Friday, June 7, 2019

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2019

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2019

Table of Contents
1.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.    Will of Thomas Pincombe, 1653
3.    yDNA testing Pinkham descendants 
4.    North Molton Parish Records (Part 12)

1.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing the Chart 11 for Barnstaple in this issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.

The link for the original chart (image below): 

Any information on any of these lines is most welcome and if you wish to write up an article on the family at Barnstaple it would be interesting to understand more about this line of the family. More work is needed on this chart to verify the entries and add new information.

The top of the pedigree chart at Barnstaple has John Pinckcombe who married 13 Jun 1594 Jane Sherman at Barnstaple. I have not seen an original image for this particular record and it is found in England Marriages 1538-1973 and I checked it at Find My Past. Also found on find my past a Port Record for a John Pyncombe, Merchant, 03 Nov 1595 and the vessel was Phenix (30 Tons) and registered at Northam with Barnstaple being the Administrative Port. John Pyncombe was bringing in Rochell wine from La Rochelle, France (archival reference E190/936/13 from the Customs Port Book for Devon. There are several of these records in 1595 for John Pyncombe as the merchant listed receiving the particular goods. Is this the same John Pinckcombe who married in 1594 at Barnstaple? I have not yet purchased the fiche for Barnstaple but would do that in the future perhaps. I tended to concentrate in the Bishops Nympton/North Molton/South Molton/Rose Ash/Landkey area looking for my Pincombe families initially. As the Pincombe one-name study grew I extracted a lot of material from Find My Past and photographed over 500 documents at Kew which I hope to transcribe and put into this newsletter once I have completed the wills.

I do not find a burial registration in 1616 for a John Pincombe on Find My Past or Family Search. I did find on Find My Past at Barnstaple the baptisms of Agnes Pinckombe 22 Jul 1599, Alse Pinckcombe 11 Jan 1602/3 and Rawlin Pinkcombe 27 Apr 1605 with father noted as John Pinkcombe in all baptisms (database England Births and Baptisms 1538-1975 not the original parish register). The baptism for Christopher is mentioned as South Molton in 1603, for Abraham 1595 at Roborough and for Henrie 1597 no place is listed.  Not all the records have been transcribed in the earlier time period for the various places mentioned.

Located directly below John Pinckombe and Jane Sherman and their children is Hugh Pincombe and his wife Sarah. This line is known to me and there is a mention of Landkey where they lived. Hugh Pincombe was one of the children of John Pincombe and Johann Blackmore who married 25 Sep 1655 at Bishops Nympton. This couple were likely my 7x great grandparents. Hugh was a younger brother to my ancestor William Pincombe who married Mary Vicary at Bishops Nympton. Hugh was the youngest child and youngest son in this family and is found at Landkey from 1687 till his death there in 1731. I have not been able to locate his marriage thus far. I have exactly the same information as appears on this chart plus some extra. This family should be excluded from the Barnstaple chart and included on the Bishops Nympton Chart.

Richard Pinkcombe (baptized 27 Mar 1585, died 1665) married to Mary Russell 23 Apr 1618 at Bideford is found to the left of John Pinckombe and Jane Sherman. According to Family Search the father of this Richard was Phillippe Pyncombe. I was not able to verify all of the information included on the chart but as the records for Bideford/Barnstaple become available on line these records could be verified.

On the right hand side of the chart beside John Pinckombe and Jane Sherman is listed William Pinckombe (died 1671) married to Wilmot Causy 1609 at Swimbridge. Their children are listed as John 1610, William 1611, William 1613 and Johane 1616. I was not able to verify any of these records although once again as these parish records come online at Family Search it would be easier to do the verification.

Acknowledgements were made to Patrick John Pincombe of Cheltenham. Tracing his line back on the chart we come to Abraham Pincombe whose parents are listed as John Pincombe (born/baptized 28 Aug 1728) and Elizabeth. This is a continuation from Chart 4 with Chart 4 being the Pincombe family of Beaford-Roborough-Great Torrington. Again I can not commit to any of these charts because I did not produce them. The records that are/were available to the researchers and the acknowledged donors of material are not available to me here in Canada. See Chart 4 which was discussed in Volume 3, Issue 2 of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.    Will of Thomas Pincombe

Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/228 - Image Reference 266/208
Place: North Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 8 Nov 1651 (probated 23 Sep 1653)
[in margin] [Testator] Tho: Pincombe

1    The last Will and Testament of Thomas Pincombe
2    the elder of the parish of Northmoulton in County of Devon husbandman made
3    the Eighth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand sixe
4    hundred fiftie and one in manner and forme followinge, First I bequeath
5    my soule to Almightye God my maker and Redeemer and my bodye to the Earth
6    from whence it came, Item I give and bequeath unto the poore people of
7    the
8    the parishe of Northmoulton Fortie shillings; Item I give and bequeath unto
9    Bartholomewe Pincombe my sonne Five pounds and to be paid unto him with
10    in one yeare after my decease, Item I give unto Thomas Pincombe my sonne
11    one peece or parcell of grounde commonly called or knowne by the name of
12    Dobs Downe beinge parte of the Bartine of Molland Sarizine dureinge the life
13    of Bartholomew Pincombe my sonne and the life of Grace Hannanerd my daughter
14    Item I give and bequeath to Johane Pincombe the wife of Bartholomew Pincombe
15    that nowe is one cowe and to be delivered unto her by my Executor within one
16    monethe after my decease, Item I give unto Franncis Pincombe and Rechord
17    Pincombe daughters of the foresaide Bartholomew Pincombe one Ewe sheepe
18    a peece and to be delivered unto them within one moneth after my decease,
19    Item I give unto Johane Pincombe the wife of the foresaid Thomas Pincombe one
20    cowe and to be delivered unto her within one yeare after my decease, Item I give
21    unto William Pincombe Thomas Pincombe John Pincombe Richard Pincombe
22    and Robert Pincombe one Ewe sheepe a peece and to be delivered unto them
23    within one moneth after my decease, Item I give unto Katherine Hannanerd
24    the daughter of Richard Hannanerd one Ewe sheepe and to be delivered unto
25    her within one moneth after my decease, Item I give unto Johane Pincombe
26    my kinswooman that is now dwellinge with mee one Ewe sheepe and to bee
27    delivered unto her within one monthe after my decease, Item I give unto
28    William Penrose and Johane his now wife the slee house that is next adioy
29    neinge to the Court gate and all my garden bee north - same house and
30    space without the Court hedge bee East the court gate to sett a reeke belonginge
31    to his house and to be yeilden up unto him within one weeke after my decease
32    duringe my terme that I have in the same if he and shee doe make thryre
33    dwellinge - therein payeinge twelve pence a yeare. Item I give unto John
34    Hunnacotte of Landkey and William Pincombe of Fillye the halehouse and
35    all the rest of the houses there not before given and the Souther Camland
36    and the souther little meadowe and the garden the garden and meadowe it
37    is bee southe the dwellinge house and my part of the wood belongeinge to
38    the same tenement to the use and profitt of my daughter Grace and her
39    children and to noe other use which houses and ground were
40    sometime in the possession of William Penrose. Item I give unto John Hunnacott
41    and William Pincombe all the rest of that Tenement not before hand given
42    at the end of five years next after my decease for fiftye yeares if my daughter
43    Grace or any child or children soe long shall continue to the use of my daughter
44    Grace and her children and to noe other use nor purpose and my will further is that
45    if my daughter Grace and her children doe happen to dye all. That Tenement
46    shall remayne to my Executor and to his use and to noe other persons whatsoever
47    All the rest of my goods and Chattells not before hand given nor bequeathed
48    I give and bequeath unto Thomas Pincombe my sonne, him I doe make and
49    ordayne to be my whole Executor of all my goods and Chattells of this my
50    present last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my
51    hand and seale on on the day and yeare first above written and I doe intreate
52    John Hunnacott and Robert Edbrooke my beloved freinds to be my overseers
53    to see my last will performed. The signe and seale of Thomas Pincombe
54    Wittnesses hereafter named Robert Smyth the signe of Johane Beere
55    This Will was proved at Westminster before
56    the judges for probate of Wills and grauntinge Administrations the three
57    and twentieth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand
58    six hundred Fiftie and three by the Oath of Thomas Pincombe the sonne
59    and sole Executor named in ye said will To whome Ad[mini]s[trat]ion was committed of all
60    and singular the like goods chattells and debts of the said deceased he beinge first sworne
61    well and trulie to Administer the same.

Thomas Pincombe in his will above mentions the property known as Molland Sarazin. The first mention I have thus far for this property was the will of William Pincombe probated in 1604 and is transcribed in Volume 1 Issue 3 of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. Finding this particular will helped me to link William and his seven sons downward with the parish registers in the various areas where his sons lived and his subsequent descendants. William’s will mentions:

“........ Item whereas I have and houlde by the demise and grannte of John Davy
gentleman deceased to me my executor and assignes for terme of Fourescore and nyneteene yeares fullie
to be compleate and ended, if Symon Pyncombe, Richard Pyncombe and Thomas Pyncombe my sonnes
so longe lyve, or anie of them so longe lyve, all that the hall of the Tenement and Barton commonlie
called Over Mollande Sarazin, the entire, and house adioyning to the northe part of the said halle
the chambers over the saide halle and the house within the said halle, one chamber over the said house
and the shippinge in the easte part of the saide house. And all that parte or portion of the Towne
place there which is lymitted and appointed by mearts and bonds, the garden by southe the yokinge
house. One close of lands called the Southedowne, one other close of lande called the bottoms close
and dyvers other closes platts and quilletts of lande, meadowe, woods, wayes and other hereditam[en]ts within the appurtenances in Northmolton in the countie aforesaid, as by a deed indented whose date is the nyneteenthe day of September in the foure and twentithe yeare of the Queenes ma[jes]ties raigne that nowe is more plainelie the large yf dothe and maie appear. .........”

Thomas does not mention in his will either of his two brothers, Richard is known to be deceased in 1648 at Bishops Nympton and Symon is not found in the records thus far. He is said to be out of the Realm of England in this will. With the father known as William and this will mentioning all of the children and grandchildren born by 1602 it is possible to build a good family tree for this line. I will say though that transcribing this will was a lengthy task at the time I first did so. The 1620 Visitation of Devon  with additions was partially helpful in that I could see where these individuals were placed in that Visitation by the time I had transcribed the several wills belonging to these close family members.

The Richard mentioned in William’s will was my likely 9x great grandfather and William also mentions Richard’s son William my likely 8x great grandfather. Richard was buried at Bishops Nympton 31 Jan 1648. His year of birth is not known although the North Molton parish registers commence in 1539. But it is believed that Thomas lived at East Buckland and Filleigh as did his son William. I have not yet acquired the records for East Buckland or Filleigh but the East Buckland parish records begin in 1684 and the Bishops Transcripts in 1597 and the Filleigh Parish Records begin in 1685 and the Bishops transcripts in 1608. Neither of these particular sets of records will assist with looking at this family in this area. Hence I must use the Visitations and Wills to put this family together until I have transcribed the other material that I collected. Portions of this family can be found on the Bishops Nympton chart and the North Molton chart and I have discussed that in several issues. Unfortunately my uncle chose not to assist the earlier researchers when they called him many years ago. My family line is incorrect in the charts but the bonus is that I became inspired to take on the Pincombe one-name study and hope to keep this up for quite a while yet! I also believe though that this call stirred an interest in my mother who about the same time started going to the Family History Library pulling out information on her Pincombe family line which was handy for me as I worked my way back. In her case she had family lore which helped her to place some of these people in the records that she found. Chatting with her in the late 1980s when my husband was creating a Family History Book for my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary, I remembered that she appeared to know the line back into the 1720s at Bishops Nympton (this had been recorded by her in her hand). This is always a sticky point for me because I knew the line back to the 1770s without a doubt primarily because of yDNA studies and the wills available to me but there wasn’t an existing will at that time to my knowledge although I would later discover that the earlier researchers had taken transcripts of a number of the Pincombe wills before the bombing of the Exeter Record Office which were deposited at the Society of Genealogists. In 2013 I visited their library (I was a member at the time and continue a member). Family lore when I was a child placed some Pincombe members in Australia although no correspondence occurred between the lines to my knowledge.
In the 1830s my 2x great grandfather John Pincombe was located at Lower Gatcombe in Molland which I have always found to be quite interesting. He received the leasehold from his Uncle John to the best of my knowledge and it would appear that the property was always to pass to a John Pincombe. However that needs to be verified and I may have the necessary documents in my treasure trove from the Archives when we photographed over 2000 documents in 2013.

The implication in the Visitation is that the father of William who left his will dated 1602 and probated in 1604 was Thomas and that he was the son of the Pyncombe who accompanied Lord de la Zouch to North Molton following the Battle of Bosworth Field (this idea was created on the basis of the Visitation and the wills). Lord de la Zouch was attainted  for supporting Richard the III and presumably those who came with him shared the same banishment from any lands or holdings that they may have had. William who left his will in 1602/probated in 1604 would have been elderly – all of his children were capable of receiving their inheritances so over 21 years of age. If he married at a young age, say 20, and each of his children were born at least one year apart and he names nine children then the youngest may have been born when he was 30 and hence he had to be at least 51 years of age in 1602. That gives him a year of birth in the mid 1500s. His likely father Thomas left his will in 1544 (unfortunately destroyed in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office during the Second World War) so he was born at least by the early to mid 1540s. If his father was born in the latter part of the 1400s (his father had arrived at least by 1485 at North Molton) then this all works well in terms of generations since saying ten years for nine children was likely on the short side; perhaps closer to 15 or even 20 years.

Unfortunately the Visitation only mentions three of the sons of William the testator in 1602 (eldest John, second William and fourth Richard) with the others being Symon (third), Thomas (fifth), Lewis (sixth) and Peter (seventh). His two daughters are named Johane and Katherin but birth order is unknown.

Going back to Volume 1 Issue 3 with the will of William and using the Visitation of Devon 1620 we can see that William Pincombe was the son of Thomas and Johane Pencombe. Johane Pencombe’s will was not lost but can be found in Volume 1 Issue 2 of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. Joane mentions that she is a widow living at East Buckland. Her sons Richard Pencombe (and his son not named), her daughter married to John Locke, her son John Pencombe (and his daughter not named), her daughter married to John Jasse (and their son John Jasse the younger) and her eldest son William Pencombe one might assume as he is named executor although no children are mentioned for William. Joane Pencombe’s will is dated 7 May 1563 with probate completed 23 Oct 1590. Her date of death is not known to me but her husband died by 1544 although I do not think he was elderly at the time of his death.

The current will under discussion for Thomas Pincombe dated 1651 includes a good deal of genealogical information as well. His parents were William Pincombe and Emotte Snow as determined from the Devon Visitation and the will. He was the fifth son as it appears that the sons are named in birth order in the will. Symon, Richard and Thomas are named as the heirs to the property known as Over Mollande Sarazin. At the time of Thomas’ will being written in 1563 Richard has died at Bishops Nympton (buried 31 Jan 1648). Symon does not appear in the records so Thomas is passing on this property as his own only since that was the criteria by which it was passed to him. He names his sons Thomas who will inherit Dobs Downe which is part of the Bartine of Molland Sarizine, Bartholomewe who will inherit the Bartine of Molland Sarizine (the present wife of Bartholomewe is Johane and he has two daughters Franncis  by his first wife Frances and Rechord by his second wife Joan). The wife of Thomas is Johane and they have five sons William, Thomas, John, Richard and Robert. Thomas also names his daughter Grace Hannanerd with husband Richard and daughter Katherine.

Looking at the parish records for North Molton:

This first baptism is likely Thomas mentioned son of the testator with the next five being the sons of Thomas and his wife Johane/Joan. All of these children are born before 1653.
Pincombe    Thomas    son    Pincombe    Thomas            1616    Mar    30
Pincombe    William    son    Pincombe    Thomas        Joan    1639    Mar    31
Pincombe    Thomas    son    Pincombe    Thomas        Joan    1641    Apr    14
Pincombe    Richarde    son    Pincome    Thomas        Joan    1644    Nov    10
Pincombe    John    son    Pincome    Thomas            Joan    1644    Nov    10
Pincombe    Robart    son    Pincombe    Thomas        Joan    1648    Jan    21

The next item is the daughter of Bartholomew and his first wife Frances.
Pincombe    Frances    daughter    Pincome    Bartholomew        Frances    1647    Dec    12

The following item is the daughter of Bartholomew and his second wife Joan.
Pincombe    Richorde    daughter    Pincombe    Bartholomew        Joan    1649    Feb    19

Then this record is the son of Bartholomew and Joane born after the will was written.
Pincombe    John    son    Pincombe    Bartholomew        Joane    1654    Nov    27

Again all the dates of baptism are prior to the date of the will/probate except for the son of Bartholomew who is not mentioned in the will.

There are more records likely for the grandchildren of the testator and another time I will work on those records to fit them in. I have several hundred documents on the Pincombe family in Devon that I need to transcribe. They will assist with putting these families together. I am somewhat comfortable with the line that I have put together going back for my line but these documents will help to prove (or disprove as there can always be surprises!) that and provide details on the many Pincombe families that descended from the seven sons of William Pincombe and Emotte Snowe.

3.    yDNA testing for Pinkham descendants
One of the members of the yDNA study has purchased two kits which he is willing to donate to a male candidate who has a paper trail going back four generations. I think that finding a Pinkham descendant would be the best candidate but will leave that up to the purchaser. Please contact the editor ( for more details.

The yDNA testing for my Pincombe line at Bishops Nymptom into the 1900s and dating back to the late 1590s at Bishops Nympton in the Parish Registers has been proven back to John Pincombe (baptized 13 Feb 1728 at Bishops Nympton son of John Pincombe and Grace Manning married 20 Mar 1725 at Bishops Nympton). Likely this line goes back to North Molton with Richard Pincombe (found at Bishops Nympton in his adult years) likely being the fourth son of William Pincombe and Emotte Snow who lived at East Buckland and likely born at North Molton. My third cousin has tested for our line and he matches a fifth cousin and descendant of one of the other sons of John Pincombe and Mary Charley with this John Pincombe having been baptized 13 Feb 1728 at Bishops Nympton. A further match with these two has ancestry at Barnstaple and there is family lore that descendants of the Pincombe Family at South Molton (known to be related to the Pincombe family at North Molton) did move to Barnstaple in the 1500s. If a paper trail can be established then the line would be verified back to William Pincombe who left his will dated 1602.

4.    North Molton Parish Records (Part 12)

These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file.

      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details

2800    Purchase    Emmot    daughter    Purchase    Nicholas        Joan    1646    Aug    31   
2801    Moorman    George    son    Moorman    Christopher        Anna    1646    Sep    6           
2802    Vicarie    Dorothie    daughter    Vicarie    John        Barbara    1646    Sep    21           
2803    Davie    George    son    Davie    Richard        Margerit    1646    Oct    18           
2804    Pasmoor    William    son    Pasmoor    William        Katherine    1646    Oct    26           
2805    Smith    John    son    Smith    Thomas        Susanna    1646    Nov    23           
2806    Moule    Willmott    daughter    Moule    John        Ellnor    1646    Nov    29           
2807    Davie    Joan    daughter    Davie    Arthur        Joan    1646    Nov    29           
2808    Kingdon    John    son    Kingdon    John        Marie    1646    Dec    30           
2809    Hobs    Anna    daughter    Hobs    Thomas        Anstise    1646    Jan    27           
2810    Mugforde    Elizabeth    daughter    Mugforde    Robart    Elizabeth    1646    Mar    1           
2811    Squire    Joan    daughter    Squire    John        Alce    1646    Mar    7           
2812    Dew    Agnes    daughter    Dew    Joseph        Patience    1646    Mar    7           
2813    Leigh    Charls    son    Leigh    Nathaniell        Joan    1646    Mar    14           
2814    Dee    Marie    daughter    Dee    Jonathan        Ann    1647    Mar    28           
2815    Tape    William    son    Tape    Richarde        Mary    1647    May    27           
2816    Reed    Robart    son    Reed    William        Susanna    1647    Jun    20           
2817    Muxworthie    Ellen    daughter    Muxworthie    John        Joan    1647    Jun    25           
2818    Braie    Christopher    son    Braie    John        Elizabeth    1647    Jul    25           
2819    Stephens    John    son    Stephens    John        Mary    1647    Aug    22           
2820    Gould    Joan    daughter    Gould    Michaell        Ellnor    1647    Aug    22           
2821    Huxtable    Anna    daughter    Huxtable    Christopher    Emmott    1647    Sep    29           
2822    Saige    Agnes    daughter    Saige    George    Margerie    1647    Oct    3           
2823    Shaplande    William    son    Shaplande    John        Grace    1647    Oct    11           
2824    Cockeram    Roger    son    Cockeram    Robert        Elizabeth    1647    Oct    26           
2825    Shaplande    Grace    daughter    Shaplande    Phillip    Anstise    1647    Nov    14           
2826    Leigh    Mary    daughter    Leigh    Roger        Mary    1647    Nov    19           
2827    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    William        Marie    1647    Dec    5           
2828    Moorman    John    son    Moorman    thomas        Elizabeth    1647    Dec    5           
2829    Rew    Anna    daughter    Rew    Thomas        Joan    1647    Dec    5           
2830    Pincombe    Frances daughter Pincome    Bartholomew    Frances    1647    Dec    12           
2831    Kingslande Mary    daughter    Kingslande Richarde    Marie    1647    Dec    19           
2832    Heath    George    son    Heath    John        Joan    1647    Jan    11           
2833    Penrose    Elizabeth    daughter    Penrose    William        Joan    1647    Jan    30           
2834    Hill    Katherine    daughter    Hill    Mr. John        Alce    1647    Feb    8    Clearke       
2835    Moorman    Christopher    son    Moorman    Christopher    Anna    1647    Feb    11           
2836    Braie    John    son    Braie    John        Faith    1647    Feb    15           
2837    Locke    Ellen    daughter    Locke    Charls        Joan    1647    Feb    20           
2838    Dennis    Grace    daughter    Dennis    Edmond        Anna    1647    Feb    24           
2839    Hobs    Bartholomew    base son            Hobbs    Elizabeth    1647    Feb    24           
2840    Nicolls    William    son    Nicolls    William        Elizabeth    1647    Mar    12           
2841    Maunder    Martha    daughter    Maunder    Thomas    Anstise    1647    Mar    12           
2842    Pulham alias Vicarie    Susanna    daughter    Pulham alias Vicarie    William    Agnes    1647    Mar    17           
2843    Locke    William    son    Locke    William        Willmot    1647    Mar    20           
2844    Deilbridge    Jane    daughter    Deilbridge    John        Frances    1648    Mar    26           
2845    Tape    William    son    Tape    William        Joan    1648    Apr    4           
2846    Vicarie    Joan    daughter    Vicarie    William        Dorothie    1648    May    7           
2847    Scott    Richorde    daughter    Scott    William        Embleem    1648    May    10           
2848    Widlake    Elizabeth    daughter    Widlake    John    Rebbeccah    1648    Jun    20           
2849    Davie    John    son    Davie    Henrie        Susanna    1648    Jun    25           
2850    Kingdon    Joan    daughter    Kingdon    William        Dorothie    1648    Jun    16           
2851    Hawton    Willmott    daughter    Hawton    William        Anna    1648    Jul    23           
2852    Gould    Henrie    son    Gould    Richarde        Joan    1648    Sep    10           
2853    Blake    Christopher    son    Blake    Christopher    Priscilla    1648    Sep    17           
2854    Tape    Elizabeth    daughter    Tape    William        Elizabeth    1648    Sep    17           
2855    Whitt    Henrie    son    Whitt    William        Mary    1648    Sep    24           
2856    Moorman    Thomastine    daughter    Moorman    Edwarde    Joan    1648    Oct    15           
2857    Hurforde    Elizabeth    daughter    Hurforde    George    Elizabeth    1648    Oct    15           
2858    Slader    George    son    Slader    Michaell        Margerit    1648    Nov    5           
2859    Sutton    John    son    Sutton    John        Mary    1648    Nov    5           
2860    Locke    Grace    daughter    Locke    William    Willmot    1648    Dec    24           
2861    Tape    Joan    daughter    Tape    Richarde        Mary    1648    Jan    7           
2862    Locke    Joan    daughter    Locke    Nicholas        Mary    1648    Jan    7           
2863    Shaplande    Christopher    son    Shaplande    William        Joan    1648    Jan    14           
2864    Bushton    Dorothie    daughter    Bushton    John        Joan    1648    Jan    14           
2865    Pincombe    Robart    son    Pincombe    Thomas        Joan    1648    Jan    21           
2866    Davie    William    son    Davie    Richarde        Margerit    1648    Jan    21           
2867    Davie    Richarde    son    Davie    Arthur        Joan    1648    Jan    28           
2868    Zeale    Jane    daughter    Zeale    John        Mary    1648    Jan    28           
2869    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Joan    1648    Jan    30           
2870    Nichols    William    son    Nichols    William        Elizabeth    1648    Feb    4           
2871    Patteridge    Richarde    son    Patteridge    Joseph        Patience    1648    Feb    11           
2872    Watts    Joan    daughter    Watts    John        Joan    1648    Feb    16           
2873    Cockram    Mary    daughter    Cockram    Robart        Eliza    1648    Feb    25           
2874    Hole    Grace    daughter    Hole    John        Margerit    1648    Feb    25           
2875    Summerwell    Robart son    Summerwell Alexander    Elizabeth    1648    Mar    11           
2876    Thorne    Emmot    daughter    Thorne    William        Mary    1648    Mar    11           
2877    Davie    Embleme    daughter    Davie    John        Mary    1648    Mar    11           
2878    Hobs    Ursula    daughter    Hobs    John        Willmot    1648    Mar    18           
2879    Stonman    Henrie    son    Stonman    Richarde        Joan    1649    Mar    26           
2880    Pasmoor    Richarde    son    Pasmoor    William        Katherine    1649    Mar    27           
2881    Pasmoor    Agnes    daughter    Pasmoor    William    Katherine    1649    Mar    27           
2882    Burges    Elizabeth    daughter    Burges    Henrie    Ellida    1649    Apr    8           
2883    Leigh    Joan    daughter    Leigh    Nathaniell        Joan    1649    Apr    8           
2884    Mayforde    Katherine    daughter    Mayforde    Robart    Elizabeth    1649    Apr    17           
2885    Burges    Joan    daughter    Burges    John        Ann    1649    Apr    29           
2886    Moule    John    son    Moule    Daniell        Mary    1649    Apr    29           
2887    Shanke    Mary    daughter    Shanke    Phillip        Joan    1649    Apr    29           
2888    Kingdon    Joan    daughter    Kingdon    William        Joan    1649    May    6           
2889    Daie    Elizabeth    daughter    Daie    Sebastian        Agnes    1649    May    8           
2890    Smith    William    son    Smith    Thomas        Susanna    1649    May    28           
2891    Abbot    Joan    daughter    Abbot    Richarde        Elizabeth    1649    May    28           
2892    Thorne    Thomas    son    Thorne    John        Joan    1649    May    29           
2893    Scott     Richarde    son    Scott     William        Embleme    1649    Jun    27           
2894    Moorman    Richarde    son    Moorman    thomas        Elizabeth    1649    Jul    1           
2895    Thorne    Christopher    son    Thorne    John        Alce    1649    Jul    1           
2896    Kingdon    Susanna    daughter    Kingdon    Henrie        Joan    1649    Aug    19           
2897    Bruce    Walter    son    Bruce    Charls        Agnes    1649    Oct    7           
2898    Hill    Richarde    son    Hill    John        Alce    1649    Oct    14    Clearke       
2899    Huxtable    Thomastine daughter    Huxtable    John    Thomastine    1649    Oct    14           
2900    Hunt    Smart    son    Hunt    John        Agnes    1649    Oct    29           
2901    Stephens    Joan    daughter    Stephens    John        Marie    1649    Nov    5           
2902    Dee    Jonathan    son    Dee    Jonathan        Anna    1649    Nov    13           
2903    Vicarie    Anna    daughter    Vicarie    John        Joan    1649    Nov    16           
2904    Vicarie    English    son    Vicarie    John        Joan    1649    Nov    16           
2905    Zeale    Joan    daughter    Zeale    John        Marie    1649    Dec    30           
2906    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Margerit    1649    Jan    6           
2907    Locke    Henrie    base son            Locke    Elizabeth    1649    Feb    6           
2908    Dennis    Squire    son    Dennis    Edmond        Anna    1649    Feb    10           
2909    Pincombe    Richorde    daughter    Pincombe    Bartholomew    Joan    1649    Feb    19           
2910    Gold    Robart    son    Gold    William        Tomastine    1649    Mar    7           
2911    Moule    Charls    son    Moule    John        Elnor    1649    Mar    10           
2912    Braie    Temperance    daughter    Braie    John        Faith    1649    Mar    19           
2913    Shaplande    John    son    Shaplande    John        Grace    1650    Mar    31           
2914    Saige    George    son    Saige    George    Margerie    1650    Apr    1           
2915    Shanke    Mary    daughter    Shanke    Phillip    Joan    1650    Apr    2           
2916    Kingdon    Mary    daughter    Kingdon    John        Mary    1650    Apr    15           
2917    Tape    Richarde    son    Tape    Richarde        Mary    1650    Apr    16           
2918    Blake    John    son    Blake    John        Joan    1650    Apr    17           
2919    Burges    John    son    Burges    John        Anna    1650    May    2           
2920    Rumbelow    Marie    daughter    Rumbelow    George    Marie 1650    May    14           
2921    Moorman    Anna    daughter    Moorman    Christopher    Anna    1650    Jun    25           
2922    Crang    John    son    Crang    John        Faith    1650    Jun    30           
2923    Nott    Katherine    daughter    Nott    Thomas        Fortune    1650    Jul    2           
2924    Cole    Joan    daughter    Cole    John        Agnes    1650    Jul    28           
2925    Locke    Charls    son    Locke    Charls        Joan    1650    Aug    9           
2926    Moule    John    son    Moule    William        Joan    1650    Sep    8           
2927    Thorne    Grace    daughter    Thorne    Thomas        Ellen    1650    Sep    22           
2928    Locke    Joan    daughter    Locke    William        Willmot    1650    Sep    30           
2929    Harris    Peter    son    Harris    Richard        Margerit    1650    Oct    8           
2930    Evins    Margerit    daughter    Evins    Thomas        Dorothie    1650    Nov    30           
2931    Scott    William    son    Scott    William        Embleme    1650    Dec    12           
2932    Hobbs    Phillip    son    Hobbs    Thomas        Anstise    1650    Dec    15           
2933    Braie    John    son    Braie    John        Elizabeth    1650    Dec    22           
2934    Huxtable    Christopher son    Huxtable    Christopher    Emmott    1650    Dec    22           
2935    Deilbridge    Bartholomew    son    Deilbridge    John        Frances    1650    Dec    2           
2936    Vicarie    Dorothie    daughter    Vicarie    William    Dorothie    1650    Jan    6           
2937    Leigh    Mary    daughter    Leigh    Roger        Mary    1650    Jan    12           
2938    Huxtable    Joan    daughter    Huxtable    Phillip        Joan    1650    Jan    12           
2939    Pasmor    Michaell    son    Pasmor    William        Katherine    1650    Jan    14           
2940    Davy    Julian    daughter    Davy    Henrie        Susanna    1650    Jan    19           
2941    Hurforde    Joan    daughter    Hurforde    George        Elizabeth    1650    Jan    21           
2942    Thorne    Elizabeth    daughter    Thorne    William    Elizabeth    1650    Feb    16           
2943    Tape    Joan    daughter    Tape    William        Joan    1650    Mar    16           
2944    Thorne    Anna    daughter    Thorne    John        Joan    1650    Mar    20           
2945    Pyke    Henrie    son    Pyke    Hugh        Joan    1651    Apr    1           
2946    Hunforde    Katherine    daughter    Hunforde    Richarde    Grace    1651    Apr    13           
2947    Moorman    Katherine    daughter    Moorman    Thomas    Elizabeth    1651    Apr    15           
2948    Cockram    Antonie    daughter    Cockram    Robart    Elizabeth    1651    Apr    20           
2949    Locke    William    son    Locke    John        Joan    1651    Apr    24           
2950    Nott    James    son    Nott    John        Agnes    1651    May    30           
2951    Blake Christian    daughter    Blake Christopher    Priscilla    1651    Jun    1           
2952    Davy    Margerie    daughter    Davy    Arthur        Joan    1651    Jun    8           
2953    Widlake    Rebeccah    daughter    Widlake    John        Rebeccah    1651    Jun    23           
2954    Davy    Robart    son    Davy    Richarde        Margerit    1651    Jun    29           
2955    Burges    Martha    daughter    Burges    Hugh        Sibella    1651    Jul    8           
2956    Naracott    Edwarde    base son            Naracott    Alice    1651    Jul    13           
2957    Jacob    John    son    Jacob    John        Penticost    1651    Jul    15           
2958    Burges    susanna    daughter    Burges    Henrie        Christian    1651    Jul    18           
2959    Baker    Jane    daughter    Baker    Henrie        Joan    1651    Aug    19           
2960    Goulde    Thomas    son    Goulde    Michaell    Thomastine    1651    Sep    7           
2961    Kingdon    Marian    daughter    Kingdon    William    Dorothie    1651    Sep    7           
2962    Braie    Anna    daughter    Braie    John        Faith    1651    Sep    15           
2963    Kingslande Joan    daughter    Kingslande Richard    Mary    1651    Sep    21    Clearke       
2964    Summerwell Christopher son Summerwell Alexander    Elizabeth    1651    Sep    21           
2965    Hill    George    son    Hill    John        Alice    1651    Oct    12           
2966    Stonman    William    son    Stonman    Richarde        Joan    1651    Oct    12           
2967    Goulde    William    son    Goulde    William    Thomastine    1651    Oct    27           
2968    Huxtable    Emmott    daughter    Huxtable    Richarde    Agnes    1651    Nov    24           
2969    Dennis    Christopher    son    Dennis    Christopher Elizabeth    1651    Nov    30           
2970    Maunder    Ursula    daughter    Maunder    Thomas    Anstise    1651    Nov    30           
2971    Zeale    Gregorie    son    Zeale    John        Mary    1651    Dec    7           
2972    Zeale    Joan    daughter    Zeale    Michaell        Joan    1651    Dec    14           
2973    Blake    John    son    Blake    John        Joan    1651    Jan    5           
2974    Mugforde    Joan    daughter    Mugforde    Robart        Elizabeth    1651    Jan    20           
2975    Thorne    Michaell    son    Thorne    John        Joan    1651    Feb    24           
2976    Kingdon    John    son    Kingdon    Henrie        Joan    1651    Mar    7           
2977    Rumbelow    Katherine    daughter    Rumbelow    George        Mary    1652    Mar    28           
2978    Vicarie    Susanna    daughter    Vicarie    John        Joan    1652    Mar    30           
2979    Kingdon    Betrans    son    Kingdon    William        Joan    1652    Mar    30           
2980    Huxtable    John    son    Huxtable    John        Thomastine    1652    Apr    11           
2981    Maie    Phillip    son    Maie    John        Joan    1652    Apr    20           
2982    Hole    John    son    Hole    Henrie        Amy    1652    Apr    22           
2983    Chapple    William    son    Chapple    Thomas        Katherine    1652    Apr    25           
2984    Abbot    Elizabeth    daughter    Abbot    Richarde    Elizabeth    1652    May    24           
2985    Sutton    Richarde    son    Sutton    John        Mary    1652    Jun    24           
2986    Westcott    Katherine    daughter    Westcott    William    Petronell    1652    Jun    29           
2987    Smith    John    son    Smith    Robart        Agnes    1652    Aug    3           
2988    Pasmoore    Mary    daughter    Pasmoore    William        Katharine    1652    Aug    23           
2989    Thorne    Agnes    daughter    Thorne    George    Margarett    1652    Aug    31           
2990    Kingdon    Philip    son    Kingdon    John        Mary    1652    Sep    7           
2991    Blake    William    son    Blake    William        Joane    1652    Sep    7           
2992    Dee    Anne    daughter    Dee    Jonathan        Anne    1652    Sep    13           
2993    Templer    William    son    Templer    Martin    Temperance    1652    Sep    19           
2994    Trebell    John    son    Trebell    George        Alse    1652    Sep    21           
2995    Hobs    Helen    daughter    Hobs    Thomas        Anstice    1652    Sep    26           
2996    Day    Mary    daughter    Day    Sebastian        Agnes    1652    Oct    12           
2997    Pedrick    Peter    son    Pedrick    Joseph        Patience    1652    Oct    17           
2998    Pasmore    Richarde    son    Pasmore    Richard        Sara    1652    Oct    31           
2999    Vicary alias Pulham John    son    Vicary alias Pulham John Ursula 1652 Nov    28           
3000    Gould    Elizabeth    daughter    Gould    Richard    Joane    1652    Dec    6           
3001    Dennys    Edmond    son    Dennys    Edmond        Anne    1652    Dec    7           
3002    Cole    Mary    daughter    Cole    John        Agnes    1652    Dec    14           
3003    Kidwell    Agnes    daughter    Kidwell            Elizabeth    1652    Dec    14           
3004    Huxtable    Dorothey    daughter    Huxtable    Philip        Joan    1652    Dec    27           
3005    Mole    William    son    Mole    John        Elenor    1652    Dec    27           
3006    Berry    Elizabeth    daughter    Berry    Alexander        Joane    1652    Jan    16           
3007    Locke    William    son    Locke    John        Joane    1652    Jan    30           
3008    Reed    William    son    Reed    Henry        Margery    1652    Feb    27           
3009    Stephans    Michaell    son    Stephans    John        Mary    1652    Mar    6           
3010    Moorman    William    son    Moorman    John        Anne    1652    Mar    15           
3011    Crang    Anne    daughter    Crang    John        Faith    1652    Mar    21           
3012    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Alice    1653    Apr    12           
3013    Reede    Grace    daughter    Reede    William    Susanna    1653    Apr    17           
3014    Davy    Ames    son    Davy    Henry        Susanna    1653    Apr    24           
3015        Henry    son        John        Joane    1653    Apr    26           
3016    Goulde    Katherine    daughter    Goulde    Michaell    Thomazin    1653    May    7           
3017    Thorne    Grace    daughter    Thorne    William    Elizabeth    1653    May    8           
3018    Gould    Philip    son    Gould    John        Elizabeth    1653    May    10           
3019    Blake    John    son    Blake    Christofer        Priscilla    1653    May    22           
3020    Thorne Thomasine daughter    Thorne    William    Emmit    1653    May    22           
3021    Dee    Joane    daughter    Dee    John        Joane    1653    Jun    13           
3022    Sage    John    son    Sage    George        Catherine    1653    Jun    19           
3023    Squire    Grace    daughter    Squire    John        Joane    1653    Jun    21           
3024    Cocarum    John    son    Cocarum    Robert        Elizabeth    1653    Jul    25           
3025    Hurford    Margaret    daughter    Hurford    George    Elizabeth    1653    Jul    30           
3026    Locke    Petronel    daughter    Locke    Nicholas        Mary    1653    Jul    30           
3027    Snow    Robert    son    Snow    Henry        Julian    1653    Aug    7           
3028    Davy    Henry    son    Davy    Arthur        Joane    1653    Aug    7           
3029    Locke    Wilmot    daughter    Locke    John        Joane    1653    Aug    23           
3030    Shaplin    Richarde    son    Shaplin    John        Grace    1653    Sep    4           
3031    Delbridge    Richarde    son    Delbridge    John        Frances    1653    Sep    6           
3032    Moorman    Thomas    son    Moorman    Richard        Susanna    1653    Sep    13           
3033    Balmant    Thomazin    daughter    Balmant    William        Sibella    1653    Oct    2           
3034    Tailor    Katherine    daughter    Tailor    richard    Thomazine    1653    Oct    9           
3035    Huxtable    Emlen    daughter    Huxtable    Richard    Agnes    1653    Oct    11           
Date are of Birth rather than Baptism during the Period of the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell and later his son until Restoration
3036    Jacob    Joane    daughter    Jacob    John        Pentecost    1653    Oct    13           
3037    Vicary     Christofer    son    Vicary     William        Dorothy    1653    Oct    11
3038    Hole    Charles    son    Hole    John        Margarett    1653    Oct    22
3039    Scott    Thomas    son    Scott    William        Emlen    1653    Nov    22
3040    Lawdy    Mary    daughter    Lawdy    Richard        Charity    1653    Dec    11
3041    May    Hanna    daughter    May    John        Joane    1653    Dec    16
3042    Dendle    Richarde    son    Dendle    Richard        Joane    1653    Dec    5
3043    Mogford    Robert    son    Mogford    Robert        Elizabeth    1653    Dec    29
3044    Harrice    Henry    son    Harrice    John        Emmet    1653    Jan    11
3045    Bushen    James    son    Bushen    Tomas        Anna    1653    Jan    7
3046    Widlake    George    son    Widlake    John        Rebeccah    1653    Jan    27
3047    Goulde    Mary    daughter    Goulde    William        Mary    1653    Feb    15
3048    Nott    Dinah    daughter    Nott    John        Agnes    1653    Feb    27
3049    Meale    John    son    Meale    Henry        Margarett    1653    Mar    22
3050    Blake    Charles    son    Blake    William        Joane    1653    Mar    4
3051    Mourman    John    son    Mourman    Thomas        Elizabeth    1653    Mar    7
3052    Dennis    Edmund    son    Dennis    Christofer        Elizabeth    1653    Mar    22
3053    Briant    Susanna    daughter    Briant    Elias        Barbara    1654    Mar    27
3054    Eemes    Agnes    daughter    Eemes    Thomas        Dorothy    1654    Apr    18
3055    Wescot    Margaret    daughter    Wescot    William        Petronell    1654    Apr    21
3056    Blake    Agnes    daughter    Blake    John        Joane    1654    Apr    22
3057    Thorne    Katherine    daughter    Thorne    Thomas        Hellen    1654    Apr    23
3058    Burges    Joane    daughter    Burges    Michaell        Christian    1654    Apr    24
3059    Goulde    Robert    son    Goulde    William        Thomazin    1654    May    2
3060    Vicary alias Pulham    Mary    daughter    Vicary alias Pulham    John       Ursula    1654    May    9
3061    Tapp    Joane    daughter    Tapp    William        Joane    1654    May    12
3062    Somerwell    Alexander    son    Somerwell    Alexander        Elizabeth    1654    May    26
3063    Huxtable    Richarde    son    Huxtable    Christopher        Emmet    1654    Jun    18
3064    Purchase    Mary    daughter    Purchase    William        Joane    1654    Jun    3
3065    Burges    John    son    Burges    Hugh        Sibella    1654    Jun    8
3066    Sage    Elisha    son    Sage    George        Katherine    1654    Jun    23
3067    Wats    John    son    Wats    John        Joane    1654    Jul    24
3068    Zeale    Robert    son    Zeale    Michaell        Joane    1654    Aug    5
3069    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    William        Gunnet    1654    Aug    21
3070    Thorne    Joane    daughter    Thorne    George        Margarett    1654    Aug    22
3071    Huxtable    John    son    Huxtable    John        Thomasine    1654    Aug    29
3072    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Joane    1654    Sep    6
3073    Templar    John    son    Templar    Martin        Temperance    1654    Sep    18
3074    Slade    Elizabeth    daughter    Slade    Peter        Elizabeth    1654    Sep    20
3075    Brey    Temperance    daughter    Brey    John        Faith    1654    Sep    22
3076    Stoneman    Richarde    son    Stoneman    Richard        Joan    1654    Sep    28
3077    Marshall    Wilmot    daughter    Marshall    John        Joane    1654    Sep    28
3078    Marshall    Dorcas    daughter    Marshall    John        Joane    1654    Sep    28
3079    Bury    Elizabeth    daughter    Bury    John        Jane    1654    Oct    6
3080    Locke    Hugh    son    Locke    William        Wilmot    1654    Oct    21
3081    Pasmore    Henry    son    Pasmore    Henry        Joane    1654    Oct    19
3082    Pasmore    Mary    daughter    Pasmore    Matthew        Mary    1654    Nov    9
3083    Tap    Katherine    daughter    Tap    John        Katherine    1654    Nov    19
3084    Pincombe    John    son    Pincombe    Bartholomew        Joane    1654    Nov    27
3085    Rumbelow    William    son    Rumbelow    George        Mary    1654    Dec    16
3086    Nott    Richarde    son    Nott    Jonas        Joane    1654    Dec    28
3087    Davy    Petronel    daughter    Davy    William        Prescilla    1654    Jan    18
3088    Chappell    Frances    daughter    Chappell    Thomas        Katherine    1654    Jan    26
3089    Huxtable    Elizabeth    daughter    Huxtable    Philip        Joane    1654    Jan    29
3090    Brey    Wilmot    daughter    Brey    John        Elizabeth    1654    Feb    2
3091    Kingdon    William    son    Kingdon    John        Mary    1654    Feb    28
3092    Treble    Wilmot    daughter    Treble    George        Alice    1654    Feb    27
3093    Locke    John    son    Locke    John        Joane    1654    Mar    14
3094    Cole    John    son    Cole    John        Agnes    1655    Apr    22
3095    Burges    Margaret    daughter    Burges    Henry        Christian    1655    Apr    30
3096    Sutton    John    son    Sutton    John        Mary    1655    May    3
3097    Moale    Henry    son    Moale    Henry        Margarett    1655    May    17
3098    Vellacot    Charles    son    Vellacot    William        Mary    1655    May    22
3099    Reede    Susan    daughter    Reed    William        Susanna    1655    May    27
3100    Zeale    Charles    son    Zeale    John        Mary    1655    May    31       
Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st June 2019) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 15th of August 2019 and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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