Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 2

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 2          1 Mar 2016

Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Family at North Molton
2.   Will of Johanne Pencombe
3.   yDNA study

1.   Pincombe Family at North Molton
North Molton Parish Records
(Fiche purchased from Devon Record Office)

Pincombe Henrye       son Pincombe    George  Dorothie 1602 Dec 19
Pincombe Thomas      son Pincombe    Thomas               1616 Mar   30
Pincombe William son Pincombe Thomas     Joan          1639 Mar   31
Pincombe Thomas son Pincombe Thomas   Joan         1641 Apr    14
Pincombe Richarde son Pincome         Thomas     Joan          1644 Nov   10
Pincombe John son Pincome Thomas          Joan          1644 Nov   10
Pincombe Frances dau Pincome Bartholomew Frances         1647 Dec   12
Pincombe Robart son Pincombe Thomas     Joan          1648 Jan   21
Pincombe Richorde dau Pincombe Bartholomew Joan 1649 Feb   19
Pincombe John son Pincombe    Bartholomew     Joane 1654 Nov 27
Pincombe Thomas son Pincombe Thomas                      1670 Oct   18
Pincombe Mary daughter Pincombe Thomas        Agnis 1677 Apr  8
Pincombe Joane dau Pincombe William       Johane      1681 Oct   11
Pincombe William son Pincombe William       Joane        1683 Sep   18
Pincombe John son Pincombe    William       Joane        1685 Oct   27
Pincombe John son Pincombe    John          Elizabeth   1686 Mar   30
Pincombe Robert son Pincombe William       Joane        1687 May  5
Pincombe Thomas son Pincombe John        Elizabeth   1688 Jul    11
Pincombe Elizabeth dau Pincombe      John Elizabeth   1689 Jul    20
Pincombe Richard son Pincombe         Richard     Thomzine  1695 Feb   21
Pincombe William son Pincombe                    Thomazine         1699 Aug   25
Groom Pincombe
Pyncombe John Hodge        Emet 1560 Jul    1
Pyncombe William       Gregorye   Margret     1564 Nov   26
Pincombe  Thomas     Smith         Joan 1635 Apr    28
Pincombe  William       Cole  Joane        1674 Feb   9
Pincombe  William       Mooreman Mary 1689 Sep   24
Bride Pincombe
__ydon       Phillip        Pincumbe  Margret     1539 Nov   15
Locke        William       Pyncombe Ales  1561 Nov   29
Squire        William       Pyncombe Margerett  1567 May  26
Squire        George      Pyncombe Mary 1567 Jul    20
Holloway Richard Pincombe        Thomazine         1688 Jan   3
Mallary      Nicholas Pincombe    Mrs. Temperance        1681 Jun   9
Pyncombe Marye        daughter   Pyncombe John          1555 Dec   7
Pyncombe Marye        daughter   Pyncombe John          1563 Feb   3
Pyncombe Elizabeth   wife  Pyncombe William                1563 Feb   18
Pyncombe William                                                       1564 Sep   13
Pyncombe William                                                       1565 Mar   25
Pyncombe Thomas                                                     1651 Dec   8
Pincomb    Joan                                                 1633 Jan   15              
Pincomb    William                                                       1637 Jan   29              
Pincombe  George                                                      1610 Jan   19              
Pincombe  Dorothie    widow                                              1610 Feb   2                
Pincombe  William son         Pincombe  Thomas     Katherine  1624 Dec   7                
Pincombe  Katherine  wife  Pincombe  Thomas               1636 Feb   5                
Pincombe  Elizabeth                                                   1645 Oct   13              
Pincombe  Bartholomew                                                     1656 Dec   24              
Pincombe  Richorde   dau   Pincombe  Bartholomew Joan 1657 May 21          
Pincombe  Frances dau Pincombe Bartholomew (deceased) Joane        1657 May          27              
Pincombe  Thomas     son   Pincombe  Thomas     1670 Dec   2                
Pincombe  John                                                 1673 Apr    5                
Pincombe  Robert                                                       1678 Jan   31              
Pincombe  Thomas                                                     1682 Aug   8                
Pincombe  John son   Pincombe  William       Joane        1685 Dec   12              
Pincombe  Robert       son   Pincombe  William       Joane 1687 Nov 5                
Pincombe  Thomas     son   Pincombe  John Elizabeth  1688 Jul    14              
Pincombe  Joane        wife  Pincombe  William                1688 Jul    25              
Pincombe  William       son   Pincombe  William       Joane 1688 Jan 31              
Pincombe  John                                                 1689 Jan   9                
Pincombe  Joane        widow                                              1690 Apr    6                
Pincombe  Elizabeth   wife  Pincombe  Richard      1693 Jul    2       of East Buckland

Will of Johanne Pencombe
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/76 - Image reference 242/207
Place: East Buckland, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 7 May 1563
Condition: photocopy, bold, old English writing
[In margin] T[estator] Johanne Pencombe

1    In the name of God, Amen.  In the yeare
2    of our Lord God one thousand fyve hundred sixtie three and in the seaventh daie
3    of Maye That I Johane Pencombe widdowe of Est Buckland beinge of whole mynde
4    and in good remembrance (lauded be god) make and ordaine this my last will and
5    testament in this manner and forme followinge First I bequeathe my soule unto
6    allmightie God and my bodie to be buried in the Churche of Est Buckland there Item
7    I bequeath unto Richard Pencombe my sonne twentie poundes And to his sonne a
8    heafer of three yeares of age. Item I bequeath to John Locke my sonne in Law nyne
9    poundes. Item I bequeath to John Pencombe my sonne nyne poundes And to his
10    daughter a heafer. Item I bequeath to John Jasse my sonne in Lawe nyne poundes
11    Item I bequeath to John Jasse the younger six poundes thirteene shillings four pence
12    Item to Anne Takle twentie shillings Item to Amye Rolle six shillings eight pence
13    Item to Roberte Hollaniore a yearlinge Item to Thomas Hichton a ewe. Item to everie
14    of my Children's Children five shillinges eight pence. Item unto every of my godchildren
15    twelve pence apeece. Item to the poore twentie shillings. The residue of all my goodes
16    and everie parte thereof as well moveable as unmoveable not gyven nor bequeathed I give
17    and bequeath unto William Pencombe my sonne whome I make my executor and he to
18    bestowe it as he seemeth best And alsoe I devise and ordaine Sir John Taye John Hartill
19    and Richard Lympstable to be my overseers and wittnesses of this my last will and Testament
21    Probatum fuit Testamentum
22    Suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili, viro mag[ist]ro Will[iel]mo Levin Legium
23    Doctore ad exercend officium magisteri custodis sive Comissarii Curie Prerogative
24    Cant ltime deputat vicesimo tertio die mensis Octobris Anno Domini millesimo quin
25    Nonagesimo Juramento Thome Redman notary public procuratoris Willi[a]m Pencombe filii of
26    Executoris in h[uius]mo[d]i testamento nominat Qui commissa fuit administerato bonorum iurium et creditorum
27    Dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administerand ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat

3.      yDNA Study
The yDNA Study for the Pincombe/Pinkham family continues to be an evolving study with a few new people having joined with autosomal results. With five descendants of the Robert Pincombe/Elizabeth Rowcliffe currently in the study it is possible to link individuals to the Bishops Nympton Pincombe family if they match any or all of these individuals.

I will report at a longer length in the next newsletter which will be published the 1st of June 2016.

Any material which you may wish to submit for the newsletter can be sent to


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