Wednesday, July 31, 2019

H11 Newsletter - Volume 3, Issue 3, 2019

H11 Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2019

Table of Contents

1.    Percentage occurrence of H11 within Haplogroup H
2.    FT DNA Project
3.    Project Statistics
4.    Changes in how a project administrator can view your results
5.    H11 in the news

1.    Percentage occurrence of H11 within Haplogroup H

FT DNA has the world’s largest mtDNA database containing 150,000 mtFull Sequences from over 180 different countries. HV is the umbrella under which H haplogroup sits. There are 976 downstream branches beneath H haplogroup with these 976 branches representing just 18% of the entire mitochondrial tree (as expressed at FT DNA) at this time of writing.  

H11 is located under the grouping H-T195C! and there are 35 branches under this grouping. H11 is listed as having 16 branches. Members have tested from 21 different countries (source: FT DNA Country Report: mtDNA Haplogroup H11):

Maternal Origin    Branch Participants    Downstream Participants    Distribution
Germany                         5                                         118                              12%
England                          5                                          110                             11%
Finland                           0                                            97                             10%
Sweden                          4                                            85                               9%
United States                 8                                            84                               9%
Poland                           3                                            68                               7%
Ireland                           2                                            61                               6%
Scotland                        1                                            39                               4%
Russian Federation       0                                            30                               3%
Ukraine                         1                                            28                               3%
United Kingdom           0                                            27                               3%
Norway                         0                                            26                               3%
France                           4                                            19                               2%
Canada                          0                                            16                               2%
Italy                               2                                            15                              2%
Hungary                        1                                            15                              2%
Slovakia                        1                                            14                              1%
Czech Republic            1                                             13                              1%
Lithuania                      0                                             11                              1%
Austria                         1                                               9                               1%
Serbia                           0                                               3                             0.2%
Romania                       0                                               3                             0.2%
Belgium                       0                                               2                              0.2%
Latvia                           0                                              2                               0.2%
Portugal                        0                                              1                               0.1%
Moldova                       0                                              1                               0.1%
Slovenia                       0                                               1                               0.1%
Montenegro                 0                                               1                                0.1%
Macedonia                   0                                               1                                0.1%
Albania                        0                                               1                                0.1%
South Africa                0                                               1                                0.1%
French Polynesia         0                                               1                                0.1%
Myanmar                     0                                               1                                0.1%
Unknown Origin       52                                           897                               48%
Total                           98                                         1861                             100%

In total there are 1861 individuals who have tested as H11 or one of its downstream subclades in a database of 150,000 people yielding a percentage of frequency of H11 in the entire database of 1.24%. H haplogroup itself has 67,149 downstream participants yielding a percentage of frequency of H in the entire database at FT DNA of 45%.

If one could extrapolate this to a world view with 7 billion + people but use just 7 billion, the prevalence of H11 and its subclades would be possibly 86,800,000. The problem being that a number of areas are under represented in the database probably due to the cost of testing. Hence, one could perhaps postulate that the number would be higher rather than lower.

Although this project is quite fascinating it does not represent very many people in terms of the actual frequency of H11 unfortunately. I will start to look at the Country Report which FT DNA provides on its website for each of the subclades under H11. As well individual members are self-reporting their origin. But roughly 50% of the individuals who tested have not entered a place of origin.

Looking at my own subclade of H11a2a1 the Country Report is quite revealing.

Maternal Origin    Branch Participants    Downstream Participants    Distribution
England                           16                                     16                                12%
United States                   14                                     14                                11%
Scotland                          10                                     10                                  8%
Ireland                             10                                     10                                  8%
United Kingdom                7                                      7                                   5%
Canada                               4                                      4                                   3%
Germany                            4                                      4                                   3%
Northern Ireland                2                                      2                                   2%
Wales                                 1                                      1                                   1%
Unknown Origin              63                                    63                                 48%
Total                               131                                  131                                100%

The Country Report at FT DNA has excluded the Unknown Origin but I have included it just to show that aspect. The frequency of the United Kingdom + the countries that make up the United Kingdom is quite remarkable (England 12%, Scotland 8%, Northern Ireland 2%, Wales 1%, United Kingdom 5%) totalling 28%. Noting that the frequency in the United States at 11% and Canada 3% with their colonial histories and the known expedition from Northern Ireland to the Carolinas in 1792 which brought members of H11a2a1 to that area increases this percentage to 42%. Adding in Ireland which is part of the Island chain known as the British Isles increased that percentage once again to 50%. There is a likely passage of H11a2a1 through Eastern Europe from the ice refuge at Ukraina and carrying on through the Germanic States which are found to colonize the east side of England thus permitting the addition of Germany with its 3% yielding 53%. The numbers are little eschewed due to rounding up but with the Unknown Origin at 48% all members are included and a likely path proposed for the movement of H11a2a1 out of Ukraina into the British Isles. Now, in my dreams, I could wish that the other 48% who have thus far not identified their origins at FT DNA might do so (if known) as it could be so revealing. One can imagine that in the future we may be able to look at our mitochondrial DNA and predict at least a country of origin.

2.    FT DNA Project:
There are now 357 members in our project. A total of 303 members have added their maternal ancestors information. However, we still only have 49 gedcoms uploaded.

3.    Project Statistics (yDNA statistics removed):

Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded        49
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups        17
Family Finder       254
Genographic 2.0 Transfers         20
Maternal Ancestor Information       303
mtDNA            323
mtDNA Full Sequence        313
mtDNA Plus        320
mtDNA Subgroups          22
Total Members        357
Unreturned Kits          15

Within the study group we have members in every sub-haplogroup except H11a5. I will not do a breakdown of the various groups in this newsletter. Generally I will do that in Issue 1 of each year.

4.    Changes in how a project administrator can view your results

FT DNA has upgraded their access to accounts so that the default is Group Access only. If you wish to have your results included in the project then you must grant Limited Access to the Administrator. Minimum access means that I can not see any earliest ancestor information that you may have added to your project.

5.    H11 in the News

An interesting comment by Stoljarova 2015 in looking at an Estonian population sample “The discovery of H11a in Narva is a big deal. H11a is more or less East European-specific today. And these mitogenomes from Estonia show there are other forms of H11 in Eastern Europe(H11b, H11*-unclassified).” Narva (a city in Estonia) is at the eastern extreme point of Estonia near the Russian border on the Narva River.

Kevin Alan Brook in his website: has a page devoted to Polish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries. He presents a table of the frequency of H haplogroup with the total Polish population and lists H11 as 0.52%. This percentage being less than the 1.24% of H predicted in the overall FT DNA database. He does have some fairly recent papers mentioned on his website.

Any submissions to this newsletter can be submitted to Elizabeth Kipp (

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