Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 3, 2016

                                                           Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 3

Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of Willyam Pincombe, East Buckland, 20 Dec 1602
3.   yDNA study

When the present researcher for the Pincombe/Pinkham Family at the Guild of one-name studies decided to take on her mother’s surname, another team of researchers had just given up the study of the Pincombe/Pinkham surname. Galen Pinkham of the United States of America and Dr. Richard Pinkham of Gloucestershire, England had over a period of fifty years acquired a great deal of information on various Pincombe and Pinkham family lines both in England and in the United States of America. In order to preserve their study they produced several items which were then lodged with the Society of Genealogists. One of these items was a series of family trees on Bristol board sized sheets; a second item was a computer printout (hundreds of pages) of all their accumulated computerized data and a third item was transcriptions of Pincombe wills held at the Exeter Record Office in Devon, England. The last item was particularly lucky as these records were later destroyed in the WWII bombing of the Exeter Record Office. Over the next couple of years I will insert one of these charts into each newsletter. Although I am not always in agreement with the charts, they do accumulate a lot of information on the family in particular locations. The first chart I will enter will be the one that includes my own Pincombe line. It has been attached to the wrong couple but a few lines can correct that. One purpose in reproducing these charts is the hope that descendants of some of the other lines will also recognize any errors or omissions and thus make the task of creating new charts much easier.

My line at Bishops Nympton has been attached to Thomas Pincombe (fifth child of John Pincombe and Mary Charlie) and it should be attached to Robert Pincombe (fourth child of John Pincombe and Mary Charlie). I also do not agree that the parents of John Pincombe married to Mary Charlie were John Pincombe and Catherine Bryer. I believe that John’s parents were John Pincombe and Grace Manning. Further back John married to Grace Manning was more likely the son of William Pincombe and Mary Vicary (William being a brother of the Thomas Pincombe listed married to Christian) with that William being the eldest son of John Pincombe and Johane Blackmoore. More on the descent further back later.
1.   Will of Willyam Pincombe of East Buckland, Devon, dated 20th December 1602; probated 13 Jul 1605
Willyam Pincombe and his wife Emotte Snow, according to their wills, had seven sons and two daughters: William, Symon, Johane, Katherin, Richard, Thomas, Lewis, Peter, John. The children are listed as their names occur in the will and does not indicate necessarily birth order. This will is available for download on the National Archives of the United Kingdom website:
or can also be viewed on the Ancestry website (subscription).
[Margin] T[estator] Will[yam Pyncombe
1      In the name of God, Amen.  The Eighte and
2      Twentithe day of december in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Sixe hundreth
3      and two I Willyam Pyncombe the elldest of Easte bucklande in the countie of Devon yeoman
4      beinge of perfecte remembrance (thanks be unto Allmightie God) do make and ordayne this
5      my laste will and Testamente in manner and forme followinge.  Firste I bequeathe my
6      soule unto Allmightie God.  And my bodie to be buried within the Churche or Churchyard
7      of East Bucklande aforesaid.  Item I give and bequeathe unto the poore of the parish of East
8      Bucklande aforesaid Three Shillings foure pence.  And toward the rep[ar]a[t]ion of the parish Churche
9      there Three shillings foure pence.  Item I give and bequeathe unto the poore of Southmolton
10   Tenne Shillings.  And unto the poore of Northmolton Tenne shillings.  Item I give and bequeathe
11   unto Willyam Pyncombe my sonne Sixe pounds thirteene Shillings foure pence.  Item I give
12   and bequeathe unto my saide sonne Willyam Pyncombe my greate tableboord whiche standeth in
13   my hall, the cubborde in the same hall, and the seelinge of the saide halle, my beste fetherbedd
14   performed and all my ploughe stuff, to have and enioye the same presentlie after the decrease or
15   nexte maryinge of his mother. Item I give and bequeathe unto Symon Pyncombe my sonne (if he
16   bee nowe lyvinge and do returne againe into this Realme of Englande) Tenne pounds. And I doe
17   praye his mother to have further consideration of him. Item I give and bequeathe unto Johane
        [Page 2]
18   Johan Pyncombe my daughter Fiftie pounds.  Item I do give and bequeathe unto Katheren Pyncombe
19   my daughter Fiftie pounds.  Item whereas I have and houlde by the demise and grannte of John Davy
20   gentleman deceased to me my executor and assignes for terme of Fourescore and nyneteene yeares fullie
21   to be compleate and ended, if Symon Pyncombe, Richard Pyncombe and Thomas Pyncombe my sonnes
22   so longe lyve, or anie of them so longe lyve, all that the hall of the Tenement and Barton commonlie
23   called Over Mollande Sarazin, the entire, and house adioyning to the northe part of the said halle
24   the chambers over the saide halle and the house within the said halle, one chamber over the said house
25   and the shippinge in the easte part of the saide house. And all that parte or por[t]ion of the Towne
26   place there which is lymitted and appointed by mearts and bondes, the garden by southe the yokinge
27   house. One close of lands called the Southedowne, one other close of lande called the bottoms close
28   and dyvers other closes platts and quilletts of lande, meadowe, woods, wayes and other hereditam[en]ts
29   within the appurtenances in Northmolton in the countie aforesaid, as by a deed indented whose date
30   is the nyneteenthe daye of September in the foure and twentithe yeare of the Queenes ma[jes]ties
31   raigne that nowe is more plainelie as large yf dothe and maie appear. I do geve and bequeathe
32   unto Lewes Pyncombe and Peter Pyncombe my sonnes their executors and assigns all & singuler
33   my rights, tytle,  estate, intereste and terme of yeares whiche shal[l ]be to come and unexpired of their
34   foresaid terme at the tyme of my deathe of and in all and singuler the foresaid house, landes, tenem[en]ts
35   closes, meadows, curtelages, woods, Quillettes and parcelles of lands and meadows w[i]th all & singuler
36   their appurtenances, and everye parte and parcell thereof contayned in the foresaid deed, indented
37   excepted suche parte of the houses, closes of lande, meadowe, curtilages, woods, quilletts, and parcelles of
38   lands and meadows with the appurtenances contayned in the foresaid recited deed indented, as before this
39   tyne I have by deed wrytinge geven, grannted, assigned and sette over to John Pyncombe my sonne
40   his executors and assigns. To have and to houlde all and singuler the aforesaid houses, closes of
41   Lands, meadowes, curtilages, woods, quilletts, and parcelles of lands and meadows withe their appurtenances
42   (excepte before excepted) unto the said Lewes Pyncombe And Peter Pyncombe my sonnes their executors
43   and assignes from the daie of my deathe untill the expira[t]ion and end of the same terme of fouerscore
44   and nyneteene yeares, yeeldinge, performenge and doinge as I my executors and assignes are bounde by the
45   afore recited deed indented to yeelde, do and performe. And my meanenge is that my executors shall
46   freelie have and take all suche corne in and uppon the premisses afore geven and bequeathed as shal[l ]be
47   in the Earthe at the tyme of my deathe or decease withoute payenge any thinge for the standinge
48   thereof Item I geve and bequeathe unto my saide sonne Peter Pyncombe Tenne poundes Allso
49   I geve and bequeathe unto my foresaid two sonnes Lewes and Peter all my pewter vessells w[hi]ch
50   are marcked w[i]th W and P equallie to be devided betwixt them ymediatlie after the deathe or next
51   maryage of their mother. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Elizabeth Colliscotte the daughter of John
52   Colliscotte deceased fortye shillings to be employed to the beste use for her untill she accomplishe one
53   and twentie yeares of age by my sonnes Willyam Pyncombe and John Pyncombe And then to be payde her
54   by them withe the proffytte thereof (if her be lyvinge) otherwise to remaine and be by even and
55   equall por[t]ions unto my two sonnes Willyam and John Item I geve and bequeathe unto my brother
56   Richarde Pyncombe Thirtie shillinges Item I geve and bequeathe unto Thomas Pyncombe
57   sonne of my brother Richarde Pyncombe Tenne shillinges and an ewe and a lambe Item I geve
58   and bequeathe unto Willyam Pyncombe, John Pyncombe and Marye Pyncombe the chilldren of
59   my sonne John Pyncombe twentie shillings equallie to be divided amongste them Item I geve
60   bequeathe unto Willyam Pyncombe sonne of Richard Pyncombe my sonne Sixe shillings eighte
61   pence Item I geve unto Willyam Hutche one ewe sheepe Item I geve unto Anne Bushton
62   Agnes Busheton the daughter of Thomas Busheton to either of them a lambe Item I geve and
63   bequeathe unto everie of my god chilldren sixe pence a peece. The residue of all my goods moveable
64   unmoveable I geve and bequeathe unto Emott Pyncombe my wife whom I ordayn and make my
65   Executrix of this my presente Testamente and laste will. And I do ordayne and make overseers
66   of this my presente Testamente & laste will my lovinge sonnes Willyam Pyncombe and John
67   Pyncombe and my lovinge neigheboure Anthony Widlake alias Brailey whom I do desier to see
68   this my laste will and Testamente in all thinges performed accordinge to my entente and
69   meanenge In wytnes whereof the saide Willyam Pyncombe the elldeste have hereunto sette
70   my signe the daie and yeare before saide in presence of those whose names are hereunder wrytten
        [Page 3]
71   Signed Will[ia]m Pyncombe the elldeste wytnesses hereunto Willyam Pyncombe Thomas
72   Busheton
73    Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testamentum apud
74    London decimo tertio die mensis Julij Anno domini millesimo Sexcentesimo Quinte coram
75    magistro will[el]imo Birde Legum doctore curie Prerogative cantuariensis magistri custodis
76 sive commissario l[egi]time constituti Iuramento Emmotte Pyncombe Relicte dicti defuncti et
77    Executricis in Testamento pred nominati commissa fuit Administracio bonorum, iurium et
78    creditorum eiusdem defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando etc als virtuto commissionis inhar(?) p[ar]te
79    emanate ad sancta dei Evangelia l[egi]time Jurat etc
William did an excellent job of listing his children, grandchildren, siblings and their children. More on this particular line later (and this is my line at Bishops Nympton; he names his son Richard with a son William).
2.   yDNA study
Although I mentioned in the last newsletter I would have more information on the yDNA study I think that I will talk about this particular set of markers which is carried by the Pincombe family in North Devon. I will not yet discuss the yDNA markers for the other groups within the study.
I still do not have any ideas on there being several distinct lines of Pincombe/Pinkham.
Finding that one Pinkham/Pincombe line that is not part of my line directly but has been in the United States for over three hundred years was very interesting. However, at this point I have not yet discovered the emigrant ancestor of this line.
The markers for the North Devon Pincombe family belong to the Western Atlantic Modal Haplotype (WAMH). What we do know about this particular haplotype is that it exists in very high frequency in the British Isles. This haplotype precedes the Roman occupation of Britain. This haplotype represents 70% of males in England which interests me because Pincombe appears to be an old English surname.

Any material which you may wish to submit for the newsletter can be sent to

Elizabeth Kipp,
Guild of one-name studies, #4600

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