Thursday, May 31, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter Volume 3 Issue 3, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2018

Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of Richard Pincombe
3.   Autosomal DNA Study
4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 8)

1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing the chart for Beaford (Roborough) - Ramsgate in this issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. 

The link for the original chart (image below):

This is not a set of Pincombe/Pinkham families that is familiar to me. Any information on any of these lines is most welcome and if you wish to write up an article on the family at Beaford-Roborough-Ramsgate it would be interesting to understand more about this line of the family. The record of the marriage for Steeven Pencombe and Edith/Elizabeth Blagdon 10 Nov 1621 at St Giles in the Woods is from the parish registers for St Giles in the Woods. The original image is online at Find My Past.

The acknowledgements for this chart are found in the upper left hand corner mentioning the names of several people who live at Ramsgate or that general area (Ramsgate is a seaside town in the District of Thanet in East Kent (England)

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.   Will of Richard Pincombe
Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will held at Kew
Place: Poughill, Devon, England
Dated: 19 Nov 1656 and probated 10 Apr 1658
1       I Richard Pincombe of
2       of Poughill in the Countie of Devon Esquire being sick of body but
3       of perfect memorie (thankes be to Almightie God) doe make this
4       my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following. The
5       nineteenth day of November one Thousand Six hundred Fiftie Six
6       Revoking all former Wills and Testaments by mee formerlie made
7       First I give my Soule into the hands of almightie God hopeing by
8       the merritts of Christ Jesus my blessed Saviour to be eternally saved
9       and to have a ioyfull resurection. Item I give to Phillip Hole Servant
10     to my Mother All my Two Tenements lying in Marwood in the county
11     of Devon worth about twenty two pounds per Annum for four score
12     and nineteene yeares if he live soe long: Item I give to John Card
13     All my Tenements lying in Littleham in the Countie of Devon lately
14     in the tenure of the Widdow Short worth Eighteene pounds per Annum
15     for fourscore and nineteene yeares yf three Lives shall soe long live Item
16     I give to Davis Evans Servant to my Mother one Tenement lying
17     in Instow in the Countie of Devon of fourteene pounds per Annum
18     for fourscore and nineteene yeares yf he live soe long Item I give all the
19     rest of my Lands, Tenements and hereditaments Goods and Chattells
21     to my deare Mother during her life she paying my debts and fune
22     ralls And after her decease to my three Sisters and the heires of theire
23     bodies lawfully to be begotten if they marry with consent of my Mother
24     and my Cozen Doddridge and for default of such issue to the right heires
25     of mee the said Richard Pincombe my true meaning being That my three
26     Sisters shall inioy my Lands Tenements and hereditaments to them
27     and the heires of theire bodies, but shall have noe power to alien them in
28     anie other manner but that after theire death without issue it shall
29     come to my right heires. Item I make my Mother and my Cozen Doddridge
30     my ioynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament Item I give
31     my Lands in Braunton in the Countie of Devon to Richard Hole my
32     Godsonne, sonne of Nicholas Hole of Ilfardcombe for four score and nineteene
33     yeares
34     Yeares if three lives live soe long. Item I give to the said Richard
35     Hole a Tenement in the Tenure of one Jone Southcombe lying neare South
36     Moulton for the life tearme of four score and nineteene yeares if Three
37     lives soe long Item I give to the Maid of the house Twentie shillings
38     Item I give to Roger and Ric[har]d Prentize in the house Tenn shillings a
39     peece Item I give to the eldest Nurse fouer pounds Item I give to the
40     youngest nurse Three pounds Tenn shillings Item I give to William
41     Dunn Servant to my Mother Tenn pounds to be paid to him by my
42     Mother and to his Sonne I give twentie shillings Item I give five
43     pounds to the poore of the parish wherein I am buried
44     Item my will and meaning is that the old and customes
45     Rents be reserted upon those Estates which I have given by this
46     my will to Phillip Hole John Card Davis Evans and Richard Hole
47     Sealed and published in the presence of Richard Johnson Will[ia]m Greene
48     The Tenth day of Aprill In the Yeare of our Lord
49     God One Thousand Six hundred Fiftie and eight Letter of Admi
50     nistration with the Will annext issued forth to Mary Tuckfeild
51     Elizabeth & Gartrud Pincombe the naurall and lawfull Sisters of
52     Richard Pincombe deceased To administer all and singular the goods
53     chattells and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and
54     effect of the said deceased Will for that Mary Pincombe the Mother
55     and John Doddridge the Executors named in the said Will have judici
56     ally renounced the execution thereof They the said Mary Tuckfeild
57     Elizabeth and Gartrud Pincombe the Sisters being first legallie
58     sworne (by vertue of a Commission truly and faythfullie to administer
59     the same
This particular Richard Pincombe appears to have died without any heirs other than his mother and sister. Gertrude (Richard’s sister) Pincombe’s will was published in Volume 2 Issue 4 of Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.
The earlier study does not refer to this Pincombe family unless I have missed that on the charts. This particular family can be found in the Visitations of Devon 1620 (with additions).

                                                                                                Richard Pincombe of Poughill

3.   Autosomal DNA Study
I continue to have new matches with autosomal DNA with my many Pincombe cousins. The material has been handy with phasing my grandparents. Unfortunately it is not possible to share autosomal results online and still maintain privacy for the individuals in the various studies.  I am still not yet ready to discuss the yDNA Pincombe-Pinkham family study.
4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 8)
These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file. 

      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details

1600  Lawdye       William       son    Lawdye       Mathew                         1607  Feb    14         
1601  Smyth         Elyn   daughter    Smyth         William                          1607  Feb    28         
1602  Cawcrome  Grace         daughter    Cawcrome  John           Agnes         1607  Mar          12     
1603  White William       son    White William                          1608  Mar   27     
1604  Gubb John  son    Gubb William                 Alice 1608  Apr    12     
1605  Donne         Marye         daughter    Donne         James                  Joan  1608  May          1       
1606  Balmand     Wilmett      daughter    Balmand     Roger                   1608  May   5         
1607  Shattacke  Windefride  daughter    Shattacke  Thomas                Windefride          1608  May   8       
1608  Eastmonde John  son    Eastmonde Christopher                   1608  May   24     
1609  Mole  Grace         daughter    Mole  John           Joan  1608  Jun    12     
1610  Badge         William       son    Badge         John           Susan         1608  Jun    19         
1611  Charde       Michaell     son    Charde       Charles                          1608  July   3         
1612  Delbridge   John  son    Delbridge   Emanuell                       1608  July   19     
1613  Delbridge   Michaell     son    Delbridge   Emanuell                       1608  July   19         
1614  Thorne        Anne daughter    Thorne        Richard                          1608  Aug   28         
1615  Vicarie       Tamzin       daughter    Vicarie       William                 Alice 1608  Nov          1       
1616  Squire         Marye         daughter    Squire         Roger          Mary  1608  Nov   13         
1617  Pasmoore   William       son    Pasmoore   Philipe                  Elizabeth    1608  Dec          26     
1618  Stote Robert        son    Stote Hugh           Jaket 1608  Dec   26     
1619  Locke         William       son    Locke         Philipe                  Elizabeth    1608  Jan          18     
1620  Burgis         Robert        son    Burgis         Anthony               Christian    1608  Jan          30     
1621  Locke         William       son    Locke         William                 Catherine   1608  Feb          4       
1622  Hobbs         Jeffry son    Hobbs         Philipe                  Anne 1608  Feb    12     
1623  Hunte         Thomas      son    Hunte         Richard                Joan  1609  Mar   26         
1624  Locke         Macklinge  son    Locke         Samuel                 Richord      1609  Mar          26     
1625  Burgis         William       son    Burgis         William                          1609  Mar   26         
1626  Nott  Anthonye    son    Nott  Thomas                Susan         1609  Apr    16     
1627  Abbote       William       son    Abbote       Richard                Joan  1609  May   21         
1628  Shattacke  Philip son    Shattacke  John           Joan  1609  May   28     
1629  Kingdon      Joan  daughter    Kingdon      Samuell                Agnis 1609  Jun    2         
1630  Locke         Marye         daughter    Locke         Thomas                Joan  1609  Jun          11     
1631  Thorne        Englishe     son    Thorne        John           Amise         1609  Jun    25         
1632  Purchase    Anne daughter    Purchase    Nicholas              Alice 1609  Aug   10         
1633  Symons      John  son    Symons      Roger          Charity       1609  Aug   13     
1634  Estmond     Philip son    Estmond     Christopher          Christian    1609  Sep   13         
1635  Thorne        Anne daughter    Thorne        William                 Emett         1609  Sep          21     
1636  Davie Timothy      son    Davie John           Agnes         1609  Oct    1       
1637  Coole Joan  daughter    Coole John           Joan  1609  Oct    1       
1638  Mathew      Grace         daughter    Mathew      William                          1609  Oct          8       
1639  Kingdon      Margaret    daughter    Kingdon      Philipe                  Wilmot          1609  Oct    10     
1640  Mole  Faith daughter    Mole  Henry                   1609  Nov   14     
1641  Longe         Anne daughter    Longe         Hugh                    1609  Nov   17     
1642  Burgis         Anne daughter    Burgis         Henry                   1609  Nov   19     
1643  Shapland    Philip son    Shapland    Christopher                   1609  Dec   3       
1644  Burgis         Henrye       son    Burgis         John                     1609  Dec   11     
1645  Thorne        Marye         daughter    Thorne        William                 Joan  1609  Dec          25     
1646  Cloge Joan  daughter    Cloge Jeffry          Amise         1609  Jan    1       
1647  Williams     Grace         daughter    Williams     John                     1609  Jan    24         
1648  Tucker        Englishe     son    Tucker        Ralph                   1609  Jan    24     
1649  Hill    Rebecca     daughter    Hill    Samuel                 Mary  1609  Mar   9       
1650  Sticke         Marye         daughter    Sticke         William                 Margaret          1609  Mar   18     
1651  Slader         Elizabeth    daughter    Slader         Thomas                Elizabeth          1609  Mar   23     
1652  Mole  John  son    Mole  William                 Wilmott      1610  Mar   28     
1653  Hancoke     Elizabeth    daughter    Hancoke     John                     1610  Apr    15         
1654  Vellicote    Michaell     son    Vellicote    Mathew                Agnis 1610  May   5         
1655  Braye Emett         daughter    Braye Walter                            1610  May   18     
1656  Vicarie       Philip base son                        Vicarie       Susanne     1610  Jun    6         
1657  Bruer Johane       daughter    Bruer Robert                  Anstice       1610  Jun    27         
1658  Braye Jayne         daughter    Braye John                     1610  Aug   15     
1659  Gould Agnis daughter    Gould Richard                          1610  Aug   12     
1660  Braye Joane         daughter    Braye John                     1610  Aug   20     
1661  Shatticke   John  son    Shatticke   Robert                           1610  Sep   1       
1662  Charde       John  son    Charde       Charles                          1610  Sep   9       
1663  Locke         Anne daughter    Locke         Thomas                         1610  Sep   15         
1664  Delbridge   Margarett   daughter    Delbridge   Emanuell                       1610  Oct          7       
1665  Abbote       Thomas      son    Abbote       Richarde                        1610  Dec   9         
1666  Hobbs         Henrye       son    Hobbs         Andrew                          1610  Dec   26         
1667  Lange         Marye         daughter    Lange         John                     1610  Jan    10         
1668  Thorne        Joahn         daughter    Thorne        William                 Eme  1610  Jan          27     
1669  Vicarye       Michaell     son    Vicarye       Christopher                   1610  Feb    24         
1670  Burgis         Richard      son    Burgis         Anthony                         1611  Mar   25         
1671  Cawcrome  Michaell     son    Cawcrome  John                     1611  Mar   27     
1672  Wisman      Grace         daughter    Wisman      William                          1611  Mar          31     
1673  Pasmoore   Elizabeth    daughter    Pasmoore   John                     1611  Apr    14         
1674  Locke         Robert        son    Locke         John                     1611  Apr    28     
1675  Eastmonde Christopher son    Eastmonde Christopher                   1611  Jun    2         
1676  Glasse        Gregorye    son    Glasse        Phillipe                          1611  Jun    2         
1677  Fraze John  son    Fraze Edward                          1611  Jun    12     
1678  Fraze Thomas      son    Fraze Edward                          1611  Jun    12     
1679  Blake Wilmott      daughter    Blake William                          1611  Jun    15     
1680  Oliver Temperance        daughter    Oliver George                          1611  Jun    23         
1681  Shattacke  John  son    Shattacke  Thomas                         1611  Jun    30     
1682  Balmand     Catheren    daughter    Balmand     Roger                   1611  July   3         
1683  Shapland    Siblye         base daughter                         Shapland    Grace          1611  Aug   10     
1684  Locke         Samuell      son    Locke         Samuell                         1611  Aug   11         
1685  Thorne        Tamosyne  daughter    Thorne        John                     1611  Aug   22         
1686  Whyte         Anne daughter    Whyte         William                          1611  Aug   28         
1687  Kingdon      Amye daughter    Kingdon      Samuell                         1611  Aug   29         
1688  Purchase    Nell   daughter    Purchase    Nicholas                        1611  Sep   29         
1689  Tape William       son    Tape William                          1611  Sep   29     
1690  Bullyford    Peter son    Bullyford    Christopher                   1611  Oct    23     
1691  Burgis         Anne daughter    Burgis         Henrye                           1611  Oct    27         
1692  Locke         John  base son                        Locke         Joahn         1611  Nov   24         
1693  Chaunter    Elizabeth    daughter    Chaunter    Hugh                    1611  Nov   28         
1694  Burgis         Joan  daughter    Burgis         John                     1611  Dec   15     
1695  Kyngdon     William       son    Kyngdon     Phillippe                        1611  Jan    1         
1696  Tucker        John  son    Tucker        William                          1611  Jan    3       
1697           Marye         base daughter                                            1611  Jan    6       
1698  Lawdye       Peter son    Lawdye       Mathew                         1611  Jan    12     
1699  Leigh Thomas      son    Leigh Hugh                    1611  Jan    17     
1700  Locke         Agnis daughter    Locke         Phillipe                           1611  Jan    19         
1701  Cloye Peter son    Cloye Richard                          1611  Jan    26     
1702  Sticke         Syblye        daughter    Sticke         William                          1611  Feb          19     
1703  Vicarye       Marye         daughter    Vicarye       William                          1611  Mar          22     
1704  Cole  Anne daughter    Cole  John                     1611  Mar   22     
1705  Locke         Joahn         daughter    Locke         George                          1612  Mar          29     
1706  Warde         Elizabeth    daughter    Warde         William                          1612  Mar          31     
1707  Lane  Thomas      son    Lane  Water                   1612  Apr    5       
1708  Thorne        Thomas      son    Thorne        Christopher                   1612  Apr    22         
1709  Mole  Henrye       son    Mole  John                     1612  Apr    27     
1710  Braye Archelles    base son                        Braye Susan         1612  May   15     
1711  Shapland    Grace         daughter    Shapland    Christopher                   1612  May          18     
1712  Vicarye       Roger son    Vicarye       Christopher                   1612  May   18     
1713  Braye Marye         daughter    Braye Christopher                   1612  May   21     
1714  Velycott     Mathew      son    Velycott     Mathew                         1612  Jun    7         
1715  Locke         Tamosyne  daughter    Locke         Thomas                         1612  July          7       
1716  Pasmore     Joahn         daughter    Pasmore     Phillipe                          1612  July          26     
1717  Franclinge  William       base child                                         1612  Aug   2       
1718  Lange         Joahn         daughter    Lange         Christopher                   1612  Aug          6       
1719  Thorne        Christian    daughter    Thorne        William                          1612  Aug          9       
1720  Dunne         John  son    Dunne         James                            1612  Aug   31     
1721  Davye         Joahn         daughter    Davye         John                     1612  Dec   13         
1722  Williams     Catherine   daughter    Williams     John                     1612  `Sep  29         
1723  Hobbes       William       son    Hobbes       Andrew                          1612  Sep   30         
1724  Elsworthie  John  son    Elsworthie  James                            1612  Oct    11     
1725  Abbott        Catherine   daughter    Abbott        Richard                          1612  Oct          11     
1726  Brewer       Grace         daughter    Brewer       Roberte                         1612  Oct          25     
1727  Frase Agnes         daughter    Frase Edwarde                        1612  Nov   8       
1728  Thorne        Thomas      son    Thorne        John                     1612  Nov   18      of Lambscombe
1729  Hobes         Johane       daughter    Hobes         Phillip                            1612  Nov          22     
1730  Bullaforde  William       son    Bullaford    Christopher                   1612  Nov   30         
1731  Locke         Jane  daughter    Locke         John                     1612  Dec   16     
1732  Tapp Richard      base son                        Tapp Em    1612  Feb    2       
1733  Lange         Christian    daughter    Lange         John                     1612  Mar   7         
1734  Parker        Edmonde    son    Parker        Edmonde                       1612  Mar   11          esquire
1735  Abbott        Marye         daughter    Abbott        Roberte                         1612  Mar          21     
1736  Tapp David son    Tapp William                          1612  Mar   24     
1737  Carew         George       son    Carew         George                          1613  Mar   31          Esquire
1738  Locke         Wilmott      daughter    Locke         Thomas                         1613  Apr          4       
1739  Burgis         Thomas      son    Burgis         Anthonye                       1613  Apr    11         
1740  Badge         Thomas      son    Badge         John                     1613  Apr    15     
1741  Wisman      Margaret    daughter    Wisman      William                          1613  Jun          6       
1742  Zeale Thomas      son    Zeale Gregorye                       1613  July   4       
1743  Bampfild     Lewes         son    Bampfild     John                     1613  July   11          Esquire
1744  Purchase    Nicholas     son    Purchase    Nicholas                        1613  Aug   15         
1745  Locke         John  son    Locke         Charells                         1613  Aug   29     
1746  Smyth         William       son    Smyth         Thomas                         1613  Sep   12          of Molland
1747  Locke         Anthonye    son    Locke         George                          1613  Sep   21         
1748  Thorne        John  son    Thorne        William                          1613  Oct    10     
1749  Braye Charles       son    Braye Walter                            1613  Nov   14     
1750  Eames        Thomas      son    Eames        Englishe                        1613  Dec   5         
1751  Clogge        Thomas      son    Clogge        Richard                          1613  Dec   12         
1752  Stocke        Christian    base daughter                         Stocke        Joahn          1613  Dec   12     
1753  Cole  William       son    Cole  William                          1613  Dec   21     
1754  Locke         Grace         daughter    Locke         John                     1613  Jan    9         
1755  Williams     Marye         daughter    Williams     John                     1613  Jan    23         
1756  Shatticke   Simon         son    Shatticke   Englishe                        1613  Jan    24         
1757  Hill    Grace         daughter    Hill    Samuell      `                  1613  Jan    30     
1758  Courtnye    Thomas      son    Courtnye    Anthonye                       1613  Feb    27         
1759  Locke         Peter son    Locke         Samuell                         1613  Mar   2       
1760  Huxstable  Wilmott      daughter    Huxstable  John                     1613  Mar   6         
1761  Locke         William       son    Locke         William                          1613  Mar   8         
1762  Burgis         John  son    Burgis         William                          1613  Mar   20     
1763  Tucker        Anstys        daughter    Tucker        William                          1614  Apr          3       
1764  Kingdon      Rose daughter    Kingdon      Samuell                         1614  May   17         
1765  Lee    Joahn         daughter    Lee    Hugh                    1614  Jun    2       
1766  Locke         John  son    Locke         Henrye                           1614  July   10     
1767  Tape Prisilla        daughter    Tape Michaell                         1614  July   10     
1768  Smyth         Hugh son    Smyth         Thomas                         1614  Aug   28     
1769  Thorne        Elizabeth    daughter    Thorne        Thomas                         1614  Aug          28     
1770  Bampfild     Elizabeth    daughter    Bampfild     John                     1614  Sep   18          Esquire
1771  Vellacott    Joahn         daughter    Vellacott    Mathew                         1614  Sep          25     
1772  Bushton      John  son    Bushton      John                     1614  Sep   29     
1773  Stukelye     Hugh son    Stukelye     John                     1614  Oct    9        of Twiching
1774  Locke         Marye         daughter    Locke         George                          1614  Oct          9       
1775  Burgis         Anne daughter    Burgis         Anthonye                       1614  Oct    16         
1776  Molle Joahn         daughter    Molle John                     1614  Oct    28     
1777  Warde         Thomas      son    Warde         William                          1614  Nov   1         
1778  Chaunter    John  son    Chaunter    Hugh                    1614  Nov   6       
1779  Hobbs         Thomas      son    Hobbs         Henrye                           1614  Nov   8         
1780  Vicarye alias Sanacott  Susanna     daughter    Vicarye alias Sanacott  William          1614  Nov   20     
1781  Thorne        John  son    Thorne        Christopher                   1614  Jan    1       
1782  Blake Richarde    son    Blake William                          1614  Jan    15     
1783  Shapton      Elizabeth    daughter    Shapton      William                 Joahn          1614  Mar   19     
1784  Hobbs         Tamzyn       daughter    Hobbs         Phillip                            1615  Apr          2       
1785  Hobbs         John  son    Hobbs         Andrew                          1615  Apr    16     
1786  Kingdon      Grace         daughter    Kingdon      Phillipe                          1615  Apr          19     
1787  Abbott        John  son    Abbott        Richard                          1615  Apr    23     
1788  Cole  Jane  daughter    Cole  John                     1615  Apr    23     
1789  Troute        Sara  daughter    Troute        Thomas                         1615  May   21         
1790  Shapland    Marye         daughter    Shapland    John                     1615  Jun    18         
1791  Elsworthie  Michaell     son    Elsworthie  James                            1615  July   9         
1792  Clotworthie Agnes         base daughter     Clotworthie John                     1615  Aug          1       
1793  Thorne        Gownett     daughter    Thorne        William                          1615  Sep          3        In Towne
1794  Burgis         Luce  daughter    Burgis         John                     1615  Sep   5       
1795  Williams     John  son    Williams     Anthonye                       1615  Sep   8       
1796  Locke         Roger son    Locke         Charlls                           1615  Sep   17     
1797  Bullaforde  Ibbott         daughter    Bullaford    Christopher                   1615  Sep          17     
1798  Smyth         Rebecca     daughter    Smyth         Thomas                         1615  Oct          7       
1799  Davye         Wilmott      daughter    Davye         John                     1615  Oct    8         
1800  Elsworthie  Anstice       daughter    Elsworthie  William                          1615  Nov          10     
1801  Pasmoore   Phillipe       son    Pasmoore   Phillipe                          1615  Nov   17         
1802  Vicarye       Katheryne  base daughter                         Vicarye       Ellyn  1615  Nov          23     
1803  Gould Thomas      son    Gould Richard                          1615  Dec   1       
1804  Burgis         Susanna     daughter    Burgis         Anthonye                       1615  Dec          15     
1805  Blake Agnis daughter    Blake William                          1615  Dec   27     
1806  Locke         Thomas      son    Locke         Thomas                         1615  Dec   31         
1807  Locke         Thomas      son    Locke         Samuell                         1615  Jan    1         
1808  Lange         John  son    Lange         Christopher                   1615  Jan    7       
1809  Thorne        Eme  daughter    Thorne        William                 Joahn         1615  Jan          7       
1810  Abbott        Susanna     daughter    Abbott        Robert                  Florence          1615  Jan    14     
1811  Downe        Richarde    son    Downe        William                 Anstice       1615  Jan          28     
1812  _penton      John  son    _penton      Robert                  Emett         1615  Jan    28         
1813  Shapland    Simon         son    Shapland    Simon                            1615  Feb    4         
1814  Parker        Elizabeth    daughter    Parker        Edmonde              Amye 1615  Feb          19      Esquire
1815  Moorman    Henrie        son    Moorman    Richard                Marye         1615  Feb          25     
1816  Riech John  son    Riech Nicholas                        1615  Mar   10     
1817  Balmond     John  son    Balmond     Roger                   1616  Mar   30     
1818  Pincombe   Thomas      son    Pincombe   Thomas                         1616  Mar   30         
1819  Shapland    Christopher son    Shapland    Christopher                   1616  Apr    7         
1820  Thorne        John  son    Thorne        John           Emett         1616  Apr    15     
1821  Treable       William       son    Treable       Robert                  Grace         1616  Apr          21     
1822  Vellacott    Richard      son    Vellacott    Mathew                Agnis 1616  May   19         
1823  Locke         Susan         daughter    Locke         John           Jane  1616  May   21         
1824  Pasmoore   William       base son                        Pasmoore   Luce  1616  May   23         
1825  Nicholas     Jonas         son    Nicholas     William                          1616  Jun    2         
1826  Reed William       son    Reed William                 Christian    1616  July   21     
1827  Pope Phillipe       son    Pope John                     1616  July   21     
1828  Abbott        Joahne       daughter    Abbott        Richard                          1616  Aug          11     
1829  Pasmoore   Richard      son    Pasmoore   Henry                   1616  Aug   11     
1830  Clatworthie Elizabeth    daughter    Clatworthie John                     1616  Aug   25         
1831  Mole  Christian    daughter    Mole  John                     1616  Sep   15     
1832  White Arthoure     son    White William                          1616  Oct    6       
1833  Balmond     Joahn         daughter    Balmond     Charles                          1616  Oct          6       
1834  Locke         John  son    Locke         Thomas                         1616  Nov   8       
1835  Thorne        William       son    Thorne        William                          1616  Dec   1          of Hunston
1836  Huxtable    John  son    Huxtable    John                     1616  Nov   1       
1837  Burgis         Johane       daughter    Burgis         Anthonye                       1616  Feb          16     
1838  Locke         William       son    Locke         John                     1616  Feb    22     
1839  Tapp John  son    Tapp Michaell               Prisilla        1616  Feb            
1840  Hobbs         Alice daughter    Hobbs         Andrew                          1616  Feb    17         
1841  Tucker        Peter son    Tucker        William                 Johan         1616  Feb    24         
1842  Webber       Johane       daughter    Webber       John           Catheraygne          1616  Feb    14     
1843  Hobbs         Thomas      son    Hobbs         Phillipe                          1616  Mar   4         
1844  Shapton      Johane       daughter    Shapton      William                          1616  Mar          14     
1845           Ellyne         daughter              William                          1617  Apr    6       
1846  Burgis         John  son    Burgis         John                     1617  Mar   30     
1847  Gybbs         John  son    Gybbs         Henrye                           1617  Apr    27     
1848  Thorne        Penticost   son    Thorne        Christopher                   1617  Jun    8         
1849  Shapland    William       son    Shapland    John                     1617  Jun    15     
1850  Braye William       son    Braye Water                   1617  July   6       
1851  Chaunter    Jayne         daughter    Chaunter    Hugh           Luce  1617  July   11         
1852  Wiseman    Dorithie      daughter    Wiseman    William                          1617  Aug          9       
1853  Abbott        Dorithie      daughter    Abbott        Robert                  Florence          1617  Sep   28     
1854  Locke         Anthonye    son    Locke         George                 Elsabeth     1617  Oct          12     
1855  Widlake      John  son    Widlake      John                     1617  Nov   2       
1856  Grynwaye   John  son    Grynwaye   William                          1617  Nov   2       
1857  Kingsland   Michaell     son    Kingsland   Chareles              Marye         1617  Nov          12     
1858  Kingdon      Marye         daughter    Kingdon      Phillipe                 Wilmote          1617  Nov   23     
1859  Thorne        Elizabeth    daughter    Thorne        John           Emett         1617  Dec          10     
1860  Lange         Thomas      son    Lange         Christopher          Joahn         1617  Dec          19     
1861  Warde         William       son    Warde         John           Ruth  1617  Dec   22     
1862  Smyth         Daniell        son    Smyth         Thomas                Tamosyne  1617  Dec          24     
1863  Reede         Joahn         daughter    Reede         William                 Christian          1617  Dec   26     
1864  Nott  Susan         daughter    Nott  William                 Catheryne  1617  Dec   26         
1865  Coale Phillipe       son    Coale William                 Margarett   1617  Jan    18     
1866  Shapland    Elizabeth    daughter    Shapland    Symon                  Elizabeth          1617  Jan    24     
1867  Thorne        Jonathan    son    Thorne        Thomas                Christian    1617  Mar          1       
1868  Gould Richard      son    Gould Richard                          1617  Mar   8       
1869  Treble         John  son    Treble         Robert                  Grace         1617  Mar   8         
1870  Sladder       William       son    Sladder       Michaell               Joahn         1617  Mar          22     
1871  Locke         Thomas      son    Locke         Samuell                         1618  Apr    4         
1872  Locke         Charles       son    Locke         Charles                          1618  Apr    10         
1873  Bushen       Thomas      base son                        Bushen       Agnis 1618  Apr    17         
1874  Webber       John  son    Webber       John                     1618  Apr    22     
1875  Burgis         Syblye        daughter    Burgis         John                     1618  May   17          In Towne
1876  Burgis         Hugh son    Burgis         Anthonye             Eme  1618  May   17     
1877  Coale John  son    Coale John                     1618  May   20     
1878  Leigh Elizabeth    daughter    Leigh Hugh                    1618  May   24     
1879  Davye         Richard      son    Davye         John           Agnis 1618  May   31     
1880  Gibbs Susan         daughter    Gibbs Henrye                           1618  May   31     
1881  Thorne        Faith daughter    Thorne        William                 Anne 1618  July   29         
1882  Trebell        John  son    Trebell        Thomas                Jane  1618  Aug   21     
1883  Mole  Rebecca     daughter    Mole  John           Elizabeth    1618  Sep   13     
1884  Takell         Elizabeth    daughter    Takell         Arthour                Jane  1618  Sep          27     
1885  Shapland    William       son    Shapland    John                     1618  Oct    3       
1886  Dee   John  son    Dee   John                     1618  Nov   5       
1887  Blake Christopher son    Blake William                          1618  Dec   17     
1888  Lange         Abraham    son    Lange         Christopher                   1618  Jan    1         
1889  Elson Pascow      daughter    Elson Richard                          1618  Jan    1       
1890  Thorne        Joahn         daughter    Thorne        John           Joahn         1618  Jan          3       
1891  Huxstable  Lovell         daughter    Huxstable  John                     1618  Jan    20         
1892  Mooreman  Faith daughter    Mooreman  Richard                          1618  Jan    23         
1893  Abbott        Richard      son    Abbott        Richard                          1618  Jan    31         
1894  Locke         Mathew      son    Locke         Thomas                         1618  Feb    24         
1895  Padricke     Marye         daughter    Padricke     Richard                          1618  Mar          3       
1896  Shapton      Thomas      son    Shapton      William                          1618  Mar   25         
1897  Tidlake       Henrye       base son                        Tidlake       Joahn         1619  Apr          5       
1898  Tapp Priscilla      daughter    Tapp Michaell               Priscilla      1619  Apr    24         
1899  Hobbs         Bartholomew       son    Hobs Andrew                          1619  Apr    27                                             
Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st September 2018) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 20th of August 2018 and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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