several
117. Leasehold Estates called Snowleys and Snows
118. situate in the parish of Luckham and also
119. all that my Leasehold Estate called Creeches situate
120. in the parish of Porlock together with all and
121. singular their respective hereditaments and
122. appurtenances therewith belonging to hold to
123. my said daughter Betty Lock her Executors Admors
124. and Assigns for all my Estate term and Interest
125. therein I also give and bequeath unto my said
126. daughter Betty Lock the Sum of Two thousand
127. pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to
128. be paid unto her by my Executrixes and Executors
129. hereinafter named within twelve Months next
130. after my decease I give and devise unto the said
131. Francis Bastone and John Kent their heirs and
132. Assigns all that my Freehold Estate called Vine
133. Tree situate in the said parish of Luckham
134. together with all and singular their respective herits
135. Appurentances thereunto belonging to hold the same
136. unto the said Francis Bastone and John Kent their
137. heirs and Assigns for ever to for and upon such uses and  upon such trusts
138. as are hereinafter mentioned limited expressed
139. and declared of and concerning the same that is
140. to say To the use and behoof of my daughter
141. Ann Kent and her Assigns during the term of her
142. natural life without impeachment of waste and
143. From and immediately after the determination of
144. that Estate then to the use of the said Francis
145. Bastone and John Kent and their heirs during the
146. life of the said Ann Kent upon trust to preserve
147. and support the contingent remaindors hereinafter
148. limited from being defeated and destroyed and for
149. that purpose to make Entries and bring actions
150. as the case may require But nevertheless to permit
151. and suffer the said Ann Kent and her Assigns to
152. have receive and take the Rents Issues and profits
153. thereof during the term of her natural life and
154. from and after the decease of the said Ann Kent
155. to the use and behoof of the first and other Son
156. and Sons of the said Ann Kent lawfully
157. begotten successively in Tail Male and in default
158. of such Issue to the use and behoof of my
159. daughter Betty Lock and her Assigns during the
160. term of her natural life without impeachment
161. of waste and from and immediately after the
162. determination of that Estate to the use of the
163. first and every other Son and Sons of the said
164. Betty Lock lawfully begotten successively in tail
165. Male and in default of such Issue to the use
166. and behoof of my daughter Mary Poole Wife of
167. Clement Poole and her Assigns during the term of her
168. natural life without impeachment of waste and from
169. and immediately after the determination of that Estate
170. to the use of the first and every other Son and Sons
171. of the said Mary Poole lawfully begotten successively
172. in Tail Male and in default of such Issue to the
173. use of all and every the daughter and daughters of
174. the said Ann Kent lawfully begotten share and share
175. alike as Tenants in common and not as joint tenants
176. and in default of such Issue to the use of all and
177. every the daughter and daughters of the said Betty
178. Lock lawfully begotten share and share alike as Tenants
179.  in common and not as joint Tenants and in default
180. of such Issue to the use of all and every the daughter
181. and daughters of the said Mary Poole lawfully
182. begotten share and share alike as Tenants in common
183. and not as joint Tenants and in default of all such
184. Issue to the use of my own right heirs for ever I
185. give and bequeath unto my said daughter Ann
186. Kent all those my several Leasehold Estates called
187. Bruelays and Slowleys pophams or Moggridges Higher Farm
188. or Sparkes and Park or Higher Park situate in
189. the parish of Porlock and also all those my Leasehold
190. Estates called Doverhays and Down situate in the
191. parish of Luckham together with all and singular
192. their respective appurtenances To hold the same
193. unto my said daughter Ann Kent her Executors
194. Administrators and Assigns for all my Estate term
195. and Interest therein I also give and bequeath
196. unto my said daughter Ann Kent the Sum of
197. Four thousand pounds of lawful Money of Great
198. Britain to be paid unto her by my Executrixes
199. and Executors hereinafter named with twelve
200. Months next after my decease I give and devise
201. unto the said Francis Bastone and John Kent their
202. heirs and Assigns all that my Freehold Estate
203. called Lower Prescotts situate in the parish of Exford
204. in the said County of Somerset with all and singular
205. their respective hereditaments and appurtenances
206. thereunto belonging to hold the same unto the said
207. Francis Bastone and John Kent their heirs and
208. assigns for Ever to for and upon such uses and upon
209. such trusts as are hereinafter mentioned limited
210. expressed and declared of and concerning the same
211. that is to say to the use and behoof of my
212. daughter Mary Poole Wife of Clement Poole and
213. her assigns during the term of her natural life
214. without impeachment of waste and from and
215. after the determination of that Estate then to the
216. use of the said Francis Bastone and John Kent
217. and their heirs during the life of the said Mary
218. Poole upon trust to support and preserve the
219. contingent remainders hereinafter limited from
220. being defeated and destroyed and for that
221. purpose to make entries and bring actions as the
222. case shall require but nevertheless to permit
223. and suffer the said Mary Poole and her
224. assigns to have receive and take the Rents
225. Issues and profits thereof during the term of
226. her natural life and from and after the decease
227. of her the said Mary Poole to the use and behoof
228. of the first and every other Son and Sons of the
229. said Mary Poole lawfully begotten successively
230. in tail Male and in default of such Issue to the
231. use and behoof of my said daughter Betty Lock
232. and her assigns during the term of her natural life
233. without impeachment of waste and from and
234. immediately after the determination of that Estate
235. then to the use of the first and every other Son
236. and Sons of the said Betty Lock lawfully begotten
237. successively in tail Male and in default of such
238. Issue to the use and behoof of my daughter Ann
239. Kent and her assigns during the term of her
240. natural life without impeachment of waste and
241. from and immediately after the determination of
242. that Estate to the use of the first and every other Son and
243. Sons of the said Ann Kent lawfully begotten
244. successively in Tail Male and in default of all such
245. Issue to the use of all and every the daughter
246. and daughters of the said Mary Poole lawfully
247. begotten share and share alike as tenants in
248. common and not as joint tenants and in default
249. of such Issue to the use of all and every the
250 daughter and daughters of the said Betty Lock
251. lawfully begotten share and share alike as
252. Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants
253. and in default of such Issue to the use of all
254. and every the daughter and daughters of the
255. said Ann Kent lawfully begotten Share and Share
256. alike as tenants in common and not as joint
257. tenants and in default of all such Issue to the
258. use of my own right heirs for ever I give and
259. bequeath unto my said daughter Mary Poole
260. all those my Leasehold Estates called Higher Prescotts
261. and Sharcott situate in the said parish of Exford
262. together with all and singular the appurtenances
263. tgo the same belonging to hold the same unto my
264. said daughter Mary Poole her Executors Admors
265. and Assigns for all my Estate term and interest
266. therein I also give and bequeath unto my said
267. daughter Mary Poole the Sum of Two thousand
268. pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be
269. paid unto her by my Executrixes and Executors
270. hereinafter named within twelve Months next
271. after my decease provided always and I do hereby
272. declare that if the said Francis Bastone and John
273. Kent or either of them their or either of their
274. Executors Administrators or Assigns or any Trustee
275. or Trustees to be appointed by virtue of this
276. my Will shall die or be desirous to be discharged
277. from or refuse or decline or become incapable to
278. act in the trusts hereby in them reposed as
279. aforesaid Before the Trusts shall be fully Executed
280. then and in such case it shall and may be lawful
281. to and for the Survivor of them and the Executors
282. and administrators of such survivor by any
283. writing or writings under his or their hands
284. or Seals or hand or Seal and to be attested by
285. two or more credible witnesses from time to time
286. to nominate and appoint any other person or
287. persons to be a Trustee or Trustees in the place
288. of the Trustee or Trustees so dying desiring to be
289. discharged or refusing declining or becoming incapable
290. to act as aforesaid and that any such new Trustee or
291. Trustees shall and may in all things act and assent as
292. fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if he
293. or they had been originally nominated and appointed
294. under this my Will Provided further and it is my
295. will that the said Francis Bastone and John Kent
296. their heirs Executors and Administrators shall be
297. charged and chargeable only with such Monies as he
298. or they shall respectively actually receive nor shall
299. they be liable or accountable for any Bank or Broker
300. or other person in whose hands the said Trust
301. Monies or any part thereof shall be lodged for
302. safe Custody not shall they be answerable or
303. accountable for the insufficiency of deficiency of
304. any Security or Securities Stocks or Funds in or
305. upon which the said Trust Monies or any part
306. thereof shall be placed or invested except the same
307. shall arise By or through their own woefull
308. default respectively and that each of them shall
309. be accountable for their own separate and distinct
310. Acts deeds Receipts or disbursements only and not
311. the one for the other of them and also that the
312. said Francis Bastone and John Kent their heirs
313. Executors and Administrators shall and may by
314. and out of the Monies which shall come to his
315. or their hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid
316. retain and reimburse himself and themselves all
317. costs charges damages and Expences which he
318. or they shall or may suffer sustain expend
319. disburse be at or be put unto in the execution or
320. management of the said trust hereby in them
321. reposed provided further and it is my Will that the
322. Receipt or Receipts alone of either of my said
323. daughters as to their respective Interest or Monies
324. that shall or may be respectively paid unto them
325. from time to time by my said Trustees their heirs
326. Executors or Admors shall be a good and sufficient
327. discharge and discharges to my said Trustee or
328. Trustees their heirs Executors or Administrators
329. and that the same Sum or Sums or any part
330. thereof shall not be liable or subject to the Control
331. debts or Engagements of any husband they or
332. either  of them may now or hereafter have or think
333. proper to marry in any manner whatsoever but
334. to and for their and each of their sole and separate
335. use and benefit all the rest residue and remainder of
336. my goods estates Credits Ready Money and Securities
337. for Money and all and singular other my real
338. personal or Testamentary Estate and Effects whatsoever
339. and wheresoever and before given and bequeathed I
340. give and bequeath Subject to the payment of all
341. and singular my Trust debts Legacies Funeral Expences
342. and the Expences of proving this my Will unto and
343. amongst my said three daughters Betty Lock Ann
344. Kent and Mary Poole their Executors and Admors
345. equally to be divided between them share and share
346. alike and Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint
347. my said three daughters Betty Lock Ann Kent and
348. Mary Poole and my said Trustees the said Francis
349. Bastone and John Kent joint Executrixes and Executors
350. of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking
351. all former Will and Wills by me at any time
352. therefore made In Witness whereof I have to this
353. my Will contained in nine Sheets of paper to each
354. of which I have subscribed my Name and to the
355. last affixed my Seal this fourteenth day of July in the
356. Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
357. five. John Kent Signed Sealed published and
358. declared by the said Testator John Kent as and for
359. his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
360. who in his presence and in the presence of each
361. other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses John
362. Hole Benjamin Floyd  William Fay
363. This Will was proved at London on the
364. first day of April in the year of our Lord One
365. thousand eight hundred and eight before the Right
366. honorable Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of
367. Laws Master keeper or Commissary of the prerogative
368. Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Betty
369. Lock Wife of John Lock Ann Kent Spinster and Mary Poole
370. Wife of Clement Poole the daughters of the deceased and
371. three of the Executors named in the said Will to whom
372. administration was granted of all and singular the
373. Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased They having
374. been first sworn by Commission duly to Administer
375. power reserved of making the like Grant to Francis
376. Bastone and John Kent the said Executors named in the
377. said Will when they or either of them shall apply
378. for the same.

Well unfortunately nothing  learned in this will although I must admit to being hopeful in that regard. Although by this time Grace (Kent) Siderfin was deceased and most of her children no longer lived in the Porlock/Luckham/Selworthy/Exton area although my ancestor not far away at Minehead. But they had been provided for by both their parents and other family members. John Kent could be the John Kent (of the parish of Luckham) buried at Porlock 7 Nov 1807 (no age given). There is an Ann Kent buried at Porlock 8 May 1809 (of Luckham) aged 29 so born circa 1780. There is an Anne Kent daughter of John and Anne baptized 18 Mar 1780 at Porlock. There is a Mary Kent daughter of John and Ann baptized 29 Mar 1784 at Porlock. There is a Betty Kent baptized 10 Feb 1776 at Porlock daughter of John and Anne. They appear to be the only baptisms for this couple at Porlock. There is a burial for Ann Kent wife of John 29 Mar 1784 at Porlock.

On Find My Past there is a marriage for John Kent of  Porlock to Ann Hall of Luccombe 9 Sep 1775  at Luccombe which fits in well with the three baptisms and Ann's subsequent burial at Porlock in 1784.

Mary Kent married Clement Poole (Gent of Sampford Brett) 21 Feb 1804
Betty Kent married John Lock 13 Jul 1805 at Countisbury, Devon

I also found at Porlock the burial of Elizabeth Kent wife of John 4 Oct 1739 (perhaps the mother of my Grace). There were three baptisms at Porlock for John and Elizabeth Kent's children: Bettie 14 Oct 1739 (just ten days after the burial of this Elizabeth), John baptized 15 Feb 1731 and Thomas baptized 29 Dec 1736.

Interesting that this family is referred to as being of Luckham just as the father of my Grace was referred to as being from Luckham. I think this is the right family for Grace and that John must have been her brother. He would have been 44 years of age so could also have been a nephew to Grace. 

Checking Martin Southwood's Transcriptions of West Somerset Parishes:

At Selworthy:

Abraham Kent son of Thomas and Alice 1 Dec 1722

Thomas Kent and Susanna Siderfin married 27 Nov 1725
Thomas Kent son of Thomas and Susanna (Siderfin) baptized 11 Oct 1726
Benjamin Kent son of Thomas and Susanna (Siderfin) baptized 30 Feb 1731

John and Elizabeth
Grace Kent daughter of John and Elizabeth baptized 24 Apr 1731
Elizabeth Kent daughter of John and Elizabeth baptized 16 Jun 1733
Sarah Kent daughter of John and Elizabeth baptized 28 May 1738

William Kent and Mary Slowly married 18 Feb 1735
Elizabeth Kent daughter of William and Mary baptized 13 Apr 1735
Elizabeth Kent daughter of William and Mary baptized 18 May 1737
Joan Kent daughter of William and Mary baptized 4 Dec 1739
Mary Kent daughter of William and Mary baptized 29 Oct 1742

David Kent (minehead) married Elizabeth Broome (Minehead) 22 Aug 1725
Samuel Kent son of David and Elizabeth baptized 24 May 1752

Benjamin Kent and Elizabeth Sage (of Minehead) married 18 Oct 1755
Thomas Kent son of Benjamin and Elizabeth baptized 19 Oct 1756
Elizabeth Kent daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth baptized 26 Jan 1761

Benjamin Kent and Joan Baker married 3 Jan 1771
Betty Kent daughter of Benjamin and Joan baptized 19 Mar 1771
Mary Kent daughter of Benjamin and Joan baptized 30 Apr 1774
Ann Kent daughter of Benjamin and Joan baptized 8 Jun 1777
Sarah Kent daughter of Benjamin and Joan baptized 8 Apr 1781
John Kent son of Benjamin and Joan baptized 4 Jun 1786

Thomas Kent and Grace Giles married 15 Jun 1769
John Kent son of Thomas and Grace baptized 15 Jun 1770
Williamn Kent son of Thomas and Grace baptized 8 Nov 1772
Betty Kent daughter of Thomas and Grace baptized 1782

Benjamin Kent son of Robert and Mary baptized 26 Dec 1770

Sarah Kent daughter of Samuel and Eliza baptized 18 Aug 1776

John Kent and Susanna Philips married 2 Jun 1770
Betty Kent baptized daughter of John and Susanna baptized 15 Oct 1771
John Kent son of John and Susanna baptized 7 Sep 1773
Mary Kent daughter of John and Susannah baptized 11 Sep 1776

Agnes Kent daughter of John and Susan baptized 2 Apr 1786
Sarah Kent daughter of John and Susan baptized 9 May 1790

John Kent son of John and Betty baptized 30 Nov 1794

At Porlock:

David and Alice Kent
Walter Kent son of David and Alice baptized 19 Oct 1693

Andrew and Joan Kent
Andrew Kent son of Andrew and Joan baptized 11 Nov 1693
John Kent son of Andrew and Joan baptized 10 May 1696

Andrew buried 6 Nov 1713 ; Ann buried 10 Aug 1721
William Kent son of Andrew and Anne baptized 7 Jul 1700
Alice Kent daughter of Andrew and Anne baptized 26 Feb 1702
Anne Kent daughter of Andrew and Anne baptized 3 Oct 1704
Robert Kent son of Andrew and Anne baptized 2 Mar 1707
Margaret Kent daughter of Andrew and Anne baptized 24 Feb 1712; buried 15 Jun 1712
Elizabeth Kent daughter of Andrew and Anne baptized 6 Sep 1713; buried 28 Sep 1713
Mary Kent daughter of Andrew and Ann baptized 13 Jan 1715; buried 5 Feb 1715

John Kent and Joan Beague (buried 25 Oct 1720) married 15 Dec 1694 at Luccombe
Mary Kent daughter of John and Joan baptized 26 Dec 1700
Alice Kent daughter of John and Joan baptized 20 Jun 1704; buried 10 Mar 1712
John Kent son of John and Joan baptized 28 Jan 1709
Alice Kent daughter of John and Joan baptized 16 May 1713; buried 30 Aug 1724

Thomas Kent and Alice 
John Kent son of Thomas and Alice baptized 16 Dec 1711
Mary Kent daughter of Thomas and Alice baptized 12 Dec 1714
Joseph Kent son of Thomas and Alice baptized 16 Nov 1718

Andrew and Illot Kent
Elizabeth Kent daughter of Andrew and Ilot baptized 25 Sep 1718
Joan Kent daughter of Andrew and Ilott baptized 11 Dec 1720
Thomas Kent son of Andrew and Ilott baptized 4 Dec 1722
Mary Kent daughter of Andrew and Ilot baptized 21 Mar 1727
Ilat Kent daughter of Andrew and Ilat baptized 27 Oct 1729

Robert Kent and Alice Morcome (buried 30 Nov 1728) married 8 Oct 1719
William Kent son of Robert and Alice baptized 8 Jan 1721
Elizabeth Kent daughter of Robert and Allice baptized 21 Apr 1723
Mary Kent daughter of Robert and Alice baptized 6 Apr 1728

Cyprian and Noamy Kent
William Kent son of  Cyprian and Noamy baptized 15 Sep 1722

Walter and Jane Kent
John Kent son of Walter and Jane baptized 6 Mar 1726
Jane Kent daughter of Walter and Jane baptized 11 Aug 1728

John and Elizabeth Kent
John Kent son of John (of Luccombe) buried 12 Mar 1729
John Kent son of John and Elizabeth (of Luckham) baptized 15 Feb 1731
Thomas Kent son of John and Elizabeth baptized 29 Dec 1736
Bettie Kent daughter of John and Elizabeth baptized 14 Oct 1739

Thomas and Mary Kent
Thomas Kent son of Thomas and Mary baptized 5 Aug 1732 (of Luccombe)

Walter Kent and Mary Cox (St Decs) married 16 Sep 1731
William Kent son of Walter and Mary baptized 12 May 1733
Elizabeth Kent daughter of Walter and Mary baptized 31 Aug 1734

John Kent married  Anne Hall 9 Sep 1775 at  Luccombe
Betty Kent daughter of John and Anne baptized 10 Feb 1776
Joan Kent daughter of John and Anne baptized 8 Jan 1778
Anne Kent daughter of John and Anne baptized 18 Mar 1780
Mary Kent daughter of John and Ann baptized 29 Mar 1784

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/2219/356
Testator: Thomas Kent, Yeoman
Location: Minehead, Somerset
Date of Will:  14 Jul 1805, Probated 22 Sep 1855

1.   This is the last Will and Testament
2.   of me Thomas Kent of the Parish Minehead and County of Somerset
3.   Yeoman (that is to say) I have already given unto my daughter Jane Ridler
4.   Two hundred pounds and I now give and bequeath unto her my said daugh
5.   ter the further sum of four hundred pounds, the same to be paid her six months
6.   after my decease also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter her heirs
7.   and assigns for ever all my right title and interest in my freehold property, in
8.   the Parish of Exton in said County nevertheless my Son in Law Mr John
9.   Ridler shall pay Four pounds every year towards my brother James annu-
10. ity I give and bequeath unto my Son John Kent all my right title and
11. interest to the rectorial titles of several Estates in the Parish of Cutcombe He
12. my Son paying out of the same Eight pounds ten shillings yearly towards my
13. brother James's annuity I give unto my Son and daughter Thirty pounds to
14. defray my funeral expences should there happen to be any money lost through an
15. imperfect security my two children shall bear an equal share of such loss all
16. the rest and residue of my property all my goods and chattels of every descrip-
17. tion I give unto my before named Son John Kent and whom I make the sole
18. Executor of this my last Will and Testament Signed by me in the presence of
19. witnesses this Sixth day of April One thousand eight hundred and fifty five
20. Thos Kent The word yearly is interlined at the request of the Tes-
21. tator and in the presence of each other we subscribe our names as witnesses
22. John Kent Senior James Knight
23. In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
24. In the Goods of Thomas Kent deceased
25. Appeared Personally John Kent the Elder of East Brent
26. in the County of Somerset Yeoman and made oath that he is one of the subscri-
27. bers to the last Will and Testament of Thomas Kent late of the Parish
28. of St Nicholas in the County of Somerset Yeoman deceased the same being now
29. hereunto annexed bearing date the Sixth day of April One thousand eight
30. hundred and fifty five and he further made oath that on the Sixth day of April
31. aforesaid the said Testator duly executed his said Wioll by signing his name at
32. the foot and thereof in the presence of this deponent and of James Knight
33. the other subscribed witness thereto both of whom were present at the same
34. time and this Deponent and the said James Knight thereupon attested and
35. subscribed the said Will in the presence of the said Testator and of each other
36. John Kent Senior On the Sixth day of September 1855 the said John
37. Kent was duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit by virtue of the annexed
38. Commission Before me George Anthony Donison Vicar of East Brent
39. Archdeacon of Taunton Commissioner
40. Proved at London 22nd September 1855 before the Judge by the oath of
41. John Kent the son the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted having
42. been first sworn by Commission duly to administer
The last will in this set of 14. Mary is the daughter of Samuel and Mary Kent of Cutcombe. Samuel's will transcription is above.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 25 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/1955/99
Testator: Mary Kent, Spinster
Location: Cutcombe, Somerset
Date of Will:  18 Sep 1840, Probated 11 Dec 1841

1.     This is the last Will and Testament
2.     of me Mary Kent of Steart within the parish of Cutcombe in the County of
3.     Somerset Spinster whereas I am desious that the close piece or parcel of
4.     woodland with the appurtenances called Stockhay situate within the parish
5.     of Hillfarrance in the said County which I purchased of Sir John  Palmer
6.     Acland Baronet shall hereafter be annexed to and form part of Warnham
7.     Farm in the Parish of Oak in the said County Now I do therefore give
8.     and devise the said close piece or parcel of woodland with the appurtenances
9.     to the use of such person and persons for such estate and estates upon
10.   such trusts and to and for such or the like ends intents and purposes
11.   as my late dear Uncle William North Gentleman deceased in and
12.   his will dated on or about the twenty seventh day of November
13.   one thousand eight hundred and nine gave and devised the same
14.   estated called Harmham and which at my death shall be subsisting
15.   and capable of taking effect I give and devise all that two closes of meadow
16.   land and part of a Field or close of arable land situate in the
17.   parish of Hillfarrance aforesaid which my said dear Uncle purchased
18.   of the said Sir John Palmer Acland then John Palmer Acland Esquire
19.   and devised to me in fee and all those Messuages Tenements Lands
20.   hereditaments and premises which I lately purchased of Sir John
21.   Stevens Chard situate in the parishs of Oak and Hillfarrance
22.   aforesaid together with all and singular the appurtenances to the
23.   hereditaments and premises comprised in this devise respectively
24.   belonging to such uses upon such trusts and to and for such ends
25.   intents and purposes and with under and subect to such powers
26.   provisoes charges and declarations as my dear sister Honor Kent
27.   cover of resolution to be by her legally executed or by her last
28.   Will and Testament in writing or any writing in the nature of or
29.   purporting to be her last Will and Testament or any Codicil or Codicils
30.   thereto direct limit or appoint give or devise the same and in default
31.   thereof and until such direction limitation or appointment gift or
32.   devise shall be made or take effect and so far as any such shall
33. not extend to the use of my said dear sister and her assigns for and
34.   during the term of her natural life without impeachment of waste and
35.   from and immediately after the determination of that estate or in case
36.   of my dear Sister's death in my lifetime to the use of my dear
37.   Nephew William North Row Gentleman his heirs and assigns for ever
38.   and if he should happen to die without leaving issue living at his
39.   death or born in due time after his decease then I give and devise all
40.   and singular the Messuages Tenements closes Lands heredits
41.   and premises unto William North now living at Cannington in
42.   in the said County his heirs and assigns for ever but subject
43.   nevertheless to and I do hereby charge and oblige the same with
44.   the payment of an annuity or clear yearly rent charge of seventy
45.   pounds free and clear of all deductions for taxes or otherwise to
46.   commence upon the taking effect in possession of the said last mentionede
47.   devise in favor of the said William North and to be issuing out of
48.   the said hereditaments and premises and payable thence forth by
49.   equal quarterly payments to Philip Broadmead Squire of Riverton
50.   his Executors and Administrators in trust for Sarah Wood sister of
51.   the above William North for and during the term of her natural
52.   life free and independent of and not to be subject or liable to the
53.   debts control or engagements of her present or any future husband
54.   and so as that she shall not in any manner sell dispose of
55.   mortgage charge incumber or otherwise anticipate the same or any
56.   part thereof and her receipt alone shall from time to time be an
57.   effectual discharge to the said Philip Broadmead his Executors and
58.   administrators for the said annuity and I hereby give and devise the
59.   said annuity or yearly rent charge to the said Philip Broadmead the
60.   Executors and Administrators accordingly in trust nevertheless as aforesaid
61.   and from and immediately after the decease of the said Sarah Wood or
62.   if she shall in any manner attempt to sell dispose of mortgage charge
63.   encumber or otherwise anticipate the said annuity or rent charge which shall
64.   first happen then and from thenceforth I give and devise the same annuity
65.   or clear yearly rent charge of seventy pounds unto and equally between
66.   such of the children of the said Sarah Wood if more than one who shall
67.   be then living share and share alike during their joint lives and to the
68.   survivors in like manner and the survivor of them during their
69.   his and her lives and life and if there shall be but one such child
70.   then to such only child for his or her life and the same in all the
71.   aforesaid cases to be paid by equal quarterly payments with full power to
72.   and for the person and persons who shall for the time being be entitled
73.   to the said annuity or rent charge to recover the same or any part thereof
74.   that shall be in arrear by distress upon the premises charged therewith
75.   in like manner as for rent reserved upon common demises together
76.   with full costs and whereas I am seised in fee of certain parts of the
77.   Messuages Farms Lands and premises called Bruforde and Worthy
78.   situate in the parish of Halse in the said County now occupied by Mr
79.   John Edwards as my tenant and am possessed of certain other parts of the
80.   same Messuages Tenements Farms Lands and Premises for the residue of
81.   a certain term of One thousand years or some such longer term of
82.   years and I am also seized in fee of the great and Impropriate Rectorial
83.   Tithes arising from and out of the whole of the said Messuages                                                      84.   Tenements Farms Lands and Premises now as to so much and such
85.   part and parts thereof as are Freehold together with the said tithes and
86.   also my Freehold Messuage Tenement and Lands called Dean situate
87.   in theparish of Lydeard St Lawrence in the said County I give and
88.   devise the same respectively to such uses upon such trusts and to and for
89.   such ends intents and purposes and with under and subject to such
90.   powers provisoes charges and declarations as my said dear Sister Honor
91.   Kent shall by any deed or deeds writing or writings with or without
92.   power of revocation to be by her legally executed or by her last Will and
93.   Testament in writing or any writing in the nature of or purporting to be
94.   her last Will and Testament or any Codicil or Codicils thereto direct
95.   limit or appoint give or  devise the same and in default of and until
96.   such direction limitation or appointment gift or devise shall be made
97.   or take effect and so far as any such shall not extend to the use of my
98.   said dear sister and her assigns for and during her natural life with
99.   out impeachment of waste and from and immediately after the
100. determination of that estate or in case of her death in my lifetime to the
101. use of my said Nephew William North Row the heirs and assigns for
102. ever but if he should happen to die without leaving lawful issue living
103. at his death or born in due time after the decease then I give and devise
104. all and singular the said Freehold parts of the said Messuages lTenements
105. Farms Lands and premises called Binforde and Worthys together with the
106. paid Tithes and the said the said Messuage and Tenement called Dean                                            107. unto John North eldest Son of the said Samuel North of the parish
108. of Lydeard St Lawrence his heirs and assigns for ever and as to so
109. much and such part and parts of the said Messuages Tenements Lands
110. hereditaments and premises called Benfords and Worthys as are
111. Leasehold I give and devise the same unto the said Philip Broadmead
112. his Executors and administrators for and during all my term estate
113. and interest therein upon trust nevertheless to assign transfer and dispose
114. thereof to such person and persons and in such manner and for                                                       115. own benefit or otherwise as my said sister Honor Kent shall from time to
116. time by any writing under her hand or by her last Will and Testament in
117. writing or any codicil or codicils thereto direct give devise or bequeath
118. the same and in the meantime and until any such assignment transfer or
119. deposition gift devise or bequest shall be made to take effect and so far as
120. any such shall not extend upon trust for the said Honor Kent for and
121. during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her
122. decease or in case of her death in my lifetime upon trust for my
123. said Nephew William North Row his Executors administrators and
124. assigns but if he should happen to die without leaving lawful issue
125. living at his death or born in due time after his decease then upon
126. trust for the said John North his Executors administrators and assigns
127. and to be assigned and disposed of as he or they shall direct but subject
128. nevertheless to and I do hereby charge and oblige the said lastly aforementioned
129. Freehold and Leasehold Messuages Tenements Lands Tithes heredits and
130. premises with the payment of an annuity or clear yearly rent charge
131. of seventy pounds free and clear of all deductions or taxes or otherwise to
132. commence upon the taking effect in possession of the said last mentioned
133. devise in favor of the said John North and to be issuing out of the said
134. lastly aforementioned Freehold and Leasehold Messuages Tenements Lands
135. Tithes hereditaments and premises and be payable thenceforth by equal
136. quarterly payments to Jane North the youngest sister of the said John
137. North for and during the term of her natural life to whom I devise
138. the same accordingly with like power of distress upon the premises
139. charged therewith for the recovery thereof with the arrears and costs as
140. hereinbefore is given with respect to the annuity first hereinbefore devised
141. and whereas all those closes of Land late Greadys situate in the parish
142. of Halse aforesaid and the Messuages Tenement Farm Lands and premises
143. Nurthey in the same parish have been lately assigned and
144. conveyed to me and my said dear sister Honor Kent for the residue of a
145. certain term of one thousand years as joint tenants and the fee
146. simple and inheritance of and in the Great and Impropriate Rectorial Tithes
147. arising from and out of the premises late Greadys and those called Nurthey
148. have been also conveyed to me and my said dear sister Honor and our heirs
149. and assigns as joint tenants and the same respectively will go and
150. belong to the survivor of us and to the heirs Executors administrators
151. and assigns respectively of such survivor now in case I should
152. happen to survive my said sister I hereby give devise and bequeath
153. the said Lands hereditaments and premises late Greadys and the said
154. Messuage Tenement Farm Lands and premises called Nurthey unto
155. the said Philip Broadmead his Executors and administrators for and during
156. the residue of the said lastly mentioned term of One thousand years In trust
157. nevertheless for my said dear Nephew William North Row his Executors
158. administrators and assigns but if my said Nephew shall happen to die
159. without having lawful issue living at his death or born in due time
160. after his decease then upon trust for Samuel North son of Samuel North
161. of Lydeard St Lawrence aforesaid his Executors administrators and assigns to
162. whom in that event I give devise and bequeath the same accordingly
163. and as to the said Tithes arising from and out of the same premises late Greadys
164. and the premises called Nurthey I give and devise the same in case I
165. should happen to survive my said dear sister as aforesaid unto my said
166. dear Nephew William North Row his heirs and assigns for ever but
167. if he shall happen to die without leaving issue living at his death or
168. born in due time after his decease then I give and devise the same last
169. mentioned Tithes unto the said Samuel North his heirs and assigns
170. for ever but subject nevertheless to and I do hereby charge and oblige
171. the said Freehold and Leasehold Tithes and hereditaments comprised
172. in the lastly preceding devise in favor of the said Samuel North with
173. payment of an annuity or clear yearly rent charge of seventy pounds free and
174. clear of all deductions for taxes or otherwise to commence upon the taking
175. effect in possession of the said devise in favor of the said Samuel North
176. and to be issuing out of the said Freehold and leasehold Tithes and
177. hereditaments comprised therein and be payable thenceforth by equal
178. quarterly payments to Anne North his eldest sister now living with him
179. at Nurthey for and during the term of her naturall life to whom I devise
180. the same accordingly with the power of distress for the recovery thereof
181. and the arrears and costs as is thereinbefore given with respect to the
182. annuities hereinbefore devised all the Rest Residue and Remainder of
183. my Messuages Tenements Lands hereditaments and real estate I give
184. and devise the same to such uses upon such trusts and to and for such
185. intents and purposes and with under and subject to such powers provisoes
186. charges and declarations as my said dear Sister Honor Kent shall in
187. any deed or deeds writing or writings with or without power of
188. revocation to be by her legally executed or by her last will and
189. Testament in writing or any writing in the nature of or purporting
190. to be her last will and Testament or any Codicil or Codicils thereto direct
191. limit or appoint give or devise the same and in default of and until
192. such direction limitation or appointment gift or devise shall be made
193. or take effect and so far as any such shall not extend to the use of my
194. said dear sister and her assigns for and during the term of her natural
195. life without impeachment of waste and from and immediately after the
196. determination of that estate or in case of her death in my lifetime
197. to the use of my said dear Nephew William North Row his heirs and
198. assigns for ever but if he should happen to die without leaving any
199. Issue living at his death or born in due time after his decease then I give
200. and devise all and singular the said last mentioned Messuages Tenements
201. Lands hereditaments and real estate to the said before named John North
202. and Samuel North son of Samuel North of Lydeard St Lawrence their
203. heirs and assigns for ever and as to all the Rest Residue and
204. Remainder of my Leasehold Messuages Tenements Lands hereditaments
205. and premises and as to all my copyhold or Customary estates Lands
206. hereditaments and premises and also all other my Goods Chattles rights
207. personal and Testamentary estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever subject
208. nevertheless to the payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary expences
209. and the costs and expences of proving this my will and of carrying the
210. same and the trusts thereof as they shall from time to time arise into effect I
211. give and bequeath the same unto the said Philip Broadmead his Executors
212. Administrators and assigns for and during all my term estates and interest
213. therein respectively upon trust nevertheless to transfer assign pay apply and
214. dispose of the same respectively unto such person and persons and in such
215. manner and for her own benefit or otherwise as my said dear Sister
216. Honor Kent shall from time to time by any such writing last Will and Testament
217. or Codicil respectively direct or appoint give devise or bequeath the same and
218. in default of and until any such shall be made and take effect and so far as
219. the same respectively shall not extend upon trust for my said dear Sister Honor
220. Kent for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately
221. after her decease or in case of her death in my lifetime in trust for
222. my said dear Nephew William North Row his Executors Administrators
223. and assigns but in case he shall happen to die without leaving lawful issue
224. living at his death or born in due time after his decease then in trust for
225. the said John North and Samuel North their Executors administrators and
226. assigns to whom in that event I give devise and bequeath the same and lastly
227. I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said dear Sister Honor Kent
228. and my said Trustee Philip Broadmead my Executrix and
229. Executor of this my last Will and Testament and after my said
230. dear Sister's decease I nominate constitute and appoint my said dear
231. Nephew William North Row together with my said Trustee Philip
232. Broadmead to be Executors whereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto
233. set my hand and seal the fourteenth day of September one thousand eight
234. hundred and forty Mary Kent
235. Signed Sealed published and declared (the erasure of a word and
236. seventy written thereon in the eleventh line of the second sheet and
237. the interlineation of the word and in the seventeenth line of the
238. third sheet being previously made by the said Mary Kent the
239. Testatrix as for and to be her last Will and Testament in the presence
240. of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each
241. other have subscribed our naes as witness there to
242. Wm Wood Timberscombe Joan Wood
243. Robt Clatworthy
244. Proved at London 11 Dec 1841 before the Judge by the oath
245. of Honor Kent Spinster the Sister (for lifetime of the Executors to whom
246. Admon was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer
247. power reserved of making the like grant to Philip Broadmead the other
248. Executor when he shall apply for the same.

Again nothing learned about my direct Kent family but this completes all the wills that I collected so I will not have to do them again! 

John Kent son of John/Elizabeth 15/2/1731 (of Luckham (Luccombe?))
Thomas Kent son of Thomas/Mary 5/8/1732 (of Luccombe)
James Burges of Stogumber married Elizabeth Kent of Luccombe 24/11/1729
Robert Kent son of John buried 12/6/1703 (of Luccombe)
John Kent son of John Kent buried 12/3/1729 (of Luccombe)
These interesting entries for Porlock with people coming there for various services from Luccombe. Especially interesting as I look back the will of Mary Kent, Spinster, Minehead probated in 1801. The individuals that she mentions in her will are baptized at Timberscombe but mentioned in those registers the familyis of Luccombe. So we have a Samuel Kent family at Luccombe, a Thomas Kent family at Luccombe and a John Kent family at Luccombe in the same time interval. Mention is made of my Siderfin family by one of the members of this family.

The Samuel Kent family at Luccombe/Timberscombe/Cutcombe is perhaps the most interesting with respect to my Kent family at Selworthy. No answers but a lot of interesting material.

Ancestry of Grace Kent:

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
3. John Routledge PINCOMBE (b 10 Sep 1872)- Lobo Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
4. William Robert PINCOMBE (b 11 Jun 1837)- Molland Devon England
5. Elizabeth (Betsey) REW (b 20 Dec 1801) - Selworthy Somerset England
6. Elizabeth (Betty) SIDERFIN (b 19 Jun 1759) - Selworthy Somerset England
7. Grace KENT (b 25 Sep 1729) - Selworthy Somerset England
8. John KENT

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