Sunday, February 5, 2017

Will of Anne Susannah Blake, widow, late of Croydon, Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/1583, probated 8 Aug 1816

The testator Anne Susannah Blake is the mother of Arthur Garland Blake (and Edward Parker Blake) and his will was blogged on the 3rd of February 2017.

Anne Susannah Garland was married to Arthur Blake (10th great grandson of Richard Caddell alias Blake and founder of the Galway Blake family).

Arthur Blake from the website 

Arthur Blake born about 1745 youngest son of Andrew Blake of St Kitts by Marcella French of Ireland. His elder brother Patrick (History of Parliament 1742-1784) was MP for Sudbury and created a baronet in 1772, died 1.7.1784. Arthur Blake Esq 7.5.1763 Capt 86th regt from Lt 17th regt. / 21.1.1768 Capt Lt 3rd dragoons./ 6.12.1774 Arthur Blake Esq formerly of Conduit St but late of Quevilly Normandy, fugitive, surrendered to Kings Bench Prison / 11.2.1775 at St Geo Martyr Southwark (the parish of Kings Bench) AB Esq married Anne Susannah Garland. Their son Arthur Garland Blake bapt 6.9.1779 St Marylebone, son Edward Parker Blake bapt 1.9.1782 there (9.8.1782 newspaper announcement of birth at AB's house Holles St, Cavendish Sq) / Sun Fire Insurance 1777 Arthur Blake Esq nr Opera House Haymarket / 1779 Arthur Blake gent Charlinch Somerset  / 1781 Arthur Blake Esq Boddington Surrey / 11.1.1783 Capt Arthur Blake from half pay of 100th regt to Capt in Major Symes corps of foot  28.1.1783 exchanges / 1787 memoirs of miss Ann Sheldon vol 3  p60 Mr Arthur and Mr Kit Blake / 12.2.1789 Arthur Blake of Langham offered to stand for Sudbury / 27.5.1790 bandeleer taken from Bastille by person who arrested De Launay presented to Leverian museum by Arthur Blake / 21.11.1792 contributed to France fund of Socy for Const Info  / 1.6.1793 Leeward Is to Falmouth 40 days passenger & servant / 24.1.1794 proposed SCI member / 2.5.1794 steward at SCI dinner / 14.6.1794 ordered to Privy Council  / 23.6.1794 letter to Morning Chronicle from Devonshire St, Portland Place / 16.10.1794 on witness list treason trials  /  4.2.1795 steward of Friends of Freedom dinner / 2.4.1795 subscr 10gns to state trials defence fund / 14.4.1796 portrait of Capt Arthur Blake by Sir Joshua Reynolds for sale  / 23.5.1796 offered to stand for Sudbury again / 28.6.1796 steward for Tooke's Westminster campaign dinner / 5.10.1796 steward of Friends of Freedom dinner / 18.3.1797 steward of Friends of Parliamentary Reform dinner / 27.6.1798 W Barber Collingwood's Chambers, Grays inn, ad for creditors of Arthur Blake / 28.1.1802 Arthur Blake's neat house in Mortimer St purchased  / 6.12.1806 lately at his lodgings in Bath aged 61 Arthur Blake died / 1808 PCC will of Arthur Blake of Pemblain, Glamorgan / 1815 PCC will of Arthur Garland Blake (Madras civil servant from 1798)

Mentioned in this website is the will of Arthur Blake probated 8 Mar 1808 under the caption “Will of Arthur Blake of Pemblain, Glamorganshire.”   I will blog Arthur Blake’s will tomorrow.

The will of Sir Patrick Blake (mentioned in the will below) was probated in 1819 and will be completed with the Suffolk wills including that of his father Sir Patrick Blake in 1784.

Names mentioned in the will:

Anne Susannah (Garland) Blake, the testatrix
Arthur Garland Blake, son
Edward Parker Blake, son
Ann Mason, servant
William Adair, relation
Peak Garland, cousin
Sir Patrick Blake, Baronet of Langham, Suffolk, brother in law
Annabella Adeane, niece
Robert Jones Adeane, husband of legatee
Camilla Anne Adair, daughter of William Adair, god daughter
Elizabeth Anne Garland, daughter of Peak Garland, niece, god daughter
Geo Fiere, witness
Benjm Currey, witness
Robert Walters, witness
Abell Ray Oakes, witness
Thomas Nine, witness
Jno Haddock, witness

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1583
Name of testator: Anne Susannah Blake, Widow
Place: late of Croydon, Surrey
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 4 Feb 1809, probated 8 Aug 1816

[In margin] Anne Susannah Blake 14

1    This is the last Will and
2    Testament of me Anne Susannah Blake late of Croydon
3    in the County of Surrey Widow I give and bequeath all real and
4    personal Estate I may be possessed of after my just debts and
5    Funeral expences are paid and except the legacies herein after
6    mentioned to Arthur Garland and Edward Parker Blake Esquires
7    my two Sons and to their respective heirs Executors and Admors
8    share and share alike but this bequest is to have no effect upon
9    or interference with the disposition of twelve thousand and thirty
10    pounds two shillings Four pounds per Cent Stock lately ordered by the
11    Court of Chancery to be transferred into the joint names of myself
12    and my said two sons as I particularly desire to confirm that disposal
13    of that Stock made by me by Deed Poll bearing date the twenty
14    third day of February 1787 I give and bequeath to my dear Son Arthur
15    Garland Blake my Gold repeating Watch and Chain and Seals
16    ornamented with Diamonds made by Gregson a Paris also my
17    Fathers and my Grand Mother Garlands portraits in Miniature in
18    Enamel painted by Zins also my figure in Ivory of Venus the  cherub
19    by Cupid by Belleteste a Dieppe with the two Glass Cases thereunto
20    belonging I give and bequeath Two hundred pounds free of any
21    Tax duty or deduction to Ann Mason my Servant as a very small
22    reward for her faithful Service and should she be living with me at
23    the time of my death then I give her all my wearing apparel
24    of every kind whatsoever which shall be then made up free of
25    Legacy Tax duty or deduction and I do hereby appoint my dear
26    Son Arthur Garland Blake my Sole Executor and in case of his
27    death in my lifetime or before he shall have proved this my Will
28    then I appoint my dear Son Edward Parker Blake my Sole Exor
29    and in the event of his death also in my lifetime then I
30    appoint my Relations William Adair of Heatherton Park in
31    Somersetshire Esquire and Peak Garland of Michaelstone Hall
32    in Essex Esquire to be my Executors and in case of my death
33    during the absence from this County of such of my said Sons
34    as shall be entitled to the same Executorship then I appoint the
35    said William Adair and Peak Garland to be my Executors until
36    such time as one of my said Sons according to the appointment
37    aforesaid or some person or persons by then duly authorized shall
38    be admitted to prove this my Will in the proper Ecclesiastical
39    Court but no longer or otherwise and in case which God forbid
40    I should survive both my Sons and from that great distance
41    of India I should not have learnt these Melancholy could before
42    my own death or made any other disposition of whatever property
43    I may derive from then then and in such case I will and direct
44    that whatever property I may so derive shall be disposed
45    of as follows that is to say I give and bequeath thereout to Sir
46    Patrick Blake Baronet of Langham in the County of Suffolk
47    and to Mrs Annabella Adeane Wife of Robert Jones Adeane
48    Squire of Babraham Hall Cambridgeshire in Testimony of
49    my affectionate regard to them the sum of one thousand pounds
50    each and I direct my Executors further to pay thereout to the said
51    Ann Mason an annuity of fifty pounds during her natural life
52    by quarterly payments and in case of her Marriage I will that
53    the same be secured for her sole and separate use independently
54    of her husband and in the event of my Surviving both my said
55    Sons as aforesaid I give and bequeath all the residue of my
56    property as well what I may desire from my said Sons as what
57    I may be otherwise possessed of in equal portions to my two God daurs
58    Miss Camilla Anne Adair daughter to the before named William
59    Adair and Miss Eliza Anne Garland daur of the before named
60    Peak Garland In Witness whereof I the said Anne Susannah
61    Blake the Testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament
62    and to a Duplicate thereof each contained in three Sheets of
63    paper set my hand and Seal that is to say my hand to the two
64    first Sheets and my hand and Seal to this third last sheet thereof
65    the Fourth day of February in the year of our Lord 1809 Anne
66    Susannah Blake Signed Sealed published and declared
67    by the above named Anne Susannah Blake as her last Will
68    and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and
69    in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as
70    Witnesses thereto Geo Fiere Benjm Currey Robert Walters
71    Survius
72    This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me
73    Anne Susannah Blake late of Croydon in the County of
74    Surrey but now of Redgrave in the County of Suffolk Widow
75    Whereas I have by my said Will bearing date the fourth day of
76    February in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred
77    and nine give and bequeathed one thousand pounds to Sir
78    Patrick Blake Baronet of Langham and Bury St Edmunds
79    in the County of Suffolk in certain events and Cotingencies
80    in my said Will expressed I do hereby revoke and make null and
81    void this said Legacy as though I had never made such bequest
82    not from any difference with or want of regard to the said
83    Sir Patrick Blake Baronet but from events having arisen that
84    prevent my making such a bequest Nevertheless I
85    appoint the said Sir Patrick Blake Baronet one of the Exors
86    of my said Will jointly with William Adair of Heatherton Park
87    in the County of Somerset and Peak Garland of Michaelstowe Hall in
88    the County of Essex Esquires for the same and like purposes and
89    with the same and like powers as by my said Will are given
90    given to them and I do hereby give and bequeath to each of
91    every of them the sum of one hundred pounds in testimony
92    of my friendship and esteem and I confirm my legacies of Two
93    hundred pounds and of my wearing apparel to my faithful
94    Servant Ann Mason free of any Tax Duty or deduction and I do
95    hereby further augment and increase the annuity that I have
96    bequeathed in certain events or contingencies in my said Will
97    expressed to the aforesaid Ann Mason during her natural life
98    to Two hundred pounds per annum subject to the same conditions
99    and restrictions as the fifty pounds per annum bequeathed her
100    in my said Will bearing date the fourth day of February in
101    the year of our Lord 1809 In Witness I have to this writing
102    written on one Sheet of paper which I declare to be a Codicil
103    to my Will set and put my hand and Seal this third day of
104    May in the year of our Lord 1814 Anne Susannah Blake
105    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Anne Susannah
106    Blake as and for a Codicil to her Will in the presence of us
107    who in her presence at her request and in the presence of
108    each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses Abell Ray
109    Oakes Banke of Bury St Edmonds Suffolk Thos Nine of
110    Bury St Edmunds Clerk to Messrs Oakes and Son Jno Haddock of
111    Bury St Edmunds Clerk to Messrs Oakes and Son
112    Proved at London with a Codicil 8th  August 1816 before the
113    Worshipful John Daubery Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of
114    Edward Parker Blake Esquire the Son the Sole Exor to whom Admon
115    was granted being first sworn duly to administer Arthur Garland Blake
116    Esquire the Son also an Executor named in the said Will having
117    died in the lifetime of the Testatrix as by Acts of Court appear

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