Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Will of Thomas King, Yeoman, Upton Gray, Hampshire - The National Archives, PROB 11/368, probated 2 Dec 1681

Likely a member of the same King family at Upton Gray and Thomas names his sons Thomas and John and his daughters Mary, Elizabeth and Martha. All are under twenty one years of age. His wife is named as Mary.

A Thomas King was baptized 21 Oct 1633 at Upton Grey son of Thomas and Elisabeth King.

Elizabeth King daughter of Thomas and Marie Kinge was baptized 9 Apr 1672 at Upton Grey.
Martha Kinge daughter of Thomas and Mary Kinge was baptized 2 Nov 1674 at Upton Grey.
John Kinge son of Thomas and Marie Kinge was baptized 16 Apr 1677 at Upton Grey

A little later on but an interesting baptism of Thomas King son of Thomas and Ann King baptized 9 May 1695 at Upton Grey.

The will of Anne King probated in 1729 mentions that her husband’s name was Thomas King.

Always nice to be able to link these wills. Once again, this is not likely  my family as no mention of my Thomas at Upper Clatford in the will of Anne King.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/368
Name of testator: Thomas King, Yeoman
Place: Upton Gray, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 12 Oct 1681, probated 10 Dec 1681
[In margin] Thomas  King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    In the Thirty third yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles
3    by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland
4    defender of the Faith etc in the Tweleth day of October in the
5    yeare 1681 I Thomas King of Upton Gray in the County of
6    South[amp]ton yeoman being sick and weak but of perfect memory
q    doe make this my Last will and Testament as followeth (viz [a vi]t) First
8    I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God hopeing that
9    through the merits of Jesus Christ to obtain the pardon of all my
10    sins And my body to be decently buried in the parish Church of Upton
11    Gray And for the disposing of that Temporall Estate that God hath
12    graciously given me as followeth Item unto my Eldest sonne Thomas
13    King I bequeath and give all my lands in the parish of Upton Gray
14    And alsoe in Matingly in Wesson and South Warnbrough called by
15    the name of Beedden And also my land in the Mannor of Tucbbirn
16    with all the houses Barnes Stables buildings orchards gardens with all
17    the appurtenances belonging to each particular place and parcel
18    Item I give unto my sonne John King the summe of Six hundred
19    pounds of Current English money to be paid him by my sonne
20    Thomas King when he comes to the age of one and Twenty yeares
21    Item I give unto my daughter Mary King the summe of Two
22    hundred pounds of Current English money To be paid to her by my
23    Executor hereafter named att the age of one and Twenty yeares
24    Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth King the summe of Two hundred
25    pounds of Current English money to be paid to her by my Executor att
26    the age of One and Twenty years Item I give to my daughter
27    Martha King the Summe of Two hundred pounds of current English
28    money To be paid her by my sonne and heire Thomas King att the
29    age of One and Twenty years And if it shall happen That it shall please
30    God to take away any of the Children by death That then their portion
31    and legasy to be equally divided between the survivors of my Children
32    Alsoe I doe ordaine and make my wife Mary King a full and whole
33    Executor of this my last will and Testament And to her I bequeath
34    and give All my goods Chattells Corne within Doore and without
35    Exsepting our Bed and Bedstead with Cortans Sheets Rugs Blan
36    ketts Boulster Pillows with all Furniture sufficient for one Bedd which
37    I give to my sonne Thomas King Alsoe I give to my sonne Thomas
38    Two lether Chairs and three Woden Chayrs in The Foyer Chests and
39    one side Tabell Alsoe I doe nominate and appointe John King of
40    Wesson South[hamp]ton and Richard Huscat of Bromley yeoman over
41    seers of this my Last Will and Testament And for their to be Paines
42    I give to each of them the summe of Tenn shillings besides the inhartance
43    of all necessary Charges Also my desire is that all things be perfor
44    med according to the true intent and meaning of this my last will
45    and Testament Lastly I give to the poore of the parish of Upton
46    Gray the summe of Tenn shillings In witness hereof to this my Last
47    Will and Testament I sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above
48    written Thomas King Signed and Sealed in the presents of The mark
49    of Ambros Allene George Marshall
50    Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram
51    venerabili viro domini Leolini Jenkins militis legum doctoris Curie Prerogatiue Cantuariensis
52    Magistri Custodis siue Comissarij legitime Constituti decimo die Mensis
53    Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo Octogesimo primo
54    Juramento Maria King Relicta dictae defunctae Executor in humoi Testo
55    nominat Cui Comissa fuit administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum
56    Jurium et Creditorum dictae defunctae de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem
57    Ad Sancta Dei Evangelia (vageri Comissionis) Jurat

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