Thursday, March 7, 2019

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter

Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of Robert Pincombe, Bishops Nympton, 1827
3.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 11)

1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies

These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing the chart for Bideford in this issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.

The link for the original chart (image below):

Any information on any of these lines is most welcome and if you wish to write up an article on the family at Bideford it would be interesting to understand more about this line of the family. More work is needed on this chart to verify the entries and add new information.

William Pincombe heads up this chart and I have done a little work on this early part of the chart. There is a will for a William Pynckham dated 1570 at Bideford (this will amongst others having been lost in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office during WWII). Other wills for a Richard Pyncombe dated 1592, a Peter Pyncombe dated 1622, Philip Pyncombe dated 1632, a William Pincombe dated 1641 and a Thomas Pincombe dated 1663 (there are more wills beyond this date at Bideford for the Pincombe family). The earliest Pinkham wills found were in the 1800s at Totnes and Dawlish. The loss of these wills is enormous with regard to tracing this family back in Devon to the North Molton area where they are found in the late 1400s. I will have a little to say about the use of yDNA and this family but still quite restrained as we simply need more testers before we can really look at this family line.

On the chart, William’s son Phillippe Pincombe is said to have married Wilmote Beare 10 Feb 1583 and his will is perhaps the one dated 1632 at Bideford. Phillippe has two brothers (William Pincombe married to Johanne Pyne 31 Jan 1587 and Richard Pincombe married to Joan Row 27 May 1588). There is also one sister listed as Johane with the date 5 Oct 1566. This family is said to live at Bideford. I checked the records. There is a marriage between Phillippe Pyncombe and Wilmote Beare on Family Search and the batch number M05032-1. This record also listed on Find My Past with one of the results leading to the image of the parish register for 1583 for Bideford.

The records for Bideford at Find My Past do appear to begin in the 1580s. This Philip Pincombe would perhaps be 20 to 30 years when he married so born between 1553 and 1563. If his father left his will in 1570 then he may still have been a minor at his death.  

The Tax Lists for Bideforde list Richard Pincombe G 6 living there in 1581 and a Richard Pyncombe left his will in Bideford in 1592 (burial register at Bideford lists his burial as the 7 Jun 1592). Richard Pincombe 6 0 is listed on the 1642 Assessment. Was William Pincombe [Pynckham] (heading up this chart) a son to a Richard Pincombe with William Pynckham dying young circa 1570? In the yDNA study one of the testers does trace back to the Pincombe family in the Barnstaple area. With that in mind I did check the Devon Visitations 1620 (with additions) and the 1602 will of William Blake of Filleigh and North Molton. Thus far it isn’t possible to link these two families with a paper trail. I have images of early Pincombe documents and will move on to transcribing those once I have completed published the charts of the original research group and the wills which I have transcribed.

There is a marriage on Find My Past (again with an original image) for a Walter Pincombe and Johane Pyne 31 Jan 1587 at Bideford.

I plan to return to these charts and continue proving the lines down for these Pincombe/Pinkham families.

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.   Will of Robert Pincombe

Source: Inland Revenue Wills – p. 885
Place: Bishops Nympton, Devon, England
Dated: 19 Apr 1827 and probated 27 Oct 1827

1       In the name of God, Amen.  I Robert Pincombe of Bishopsnympton
2       in the County of Devon, Yeoman, being infirm in Body but of Sound and disposing
3       Mind Memory and Understanding praised be God for the same do make and ordain
4       this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, First
5       I give and Bequeath unto my Son Robert Pincombe the Sum four pound a year to be
6       paid to him within one year after my Decease, Also I give unto my Daughter Betsy
7       Pincombe the sum of Four pound a year, Also I give unto my son John Pincombe
8       the [sum] of five shillings, Also I give unto my Son Thomas Pincombe the sum of four Pounds
9       year after he arrive to the Age of Twenty one, Also my Son George Pincombe the sum of four
10     Pounds a Year after he arrive to the Age of twenty one, Also I give unto my Son Richard
11     Pincombe the sum of four Pounds a year after he arrive to the Age of twenty one, Also I
12     give unto my Son Philip Pincombe the sum of four Pounds A year after he arrive to
13     to the age of twenty one my will is that if either of my Children should happen to
14     die under the Age of twenty one Years and unmarried then the Legacy or Legacies of him
15     or her so dying shall be equally Divided between them Survivors And also if my Son
16     Robert Pincombe should die and have a Widow and During her Widowhood to have her
17     husband share out of my Estate or Estates Also I give Devise and Bequeath unto my
          Brother John Pincombe of Molland and William Pincombe of Bishopsnympton and Phillip
18     Routtcliffe of Mary Ansley in this County, Yeomen. All that my said Moiety and Half
19     fendle of West Wood and my Tenement called East Wood also my Leasehold Estate called
20     Park with their and every of their Appurtenances thereto belonging And also my Goods
21     chattels Personal and Testamentary Estate Whatsoever and Wheresoever
22     Robert Pincombe [signed]
23     To hold the same unto the said John Pincombe William Pincombe and Phillip Routcliffe
24     their Executors Administrators and Assignes Subject and Charged and chargeable to and with the
25     Payment of all Just Debts and Legacies herebefore given, Also I authorize and Impower my
26     Trust or Trustees to Mortgage or Assigne over my Estate or Estates if required for the
27     better payment of my Debts Also my Will is that after my Debt is all paid that my Children
28     herein before named, that is to say, my son Robert Pincombe Betsy Pincombe Thomas
29     Pincombe George Pincombe Richard Pincombe and Philip Pincombe to have their equal share alike
30     out of my Estate or Estates And lastly I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint the said John
31     Pincombe, W[illiam] Pincombe and Philip Routcliffe Executors in Trust of this my last Will and Testament
32     and Jointly Guardians of my said Children And I do Declare this to be my last Will and
33     Testament In Wittness whereof I have to the first sheet of this my last Will and Testament I have
34     subscribed my name and At this last sheet I have sett my hand and Seal this nineteenth day of
35     April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven
36     Robert Pincombe [signed and sealed]
37     Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above named
38     Robert Pincombe the Testator as and for his last will and testament
39     in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have
40     subscribed our Names as witnesses thereto
41     John Pincombe [signed]
42     The Mark of Jane X Arnell
43     The Mark of Ann X Arnell
44     W[itnesse]s sig[ned] as A true Copy
45     William Gray [signed and sealed]

         [Page 3]

46     For EXECUTORS
47     John Pincombe of Molland in
48     the County of Devon, Yeoman
49     and Philip Rowcliffe of
50     Mariansleigh in the same
51     County Yeoman
52     Executors in Trust named in the last Will and Testament of
53     Robert Pincombe late of Bishopsnympton
54     in the County of Devon Yeoman deceased
55     who died on the 23rd Day of April 1827
56     make Oath to say that they have made diligent search and
57     due enquiry after, and in respect of the Personal Estate and Effects of the
58     said Deceased, in order to ascertain the full Amount and Value thereof; and
59     that to the best of their knowledge, information, and belief, the whole of
60     the Goods, Chattles, and Credits, of which the said Deceased died, possessed
61     within the Peculiar Jurisdiction of the
62     Bishop of Exeter
63     (exclusive of what the Deceased may have been possessed of, or intitled to
64     as a Trustee for any other Person or Persons, and not beneficially, but
65     including the Leasehold Estates for Years of the Deceased, whether abso-
66     lute or determinable on Lives, and without deducting any thing on account
67     of the Debts due and owing from the Deceased,) are under the Value of
68     One thousand and five hundred pounds
69     John Pincombe [signed]
70     Philip Rowcliffe [signed]
71     Sworn on the Twelfth
72     Day of October 1827 before me
73     Edward Chave Surrogate

The Robert Pincombe in this will is my 3x great grandfather. He lists seven of his eight children in his will and does not mention his deceased wife or deceased son William both having died in 1825 and 1823 respectively. My ancestor was his second eldest son John Pincombe and he received just five shillings. In his case he has already received his inheritance. The will links together Robert’s brothers John and William and his brother in law Philip Rowcliffe. He does not mention his sister Grace married to Richard Headdon. This will was just something very nice to find as I already knew all of these details but having it in my records makes that obvious to anyone who picks up this research at a later date.

3.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 11)

These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file.
      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details

2501 Norman William son Norman Christopher Anna 1637 Mar 14
2502 Norman Christopher son Norman Christopher Anna 1637 Mar 14
2503 Braie Samuell son Braie John
Faith 1638 Mar 25
2504 Moorman William son Moorman Thomas
Elizabeth 1638 Mar 26
2505 Locke Christopher son Locke Vincent
Agnes 1638 Apr 1
2506 Smith James son Smith Thomas
Susanna 1638 Apr 8
2507 Wisman William base son

Wisman Margerit 1638 Apr 15
2508 Hill Joan daughter Hill Mr. John
Mary 1638 Apr 25 Clearke
2509 Moule Ellnor daughter Moule John
Ellnor 1638 May 5
2510 Moule Ann daughter Moule Antonie
Phils 1638 Jun 10
2511 Gould Esther daughter Gould Richard
Joan 1638 Jul 1
2512 Burges Mary daughter Burges John
Joan 1638 Jul 8
2513 Treble Jane daughter Treble Thomas
Jane 1638 Jul 15
2514 Locke William son Locke Robart
Emmot 1638 Jul 22
2515 Stonman Robart son Stonman Richard
Joan 1638 Sep 9
2516 Purchas Joan daughter Purchas Nicholas
Joan 1638 Sep 9
2517 Marsh Robart son Marsh Robart
Margerit 1638 Sep 23
2518 Locke William son Locke Nicholas
Mary 1638 Sep 23
2519 Rew Henrie son Rew Thomas
Joan 1638 Sep 23
2520 Leicherdon Marie daughter Leicherdon Phillip
Katherine 1638 Oct 7
2521 Burgis Antonie son Burgis Richard
Elizabeth 1638 Nov 4
2522 Locke Michaell son Locke thomas
Joan 1638 Nov 25
2523 Pasmor Susanna daughter Pasmor William
Willmot 1638 Nov

2524 Deilbrigd Thomas son Deilbrigd John
Frances 1638 Dec 2
2525 Vicarie Joan daughter Vicarie John
Barbara 1638 Dec 16
2526 Moorman Edward son Moorman Edwarde
Joan 1638 Jan 6
2527 Willmead Joan daughter Willmead Bartholome Joan 1638 Jan 6
2528 Braie Mary daughter Braie John
Anstise 1638 Jan 6
2529 Harris John son Harris John
Beaton 1638 Jan 27
2530 Thorne Richord daughter Thorne John
Beaton 1638 Feb 17
2531 Locke Jane daughter Locke William
Willmot 1638 Mar 3
2532 Davie Mary daughter Davie John
Mary 1638 Mar 3
2533 Locke Faith daughter Locke William
Willmot 1638 Mar 3
2534 Vellacott Ames son Vellacott William
Mary 1638 Mar 6
2535 Pincombe William son Pincombe Thomas
Joan 1639 Mar 31
2536 Burges Joan daughter Burges Thomas
Margerit 1639 Mar 31
2537 Locke Emmot daughter Locke Mackline
Ellen 1639 Mar 31
2538 Hobs William son Hobs John
Willmot 1639 Apr 14
2539 Braie John son Braie William
Christian 1639 Apr 21
2540 Stephans Marie daughter Stephans John
Marie 1639 Apr 25
2541 Locke William son Locke Vincent
Agnes 1639 Apr 28
2542 Shutt Elizabeth daughter Shutt Roger
Thomastine 1639 Jun 2
2543 Cothaie Katherine daughter Cothaie William
Dorothie 1639 Jun 9
2544 Tucker Joan daughter Tucker John
Grace 1639 Jun 16
2545 Nott Thomas son Nott Antonie
Alce 1639 Jun 16
2546 Gould Grace daughter Gould Richard
Joan 1639 Jun 30
2547 Talley Rebeccah daughter Talley Peter
Joan 1639 Jun 30
2548 Shaplande Phillip son Shaplande Phillip
Anstise 1639 Jul 7
2549 Moorman Edward son Moorman thomas
Elizabeth 1639 Jul 14
2550 Davie Richard son Davie Henrie
Susanna 1639 Jul 21
2551 Morris Frances daughter Morris John
Sarah 1639 Aug 4
2552 Ballmant James son Ballmant Antonie
Margerit 1639 Aug 11
2553 Summerwell John son Summerwell Alexander
Elizabeth 1639 Aug 18
2554 Hole Mary daughter Hole John
Margerit 1639 Aug 25
2555 Locke Ursula daughter Locke John
Agnes 1639 Sep 15
2556 Shaplande Thomastine daughter Shaplande William
Joan 1639 Oct 6
2557 Bright Daniell son Bright Thomas
Judith 1639 Oct 27
2558 Tape Michaell son Tape William
Elizabeth 1639 Nov 17
2559 Westcott George son Westcott Hugh
Katherine 1639 Nov 24
2560 Heath John son Heath John
Joan 1639 Nov 24
2561 Barrow Abraham son Barrow Abraham
Margerie 1639 Dec 20
2562 Locke Joan daughter Locke Thomas
Joan 1639 Dec 29
2563 Gould Mary daughter Gould English
Mary 1639 Jan 19
2564 Shatticke Joan daughter Shatticke John
Elizabeth 1639 Feb 2
2565 Braie Thomas son Braie John
Elizabeth 1639 Feb 9
2566 Locke Ann daughter Locke John
Joan 1639 Feb 16
2567 Kingdon George son Kingdon Henrie
Joan 1639 Mar 1
2568 Vicarie alias Sanacot Phillip son Vicarie alias Sanacot William
Joan 1639 Mar 8
2569 Heale Antonie son Heale Antonie
Elizabeth 1639 Mar 15
2570 Spurwaie Joan daughter Spurwaie Frances
Joan 1640 Mar 25 These were travellers of the Countie
2571 Braie Christian daughter Braie John
Faith 1640 Mar 29
2572 Gould Agnes daughter Gould Michaell
Ellen 1640 Apr 5
2573 Prior John son Prior John
Temperance 1640 Apr 6
2574 Squire Christopher son Squire John
Grace 1640 Apr 12
2575 Locke Hugh son Locke Michaell
Grace 1640 Apr 12
2576 Slader Joan daughter Slader Michaell
Margerit 1640 Apr 16
2577 Griffen Susanna daughter Griffen Hockten
Willmot 1640 May 3
2578 Meredaie Roger son Meredaie James
Grace 1640 May 14
2579 Davie Sarah daughter Davie Arthur
Joan 1640 May 31
2580 Scott Emblene daughter Scott William
Emblene 1640 Jun 28
2581 Smith Ames son Smith Thomas
Susanna 1640 Jul 19
2582 Bushton Katherine daughter Bushton John
Joan 1640 Jul 19
2583 Jones Henrie son Jones Phillip
Ann 1640 Aug 10 These persons were travellers
2584 Vicarie Christopher son Vicarie John
Marie 1640 Aug 11
2585 White William son White William
Marie 1640 Sep 27
2586 Davie John son Davie John
Marie 1640 Oct 18
2587 Davie Henrie son Davie Henrie
Susanna 1640 Nov 15
2588 Southwood Willmott daughter Southwood Hugh
Dorothie 1640 Nov 15
2589 Deilbridge Faith daughter Deilbridge John
Frances 1640 Dec 19
2590 Moorman Christopher son Moorman Christopher Anna 1640 Dec 20
2591 Leicherdon William son Leicherdon Philip
Katherine 1640 Dec 20
2592 Thorne Joan daughter Thorne Richarde
Alce 1640 Dec 27
2593 Thorne Marie daughter Thorne William
Mary 1640 Jan 1
2594 Vellacot William son Vellacot William
Mary 1640 Jan 6
2595 Locke Elizabeth daughter Locke Thomas
Joan 1640 Jan 6
2596 Braie Thomastine daughter Braie John
Anstise 1640 Jan 10
2597 Rew Joan daughter Rew Thomas
Joan 1640 Jan 10
2598 Moorman Jonathan son Moorman Edwarde
Joan 1640 Feb 7
2599 Hill Alles daughter Hill John
Ellen 1640 Feb 21
2600 Shaplande John son Shaplande John
Grace 1640 Mar 7
2601 Hill Joan daughter Hill John
Mary 1640 Mar 13
2602 Cothaie Gregorie son Cothaie William
Dorothie 1640 Mar 14
2603 Kingdon Joan daughter Kingdon Henrie
Joan 1641 Mar 28
2604 Pulham alias Vicarie John son Pulham alias Vicarie William
Agnes 1641 Mar 31
2605 Locke Penticost daughter Locke Robart
Brigget 1641 Apr 11
2606 Pincombe Thomas son Pincombe Thomas
Joan 1641 Apr 14
2607 Burges William son Burges John
Joan 1641 Apr 18
2608 Stephans Ann daughter Stephans John
Marie 1641 Apr 27
2609 Stephans Richord daughter Stephans John
Marie 1641 Apr 27
2610 Moule Antonie son Moule Antonie
Philles 1641 May 16
2611 Moule Joan daughter Moule Antonie
Philles 1641 May 16
2612 Hole Frances daughter Hole John
Margerit 1641 May 16
2613 Moorman Elizabeth daughter Moorman Thomas
Elizabeth 1641 May 22
2614 Moorman Richard son Moorman John
Anna 1641 Jun 6
2615 Purchase Susanna daughter Purchase Nicholas
Joan 1641 Jun 6
2616 Moor Thomas son Moor Thomas
Katherine 1641 Jun 6
2617 Patridge George son Patridge George
Marie 1641 Jun 19
2618 Burges Michaell son Burges Henrie
Christian 1641 Jun 27
2619 Abbot Thomas son Abbot Thomas
Anna 1641 Jul 4
2620 Smith Henrie son Smith Thomas
Susanna 1641 Jul 18
2621 Moule Matthew son Moule John
Ellnor 1641 Jul 23
2622 Sutton Joan daughter Sutton John
Mary 1641 Aug 15
2623 Hawton William son Hawton William
Anna 1641 Aug 22
2624 Thorne Charls son Thorne John
Alce 1641 Sep 5
2625 Penrose Mary daughter Penrose William
Joan 1641 Sep 5
2626 Nicholls Petronell daughter Nicolls William
Eliza 1641 Oct 9
2627 Kingdon George son Kingdon William
Dorothie 1641 Oct 17
2628 Locke John son Locke John
Annise 1641 Oct 17
2629 Shute Roger son Shute Roger
Thomastine 1641 Oct 24
2630 Squire Margerit daughter Squire John
Margerit 1641 Nov 5
2631 Summerwell John son Summerwell Alexander
Elizabeth 1641 Nov 26
2632 Locke Nicholas son Locke Nicholas
Mary 1641 Dec 5
2633 Shaplande Christopher son Shaplande William
Joan 1641 Dec 19
2634 Vicarie alias Sanacot Robart son Vicarie alias Sanacot William
Joan 1641 Dec 21
2635 Squire Phillip son Squire Phillip
Elizabeth 1641 Jan 12
2636 Gould William son Gould William
Elizabeth 1641 Jan 26
2637 Davie Arthur son Davie Arthur
Joan 1641 Jan 30
2638 Vicarie Susanna daughter Vicarie John
Barbara 1641 Jan 30
2639 Shaplande Grace daughter Shaplande John
Grace 1641 Feb 2
2640 Locke Peter son Locke Michaell
Grace 1641 Feb 20
2641 Locke Gunnet daughter Locke William
Willmot 1641 Feb 27
2642 Locke Cybelle daughter Locke William
Willmot 1641 Mar 7
2643 Williams John son Williams William
Emmott 1641 Mar 20
2644 Patridge John son Patridge Goerge
Mary 1642 Apr 2
2645 Gould Esther daughter Gould Richarde
Joan 1642 Apr 3
2646 Locke George son Locke John
Joan 1642 Apr 8
2647 Bright Ellnor daughter Bright thomas
Judeth 1642 Apr 8
2648 Moorman Joan daughter Moorman Edwarde
Joan 1642 Apr 17
2649 Nott Christian daughter Nott Antonie
Alce 1642 Apr 11
2650 Mayer Robin son Mayer Hugh
Alce 1642 Apr 24
2651 Balmant Roger son Balmant John
Marie 1642 Apr 27
2652 Moor Jane daughter Moor Thomas
Katherine 1642 May 30
2653 Moorman thomas son Moorman Christopher Anna 1642 Jun 3
2654 Hobbs John son Jobbs John
Willmot 1642 Jun 24
2655 Heath Philip son Heath John
Joan 1642 Jul 10
2656 Locke Mary daughter Locke John
Mary 1642 Jul 17
2657 Balmant Christopher son Balmant Antonie
Margerit 1642 Jul 24
2658 Widlake John son Widlake John
Rebeccah 1642 Aug 21
2659 Gould Katherine daughter Gould English
Mary 1642 Aug 21
2660 Braie Jane daughter Braie John
Elizabeth 1642 Aug 21
2661 Vicarie alias Sanacot Alce daughter Vicarie alias Sanacot James
Katherine 1642 Sep 4
2662 Hill William son Hill Mr. John
Mary 1642 Sep 11 Clearke
2663 Tucker Mary daughter Tucker John
Grace 1642 Sep 11
2664 Tapp Emmot daughter Tapp Richard
Mary 1642 Sep 15
2665 Scott Agnes daughter Scott William
Embleen 1642 Oct 23
2666 Braie Elizabeth daughter Braie John
Faith 1642 Nov 12
2667 Abbot Mary daughter Abbot Thomas
Anna 1642 Nov 12
2668 Tallie Joan daughter Tallie Peter
Joan 1642 Nov 24
2669 Davie Susanna daughter Davie Henrie
Susanna 1642 Dec 11
2670 Kingdon John son Kingdon William
Dorothie 1642 Dec 28
2671 Grove Jane daughter Grove Edwarde
Joan 1642 Jan 15
2672 Davie William son Davie John
Mary 1642 Jan 22
2673 White John son White William
Mary 1642 Jan 22
2674 Slader Ursula daughter Slader Michaell
Margerit 1642 Jan 29
2675 Moorman Thomas son Moorman Thomas
Elizabeth 1642 Feb 2
2676 Braie Anna daughter Braie John
Anstise 1642 Feb 15
2677 Gould Michaell son Gould Michaell
Ellnor 1642 Mar 15
2678 Thorne Joan daughter Thorne William
Mary 1642 Mar 2
2679 Delbridge Lettice daughter Delbridge John
Frances 1642 Mar 2
2680 Gould Michaell son Gould Michaell
Ellnor 1642 Mar 15
2681 Harris George son Harris John
Beaton 1643 Mar 26
2682 Bushton Grace daughter Bushton John
Joan 1643 May 7
2683 Stonman Thomas son Stonman Richarde
Joan 1643 May 14
2684 Badge Susanna base daughter
Badge Amy 1643 May 20
2685 Westcott Katherine daughter Westcott Hugh
Katherine 1643 Jun 11
2686 Berrie Joan base daughter
Berrie Joan 1643 Jun 18 widow
2687 Vellacot Joan daughter Vellacot William
Mary 1643 Jun 29
2688 Locke Gunnet daughter Locke Vincent
Agnes 1643 Jul 2
2689 Moorman Richarde son Moorman Richarde
Susanna 1643 Jul 19
2690 Kingdon Phillip son Kingdon Henrie
Joan 1643 Jul 23
2691 Shatticke Mary daughter Shatticke John
Elizabeth 1643 Aug 17
2692 Pike Joan daughter Pike Hugh
Joan 1643 Aug 20
2693 Leicherdon Margerie daughter Leicherdon Phillip
Katherine 1643 Sep 2
2694 Cockeran Elizabeth daughter Cockeran Robart
Elizabeth 1643 Sep 24
2695 Hobs Jefferie son Hobs Thomas
Anstise 1643 Oct 8
2696 Shaplande Joan daughter Shaplande Phillip
Anstise 1643 Oct 15
2697 Stephens Grace daughter Stephens John
Mary 1643 Oct 22
2698 Maunder Abraham son Maunder Thomas
Anstise 1643 Oct 31
2699 Braie Arthur son Braie John
Elizabeth 1643 Nov 1
2700 Locke Joan daughter Locke William
willmot 1643 Nov 12
2701 Vicarie John son Vicarie John
Mary 1643 Nov 22
2702 Locke Johan daughter Locke Charls
Joan 1643 Nov 26
2703 Prior Willmott daughter Prior John
Temperance 1643 Nov 30
2704 Daie Agnes daughter Daie Sebastian
Agnes 1643 Dec 24
2705 Purchase Marie daughter Purchase Nicholas
Joan 1643 Jan 7
2706 Pasmor Joan daughter Pasmor William
Katherine 1643 Jan 7
2707 Smith Agnes daughter Smith Thomas
Susanna 1643 Jan 9
2708 Hole Frances daughter Hole John
Margerit 1643 Jan 28
2709 Burgis Christian daughter Burgis Henrie
Christian 1643 Feb 9
2710 Leigh Jane daughter Leigh Roger
Marie 1643 Feb 16
2711 Locke Anna daughter Locke Thomas
Joan 1643 Feb 18
2712 Locke William son Locke John
Joan 1643 Feb 20
2713 Summerwell Elizabeth daughter Summerwell Alexander
Elizabeth 1643 Feb 25
2714 Rew Katherine daughter Rew Thomas
Joan 1643 Feb 26
2715 Hawton John son Hawton William
Anna 1643 Mar 4
2716 Vicarie Joan daughter Vicarie James
Katherine 1643 Mar 20
2717 Keene Joan daughter Keene George
Marie 1643 Mar 20
2718 Patrigde Antonie son Patrigde George
Mary 1643 Mar 17 from the burial register
2719 Saye Grace daughter Saye George
Margerie 1644 Mar 26
2720 Vicarie John son Vicarie William
Dorothie 1644 Apr 14
2721 Locke John son Locke John
Jane 1644 Apr 22
2722 Penrose Joan daughter Penrose John
Joan 1644 May 19
2723 Vicarie Hugh son Vicarie William
Agnes 1644 Jun 2
2724 Davie John son Davie Arthur
Joan 1644 Jul 15
2725 Shaplande Joan daughter Shaplande John
Grace 1644 Jul 28
2726 Moule Margerit daughter Moule John
Ellnor 1644 Aug 18
2727 Davie James son Davie Richard
Joan 1644 Aug 25
2728 Abbot Anna daughter Abbot Thomas
Anna 1644 Sep 9
2729 Moorman John son Moorman John
Anna 1644 Sep 15
2730 Rew Robart son Rew John
Susanna 1644 Sep 22
2731 Squire Roger son Squire Phillip
Elizabeth 1644 Oct 4
2732 Griffen John son Griffen Hockin
Willmot 1644 Oct 20
2733 Davie Anna daughter Davie Henrie
Susanna 1644 Oct 20
2734 Pincombe Richarde son Pincome Thomas
Joan 1644 Nov 10
2735 Pincombe John son Pincome Thomas
Joan 1644 Nov 10
2736 Sutton Willmott daughter Sutton John
Marie 1644 Nov 10
2737 Nott Thomas son Nott Thomas
Fortune 1644 Nov 11
2738 Tucker William son Tucker John
Grace 1644 Dec 8
2739 Locke Mary daughter Locke Nicholas
Marie 1644 Dec 25
2740 Nichols Elizabeth daughter Nichols William
Elizabeth 1644 Dec 27
2741 Gold Anna daughter Gold Richard
Joan 1644 Jan 12
2742 Cole Jane daughter Cole John
Annise 1644 Feb 2
2743 Thorne Agnes daughter Thorne John

1644 Feb 8 of Torrington
2744 Hunt John son Hunt John
Agnis 1644 Feb 16
2745 Moorman Jonathan son Moorman Thomas
Elizabeth 1644 Feb 19
2746 Burgis Phillip son Burgis John
Joan 1644 Feb 23
2747 Hobs Elizabeth daughter Hobs John
Willmot 1644 Feb 23
2748 Hobs Elizabeth daughter Hobs John
Joan 1644 Mar 13
2749 Shapton John son Shapton Thomas
Katherine 1644 Mar 16
2750 Locke Bartholomew son Locke John
Joan 1644 Mar 22
2751 Thorne Anna daughter Thorne William
Marie 1645 Mar 25
2752 Widlake James son Widlake John
Rebeccah 1645 Apr 1
2753 Patridge Agnes daughter Patridge George
Mary 1645 Apr 7
2754 Moorman Robin son Moorman Christopher Anna 1645 Apr 8
2755 Delbridge John son Delbridge John
Frances 1645 Apr 13
2756 Leigh Elizabeth daughter Leigh Nathaniell
Joan 1645 Apr 13
2757 Braie Elizabeth daughter Braie John
Anstise 1645 Apr 27
2758 Nott Susanna daughter Nott Antonie
Alce 1645 Apr 27
2759 Penrose John son Penrose John
Martha 1645 May 4
2760 Watts Joan daughter Watts John
Joan 1645 Jun 15
2761 Locke John son Locke William
Willmot 1645 Jun 22
2762 Slader Michaell son Slader Michaell
Margerit 1645 Jul 6
2763 Blake Richarde son Blake Christopher Susanna 1645 Jul 6
2764 Scott John son Scott William
Embleem 1645 Jul 13
2765 Moorman Robart son Moorman richarde
Susanna 1645 Aug 31
2766 Pyke Hugh son Pyke Hugh
Joan 1645 Sep 7
2767 Daie Thomas son Daie Sebastian
Agnes 1645 Sep 29
2768 Bright John son Bright Thomas
Judith 1645 Sep 29
2769 Huxtable Grace daughter Huxtable Christopher Gunnett 1645 Oct 26
2770 Whitt Gilbert son Whitt William
Mary 1645 Nov 9
2771 Cockram William son Cockram Robart
Elizabeth 1645 Dec 7
2772 Locke Willmott daughter Locke Charls
Joan 1645 Dec 21
2773 Locke Mary daughter Locke Nicholas
Mary 1645 Jan 6
2774 [Moule] Clement son [Moule] Antonie
Phillis 1645 Jan 28
2775 Hawton Anna daughter Hawton William
Anna 1645 Jan 28
2776 Kingdon Ann daughter Kingdon William
Dorothie 1645 Jan 28
2777 Saige George son Saige George
Margerie 1645 Jan 25
2778 Braie John son Braie Archelaus
Rebeccah 1645 Jan 25
2779 Vicarie Diana daughter Vicarie William
Dorothie 1645 Feb 2
2780 Vicarie Margaret daughter Vicarie John
Mary 1645 Feb 3
2781 Locke William son

Locke Agnis 1645 Feb 22 widow
2782 Davie Margerit daughter Davie John
Mary 1645 Mar 8
2783 Rew Thomas son Rew Thomas
Joan 1645 Mar 22
2784 Rew John son Rew Thomas
Joan 1645 Mar 22
2785 Vellacot Matthew son Vellacot William
Mary 1646 Mar 29
2786 Burges Joan daughter Burges Henry
Christian 1646 Apr 3
2787 Stonman Jefferie son Stonman Richarde
Joan 1646 Apr 26
2788 Locke Thomas son Locke John
Jane 1646 May 7
2789 Davie Michaell son Davie Henrie
Susanna 1646 May 17
2790 Kingdon Joan daughter Kingdon Henrie
Joan 1646 May 17
2791 Hurford Agnes daughter Hurford George
Elizabeth 1646 May 19
2792 Braie Joan daughter Braie John
Faith 1646 May 24
2793 Bushton Thomastine daughter Bushton John
Joan 1646 May 24
2794 Moule Daniell son Moule Daniell
Mary 1646 Jun 21
2795 Bowden John son Bowden John

1646 Jun 22
2796 Leicherdon Robart son Leicherdon Phillip
Katherine 1646 Jul 8
2797 Zeale John son Zeale John
Marie 1646 Jul 26
2798 Hill Gefferie son Hill Mr. John
Alce 1646 Aug 30 Clearke
2799 Watts John son Watts John
Joan 1646 Aug 30
2800 Purchase Emmot daughter Purchase Nicholas
Joan 1646 Aug 31

Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st June 2019) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 15th of May 2019  and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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