Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Will of Thomas Blake, Esquire, late of the Colony of British Guiana, now of No 10 King Street, Saint James, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/2187, probated 2 Mar 1854

The testator, Thomas Blake, appears on the 1851 Census of England living on King Street, Saint James Westminster, Middlesex. He is a lodger with the Charles Sherburn family whom he mentions in his will below. Thomas is said to be born in Aberdeen and was 72 years of age in 1851 so born circa 1779. He identifies his sister as Elizabeth Morison and the marriage lines found on Scotlands People gives her father as John Blake.

William Morrison and Elizabeth Blake were married 7 May 1825 at Saint Nicholas Blotter and Scroll, Aberdeen, Scotland and she was the daughter of John Blake. Louisa Blake Morison was baptized 2 Mar 1832 at Aberdeen daughter of William Morison and Elizabeth Blake (she is mentioned in the will below and does help to show that this is the sister of the testator). On the 1851 census Elizabeth gives her place of birth as Aberdeen and her birth year circa 1795.

A search of Scotlands People revealed a baptism for Elizabeth Blake daughter of John Blake and Elizabeth Jaffrey 3 Feb 1796 at Bolton. Continuing with the search there was a John Blake baptized 5 Sep 1776 at Bolton son of John Blake and Hellen Begbie. Bolton is a hamlet in East Lothian Scotland and is about 20 miles east of Edinburgh. It is 149 miles from Bolton to Aberdeen. Interesting to find but not helpful at the moment. No Thomas was found baptized in Aberdeen.

From a set of marriage transcriptions “Persons Affiliated w/B. Guiana in British Newspapers, Marriages”

Aldrich-Morison marriage: At St Martins in the Fields, on the 30th ult, by the Rev F W B Bouverie, incumbent of St. Paul’s Aberdeen, assisted by the Rev W G Humphrey, BD, vicar, the Rev Frederich James Aldrich, MA, curate of Chingford and formerly of St Martins in the Fields to Louise Blake Morison, sole surviving child of the late William Morison, Esquire, of Aberdeen, and niece of the late Thomas Blake, Esquire, of Vive la Force, British Guiana, 9 Aug 1862. A daughter of this marriage Dame Louisa Brandreth Aldrich-Blake, DBE, was one of the first British women to enter the world of medicine.

There was a marriage of Alexander Foxcroft Ridgway, bachelor of St James Westminster to Jane Gray, spinster, by licence the 14th of August 1824 at St George Hanover Square. Alexander Foxcroft Ridgway was an accountant in Leicester Square. This was possibly the connection as I can not see anything else that might connect this family with the testator.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 31 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/2187
Name of testator: Thomas Blake, Esquire
Place: late of the Colony of British Guiana, now of No 10 King Street, Saint James, Middlesex
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 4 Feb 1853, probated 2 Mar 1854

[In margin] Thomas Blake, Esquire 96

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Thomas Blake late of the Colony of British Guiana but now
3    of No 10 King Street Saint James’s in the County of Middlesex Esquire
4    whereby I give and bequeath out of my ready money To the Poors fund
5    of Demerary in the Colony aforesaid One hundred Spanish dollars and
6    out of the trust monies hereinafter provided the following Legacies that
7    is to say To Dr James Brown Gibson Surgeon of her Majesty 11th and
8    Regiment of Light Dragoons Lancers and to my Sister Elizabeth Morison
9    the wife of William Morison of the City of Aberdeen North Britain the
10    sum of One hundred pounds Sterling each To Jane the wife of Alexander
11    Foxcroft Ridgway of Leicester Square in the County of Middlesex Gentleman
12    the sum of Five hundred pounds Sterling for her sole and separate use
13    independently and exclusively of her now present or any future husband
14    and without being subject to his debts control interference or engagements
15    and so that the receipt of the said Jane Ridgway alone whether covert
16    or sole shall be a sufficient discharge for the same To Mary Sherburn
17    the wife of Charles Sherburn of No 10 King Street Saint James aforesaid
18    the sum of Three hundred pounds for her sole and separate use independently
19    and exclusively of her now present or any future husband and without
20    being subject to his debts control interference or engagements and so that
21    the receipt of the said Mary Sherborn alone whether covert or sole
22    shall be a sufficient discharge for the same To Charles Stewart Parker
23    and William Robertson Sandbach of the firm of Sandbach Tinne and
24    Company Exchange Buildings Liverpool Merchants the sum of One
25    hundred pounds Sterling each as some renumeration to them for the
26    trouble they may be put to in their execution of the trusts of this my will
27    I give and devise all my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever including
28    copyhold or customary messuages lands and tenements and chattels real of
29    or to which I am now or at the time of my death shall be seized or
30    entitled either at law or in equity or of which I have power to dispose by
31    this my Will unto and to the use of the said Charles Stewart Parker and
32    William Robertson Sandbach their heirs executors administrators and
33    assigns according to the nature and tenure thereof Upon trust that they the
34    said Charles Stewart Parker and William Robertson Sandbach and the
35    survivor of them and the heirs executors or administrators of such survivor
36    their or his assigns do and shall when and as they or he shall in their
37    absolute and uncontrolled discretion see fit absolutely sell and dispose of my
38    said real estate either entire and altogether or in parcels and either by
39    Public Auction or private Contract with power to buy in and to rescind any
40    Contract for Sale of the said premises or any part thereof and to resell the
41    same without being answerable for any loss which may be occasioned
42    thereby and also with power to insert any special or other stipulations in
43    any Contract for a Conditions of Sale either as to title or evidence of title or
44    otherwise and with power to enter into make execute do and perform all
45    Contracts Agreements Conveyances Assurances Acts deeds and charges for
46    effectuating such Sale or Sales as may be necessary or expedient and do
47    and shall stand possessed of and interested in the purchase money to arise
48    from such Sale or Sales as aforesaid upon and for the trusts intents and
49    purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisos and declarations
50    hereinafter declared expressed and contained of and concerning the same I
51    give and bequeath all the money securities or money stocks funds and other
52    Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever of or to which I am now
53    at the time of my death shall be possessed or entitled either at law or in
54    equity for any estate of which I can dispose by this my will (except chattels
55    real included in the said devise of real estate unto the said Charles
56    Stewart Parker and William Robertson Sandbach their executors
57    administrators and assigns Upon trust that they the said Charles Stewart
58    Parker and William Robertson Sandbach and the survivor of them and
59    the executors or administrators of such survivor their or his assigns do and
60    shall at their or his absolute discretion as to such parts of my said personal
61    estate as shall consist of securities for money stocks of funds either permit
62    the same to remain on their then actual state of investment or when and
63    as they or he shall see fit call in sell dispose of and convert into money such
64    parts and all other my personal estate as shall not consist of ready money
65    and do and shall stand possessed of the monies to arise from such calling
66    in the disposition and conversion into money and of the ready money of
67    which I shall be possessed at the time of my death Upon and for the
68    trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to the power
69    provisos and declarations hereinafter expressed declared and contained of
70    and concerning the same And I do direct further declare that the said
71    Charles Stewart Parker and William Robertson Sandbach and the survivor
72    of them and the heirs executors or administrators of such survivor their or
73    his assigns do and shall stand possessed of the monies to arise from the sale
74    or sales of the said real and personal estate hereinbefore created to be
75    respectively sole disposed of called in and converted into money and of the
76    said Stocks funds and securities which shall be permitted to remain in
77    their then actual state of investment and of the ready money of which I
78    shall be possessed at the time of my death Upon trust that they the said
79    Charles Stewart Parker and William Robertson Sandbach and the survivor
80    of them and the heirs executors or administrators of such survivor their
81    or his assigns do and shall with and out of such part of the said monies as
82    shall have arisen from the Sale or Sales of real estate or personal Estate
83    savouring of real estate exclusively and in exoneration of such part of
84    my personal Estate as shall not savour of real estate pay satisfy and
85    discharge all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences and the
86    costs and expences incurred in and about the sale or sales calling in and
87    conversion into money as aforesaid or otherwise in relation to the trusts
88    aforesaid and the several pecuniary legacies given by this my Will and
89    which I may give by any Codicil to this my Will or by any Testamentary
90    disposition whatsoever and do and shall lay out and invest the residue
91    of all the said monies which shall remain after answering the purposes
92    aforesaid in the monies or name of them the said Charles Stewart Parker
93    and William Robertson Sandbach or the survivor of them or the
94    executors or administrators of such survivor their or his assigns
95    (after called the said Trustees or Trustee) in the Parliamentary Stocks or
96    Public funds of Great Britain or at interest on Government or real
97    Securities in England Wales or Ireland but not in Scotland or on shares
98    bonds debentures or securities of any Canal Dock or _____ Railway
99    Company in England Wales or Ireland for which an Act of Parliament
100    shall have been obtained or in any Public Company carrying on
101    business in England Wales or Scotland and being a Corporation under or
102    by virtue of any Act or Acts of Parliament now or hereafter to be in force
103    and do and shall from time to time alter vary and transpose the said
104    trust monies so to be laid out and invested as last aforesaid and the stocks
105    funds and securities in which the same shall be laid out and invested and
106    also the stocks funds and securities which the said trustees or trustee may
107    think it desirable to continue as aforesaid for or into any other such stocks
108    funds or securities as hereinbefore mentioned or referred to at their or his
109    discretion such trusts or powers for the investment and change in the invest-
110    ment of the said trust monies nevertheless to be so restrained as hereinafter
111    mentioned And I do hereby declare that the said trustees or trustee for the
112    time being shall stand and be possessed of the trust monies aforesaid and
113    of all and every the stocks trusts and securities whereon any part of my
114    real or personal estate or the  monies to arise from the sale or reversion
115    thereof shall for the time being be invested and the interest dividends and
116    annual proceeds thereof respectively upon and for the trusts intents and
117    purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisos and declarations
118    hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to
119    say Upon trust until my niece Louisa Blake Morison daughter of my
120    said Sister Elizabeth Morison shall attain the age of twenty one years
121    to apply the interest dividends and annual produce of the said trust monies
122    stocks funds and securities or so much thereof as they or he shall in their
123    or his discretion think fit for or towards the maintenance and education
124    of the said Louisa Blake Morison and do and shall invest the surplus
125    of such interest dividends and annual produce which shall from time
126    to time remain after answering the sale trust for maintenance and
127    education in their or his names or name in some or one of the stocks
128    funds or securities hereinbefore mentioned or referred to at their or his
129    discretion and do and shall receive the interest dividends and annual
130    produce of the stocks funds and securities whereon such surplus shall
131    from time to time be invested and lay out and invest the same upon other
132    stocks funds and securities of the like nature so that the same and all
133    resulting income and produce thereof may until the said Louisa Blake
134    Morison shall attain the age of twenty one years accumulate in the
135    way of compound interest And I hereby declare that all such
136    accumulations shall be considered as accretions to the trust moneys
137    stocks funds and securities from whence they shall have originally proceeded
138    and that such accumulations and the interest dividends and annual produce
139    thereof shall be respectively held and applied by my said Trustees or
140    Trustee accordingly and I hereby declare that my said Trustees or Trustee do
141    and shall from and immediately after the said Louisa Blake Morison
142    shall have attained the age of twenty one years pay the interest dividends
143    and annual produce of the several trust moneys stocks funds and securities
144    aforesaid during the life of the said Louisa Blake Morison into her
145    proper hands or to such person or persons and for such purposes as she
146    notwithstanding any coverture and whether sole and unmarried by any
147    writing or writings under her hand shall from time to time direct or
148    appoint to the intent that the same may be for her sole separate and
149    peculiar use and benefit independently and exclusively of any husband and
150    not in anywise subject to his debts control interference or engagements and
151    so that she shall not have the power to deprive herself o the benefit thereof
152    by sale mortgage charge or otherwise in the way of anticipation and the
153    receipt or receipts of the said Louisa Blake Morison or her appointees for
154    the said interest dividends and annual produce shall be a good and
155    effectual discharge or good and effectual discharges for the same notwith-
156    standing her being under coverture and after the decease of the said Louisa
157    Blake Morison Upon trust to pay one equal moiety or half part of the said
158    interest dividends and annual proceeds as they shall from time to time become
159    due or permit the same to be received by any husband whom the said Louisa
160    Blake Morison may leave her surviving during his life or until he shall
161    alienate charge encumber or in any manner anticipate the same or shall
162    become Bankrupt or take the benefit of any Act or Acts now or hereafter to
163    be in force for the relief of Insolvent debtors and I hereby declare that
164    immediately upon such surviving husband alienating charging encumbering
165    or in any manner anticipating the said moiety or becoming Bankrupt or
166    taking the benefit of any such Act or Acts as last aforesaid whichever shall
167    first happen then the said trust as to the said moiety in favor of such
168    surviving husband shall wholly cease and be void And I hereby declare
169    that after the death of the said Louisa Blake Morison subject nevertheless
170    and without prejudice to the said trust in favor of her surviving husband
171    if any the said trust moneys stocks funds and securities and the interest
172    dividends and annual produce thereof shall be and remain In trust for all
173    and every or such one or more exclusively of the others or other of the
174    children or child of the said Louisa Blake Morison and the issue of any
175    such Child or Children who may happen to die in her lifetime with such
176    provision for their respective maintenance education and advancement
177    and in such shares if more than one and with such restriction and in such
178    manner as the said Louisa Blake Morison whether covert or sole by any
179    deed or writing or deeds or writings with or without power of revocation
180    and now appointment to be by her sealed and delivered in the presence of
181    and attested by two or more credible witnesses or by her Will or any
182    Codicil thereto in writing or any writing in the nature of or purporting to
183    be her will shall from time to time direct or appoint and in default of and
184    until such direction and appointment and so far as any such if incomplete
185    shall not extend In trust for all and every the child and Children of the
186    said Louisa Blake Morison who being a son or sons shall attain the
187    age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall attain the
188    age of twenty one years or marry under that age with the consent of her
189    or their parent or parents Guardian or Guardians for the time being and
190    to be divided between or amongst them if more than one in equal shares
191    as tenants in common and if there shall be but one such child the
192    whole to be In trust for that one or only Child provided always and I
193    do hereby declare that if any son of the said Louisa Blake Morison
194    shall die in her lifetime under the age of twenty one years have issue
195    and such issue being a son or sons shall attain twenty one years or being
196    a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or be married then and in
197    every such case such issue of every such son so dying as aforesaid shall
198    have and be entitled to the share or shares of and in the said trust monies
199    stocks funds and Securities which the deceased parent of such Issue respectively
200    would have been entitled to under the trusts aforesaid if such parent had
201    lived to attain the age of twenty one years and such issue if more than
202    one shall take their deceased parents share equally between them provided
203    always And I do hereby declare that no child or children or issue of any
204    child or children taking any part of the said trust monies stocks funds and
205    securities under or by virtue of any direction or appointment in pursuance of
206    the power hereinbefore in that behalf contained shall have or be entitled to
207    any further or other share of and in that part of the said trust monies stocks
208    funds and securities of which no appointment shall have been made as funds and
209    aforesaid without bringing his or her appointed share into hotchpot and
210    accounting for the same accordingly provided always and I do hereby declare
211    that after the death of the said Louisa Blake Morison But subject nevertheless
212    and without prejudice to the said trust in favor of her surviving husband if
213    she shall leave one and in the meantime and until the vesting of the
214    portion or portions so provided for the child or children or issue of any
215    deceased child or children of the said Louisa Blake Morison as aforesaid
216    it shall be lawful for the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being to
217    apply the interest dividends and annual produce of the portion or portions
218    to which such child or children or issue of any deceased child or children
219    shall be entitled in expectancy or a competent part thereof for or towards
220    his her or their maintenance and education whether the father of such
221    child or children or issue of any deceased child or children if alive shall
222    be competent to maintain him  her or them or not and that it shall be
223    lawful for the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being at any time or
224    times during the life of the said Louisa Blake Morison with her consent
225    in writing and after her decease at their or his direction to advance
226    any part  not exceeding one moiety of the Capital of the portion or portions
227    to which any such child or children or issue of any deceased child or
228    children shall be entitled in expectancy for or towards his her or their
229    preferment advancement or establishment in the world provided always
230    and I do hereby further declare that in the meantime and until all the
231    said trust monies stocks funds and securities shall become absolutely vested
232    in some child or children or issue of any deceased child or children of the
233    said Louisa Blake Morison under the trusts hereinbefore declared concerning
234    the same the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being do and shall (But
235    subject and without prejudice to the said trust in favor of the surviving
236    husband of the said Louisa Blake Morison if she shall leave one and
237    to the trusts for maintenance and advancement lastly hereinbefore declared
238    receive the interest and dividends and annual produce of the said trust
239    monies stocks funds and securities or the uninvested part or parts thereof
240    and lay out and invest the same in their or his names or name in any
241    one or more of the several stocks funds and securities hereinbefore mentioned
242    or referred to And do and shall alter vary and transpose the same stocks
243    funds and securities from time to time at their or his discretion And do and
244    shall receive the interest dividends and annual produce of the said last
245    mentioned stocks funds and securities and lay out and invest the same
246    in their or his names or name in or upon other stocks funds and securities
247    of the like nature so that the same and all resulting income and
248    produce thereof may during such _____ of vesting as aforesaid
249    accumulate in the way of compounds interest And I do hereby further
250    declare that the interest dividends and annual produce of the said last
251    mentioned stocks funds and securities shall belong to and be In trust for
252    the person or persons who under the trusts hereinbefore declared shall
253    become entitled to the fund or funds from which such accumulations shall
254    have proceeded and be considered as part thereof and I do hereby declare
255    that if there shall be no person who shall attain a bested interest in the said
256    trust monies stocks funds and securities under the aforesaid trusts then after
257    the death of the said Louisa Blake Morison and such failure of Issue is
258    as aforesaid subject nevertheless to the said trusts in favor of her
259    surviving husband if she shall leave one and to the trusts for maintenance
260    and advancement hereinbefore contained the said Trustees or Trustee do
261    and shall pay all such part of the said trust monies as shall have arisen
262    from the Sale calling in and conversion of my personal Estate (except such
263    part of my personal Estate as shall have consisted of leasehold messuages
264    lands tenements and hereditaments or of sums secured upon mortgage of
265    lands and hereditaments or of personal Estate which in any manner
266    whatsoever is charged upon or savours of real estate) and transfer all
267    the Stocks funds or securities whereon such last mentioned monies may
268    for the time being be invested and all stocks funds or securities which may
269    be continued in the state of investment in which they are at the time of
270    my decease by the said Trustees or Trustee as aforesaid other than and
271    except any securities connected with a savoring of real Estate to the
272    Rector and Principal for the time being of Marischal College and University
273    in Aberdeen aforesaid to be by them held and disposed of upon and for
274    all trusts intents and purposes hereinafter declared concerning the same
275    and that my intentions may not be defeated with regards to the last
276    mentioned Bequest I hereby direct my said Trustees or Trustee so to
277    arrange the continuing of any Stocks funds and securities which may be
278    continued by the said Trustees or Trustee as aforesaid and the investment
279    of the said trust monies and every change in the investment of the stocks
280    funds and securities for the time being subject to the trusts of this my will
281    that so much of my personal Estate as at the time of my death shall not
282    savour of real Estate shall not at any time or times hereafter until some
283    child or children or issue of a deceased child of the said Louisa Blake
284    Morison shall have attained a vested interest under or by virtue of the
285    trusts aforesaid be invested in any real securities whatsoever but may
286    always be continued in some or one of the stocks funds or securities herein
287    before mentioned or referred to which shall not in any manner be
288    converted into or savour of real Estate And I do hereby declare that the
289    receipt in writing of the said Rector and Principal for the time being of
290    the said College for the monies stocks funds and securities which shall be
291    paid or transferred to them under the trusts aforesaid shall be a good
292    discharge to my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being for the
293    same and that such Trustees or Trustee shall not be obliged to see to
294    the application of the said sum or be answerable or accountable for the
295    misapplication or nonapplication thereof And as to all the residue of my
296    said trust monies stocks funds and securities subject as aforesaid I hereby
297    declare that the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being shall stand
298    possessed thereof and of the interests dividends and annual produce thereof
299    In trust for such person or persons as would by Law be entitled thereto
300    in case I had died intestate And I do hereby further declare that the
301    said Trustees or Trustee for the time being shall pay and apply the
302    rents issues and profits of such of my real and leasehold Estates as shall
303    for the time being remain unsold after satisfying the necessary outgoings
304    to the persons to whom and in the manner in which the interest
305    dividends and annual proceeds of the trust monies stocks funds and securities
306    hereinbefore mentioned are hereinbefore directed to be paid and applied
307    provided always and I hereby further declare that it shall be lawful
308    for the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will at their or
309    his discretion to dispose of call in and convert into money the whole or any
310    part of such trust monies stocks funds and securities as aforesaid But as to
311    so much thereof as shall arise from personal Estate which at the time of
312    my death shall not savour of Real Estate subject as aforesaid and to lay out
313    and invest the money arising therefrom or any part thereof in the purchase
314    of any freehold copyhold or customary manors messuages lands tenements
315    or hereditaments in England Wales or Scotland (but not in Ireland) for
316    any Estate of Inheritance or any leasehold messuages lands tenements or
317    hereditaments in England Wales or Scotland (but not in Ireland) for any
318    term of years whereof not less than sixty years shall be to come and unexpired
319    at the time of such purchase to be conveyed surrendered or assigned to those
329    the said trustees or trustee for the time being their or his heirs executors admin-
321    istrators or assigns respectively according to the different natures thereof
322    respectively Upon trust nevertheless that the said trustees or trustee for the time
323    being do and shall when and as they or he shall think fit and at their
324    his discretion absolutely sell and dispose of the said manor messuages
325    lands tenements or hereditaments which shall have been so purchased as
326    aforesaid either entirely and altogether or in parcels and either by Public
327    Auction or Private Contract for such price or prices and upon such conditions
328    and with such stipulations as to title or evidence of title or otherwise and
329    in such manner in every respect as the said trustees or trustee for the time
330    being shall think fit with full power to buy in the said premises or such
331    part thereof at any Sale or Sales by auction and to receive abandon or
332    vary any Contract for Sale and to resell the premises which shall be
333    bought in or the Contract for sale of which shall be so rescinded or
334    abandoned as aforesaid without being in anywise answerable for any
335    loss which may happen thereby respectively And do and shall stand
336    and be possessed or and interested in and apply the money arising from
337    any such sale (after payment of the costs charges and expences attending
338    the same) dispose and for such and the same trusts intents and purposes
339    and with under and subject to such and the same powers provisoes and
340    declarations involving the said power of purchasing freehold copyhold
341    and leasehold hereditaments as the money so raised and laid out in the
342    purchase of such manors messuages lands tenements or hereditaments
343    was subject to before such purchase was made or would then have
344    been subject to if the same has not been laid out thereon And do and shall
345    in the meantime and until such manors messuages lands tenements or
346    hereditaments shall be so sold pay and apply the rents issues and profits
347    thereof (after deducting necessary outgoings to the person for the intents
348    and purposes and in the manner to and for and in which the interest
349    dividends and annual produce of the money laid out in the purchase
350    thereof would have been payable and applicable under the trusts herein
351    before declared in case such purchase had not been made It being my
352    intention that the manors messuages lands tenements and hereditaments
353    which shall be purchased under this present power shall when to
354    purchase be considered as money and be subject to such and the same
355    trusts in all respects as the money laid out in the purchase thereof would
356    have been subject to if the same has not been so laid out And I hereby
357    declare that it shall be lawful for the said Trustees or Trustee for the
358    time being at their or his discretion to lease all of any part of the
359    manors messuages lands and hereditaments for the time being subject to
360    the trusts of this my will for any term or terms of years not exdeeding
361    twenty one years to take effect in possession at ____ rent and so that there be
362    contained in every such Lease a Condition of re-entry for nonpayment of
363    the rent or rents thereby received and so as the Lessee or Lessees so execute a
364    Counterpart and be not thereby made dispunishable for waste And I
365    expressly declare that the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being shall
366    in every case subject to the directions hereinbefore contained have the
367    most full and entire discretion as to the choice of stocks funds and securities
368    in or upon which my said trust estate or any part thereof may be
369    invested as aforesaid and as to the exercise or nonexercise of the said power
370    hereinbefore contained or purchasing Lands or other property and the choice
371    of the property which may be so purchased and in other respects and as to
372    granting any Lease or Leases under the power for that purpose lastly
373    hereinbefore contained And I do hereby declare that it shall be lawful for
374    the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being to adjust settle compound
375    and compromise all Accounts Transactions matters and things which
376    at the time of my decease shall be depending between me and any other
377    person or persons whomsoever or which shall arise in performing the
378    trusts hereby created or any of them and to take any Composition for debts
379    arising to me and to give and allow such reasonable time and indulgence
380    for the pament of the said debts and in the meantime to accept and
381    make such securities for the payment thereof or any part thereof as they
382    or he shall in their or his discretion think fit and to abandon waive
383    and release any such debts liabilities and engagements as they or he
384    shall think was or separate or not worth suing for enforcing or keeping
385    on foot And I do hereby declare that every husband with whom the
386    said Louisa Blake Morison may intermarry shall within the space
387    of six Calendar months after his marriage if he shall then be of the
388    age of twenty one years or if he shall then be under the age of
389    twenty one years then within six Calendar months next after he shall
390    attain such age take upon himself and in all deeds Letters Accounts
391    and Writings whereunto he shall be a party or which he shall
392    execute or sign and upon all other occasions the Surname of “Blake”
393    in addition to and after his own family surname and within the
394    said space of six Calendar months apply for and endeavor to obtain a
395    proper Licence from the Crown or take such other steps as may be
396    requisite to authorize and enable him so to take and use such surname
397    Provided always And I do hereby declare that in case any such
398    husband shall refute or neglect within the space of time hereinbefore
399    in that behalf mentioned to take and use the surname of Blake as
400    aforesaid then and in every such case I hereby declare that such husband
401    although he shall survive the said Louisa Blake Morison shall not
402    take any benefit whatsoever under the trusts of this my Will but the
403    same shall be read and construed in the same manner as if the said
404    Lousie Blake Morison had died without leaving a husband her
405    surviving And I do hereby declare that it is my Will and desire that until
406    the said Louisa Blake Morison shall attain the age of twenty five years
407    or marry whichever shall first happen she shall be and remain under
408    and subject to the guidance and control in all things of the Trustees or
409    Trustee for the time being of this my Will in the same manner as if they
410    and he had been appointed her Guardians or Guardian by this my Will
411    and that until she shall attain that age she shall not marry without
412    their or his previous consent and in case of her marriage under that
413    age without such consent Then I declare my Will to be that the said
414    Louisa Blake Morison shall not take any benefit whatever under
415    the trusts of this my Will but the same shall be read and construed
416    as if she were then already dead without ever having been married
417    And I give and bequeath the Estates vested in me upon any Trust
418    or by way of mortgage and which I have power to dispose of by
419    this my Will with their appurtenances unto the said Charles Stewart
420    Parker and William Robertson Sandbach their heirs executors and
421    administrators and assigns according to the nature and quality thereof
422    respectively Subject nevertheless to the trusts and Equities affecting the same
423    respectively And I appoint the said Charles Stewart Parker and William
424    Robertson Sandbach Executors of this my Will And I do hereby declare
425    that the receipt of receipts of my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being
426    for the purchase money of any property hereby directed or authorized to
427    be sold and for any other monies stocks funds or securities paid or transferred
428    to him or them under this my Will or in execution of any of the Trust
429    thereof shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying the same
430    from being obliged to see to the application thereof or from being answerable
431    or accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof Provided
432    always And I do hereby further declare that if the Trustees appointed in
433    this my Will or to be appointed as hereinafter is mentioned or any of them
434    or their or any of their heirs executors administrators or assigns shall
435    happen to die or be abroad or desire to be discharged from or refuse or
436    decline or be incapable to act in the trusts hereby in them respectively reposed
437    as aforesaid before the said trusts shall be fully executed Then and in such
438    case and when and so often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful
439    to and for the then Trustees or Trustee of this my Will or the executors or
440    administrators of the survivor of them by any deed or deeds instrument
441    or instruments in writing to be by them or him or her sealed and
442    declared in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses
443    from time to time to nominate substitute and appoint any other person or
444    persons to be a trustee or trustees in the stead and place of the Trustee or
445    Trustees so dying or being abroad or desiring to be discharged or refusing or
446    declining or becoming incapable to act as aforesaid and when and so often
447    as any new Trustee shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid all the
448    Trust Estates monies and premises or such of them as shall be then subject
449    to the trusts shall be thereupon with all convenient speed conveyed assigned
450    and transferred in such sort and manner and so as that the same shall and
451    may be legally and effectually vested in the person or persons so to be
452    appointed as aforesaid either solely or jointly with the surviving or
453    continuing Trustee or Trustees as occasion shall require To the uses and
454    for the trusts intents and purposes hereinbefore expressed and declared of
455    and concerning the trust estate monies and premises or such of them as
456    shall be then subsisting undetermined and capable of taking effect and
457    every person so appointed as aforesaid shall as well before as after the
458    said trust premises shall have been so invested as aforesaid have all the
459    powers and authorities of the Trustee or Trustees in whose room he shall
460    be substituted provided always and I hereby declare that after the said
461    Louisa Blake Morison shall have attained the age of twenty five years
462    and thenceforth during her life no new Trustee or Trustees shall be
463    appointed under the power aforesaid unless such new Trustee or Trustees
464    shall be approved of by the said Louisa Blake Morison by some writing
465    under her hand which approval I hereby empower the said Louisa
466    Blake Morison to give notwithstanding she may at the time or times of
467    giving such approval be under coverture Provided always and I hereby
468    declare that the said several Trustees hereby appointed and to be appointed as
469    aforesaid and such and every of then shall be charged and chargeable respectively
470    only for such monies as they shall respectively receive by virtue of the trusts
471    hereby in them reposed and that no one of them shall be chargeable or
472    accountable for the others or other of them of for the acts receipts neglects or
473    defaults of the others or other of them But each only for own acts
474    receipts neglects or defaults nor shall they or either or any of them be
475    answerable or accountable for any Banker Broker or other person with
476    whom any of the said trust monies or securities may be deposited for safe
477    custody or otherwise in the execution of the said trusts or insufficiency or
478    deficiency of any stocks funds or securities in or upon which any of the said
479    trust monies may be invested in pursuance of and in conformity to this my
480    Will nor for the invalidity of the title or titles to any manors messuages
481    lands or hereditaments which they or he may purchase under the power
482    for that purpose hereinbefore contained or for any other misfortune loss or
483    damage which may happen in the execution of the said trust or otherwise
484    in relation thereto unless the same shall happen by or through their own
485    wilful defaults respectively And also that it shall be lawful for them with
486    and out of the monies which shall come to their respective hands by
487    virtue of the trusts aforesaid to retain to and reimburse themselves and also
488    to allow their respective Co-trustees or Co-trustee all costs charges and expences
489    which they or any of them may respectively sustain expend or be put unto
490    or about the execution of the trusts aforesaid or in relation thereto And I
491    hereby declare that the said Rector and Principal for the time being of the
492    said Marischal College do and shall lay out and invest the monies and
493    stand possessed of and interested in the stocks funds and securities so directed
494    to be paid and transferred to them as aforesaid in their names in some or
495    one of the Public Stocks of Funds of Great Britain or in the purchase of
496    lands and hereditaments in Scotland so far as may be consistant with
497    the Scotch Law and do and shall stand and be seized and possessed of such
498    last mentioned lands and hereditaments stocks and funds and the rents
499    issues and profits dividends interest and annual produce thereof respectively
500    Upon trust out of the said rents issues and profits dividends and annual
501    proceeds to maintain eight Bursaries in the said Marischal College of two of the boys
502    in each of the said four Classes whose Parents or friends in the Opinion
503    of the said Rector and Principal for the time being or either of them are
504    not able or are inable to afford the expence of their education courses such
505    course as aforesaid And I hereby declare that such Bursaries shall be
506    competed for by such Boys as aforesaid by various and several examinations
507    and to be given to such two of such Boys in each of the said four Classes as
508    shall be found on comparative examination most deserving provided that
509    in case of several such boys being found to be equal in merit those (if any)
510    of the name of Blake shall be first preferred and those (if any) of the name
511    of Davidson shall be next preferred before the others or other of such Boys And I
512    hereby declare that the Professors of Greek Humanity and Mathematics for
513    the time being in the said College and the Rector for the time being of the
514    Grammar School of Aberdeen aforesaid shall be the sole Examiners of
515    the said Boys and the Judge of their merits but the mode in which the
516    comparative merits of the said Boys shall be ascertained I leave entirely to
517    such rules and regulations as may from time to time be made for that
518    purpose by the said Examiners And I hereby declare that when any vacancy
519    shall occur in any such Bursary either by search resignation or in any
520    other manner such vacancy shall with all convenient dispatch be made up
521    so that the number of eight Bursars may be always complete And I hereby
522    declare that the said Rector and Principal for the time being of the said
523    College shall devise and pay the said rents issues and profits dividends and
524    annual produce among the said eight Bursars in equal shares And I
525    hereby declare that every Bursary shall become vacant upon the
526    Bursars for the time being holding the same ceasing to be a member of the
527    said College or being expelled or being guilty of any count whereby he
528    shall be excluded either for the whole or any part of the time for which
529    his Bursary would otherwise have lasted from the benefits of his education
530    at the said College And I do hereby declare that the said Rector and
531    Principal for the time being of the said College shall be at liberty to alter
532    vary and transpose any of the Stocks of funds for the time being subject to
533    the charitable trust aforesaid for or into any other stocks or funds of a like
534    nature or to lay out the monies arising from the Sale of such Stocks and
535    funds and in the purchase of lands in Scotland as aforesaid and also to sell
536    any of the lands for the time being subject to the charitable trust aforesaid
537    or exchange the same or any of them for other lands in Scotland as aforesaid
538    and to accept any monies by way of equality of exchange and to lay out and
539    invest the monies to arise from such Sales or to be ration on any such exchange
540    as aforesaid in any other lands in Scotland as aforesaid or in any such public
541    Stocks of funds as aforesaid And I hereby declare that the said Rector and
542    Principal for the time being of the said College shall have full power to do and
543    execute or cause to be done and executed all such arts deeds matters and things
544    whatsoever as they shall deem expedient for carrying into effect or reserving
545    all or any of the trusts or powers hereby in them reposed or vested and that the
546    receipt or receipts of the said Rector and Principal for the time being of the said
547    College for any rents issues or profits dividends interest or annual produce
548    purchase or other monies paid to them under or by virtue or in respect of the
549    charitable trust aforesaid or any of the powers hereinbefore contained with
550    reference thereto shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying the
551    same and such person or persons shall not be bound to see to the application
552    or be answerable for the  misapplication or nonapplication thereof And I hereby
553    declare that on every death resignation or other vacancy in the Office of Rector
554    or Principal of the said College the lands and hereditaments stocks and funds for
555    the time being subject to the Charitable trust aforesaid shall be respectively conveyed
556    to transferred and vested in the newly appointed Rector or Principal for the time
557    being jointly with the continuing Rector or Principal as the case may be
558    provided always And I do hereby lastly declare that the said Rector and
559    Principal for the time being shall be charged and chargeable respectively only
560    for such monies as they shall respectively receive by virtue of the trusts hereby
561    in them reposed and that neither of them shall be chargeable or accountable
562    for the other of them or for the acts receipts neglects or defaults of the other of
563    them but each only for his own acts receipts neglects or defaults nor shall
564    they or either of them be answerable or accountable for any Banker or Broker
565    or other person with whom any of the said trust monies may be deposited for
566    safe custody or otherwise in the execution of the said trusts or the insufficiency
567    or deficiency of any stocks funds or securities or in the title to any lands in or
568    upon which any of the said trust monies may be invested in pursuance
569    of and in conformity to this my Will or for any other  misfortune loss or
570    damage which may happen in the execution of the said trusts or otherwise
571    in relation thereto unless the same shall happen by or through their own
572    wilful defaults respectively And also that it shall be lawful for them with
573    and out of the moneys which shall come to their respective hands by
574    virtue of the trusts aforesaid to reimburse themselves and to allow their
575    cotrustee all costs charges and expences which they or any of them may
576    respectively sustain expend or be put into in or about the execution of the
577    charitable trust aforesaid or otherwise in relation thereto In witness whereof
578    I the said Thomas Blake the Testator have to this my last Will and
579    Testament contained in fifteen sheets of paper set my hand this thirty first
580    day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
581    forty nine Thos blake Signed published and declared by the said
582    Thomas Blake the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the
583    presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and
584    in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as
585    witnesses John T Campbell 21 Warwick Street Regent Street Solicitor
586    John T Osborn 10 King St St James Planter
587    This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament
588    of me Thomas Blake formerly of the Colony of British Guiana late
589    residing at No 10 King Street Saint James in the County of Middlesex But
590    now of the Cottage London Road Saint Johns Wood in the same County
591    Esquire Whereas by my said Will I have given and bequeathed to Mary
592    Sherburn wife of Charles Sherburn of No 10 King Street Saint James aforesaid
593    the sum of Three hundred pounds Now I do hereby revoke the said Legacy
594    and whereas by my said Will I have declared it to be my Will and desire that
595    until my niece Louisa Blake Morison therein particularly mentioned should
596    attain the age of twenty five years or marry she should be and remain under
597    and subject to the guidance and control in all things of the Trustees or
598    Trustee for the time being of my said Will in manner therein mentioned
599    and that until she should attain that age she should not marry without
600    their or his previous consent and in case of her marriage under that age
601    without such consent then I have declared my Will to be that the said Louisa
602    Blake Morison should not take any benefit whatsoever under the terms
603    of my said Will but the same should be read and construed as if she were
604    then already dead without ever having been married Now I do hereby
605    revoke so much of my said Will as declared that the said Louisa Blake
606    Morison until she attain twenty five years or marry shall be under and
607    subject to the guidance and control of the Trustees or Trustee for the time
608    being of my said Will and also so much of my said Will as tabled the
609    said Louisa Blake Morison to marry under the age of twenty five years
610    without the previous consent of the said Trustees or Trustee And also so much
611    of my said Will as in case she should marry under the age of twenty five
612    years without such consent as aforesaid would deprive the said Louisa
613    Blake Morison of any benefit under the trusts of my said Will it being
614    my Will and desire that the said Louisa Blake Morison shall be under
615    no restraint or disability by virtue of my said Will and that on attaining
616    the age of twenty one years she shall be at full liberty to marry if she shall
617    think fit without obtaining any consent of the said Trustees or Trustee or
618    of any other person whatsoever And I do hereby give and bequeath
619    unto the said Louisa Blake Morison in addition to the other benefits
620    given to or in trust for her under my said Will the sum of Two Thousand
621    pounds Sterling And also all the household furniture plate linen china
622    books pictures prints jewels and ornaments and all other effects and things
623    which shall be in and about the premises in which I shall reside at the
624    time of my decease To hold the same unto the said Louisa Blake Morison
625    absolutely I also give and bequeath unto my Servant William Stuart
626    and Jane his wife if living with me at the time of my decease the amount
627    of three months wages in addition to any wages to be then owing or
628    accruing to them I direct that the receipt of the said Louisa Blake
629    Morison not withstanding any coverture shall be an effectual discharge to
630    the Trustees or Trustee for the true being of my said Will and Codicil for the
631    said sum of Two thousand pounds hereinbefore given to her I desire that
632    the place and manner of my Burial shall be in the absolute discretion of the
633    said Louisa Blake Morison And whereas by my said Will have devised
634    and bequeathed certain Real and Personal Estate and given certain powers
635    to Charles Stewart Parker and William Robert Sandbach as Trustees
636    and appointed them Executors of my Will and bequeathed to them a
637    Legacy of One hundred pounds a piece Now I revoke my said Will so far
638    as the said Charles Stewart Parker and William Robert Sandbach are
639    objects thereof and I substitute and appoint James Brown Gibson and
640    Alexander Foxcroft Ridgway in my said Will named and the said Louisa
641    Blake Morison to be Trustees and Executors of my Will in the place of
642    the said Charles Stewart Parker and William Robert Sandbach and I
643    direct that my said Will she be read and construed as if the names of the
644    said James Brown Gibson Alexander Foxcroft Ridgway and Louisa
645    Blake Morison had been originally inserted therein instead of the names
646    of the said Charles Stewart Parker and William Robert Sandbach I give
647    and bequeath to each of them the said Alexander Foxcroft Ridgway and
648    Louisa Blake Morison the sum of One hundred pounds Sterling I revoke all
649    other Codicils by me at any time heretofore made And I confirm my said
650    Will except as aforesaid In witness whereof I have hereunder set my
651    hand this fourth day of February One thousand eight hundred and fifty
652    three Thomas Blake Signed by the said Thomas Blake as and for
653    a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the
654    same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each
655    other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses Abm Taylor
656    Surgeon 4 Spear Street Leicester Square John T Campbell Warwick Regent Street Solicitor
657    Proved at London the 2nd March 1854 (with a Codicil) before the
658    Worshipful George Webbe Dasent doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths
659    of Alexander Foxcroft Ridgway Esquire and Louise Blake Morison Spinster
660    the niece two of the Executors named in the Codicil to whom Admon was
661    granted having been first sworn duly to administer James Brown Gibson
662    Esquire the other Executor and one of the Residuary Legatees In Trust
663    named in the said Codicil having first renounced the Probate and Execution
664    of the said Will and Codicil and also the Letters of Admon with the said
665    Will and Codicil annexed of the Goods of the said deceased as by Acts of
666    Court appears

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