Thursday, June 20, 2019

Will of John William Blake, Swan Inn, Orsett, Essex - The National Archives PROB 11/2055/320, probated 18 May 1847

John William Blake, the testator, died in the first quarter of 1847 at Orsett, Essex. He was buried 23 Mar 1847 at Orsett, St Giles and All Saints, Essex. He was 42 years of age. He is possibly the John William Blake living at Ingrave on the 1841 census listed as a shoemaker and not born in Essex. He was 35 years of age at that time and there are two shoemakers living with him 19 years of age. There is a marriage at Romford St Edward the Confessor, Essex 5 Oct 1841 between John William Brown Blake and Sarah Marlton (it is 16 kilometres from Ingrave to Romford). His father is listed as Henry Blake. Orsett is 7 kilometres from Ingrave. This was the only marriage that I found in Essex for a John Blake and Sarah searching on Free BMD.

There are a couple of trees on Ancestry looking at this couple but no further details.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Jun 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2055/320
Testator: John William Blake, Publican and Shoemaker
Place: Swan Inn, Orsett, Essex
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Dec 1846, probated 18 May 1847

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 5

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    This is the last Will and testament of me John William Blake Publican and Shoema-
3    ker of the Swan Inn Orsett in the County of Essex I give and bequeath to my wife Sarah
4    Blake all my household furniture linen china books stock in trade with all debts due to me
5    at the time of my death with all residue of my property be the same from or wheresoever
6    for her own use and benefit without the control of any other person I hereby constitute
7    and appoint my said wife Sarah Blake my sole Executrix to this my last will and testa-
8    ment I further direct my said wife to discharge all debts due and chargeable to me with
9    the expence of my funeral bill at any reasonable time agreeable to her own suitable
10    views for accomplishing the same I hereby revoke all former wills made by me and
11    Here ratify and confirm this In witness I have the day subscribed my hand and seal
12    dated december the third 1846 John William Blake In the presence of us William
13    Jefries auctioneer Orsett William Binder Barrister Orsett
14    Appeared Personally William Jeffries of Orsett in the County of
15    Essex Auctioneer and made oath that he is one of the subscribed witnesses to the last will
16    and testament of John William Blake late of Orsett in the county of Essex publican and
17    Shoemaker deceased bearing date the third day of December 1846 and now hereunto as
18    annexed and he further made oath that on the third day of December aforesaid the said
19    aestator duly executed this said will by signing his name at the foot or end thereof in the
20    presence of this deponent and of William Binder the other subscribed witness thereto
21    both of whom were present at the same time and this deponent and the said William
22    Binder thereupon attested and subscribed the said will in the presence of the said testator
23    William Jefries On the 17th day of May 1847 the said William Jeffries was duly sworn
24    to the truth hereof Before me A F Bayford Surr Jas J Hurlock Not Puby
25    Proved at London 18th May 1847 before the Worshipful Augustus Frederic Bayford doctor
26    of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Sarah Blake Widow the Relict the sole executrix to
27    whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.

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