Monday, April 2, 2018

Blake Newsletter, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018

 Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.   Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset
2.   Blake Surname Study - Progress
3.   Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA
4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers
5.   The Future

1.   Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset. This is a recent addition to their website:

The Blake Museum has given me permission to put these charts in the newsletter so I will continue with looking at them individually. Part 1 was shown in Volume 6, Issue 4, 2017 of the Blake Newsletter. This Issue will have the image named as Part 3.

*Used with permission
Part 3 of the chart contains the full text of the Notes which were not legible on Part 2. The first note is of interest to the Blake Newsletter. A transcription: Notes (Note 1, Note 2) concerning the Blake Family copied from the “Pl manuscripts _____ 1690 “The Genealogie of the ancient and worthy Family of Blaque or Blake of great antiquity in the County of Wilts where they had large possessions at Quemberford, Calne, Hillcott with a fair mansion House at Pynhills, now the seat of the Family. A younger Branch whereof transplanted themselves into Hampshire and sitting at Easton town were owners of several other Manors.” “John Blaque, 2nd son, from whom the Blakes of Somerset 1690 are descended of which Family was General Robert Blake the famous General and Sea commander in battle famous for his many and valiant acts.”

This summary has been lifted almost entirely from the earlier chart produced by the College of Arms and requested by descendants of Daniel Blake and the following is a transcription of the heading of the above mentioned Chart currently held in at least two locations, College of Arms in London, England and the Wiltshire Record Office: “The Genealogie of the Ancient and Worthy Family Blague, Blaake or Blake of great Antiquity in the County of Wilts where they had large possessions in Quemberford, Calne and Hilcot with a fair Mansion House called Pinhills now Seat of the Family a younger Branch whereof transplanted themselves into Hampshire and settling at Easton town were Owners of that and divers other Mannors from whence the Blakes of Middlesex etc are immediately Descended faithfully Collected out of the several Visitation Books of the said Counties remaining in the College of Arms and Deduced to the Issue of Daniel Blake of London Gent Anno 1690.”

From this earlier chart there is a William Blake of Easton town alias Essington in County Southampton 4th son [of Roger Blaake of Cawne in County Wiltshire Esquire died 3rd of Queen Mary anno 1556 lived 57 years and Mary daughter of Philip Baynard of Lackham in County Wiltshire Esquire] deceased 1582 and married to Avice daughter of St Gervace Ripley or Ripley in County Southampton Knight and the chart is referring to this particular individual as having gone to Easton town in present day Hampshire (near Andover). They are listed as having four children Agnes married to Roger Hyde a younger son of the Hides of Denehworth in County Berkshire, Peter Blake of the Inner Temple Esquire 3rd son Barrister at Law and of Council to Queen Eliza died anno 1624 unmarried, John Blake of Easton town in County Southampton Esquire eldest son married to Margaret daughter of William Blake of Eastontown aforesaid and William Blake second son. When Philip Blake left his will he mentioned only his eldest son and youngest daughter. Other records have not included a son William but that doesn’t necessarily prove that he didn’t have a son William. The visitations do not mention a son William but he was living at Easton town where he is mentioned in the Visitations there. There do appear to be two William Blakes at Easton town in this time period. I have written about this particular family before and offered my opinion. I will for the moment let that stand as my thoughts. This is simply a reproduction of material from the Blake Museum. Thank you to the Museum for permitting the republication of their chart to this Blake Newsletter.

2.   Blake Surname Study – Progress: One Name Blake Study at the Guild of One-name Studies was originally undertaken by another researcher. In 2011 I because the researcher for the Blake-one-name Study at the Guild. There was already a pre-existing yDNA project run by Bill Bleak and he continues as the main administrator of the project. There are 162 members in the entire Blake DNA project with 95 members having yDNA results. Of these 77 have completed 25 markers, 74 have completed 37 markers, 51 have completed 67 markers and 23 have completed 111 markers. Fourteen members have completed Big Y. Fifty five members have completed Family Finder. Earlier newsletters have mentioned that the Blake surname has arisen spontaneously in several areas in England and the yDNA results point to the truth of that comment. 

A British Isles Ancestry. This group has five members thus far all belonging to I2. This is an ancient group in the British Isles named the “Deer Hunters” by BritainsDNA. Big Y has lately been completed for my line (N43038) and this line is distinct from the other four not sharing common ancestry in a thousand years or more. My line was at or within several kilometres of the Andover, Hampshire, England area since the early to mid 1400s (my father was born in England). The particular haplogroup I2a2b is found in low numbers across the British Isles and the highest percentage is found on the western side of Ireland. 

B English Ancestry (1). This group has ten members all belonging to I1 (I-M253). There is some variety within the group although many are matching on the first twelve markers. This group has a family history taking them back to the Wiltshire Blake family although no one has actually tested with a proven line back to the Blake family at Calne. 

C1 English Ancestry (2) (includes Blakes who descend from Theophilus Blake). This group has nine members all belonging to I1 (I-M223). The members are for the most part matching and all have a verbal history back to Theophilus Blake known to have come to the American Colonies in the 1700s. The original location within the British Isles is not yet known although Northern Ireland Planters (known as Scot-Irish in the United States) are a possibility being examined. 

C2 English Ancestry (5) and the single member in this group is also I1 (I-M223) but his markers are sufficiently different from the above group to place him into this separate grouping.

D English Ancestry (3) and this group belongs to R1b (M-269). All members are of the opinion that they descend from the Plainfield, Somerset, UK Blake family but no one has a proven paper trail back to this family.

E1 English Ancestry (4) and this group also belongs to R1b (M-269). Further research on this particular group will be forthcoming in the future. The paper trails for this group do go back to the Wiltshire/Hampshire areas of England.
E2 English Ancestry (Somerset Blake Family) and the single member belongs to E-L117. This grouping tends to trace their ancestry back to Roman times in Britain (possibly Auxiliary Roman soldiers). 

F1 English Ancestry (possibly descendant of the East Anglia Blake family) and the ten members belong to R1a (various haplogroup tests show R-M512, R-YP5320, R-M198, and R-Z283. No member of this group has a proven paper trail back to East Anglia and the Blake family at Swaffam Market, Norfolk.

G Irish Ancestry (Galway-Towerhill, Kiltolla – Blakes descendant from Richard Blake (aka Caddell) and the six members of this group are able to trace back to this ancient family in Galway with a number of them having completed refined haplogroup testing. One member of the group does post on the news feed for anyone interested in further information on this family.

H Irish Ancestry (includes Blakes descendant from Sir Thomas Blake is the opinion of an earlier researcher) and the ten members of this group do have some variety in their markers. None have a paper trail back to Sir Thomas Blake. 

I British Isles Ancestry is again an R1b group (many are R-M269 with some completing further haplogroup testing). There is too much variety in this group for them to have common ancestry. I would mention that I will be redoing this reporting of the Y haplogroups looking at the deep haplogroup testing which is the now recognized method of separating groups of results.

J T-170 is a group generally found in West Asia, Africa and Europe. No further information is known at this time.

K German Ancestry. The three members of this group (again R1b) trace their ancestry back to Germany. None of the members are closely related in any genealogical time frame.

L – G haplogroup and like E2 English Ancestry this group is thought to be descendant of the Roman Auxiliary in Britain.

M – E haplogroup and like E2 English Ancestry this group is thought to be descendant of the Roman Auxiliary in Britain.

X-Blake ancestry not in direct DNA line was established due to the Family Finder project and the results of the members being visible on the site.

3.   Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.
The task of managing these groups is large and I will gradually work away at converting them to the new standard of placing individuals by their deep haplogroup testing. I would recommend that all members join the relevant haplogroup project to learn more about your haplogroup.

4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers (Baptisms – set 1)
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the burials for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for burials begin in 1586 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.

Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start pupblishing these transcriptions for Andover.

Number Surname   Forename status        Fathers surname         Fathers forename       Mothers surname        Mothers forename      Year Month        Day     Year Month        Day   Details
1   Noyse        Ann   daughter   Noyes        Thomas                        1588 July                                   
2   West Millisent    daughter   West John                    1588 July  14                             John the younger
3   Peter          Elliner        daughter   Peter William                         1588 July  20                                 
4   Stanmer    Doritie        daughter   Stanmer    Nicolas                         1588     July  28                                 
5   Hinxman    Joan daughter   Hinxman    Edward                         1588 August     7                                   
6   Ebinser      Margery     daughter   Ebinser      John                    1588 August     7                                   
7   Douce        William       son   Douce        Thomas                        1588 August     11                                 
8   Grantam    Joan daughter   Grantam    Rambold                       1588 August     15                                 
9   Grantam    Ellnor         daughter   Grantam    Rambold                       1588     August       15                                 
10 Eaiers        Mychell      son   Eaiers        Richard                         1588 August     19                                 
11 Magocke   Alce  daughter   Magocke   Roger                            1588 August     21                                 
12 Bunyerd     Alce  daughter   Bunyerd     Thomas                        1588 August     29                                 
13 Smith         Roberd       son   Smith         Roberd                          1588     September 5                                    of Charlton
14 Arlat Mary daughter   Arlat Gordge                          1588 September 9                              
15 Walker       Barbara     daughter   Walker       Roberd                          1588     September 15                                 
16 Allen Edward      son   Allen John                    1588 September                                
17 Heibbard   John son   Heibbard   Thomas                        1588 September 23                                 
18 Elten Elizabeth   daughter   Elten Roberd                          1588 October                                      
19 Haywod     Joan daughter   Haywod     Gordge                          1588 October     1                                   
20 S       Robard       son   S       Thomas                        1588 October                                      
21 Cleare        William       son   Cleare        John                    1588 October     26                                 
22 Tutchen    Alce  daughter   Tutchen    Richard                         1588     November 10                                 
23 Penten       William       son   Penten       William                          1588     November 11                                 
24 Frances     Jane daughter   Frances     John                    1588 November 22                                 
25 Wodine      Sibell         daughter   Wodine      Richard                         1588                                           
26 Ticher        Elizabeth   daughter   Ticher        Hari                      1588                                           
27 Tredgould Sybyll         daughter   Tredgould Richard                         1588     December                                       
28 Durnford    John son   Durnford    Richard                         1588 December 5                                 
29 Tamage     John son   Tamage     Roberd                          1588 December 12                                 
30 Daffend      Richard      son   Daffend      Richard                         1588     December 13                                 
31 Mathewe   Mary daughter   Mathewe   Moryes                          1588     December 13                                 
32 Allin  Elizabeth   daughter   Allin  William                          1588 December 16                                 
33 Allin  Ratchell     daughter   Allin  William                          1588 December 16                                 
34 Cuwtes      Joan daughter   Cuwtes      Thomas                        1588     December                                       
35 Figas Gorge         son   Figas John                    1588 December 20                            
36 ?        Thomas     son   ?        William                          1588 December 25                            
37 Cleare        Mary daughter   Cleare        John                    1588 January     21                                 
38 Godwin      Alce  daughter   Godwin      Ralfe                    1588 January     21                                 
39 Sakens      Thomas     son   Sakens      Gorge                            1588 January     26                                 
40 Joans        Doritie        daughter   Joans        Roberd                          1588     January     26                                 
41 Simart        _athern      daughter   Simart        Edward                         1588     February   2                                   
42 Palmer                baby Palmer       John                    1588 February   2                              
43 Prinky        Amy  daughter   Prinky        Gregory                        1588 February     2                                   
44 Bulpit         William       son   Bulpit         Bawden                        1588 February     12                                 
45 Bray  Elizabeth   daughter   Bray  John                    1588 February   23                            
46 Bouchy      Gorge         son   Bouchy      William                          1588 March     2                                   
47 Steventon John son   Steventon John                    1588 March        5                              
48 Burger       Jane daughter   Burger       Roger                            1588 March     8                                   
49 Small         Agnes        daughter   Small         William                          1588     March        12                                 
50 Hopgood   William       son   Hopgood   Thomas                        1589 April  1                                 
51 Heliar                  daughter   Heliar         John                    1589 April 9                              
52 Burnat       Mary daughter   Burnat       William                          1589 April  27                                 
53 Samuell     …….d          daughter   Samuell     Peter                   1589 May  23                                 
54 Blake         Eliner         daughter   Blake         Ritchard                       1589 May     23                                 
55 Blake                   daughter   Blake         Roberd                          1589 May  31                                 
56 Turnar                 son   Turnar       John                    1589 June 1                              
57 Heliar                  son   Heliar         Thomas                        1589 June 4                              
58 Border                 daughter   Border       William                          1589 June      8                                   
59 Catford                                                                1589 June 18                            
60 Hearn         Richard      son   Hearn         William                          1589 June 21                                 
61 Hopkins              daughter   Hopkins     Ephraim                        1589 June 29                                 
62 Kiveash     Joseph      son   Kiveash     Hewe                            1589 July  8                                 
63 Hibbard     ……tard      son   Hibbard     Christopher                           1589     July  16                                 
64 Croswell              daughter   Croswell    John                    1589 July  30                            
65 Lidden                 son   Lidden       William                          1589 August       2                                 
66 Cobbe                  son   Cobbe        John                    1589 August       8                              
67 Mountayn           son   Mountayn  Ritchard                       1589 August       10                                 
68 Modye                 son   Modye        Thomas                        1589 August       23                                 
69 Becberie             daughter   Becberie   William                          1589 August     23                                 
70 James                 daughter   James       John                    1589 August       31                                 
71 Barten                 daughter   Barten       Thomas                        1589     September 20                                 
72 Lonegron            son   Lonegron  Edward                         1589 October     3                                 
73 P….             daughter   P…..  William                          1589 October     5                              
74 T..y   John son   T…y  John                    1589 October     10                            
75 Smith         Roberd       son   Smith         Christour                      1589 October     18                                 
76 Taredgoulde      William       son   Taredgould         Thomas                    1589 November 19                                 
77 Scolard      William       son   Scolard      William                          1589     November 23                                 
78 Hearns       Elizabeth   daughter   Hearns       Ritchard                       1589     November 25                                 
79 Goodchild Jane daughter   Goodchild Christour                      1589     November 26                                 
80 Gouldinge William       son   Gouldinge John                    1589 November 29                                 
81 Heiris         Ellnor         daughter   Heiris         Roberd                          1589     November 30                                 
82 Smith         John son   Smith         John                    1589 December 3                              
83 Barick        Christour   son   Barick        John                    1589 December 7                                 
84 Fisher        Jane daughter   Fisher        John                    1589 December 21                                 
85 Brinsdin     Nyccolas   son   Brinsdin                                  1589 December 21                                 
86 Yernans     Joan daughter   Yemans     John                    1589 December 26                                 
87 Tither         Joan daughter   Tither         Henry                            1589     December 26                                 
88 Duffen        Elizabeth   daughter   Duffen        John                    1589 January     7                                   
89 Mealls        Sybbyll      daughter   Mealls        John                    1589 January     31                                 
90 Inwod        Thomas     son   Inwod        Ritchard                       1589 February     21                                 
91 Burt  William       son   Burt  Thomas                        1589 March        1                              
92 Gilberd       Joan daughter   Gilberd       John                    1589 March        7                                 
93 Smith         Thomas     son   Smith         John                    1589 March        8                                 
94 Pallmer      Barbara     daughter   Pallmer      John                    1589 March     14                                 
95 Swetapell  Ritchard    son   Swetapell  Thomas                        1589 March     20                                 
96 Clun  Peter son   Clun  Roberd                          1589 March        20                            
97 Garvies      Edward      son   Garvies      Benjamin                      1590 April  5                                 
98 Wonard      Elizabeth   daughter   Wonard      Asvainy:                        1590     April  10                                  at John Westens
99         Turner        Alce  daughter   Turner       John                    1590 April  22                                 
100        Blainchre  Roger         son   Blainchre  William                          1590 May     5                                   
101        Posly Ann   daughter   Posly Roberd                          1590 May  5                              
102        Hatchet     Alce  daughter   Hatchet     William                          1590 May     13                                 
103        Mitchell     Gorge         son   Mitchell     William                          1590 May     22                                 
104        Pecket       Frances     daughter   Pecket       Nycolas                    1590 May  24                                 
105        Sutton       John son   Sutton       Thomas                        1590 June 5                                 
106        Dason        John son   Dason        John                    1590 June 7                              
107        Westen      Susanna    daughter   Western     John                    1590     June                                      
108        Samuell               daughter   Samuell     Thomas                        1590     June                                      
109        Thorne       Joan daughter   Thorne       John                    1590 July  9                                 
110        Arter John son   Arter John                    1590 July  13                            
111        Bath William       son   Bath William                          1590 July  15                            
112        Bussh        Ann   daughter                      Bussh        Allce 1590 July  29                                  by  Ritchard Daws
113        Baulde       Joan daughter   Baulde       William                          1590     August       15                                 
114        Procter      Marye        daughter   Procter      Harye                       1590 August       29                                 
115        Noyes        Peter son   Noyes        Thomas                        1590 August     30                                 
116        Bardstock Thomas     son   Bardstock Nycolas                        1590     September 1                                   
117        Gillians      Mary daughter   Gillians      Christour                      1590     September 3                                   
118        Myler          William                                                      1590 September 7                                 
119        Mitchell     Susanna    daughter   Mitchell     Ritchard                   1590 September 23                                 
120        Marten       Josefe       son   Marten       William                          1590     September 24                                 
121        Douce        Thomas     son   Douce        William                          1590     October     2                                   
122        Tutchen    Marye        daughter   Tutchen    Alexander                1590 October     4                                   
123        Hopgood   Catheren   daughter   Hopgood   John                    1590     October     7                                   
124        Woddman  …..ory        daughter   Woddman  Ritchard                   1590 October     24                                 
125        Curtes        Thomas     son   Curtes        Harry                             1590     November 1                                   
126        Eoknell      Susana      daughter                      Eoknell      Jhone     1590 November 10                                 
127        Arlat Jane daughter   Arlat Gordy                            1590 November 15                                 
128        Bently        Margret     daughter   Bently        Hew                     1590     November 18                                 
129        Smith         Elizabeth   daughter   Smith         John                    1590     November 20                                 
130        Grenway    …..ner        daughter   Grenway    William                     1590 November 28                                 
131        Grannttam Ritchard    son   Grannttam Rombould                     1590     December 4                                   
132        Hiberd        Dortye        daughter   Hiberd        Christour                  1590 December 16                                 
133        West Ritchard    son   West John                    1590 January     3                              
134        Heliar         Joyce        daughter   Heliar         Ritchard                   1590 January     8                                   
135        Braye         John son   Braye         John                    1590 January     9                                 
136        Noyce        Robert       son                      Noyce                  1590 January     13                                  daughter of John Noyce
137        Dorman      Nicolas      son   Dorman      Peter                   1590 January     15                                 
138        Pinnell       Edward      son   Pinnell       Wiliam                           1590     January     22                                 
139        Jacks                  daughter   Jacks        Roberd                          1590     January     24                                 
140        Cop….        Christian   daughter   Cop…..       William                     1590                                                
141        Swift Elizabeth   daughter   Swift John                    1590                                           
142        A….   Sara daughter   A….   Thomas                        1590                                           
143        Smith         Doratye     daughter   Smith         Gilbert                      1590                                                
144        Stronge     Edward      son   Stronge     John                    1590                                           
145        Maiecke    Roger         son   Maiecke    Roger                            1590     February                                         
146        Pope Richard      son   Pope Richard                         1590 February                                    
147        Croswell    Martha       daughter   Croswell    John                    1590                                           
148        Dines         Christour   son   Dines         William                          1590     March        6                                   
149        Inwood      Joan daughter   Inwood      Richard                         1590     March        7                                   
150        Douce        Agnes        daughter   Douce        Thomas                    1590 March        7                                   
151        Thomas     Christian   daughter   Thomes     Thomas                    1590 March        10                                 
152        North         Thomas     son   North         John                    1590 March     13                                 
153        Burnat       Alice daughter   Burnat       William                          1590     March        14                                 
154        Frances     Thomas     son   Frances     Christour                      1590     March                                              
155        Browne      Ritchard    son   Browne      Thomas                        1591     March        25                                 
156        Smith         Elizabeth   daughter   Smith         John                    1591     March        28                                 
157        J….d Margret     daughter   J…..d          Ritchard                       1591     March        29                                 
158        Fissher      Margret     daughter   Fissher      Thomas                    1591 April  10                                 
159        Heath         Annes        daughter   Heath         John                    1591     April  11                                 
160        Harfard      Joan daughter   Harfard      Ritchard                       1591     April  17                                 
161        Fickeley              daughter   Fickeley    Grigory                          1591     April  19                                 
162        Wigmore    John son   Wigmore    Thomas                        1591 April                                   
163        Tither         Lanslat      son   Tither         Harrie                            1591     April                                       
164        Burte          Bezallel     son   Burte          Thomas                        1591 May     19                                 
165        Williams     Ritchard    son   Williams     Thomas                        1591                                           
166        Hinxman    Susana      daughter   Hinxman    William                     1591                                                
167        …..    Doretie      bastard      …….. …..                        1591                                           
168        Alexandre Winnifred   daughter   Alexandre John                    1591                                           
169        Smith         Margret     daughter   Smith         Christour                  1591                                                
170        Childe        Morice       son   Smith         William                          1591      12                                 
171        Lawrance  Lanclat      son   Lawrance  John                    1591                                           
172        Tribe Robert       son   Tribe John                    1591                                           
173        Thatcher   Elizabeth   daughter   Thatcher   William                     1591                                                
174        Croswell    Jane daughter   Croswell    John                    1591 August     1                                   
175        …n..e          Ritchard    son   …n..e          Ritchard                       1591     August       4                                   
176        Drewe        William       son   Drewe        Roberd                          1591     August       6                                   
178        Samwell                       Samwell    Peter                   1591 September 8                                 
179        Dornford              son   Dornford    Pall                      1591 September 11                                 
179        Parr            daughter   Parr  Water                            1591 September 15                                 
180        Mountain            daughter   Mountain   Ritchard                       1591     September 19                                 
181        Younge      Elizabeth   daughter   Younge      Roberd                     1591 September 26                                 
182        Bevell        …erd son   Bevell        Roberd                          1591 October     10                                 
183        Smith                   son   Smith         Humfry                          1591 October     13                                 
184        Hibard        Philip         daughter   Hibard        Thomas                    1591 October     18                                 
185        Tapner       Ann   daughter   Tapner       Roger                            1591     November 1                                   
186        Heaiers      Elizabeth   daughter   Heaiers      Roberd                     1591 November 23                                 
187        Swetappell         James       son   Swetapell  James                      1591 November 27                                 
188        Rickeman  Christian   daughter   Rickeman  John                    1591     December 26                                 
189        Hunte         Thomas     son   Hunte         John                    1591 January     6                                   
190        Davie         Thomas     son   Davie         Thomas                        1591     January     18                                 
191        Fineash     ..n.en          daughter   Fineash     Hewe                        1591 February   20                                 
192        James       Marg….      daughter   James       John                    1591     February   20                                 
193        Meales                son   Meales       John                    1591 February   23                                 
194        Thoms       …n    son   Thoms       John                    1591 February   26                                 
195        Waters       Thomas     base born                     Waters       Eliabeth     1591 March        5                                   
196        Sutten       Margret     daughter   Sutten       Thomas                    1591 March        19                                 
197        Elton …….d          daughter   Elton Roberd                          1591 March     24                                 
198        Foster        Dorotie      daughter   Foster        John                    1592     March        27                                 
199        Lisly ….m  son   Lisly Robert                           1592 April  16                            
200        Patie          daughter   Patie Ritchard                       1592 April  21                            
201        Peasly                 son   Peasly       Roberd                          1592 April  22                                 
202        Blake                   daughter   Blake         Ritchard                       1592     April 25                                 
203        Blake                   son   Blake         John                    1592 April  29                            
204        Fisher        ….r.   daughter   Fisher        John                    1592 April  30                                 
205        Barricke              son   Barricke    John                    1592 May  16                            
206        Robison               son   Robison     John                    1592 May  20                            
207        Goddard              daughter   Goddard    William                          1592 May     20                                 
208        Cockenell           daughter   Cockenell  John                    1592 May  26                                 
209        Hopkins              daughter   Hopkins     Efrim                    1592 May  27                                 
210        Arlat           son   Arlat Gordge                          1592 June 7                              
211        Childe                  daughter   Childe        Thomas                        1592     June 7                                   
212        Adames               daughter   Adames     John                    1592 June 21                                 
213        Sakens                son   Sakens      Gorge                            1592 June 21                                 
214        Nathaniell son                                          1592                                            
215        Ritchard    son             ….ell                    1592                                           
216        Chistour    son             Christour                      1592                                           
217        Philopp      Elizabeth   daughter   Philopp                                   1592     July                                        
218        Croutch     Christour   son   Croutch     Harye                            1592     July                                        
219        B.der William       son   B.der William                          1592 July  28                            
220        Daton         Christ[ophe]r      son   Daton         Peter                   1592     August       2                                   
221        Bent Roberd       son   Bent Hew                     1592 August       12                            
222        Redinge     Christ[ophe]r      son   Redinge     James                      1592 August       19                                 
223        Doffen        Frances     daughter   Doffen        John                    1592     August       19                                 
224        Hopg….      Marye        daughter   Hopg…       John                    1592     August       27                                 
225        Uddal         Peter son   Uddal         Lanclat                         1592     September 6                                   
226        Monday     Alce  daughter   Monday     John                    1592     September                                     
227        Palmer       John son (3?)     Palmer       Nycolas                        1592     September 25                                 
228        Titcher      Thomas     son   Titcher      Nicolas                         1592     October                                          
229        Figges       William       son   Figges       John                    1592 October                                          
230        Baker         Marye        daughter   Baker         Thomas                    1592 October                                          
231        Noyce        Dorytie       daughter   Noyce        Thomas                    1592 October     24                                 
232        Stevens     Thomas     son   Stevens     Ritchard                       1592     November                                       
233        Treaddgould      Thomas     son   Treaddgould      Thomas                    1592 November                                       
234        Small         Roberd       son   Small         William                          1592     November                                       
235        Alred William       son   Alred Nicolas                         1592 December 10                                 
236        Rutne         John son   Rutne         William                          1592     December 10                                 
237        Godwin      Roberd       son   Godwin      Ralfe                    1592     December 10                                 
238        Ma..d.e       Christour   son   Ma..d.e       William                          1592     December                                       
239        Cornelious John son   Cornelious Thomas                        1592     December 17                                 
240        Knight        John son   Knight        Roberd                          1592     December 27                                 
241        Jacson      John son   Jacson      John                    1592 January     7                                 
242        Jaks Agnes        daughter   Jaks Roberd                          1592 January                                          
243        Pith   Nycolas     son   Pith   Nicolas                         1592 January                                      
244        Artre Alce  daughter   Artre John                    1592 January                                     
245        Pope John son   Pope Ritchard                       1592 January     21                            
246        Hopgood             son   Hopgood   Thomas                        1592 January     28                                 
247        Eaiers                  son   Eaiers        Ritchard                       1592 February     2                                   
248        Burnat                 son   Burnat       William                          1592 February     7                                   
249        …..                                                              1592 February   11                            
250        Barker                                                                 1592 February   11                            
251        Heliar                  daughter   Heliar         Thomas                        1592     February   22                                 
252        Samuell               son   Samuell     Thomas                        1592 February     24                                 
253        Grantam    Margret     daughter   Grantam    Rombould                1592 February   28                                 
254        Mander      Th..son      son   Mander      Jarnes                          1592     March        4                                   
255        Hatchat     John son   Hatchat     William                          1592 March     5                                   
256        Heath         John son   Heath         John                    1592 March        16                                 
257        Frances     William       son   Frances     William                          1592     March        16                                 
258        ….                                                               1592                                           
259        Watkins               base born daughter                                          1592     March        22                                 
260        Inwood      William       son   Inwood      Ritchard                       1593     April  6                                   
261        Finkely      …x….der    son   Finkely      Grigory                          1593     April  13                                 
262        Douce        John son   Douce        Thomas                        1593 April  22                                 
263        Cocknell    William       son   Cocknell    John                    1593 May  6                                 
264        Smith         Ann   daughter   Smith         Christour                      1593 May     6                                   
265        Smith         Christian   daughter   Smith         Christour                  1593 May  13                                 
266        Alixander  Dorytie       daughter   Alixander  John                    1593     July  5                                   
267        Drewe   daughter   Drewe        Roberd                          1593     July  15                                 
268        Allen Margret     daughter   Allen Simon                           1593 July  15                                 
269        Hinxman    Elizabeth   daughter   Hinxman    William                     1593 July  17                                 
270        Heaiers   daughter   Heaiers      Roberd                          1593     July  21                                 
271        Braye         ..lner daughter   Braye         John                    1593 July  24                                 
272        Fullar         ….tie daughter   Fullar         Roberd                          1593     July  25                                 
273        West Elizabeth   daughter   West John                    1593 July  29                            
274        Blake         Roberd       son   Blake         Roberd                          1593     July  28                                 
275        Williams     Thomas     son   Williams     John                    1593 August     5                                   
276        Hid    Joan daughter   Hid    William                          1593 August       5                                 
277        Sente         ……d son   Sente         Roberd                          1593 August     22                                 
278        Croutch     John son   Croutch     John                    1593 August       26                                 
279        Waitt ..b     son   Waitt Sillvester                      1593 September          5                                 
280        Newell       …nor daughter   Newell       Hew                     1593     September 5                                   
281        Pilgrem      ….c   daughter   Pilgrem      .tch:                     1593     September 9                                   
282        Wigmo..     Ritchard    son   Wigmo..     Thomas                        1593     September                                     
283        Rose Doryitie      daughter   Rose Edward                         1593     September                                     
284        Diaper        Edward      son   Diaper        Nycolas                        1593     September                                     
285        Blake         Ritchard    son   Blake         Ritchard                       1593     September 30                                 
286        J…nlasy                                                    1593 October     5                              
287        Rickeman  John son   Rickeman  John                    1593 October     7                                 
288        Grove         Joseph      son   Grove         William                          1593     October     13                                 
289        Hatchat     Thomas     son   Hatchat     Thomas                        1593     October     15                                 
290        Carter        Joan daughter   Carter        Phillip                            1593     October     18                                 
291        Awsten      Joan daughter   Awsten      Nycolas                        1593     October     21                                 
292        Steventon Agnes        daughter   Steventon John                    1593     October     26                                  from the s of Hole
293        Mountain   Ellnor         daughter   Mountain   Ritchard                   1593 October     28                                 
294        Giliance     Agnes        daughter   Giliance     John                    1593     October     30                                 
295        Bould         Nycolas     son   Bould         Mykell                           1593     November 18                                 
296        Weston      Ann   daughter   Weston      John                    1593     November 18                                 
297        Morres       Marye        daughter   Morres       Ritchard                   1593 November 23                                 
298        Copper       Thomas     son   Copper       William                          1593     December 16                                 
299        Paylie        Roberd       son   Paylie        Roberd                          1593     December 16  
5.   The Future
I hope to continue with the newsletter for quite a while. At 72 years of age I realize that my time doing the Blake Study is limited so I would like to be able in the next ten years to hand it off to someone interested in continuing and keeping research ongoing into this ancient family. Although some believe that there is common ancestry for this family back to a singleton individual, that is simply not possible given the various haplogroups. The surname Blak[e] can be seen to have arisen spontaneously on the continent considering the number of males with the Blake surname who came to England between 1330 and 1550 from areas outside of England including various places in Europe and also Ireland.

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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