Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Blake Newsletter, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2019

 Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.    Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset
2.    Blake Surname Study – Progress
3.    Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
4.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers

1.    Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset. This is a recent addition to their website:

The Blake Museum has given me permission to put these charts in the newsletter and will look at Blake Pedigree Chart 6 in this Newsletter. The chart on the right hand side is referring to the Blake family found in Dorset. This Blake family is well documented with a number of wills that I have already transcribed and can be found on my blog ( . A search on the Label “Dorset Wills” yields 12 Wills and they are primarily for this Blake line located in the Blandford area. The line of interest in this case can be located at the top right of this chart noting John Blake married Mary Wilkins 20 Jun 1648 at Pitminster, Somerset. John was the son of John Blake and Elizabeth (unknown). This John was baptized 19 Jun 1597 at Pitminster son of William baptized presumably at Over Stowey (Richard, his younger brother was baptized the 2nd of Jan 1562 but the baptism for William does not appear in the register which commences 1558 so presumably William was baptized before the beginning of the register but having his younger brother baptized at Over Stowey does give the impression that William probably was as well) and Anne Blake. There are other Blake baptisms at Over Stowey in this time period (as well as marriages and burials). Parents of William were John (the elder) and Johan Blake with this John being the son of Humphrey and Agnis Blake. Neither of these marriages were available on the parish registers that I read through. Humphrey’s second son was Robert Blake and the grandson of this Robert Blake was Admiral Robert Blake. This is a well documented line and finding a couple of proven descendants would yield the yDNA line of this Blake family of Bridgwater Somerset.

* Used with permission

22 May 1566 was baptized Robert Blake son of John Blake (younger brother to William Blake as well) at Over Stowey.

The Pitminster Somerset parish registers are on Ancestry and verifying the earlier records would be rather interesting. The records begin in 1542 and are available up to 1812 online at Ancestry as scans of the original parish registers.

William Blake and Anne (unknown) baptized the following children at Pitminster (they appear to be the only Blake family baptizing children at this time in Pitminster):

Grace Blake daughter of Will[ia]m Blake was baptized the 9th of February 1588/89
Eme Blake daughter of William Blake was baptized the 3rd of December 1592
William Black son of William Blake was baptized the 4th of July 1594
John Black son of William Blacke was baptized the 19th of June 1597
Anne Blaak daughter of William Blaak was baptized the 12th of October 1600
Richard Blaak son of William Blaak was baptized the 17th of April 1603

I could not find a marriage for William Blake and Anne. These are all the children that I found for this couple at Pitminster and indeed I did not find any other Blake baptisms up to 1610. However at 73 I am sure my eyes are not as strong as they were and will leave any such discoveries to the future. The B is quite distinctive though making it somewhat easier to find Blake (and its derivatives) in the Parish Registers.

Moving forward I wanted to discover if there were any baptisms for John Blake (baptized 1597) and his wife Elizabeth at Pitminster, Somerset (and I will also look at the marriage register when I locate it). There is now more than one Blake family baptizing children at Pitminster in the 1620s but I will keep to the line mentioned above. I could not find a marriage for John and Elizabeth.

Anne Blake was baptized daughter of John Blake the 7th of October 1624
William Blake son of John Blake was baptized the 24th of February 1626/7
John Blake son of John Blake was baptized the 1st of September 1629

John baptized 1629 married Mary Wilkins 20 Jun 1648 at Pitminster and baptisms for their children were found in the Pitminster Parish Records.

John Blake son of John Blake was baptized the 14th of August 1649
Malachi Blake son of John Blake was baptized the 24th of June 1651
Elizabeth Blake daughter of John Blake was baptized the 12th of March 1652/53
William Blake son of John Blake was baptized the 13th of February 1654/55
Sammuel Blake son of John Blake was baptized the 16th of December 1656
John Blake son of John Blake was baptized the 16th of February 1659

The Blake of interest in this family with regard to the Blake family found in Dorset was Malachi Blake. Malachi Blake was a dissenting minister (Presbyterian Minister at Blagdon) and was implicated in Monmouth’s Rebellion fleeing to London following the defeat of 1st Duke of Monmouth in 1685 otherwise James Scott (illegitimate son of King Charles II). Malachi Blake fled to London in 1685 under disguise. He had married Mary Mico (year and location unknown) and they had baptized some of their children at Pitminster. I have not yet been able to learn very much about their other children who are named by others as: Sarah, Mary and William. William left a will and I will enter it into this newsletter below Malachi, his brother.

John Blake son of Mr Malachi Blake was baptized the 8th day of February 1684
Malachi Blake son of Malachi Blake was baptized the 16th day of August 1687

Although other children are noted in various trees as children of Malachi Blake and Mary Mico I did not find any more children listed as baptized at Pitminster.

Fortunately Malachi Blake left his will likely probated at Taunton but not available on the National Archives UK site. It is included in a set of documents collected by another dissenting minister. I will attempt to see if I can get a print of the will as it would prove to be quite interesting. I do, however, have the wills of several of his children including his son Malachi who was at Blandford. John, the other brother of Malachi, I have not learned very much about him yet.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Sep 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/861/64
Testator: Malachi Blake Dissenting Minister
Place: Blandford Forum, Dorset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 22 May 1753, probated 1 Dec 1760
[Margin]: Malachi
[Margin]: Blake

1        This is the last Will:
2        and Testament of me Malachi Blake of Blandford
3        Forum in the County of Dorset dissenting Minister made
4        and published this Twenty Second day of May In the year
5        of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and fifty three
6        First of all I will that all my debts and Funeral Expences
7        be paid and discharged [Whereas by my Dormant Surrender
8        bearing date June the Twenty fourth In the year of our
9        Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty I have Surrendred
10        into the hands of the Lord of the Manor of Taunton Dean
11        in the County of Somerset all my Messuages Tenements
12        Lands and Cottages whatsoever as well Bond land as in
13        Donland customary and Freeable within the hundred of
14        Poundisford and Mannor of Taunton Dean aforesaid To the
15        use and behoof of William Blake my Son upon Condition that
16        my said Son his heirs and assigns Shall pay or cause to be
17        paid all and all manner of Gifts Bequests and Legacys Sum
18        and Sums of Money to be mentioned and contained In my last
19        Will and Testament which on the part and behalf of my said
20        Son and his heirs out of the said Lands aforesaid are to be
21        paid Now in Pursuance of the power reserved unto me
22        in and by the Condition of the said Surrender I do Give and
23        Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Blake the Sum of
24        One hundred and Sixty pounds in Lawful Money of Great
25        Britain to be paid unto her within One Month next after my
26        Decease Also I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah
27        Fisher Wife of Robert Fisher the Sum of Sixty pounds in
28        Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid unto her within
29        Six Months next after my decease Also I Give and bequeath
30        unto my Daughter Mary Tice Wife of William Tice the
31        Sum of Twenty pounds Also I give unto my Grandson
32        Malachi Tice the Sum of Ten pounds Also I Give unto my
33        Grandson Robert Fisher the Sum of Ten pounds These three
34        last Sums here named and Given to Mary Tice Malachi
35        Tice and Robert Fisher I Will and Order these said Several
36        Sum and Sums of Money to be paid unto them in Good and
37        Lawful Money of Great Britain within Twelve Months next
38        after my Decease Also Whereas by my Dormant Surrender
39        bearing Date the first day of October In the year of our Lord
40        One thousand Seven hundred and Forty Seven I have Surrendred
41        into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Taunton Dean all
42        my Messuages Tenements and Lands lying within the hundred
43        of Staplegrove And also Whereas by my Dormant Surrender
44        bearing Date the Twenty fourth of June In the year of our
45        Lord One thousand Seven hundred and fifty I have Surrendred
46        into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Taunton Dean
47        a Dwelling house with all its Offices and Appurtenances
48        Situate lying and being in East Street in the parish of Taunton
49        St Mary Magdaline in the hundred of Hollway To the use and
50        behoof of William Blake my Son his heirs and Assigns Subject
51        Nevertheless to pay or cause to be paid all and all manner of
52        Gifts Bequests and Legacys Sum and Sums of Money whatsoever
53        mentioned contained Expressed and Declared in and by my last
54        Will and Testament which in the part and behoof of my said
55        Son and his heirs out of the said Lands aforesaid in the hundred
56        of Staplegrove and out of the Dwelling house aforesaid in
57        the hundred of Hollway are to be paid Now in Pursuance
58        of this power reserved unto me in and by Condition of the
59        Said Surrender I do Give and bequeath unto my loving Wife
60        Katherine Blake the Sum of One hundred and thirty pounds
61        in Lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid unto her within
62        three Months next after my Decease Also I do Give and bequeath
63        Unto my Daughter Elizabeth Blake the Sum of Fourscore to
64        Eighty pounds Also I Give unto my Daughter Mary Tice the Sum
65        of Forty pounds Also I Give unto my Daughter Sarah Fisher
66        the Sum of Forty pounds Also I Give unto my Eight Grandchildren
67        Viz Mary Malachi Elizabeth Sarah William Samuel and
68        John Tice and to Robert Fisher the Sum of Forty pounds
69        , that is to say, to each of them Five pounds apiece these
70        Four last Sums here mentioned and Given that is to say
71        To Elizabeth Blake Eighty pounds To Mary Tice Forty
72        Pounds To Sarah Fisher Forty pounds and the Sum of
73        Forty pounds to my Eight Grandchildren I will and Order
74        these said Sum and Sums to be paid unto them in good and
75        lawful Money of Great Britain out of the said Estates in
76        the hundred of Staplegrove and Dwelling house in the
77        Hundred of Hollway before said to my said Children and
78        Grandchildren at the time and Times hereafter Specified
79        or directed, that is to say, I will and appoint that these
80        said Several Sum and Sums Shall become their property
81        Imediately after my Death and I do hereby Bind the aforenamed
82        Estates and Dwelling house for the payment thereof Yet
83        I hereby reserve unto my said Son William Blake my
84        Executor hereinafter named a Liberty of postponing the
85        payment of the Principal Sum or Sums of Money due hereby
86        to them until three Years after my Death however my Will
87        Further is and I hereby appoint my said Son from the time
88        of my Death to pay or cause to be paid out of the Rents
89        Incomes and profits of the said Dwelling house and Estates
90        by half yearly payments after the rate of Four pounds to
91        the hundred the Interest of the said Several Sum and Sums
92        unto my said Children and Grandchildren until their particular
93        or Several principal Sum or Sums be paid unto them Also
94        I Give unto my Daughter Mary Tice the Bed Curtains
95        Quilt and Blankets and Bedstead that Stands and which
96        Are commonly used in the Parlour Chamber commonly
97        Called Mrs Cerbets Also I Give unto my Daughter Elizabeth
98        Blake the Bed Curtains Quilt and Blankets and Bedstead
99             that Stands in and which are commonly used in the Best
100    Chamber Also I Give unto my Grandaughter Mary Tice
101    (for certain good reasons) the larger Silver Cup which was my
102    late Wives Also I Give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Blake
103    the Best Chest of Drawers which Stand in my own Lodging
104    Room Also I Give unto my Son in Law Robert Fisher the Stand
105    of arms which I bought a few years past All the Rest and
106    Residue of my household Goods plate and Rings I Give
107    unto my Four children Mary Tice Elizabeth Blake William
108    Blake and Sarah Fisher to be Equally Divided between them
109    Share and Share alike Also I Give unto my Son in Law
110    William Tice Mr Henrys Annotations the two first Volumes
111    in Folio Also I Give unto my Daughter in Law Hannah Blake
112    Doctor Guyse’s three Volumes in Quarto Viz his paraphrase on
113    the New Testament and Mr Burket on the 4 Evangelist a thin
114    Folio Also I Give unto my Grandson Malachi Tice Littleton’s
115    Dictionary and Horace and Juvenal in Usum Delphini Also I
116    Give unto Samuel Bellows the Elder Stronge Discourses on
117    the Two Covenants a Folio and Doctor Jacomb on the Eight of the
118    Romans a Quarto Also the Rest and Residue of my Books I Give
119    unto my said Four children Mary Tice Elizabeth Blake William
120    Blake and Sarah Fisher to be Equally Divided between them
121    Share and Share alike Also I Give and bequeath all the
122    household Goods now in my possession that were the Goods
123    of the late Mr Coombes (having bought them of his relations
124    since I married my now Wife Katharine Blake) unto my
125    said Four Children William Blake Mary Tice Elizabeth Blake
126    and Sarah Fisher to be Divided equally amongst them Share
127    and Share alike Also I Give unto my loving Wife Katherine
128    Blake all the household Goods plate and Furniture which
129    were in her possession before I Married her Exclusive of
130    the Goods things and Effects belonging to the personal Estates
131    of Thomas Coombes Clerk and Henry Wells (both deceased) or
132    either of them Also I Give and bequeath my Leasehold Estate
133    Situate lying and being in the Parish of Hammoon in the
134    County of Dorset commonly called Purkers Leaze with a
135    Meadow thereunto Adjoyning or belonging unto my Said
136    Son William Blake Subject Nevertheless to some Rent
137    charges hereinafter named, that is to say, To an Annual
138    Rent charge of Five pounds of good and Lawful Money of
139    Great Britain yearly and every year unto my said Daughter
140    Elizabeth Blake during the Term of her Natural life and
141    also to an Annual Rent charge of Five pounds to my said
142    Daughter Sarah Fisher during the Term of her Natural life
143    and Also to an Annual Rent charge of Four pounds to my said
144    Daughter Mary Tice during the Term of her Natural life
145    And my Will is that these three yearly Rent charges Shall be
146    paid to my said three Daughters out of the said Estate by my
147    said Son William Blake his heirs and assigns and that
148    the said Leasehold Estate Shall by this my last Will and
149    Testament Stand charged and chargeable with the payment
150    of these three yearly Rent charges by half yearly payments to
151    each of my said three Daughters as long as they Shall live
152    and that the first half yearly payment Shall commence
153    Immediately upon the Expiration of Six months next after my
154    decease and continue to be paid to each one of them during
155    the Term of their Natural lives and in Case of nonpayment
156    of the said Rent charges before Given and bequeathed I hereby
157    Empower and Authorize my Said daughters or either of them
158    Viz Elizabeth Blake Sarah Fisher and Mary Tice to enter upon
159    the said Estate and to pay her or themselves as the Law Shall
160    Direct Also I Give and bequeath all my Right property Claim
161    and Interest in a Leasehold Estate purchased of George Pit
162    Esq[uie]r part of the Mannor of Hilton Situate lying and being in
163    the parish of Ockford Fitzpaine in the County of Dorset
164    after the death of my Wife Katherine Blake and during
165    the lives of Peter Maber of EverShot and my Grandaughter
166    Mary Tice I Give I say this my said Estate unto my Daughter
167    Elizabeth Blake and to my Grandaughter Mary Tice to them
168    Jointly And my Will is that they the said Elizabeth Blake and
169    Mary Tice have and Shall have an equal Interest in the
170    Same Inclusive of their Joint property and of the yearly
171    Interest Rents and profits of the said Estate Share and Share
172    alike And I hereby Further appoint that if after the Death
173    of my Wife my said Daughter Elizabeth Blake and Mary
174    Tice my Grandaughter Shall think best to buy in another
175    life that my daughter Elizabeth Blake’s life Shall be the
176    life to be bought in upon the said Estate if She herself
177    chuses it Also I Give unto my Son William Blake all
178    that messuage and Estate in the parish of Hammoon
179    in the County of Dorset of which Mr Trenchard is the Lord
181    and now in the possession of William Dean during his
182    life Also I Give unto my said Four Children Mary
183    Tice Elizabeth Blake William Blake and Sarah Fisher
184    all that my Right Claim and Interest (which I myself
185    am possessed of by Mrs Rachel Grove her last Will and
186    Testament) in all Bonds and Notes of hand due from the
187    Lady Elizabeth Russel Tryphena Grove and Tryphena
188    Russel to Rachel Grove late of Donhead St Mary
189    to be Divided between my said Children Share and Share
190    alike Also I Give unto my said Son William Blake
191    and to my Grandson Malachi Tice equally and Share
192    and Share alike all my Right Claim and property and
193    Interest in a Share of the Navigation of the River Dee
194    Also I Give unto my said loving Wife Katharine Blake
195    the Sum of Twenty pounds to be paid unto her Imediately
196    after my Decease Also Whereas there is a Bond Given to
197    me and my Wife Katherine Blake from John Lacy and
198    Thomas Haines and Mary Wells bearing Date February
199    the Seventeenth in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven
200    hundred and Fifty two for the Sum of Thirty nine pounds
201    when the Interest due to me upon the said Bond to the
202    time of my Death Shall be fully paid then I hereby Give
203    the property of the said Bond to my Wife Katharine Blake
204    and order it to be Delivered to her forthwith Also I Give
205    unto Samuel Bellows my Clark One Guinea Also all the
206    Rest and Residue of my Goods and Chattels and Securities not
207    before Given after my Debts Legacys and Funeral Expences
208    are paid and discharged I Give and bequeath unto my
209    said Four Children Mary Tice Elizabeth Blake William
210    Blake and Sarah Fisher to be Equally Divided between them
211    Share and Share alike Also I do hereby nominate
212    Constitute and appoint my said Son William Blake whole
213    and Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
214    In Witness whereof I the said Malachi Blake have to
215    this my last Will and Testament Set my Name and Seal
216    to the Sheet and half Sheet of Paper wherein is contained
217    my whole as well as my last Will and Testament the day
218    and year first above written viz May 22nd 1753 Malachi
219    Blake Signed Sealed published and Declared by Malachi
220    Blake the said Testator as and for his last Will and
221    Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our
222    names as Witnesses unto the same in the said Testator’s
223    presence and at his request Ambrose Biles Jun[io]r
224    Elizabeth Thorne Joseph Bellows
225    August Twenty Ninth One thousand Seven
226    hundred and fifty five I Malachi Blake of Blandford Forum
227    make and appoint this as my Codicil to my last Will and
228    Testament which bears date May the Twenty Second One
229    thousand Seven hundred and Fifty three Whereas my Dormant
230    Surrender of my Estate at Rowbarton in the hundred of
231    Staplegrove is Expired and my Dormant Surrender of my
232    Estate at Horsly in the hundred of Poundisford and of my
233    Dwelling house in Taunton in the hundred of Hollway both
234    which are Included in one surrender and is near Expiring
235    I have therefore thought proper to make a new Dormant
236    Surrender which bears Date the thirteenth day of August
237    One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty five Inclusive of all
238    my Messuages Tenements Lands and Cottages whatsoever
239    within the hundreds aforesaid and Elsewhere within the
240    Manor of Taunton Dean to the Use and behoof of William
241    Blake my Son his heirs and assigns for ever according to
242    the Custom of the Manor aforesaid To be holden upon
243    Conditions following (to wit) that the said William Blake
244    his heirs and assigns shall pay or cause to be paid all and
245    all manner of bequests Legacys Sum and Sums of Money
246    whatsoever and also do perform fulfill and Execute all and
247    Singular other the articles Clauses Matters and things
248    mentioned and contained in the last Will and Testament
249    of the said Malachi Blake Already or hereafter to be
250    made which on the part and behalf of the said William
251    Blake his heirs or assigns out of for or in respect of the
252    Lands aforesaid are or Shall be Directed in and by the said
253    last Will to be paid done performed fulfilled and Executed
254    and that according to the true Intent and Meaning of the
255    same Will having observed that it is mentioned and said
256    in my last Surrender bearing date as above said the 13th
257    day of August 1755 (A Copy of which I have by me) the Last
258    Will and Testament of the said Malachi Blake already or
259    hereafter to be made I do by this my Codicil Declare
260    Testify and Ordain that my last Will and Testament be
261    and is that which bears Date as before said May the
262    Twenty Second One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty three
263    and that this my last Will and Testament together with
264    my last Surrender of the 13 of August 1755 be looked upon
265    as esteemed as Inseperately united and Just the very same
266    as if my aforesaid last Will has been made and had born
267    Date a Day or Week or two after the Date of my said last
268    Surrender and the very Same to all Intents and purposes
269    as if my said last Will had Expressly mentioned therein the
270    very date of my last Dormant Surrender and that this
271    my last Will before named be the Rule of my Sons precedence
272    and in all respects whatsoever binding on him as my last
273    Will and Testament In Testimony that this is my Codicil to
274    my last Will and Testament which bears Date May 22nd
275    1753 I do hereunto the day and Date above written
276    set my hand and Seal Malachi Blake In the
277    presence of the persons whose Names are hereunder
278    written, I do now publish and Declare this to be my
279    Codicil to my last Will and Testament Henry Field
280    Rebekah Blake Betty Howard
281    This Will was proved at London with a
282    Codicil the first day of December In the year of our
283    Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty before the
284    Worshipful James Marriott Doctor of Laws Surrogate
285    of the Right Worshipful Edward Simpson also Doctor
286    of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative
287    Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of
288    William Blake the Son of the deceased and Sole Executor
289    named in the said Will to whom Administration was
290    Granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and
291    Credits of the said deceased he having been first Sworn
292    Duly to administer    
And the will of his brother William Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Nov 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/984/381
Testator: William Blake
Place: Taunton, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 27 Sep 1764, probated 8 Feb 1773
[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake

1        This is the last Will
2        and Testament of me William Blake of Taunton
3        in the County of Somerset made this Twenty Seventh
4        day of September in the fourth year of the Reign of
5        our Sovereigne Lord King George the Third in the
6        year of our Lord 1764 I Will that after my decease
7        my loving Wife Jane Blake Shall Enjoy the Effects
8        and the whole Interest of what moneys I am
9        now or Shall be possessed of During her natural
10        life, After the decease of my Wife the foresaid
11        Jane Blake I do Will and order that the moneys
12        the Interest of which She enjoyed and which I
13        died possessed of shallbe disposed of in the following
14        manner One hundred pounds of Good and lawful
15        Money I do Give and bequeath to my Daughter
16        Abigail Blake One hundred and fifty pounds of the
17        above moneys I do Give and bequeath to my Old
18        Friend and Creditor Mr [blank] Mico Merchant
19        in London If the said Mr Joseph Mico should
20        dye before me or my Wife Jane Blake then the
21        One hundred and fifty pounds to be paid to his next
22        rightful heir I do further Will that whatever
23        shall remain of my Moneys which I shall dye
24        possessed of Shall be Disposed of as my Executors
25        shall Direct of think proper I Do Appoint my
26        two Sons Malachi Blake of Taunton Somerset
27        shire and William Blake of Crewkerne
28        Somersetshire to be the Executors of this my
29        last Will and Testament In Witness whereof
30        I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day
31        and year above written Wm Blake, Signed Sealed
32        and delivered in the presence of us Edw Bartloe
33        Sarah Bartloe
34        Tis the desire of my Father the forementioned
35        William Blake that his daughter Abigail Blake
36        may have five Guineas of his money after his
37        decease over and above the One hundred pounds
38        herein mentioned Mal. Blake Feb 22nd 1769
39        8th Feb 1773
40        Appeared personally Malachi Blake of
41        the City of Bath in the County of Somerset Gent
42        and made Oath that he is one of the Sons and
43        Executors named in the last Will and Testament
44        of William Blake late of Taunton in the aforesaid
45        County of Somerset deceased who died in the Month
46        of January 1772 the said Will with a Codicil thereto
47        being now hereunto annexed such Will bearing
48        date the Twenty Seventh Day of the Month of
49        September in the year of our Lord one thousand
50        Seven hundred and Sixty four and the said Codicil
51        being written underneath the said Will and of the
52        Tenor following “Tis the desire of my Father the
53        forementioned William Blake that his Daughter
54        Abigail Blake may have five Guineas of his
55        money after his decease over and above the one
56        hundred pounds herein mentioned” and thus subscribed
57        “Mal. Blake” and thus dated Feb 22nd 1769 Lastly
58        this deponent maketh Oath that the said recited
59        Codicil and the said recited Subscription and date
60        thereto was and is all of the proper hand writings
61        subscribing and dating of him the Deponent and
62        that he so wrote the same pursuant to the Express
63        Desire and directions of him the said William Blake
64        his late Father deceased Mali. Blake the day
65        aforesaid the said Malachi Blake was Sworn to the
66        truth of the before written affidavit before me
67        And. Colter Ducarel Surrogate present Geo.
68        Gostling Not. publick
69        This Will was proved at London with a
70        Codicil the Eighth Day of February in the year
71        of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and
72        Seventy there before the Worshipful Andrew
73        Colter Ducarel Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of
74        the Right Worshipful George Hay also Doctor
75        of Laws Master keeper or Commissary of the
76        prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
77        by the Oath of Malachi Blake the Son of the deceased and one
78        of the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was
79        Granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels
80        and Credits of the said deceased he having been first
81        Sworn duly to administer power reserved of
82        making the like Grant to William Blake the
83        Son also of the said deceased and the other Executor named in the said will when he shall
84        apply for the same

Relationship Chart

Admiral Robert Blake [101] is the 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Reverend Malachi-112 Blake [278]   (1651-1705)
                                Common Ancestor
                              * Humphrey-21 Blake [1]
                                  (Cir 1499-1558)
                                    * Agnis [2]
                                 (          -1585)
                                   Married  [1]
                    |                                                             |
     * John-27 (the elder) Blake [3]              * Robert-28 Blake [4]
          (Cir 1521-After 1576)                       (Cir 1523-Cir 1592)
               Johan [12]                                 Margaret Symonds [22]
            (          -1595)                                     (          -1600)
          Married Cir 1541 [4]                                   Married  [5]
                    |                                                              |
         * William-39 Blake [18]                   * Humphry-43 Blake [25]
           (Cir 1559-Cir 1642)                                 (Cir 1563-1625)
                Anne [84]                             Sarah Swithers formerly Williams [100]
            (          -1644)                                                (          -1638)
              Married  [21]                                        Married 5 Oct 1597 [26]
                    |                                                               |
          * John-59 Blake [88]                            * Admiral Robert Blake [101]
               (1597-1645)                                                (1598-1657)
             Elizabeth [155]
              Married  [38]
          * John-86 Blake [158]
           Mary Wilkins [276]
        Married 20 Jun 1648 [84]
   * Reverend Malachi-112 Blake [278]
             Mary Mico [414]
             Married  [140]

Chart 6 (inserted above) does carry these lines down into the mid 1700s. I have not verified the details at this point in time. A project surely for the future. Anyone wanting to add anything to this writeup on Chart 6 is welcomed to do so.

2.    Blake Surname Study – Progress: One Name Blake Study at the Guild of One-name Studies was originally undertaken by another researcher. In 2011, I became the researcher for the Blake-one-name Study at the Guild. There was already a pre-existing yDNA project run by Bill Bleak and he continues as the main administrator of the project. As can be seen below only 16 members of the study have completed a Big Y (SNPs testing for deep clade determination) making it virtually impossible to do more than has been done with some of the groups.

Project Statistics
Total Members                               190
Big Y                                                   23
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded      12
Paternal Ancestor Information     130
Predicted Y-DNA Haplogroups     25
Y-DNA12                                       108
Y-DNA25                                         91
Y-DNA37                                         88
Y-DNA67                                         61
Y-DNA111                                         34
The task of managing these groups is large and I will gradually work away at converting them to the new standard of placing individuals by their deep haplogroup testing. I would recommend that all members join the relevant haplogroup project to learn more about your haplogroup.
This has changed very little in the past three months. I am finding it difficult to work with the R1b groups. I do not like to upset the original classification but will continue to study how I could modify these groupings. Any suggestions greatly welcomed.

3.    Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.

4.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers (Baptisms – set 6)
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.
Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.
Number    Surname    Forename    status    Fathers surname    Fathers forename    Mothers surname    Mothers forename    Year    Month    Day    Year    Month    Day    Details
1500    Goodale    Anne    daughter    Goodale    Richard            1618    September    24               
1501    Travis    William    son    Travis    Robert            1618    September    25               
1502    Payne    Elizabeth    daughter    Payne    Richard            1618    August    30               
1503    Bath    Thomas    son    Bath    Richard            1618    October    10               
1504    Scullard    Margerye    daughter    Scullard    Syrach            1618    October    13               
1505    Bath    John    son    Bath    Richard            1618    November    1               
1506    Thurman    Elizabeth    daughter    Thurman    John            1618    October    31               
1507    Penton    Elizabeth    daughter    Penton    William            1618    November    12               
1508    Card    Edward    son    Card    William            1618    November    15               
1509    Beare    Amy    daughter    Beare    Silvester            1618    November    18               
1510    Dyer    Thomas    son    Dyer    John            1618    December    2               
1511    Barnaby    Rebecca    daughter    Barnaby    Baldwin            1618    November    22               
1512    Twichen    Alexander    son    Twichen    Mr. Andrew            1618    December    27               
1513    Foster    Elizabeth    daughter    Foster    John            1618    December    28               
1514    Church    Lidia    daughter    Church    Thomas            1618    January    24               
1515    Bunny    William    son    Bunny    Thomas            1618    February    7               
1516    Tomlyn    John    son    Tomlyn    Mr. Richard            1618    February    28               
1517    Bundy    Thomas    son    Bundy    Stephen            1618    March    7               
1518    Somerset    Mary    daughter    Somerset    Edward            1619    April    4               
1519    Blake    Peter    son    Blake    William            1619    April    6               
1520    Barwick    Samuell    son    Barwick    Christopher            1619    April    11               
1521    Chard    Martha    daughter    Chard    Edward            1619    April    25               
1522    Marshall    Payn    son    Marshall    Mr. Hugh            1619    April    4               
1523    Manseck    Chrispian    daughter    Manseck                1619    April                    widow
1524        Martha    daughter        Thomas            1619                       
1525    Swetaple    Anne    daughter    Swetaple    Paule            1619    May    2               
1526    Clarke    Richard    son    Clarke    Richard            1619    May    3               
1527    Purdue    William    son    Purdue    John            1619    May    16               
1528    Scutt    Thomas    son    Scutt    Thomas            1619    May    16               
1529    Water    Katheryn    daughter    Water    William            1619    May    20               
1530    West    Henry    son    West    Robert            1619    May    23               
1531    Turner    John    son    Turner    John            1619    May    30               
1532    Hayward    Alice    daughter    Hayward    Christopher            1619    June    1               
1533    Waterman    Richard    son    Waterman    William            1619    June    1               
1534    Byles    Joan    daughter    Byles    Josias            1619    June    6               
1535    Lewis    John    son    Lewis    John            1619    June    13               
1536    Floud    Eliz.    daughter    Floud    John            1619    June    18               
1537    Thomas    Elizabeth    bastard daughter            Thomas    Mary    1619    June    22               
1538    Trulove    Ursula    daughter    Trulove    Henry            1619    June    27               
1539    Bynson    Thomas    son    Bynson    Edmund            1619    June    27               
1540    Chyld    Alice    daughter    Chyld    William            1619    July     10               
1541    Thurman    Kathryn    daughter    Thurman    Mr. Edward            1619    July    13               
1542    Cletsam    Richard    son    Cletsam    Richard            1619    July    13               
1543    Cox    Richard    son    Cox    William            1619    July    20               
1544    Jackson    An    daughter    Jackson    John            1619    July    24               
1545    Percy    William    son    Percy    John            1619    July    31               
1546    White    William    son    White    Richard            1619    August    1               
1547    Childe    Elizabeth    daughter    Childe    Maurice            1619    August    1               
1548    Awstyn    William    son    Awstyn    William            1619    August    2               
1549    Whetland    Nicholas    son    Whetland    Nicholas            1619    August    3               
1550    Bennet    John    son    Bennet    John            1619    August    17               
1551    Chanell    Edwad    son    Chanell    Robert            1619    September    10               
1552    Huntingford    Frauncis    son    Huntingford    Thomas            1619    September    11               
1553    Kinge    John    son    Kinge    John            1619    September    19               
1554    Smith    joane    daughter    Smith    Robert            1619    September    19               
1555    Kent    Nicholas    son    Kent    Peter            1619    September    30               
1556    Simonds    Elizab.    daughter    Simonds    Elice            1619    October    3               
1557    Thurman    Anne    daughter    Thurman    John            1619    October    12               
1558    Walter    Annis    daughter    Waltere    Christopher            1619    October    12               
1559    Barwick    Griffin    son    Barwick    William            1619    October    10               
1560    Cook    Richard    son    Cook    William            1619    October    21               
1561    Whatly    Andrew    son    Whatly    Thomas            1619    October    21               
1562    Seward    Humfry    son    Seward    Mathew            1619    October    24               
1563    Alexander    Elizab.    daughter    Alexander    Thomas            1619    October    25               
1564    Russell    Mary    daughter    Russell    William            1619    October    30               
1565    Curtis    Henry    son    Curtis    James            1619    November    6               
1566    Hinxman    Jane    daughter    Hinxman    Joseph            1619    November    10               
1567    Jackson    Anis    daughter    Jackson    John            1619    November    10               
1568    Hide    Alice    daughter    Hide    Christopher            1619    November    10               
1569    Lytle    Magdalen    daughter    Lytle    Henry            1619    November    20               
1570    Tubb    Margarite    daughter    Tubb    John            1619    December    15               
1571    Ward    An    daughter    Ward    Robert            1619    December    18               
1572    Veare    Mary    daughter    Veare    John            1619    December    20               
1573    Swetaple    Peter    son    Swetaple    Michael            1619    December    21               
1574    Peter    Anis    daughter    Peter    John            1619    December    28               
1575    Edes    Arabella    daughter    Edes    John            1619    January    6               
1576    Baker    Dorothy    daughter    Baker    Robert            1619    January    10               
1577    Napper    Thomas    son    Napper    George            1619    January    16               
1578    Beckly    Joseph    son    Beckly    Nicholas            1619    January    17               
1579    Tanner    Thomas    son    Tanner    Thomas            1619    January    20               
1580    Carde    Thomas    son    Carde    Thomas            1619    February    2               
1581    Horne    James    son    Horne    James            1619    February    5               
1582    Grantam    Mary    daughter    Grantam    Richard            1619    February    19               
1583    Ash    Frances    daughter    Ash    Valentine            1619    February    20               
1584    Fineash    Margaret    daughter    Fineash    Joseph            1619    February    22               
1585    Dowse    William    son    Dowse    Thomas            1619    February    22               
1586    Knight    An    daughter    Knight    William            1619    March                   
1587    Purveyer    Nathaniel    son    Purveyer    John            1619    March                   
1588    Rowbottom    Christyan    daughter    Rowbottom    John            1620    March    28               
1589    Bampton    Andrew    son    Bampton    Andrew            1620    March    30               
1590    Tanner    William    son    Tanner    William            1620    April    30               
1591    Couper    Elizabeth    daughter    Couper    John            1620    April    19               
1592    Barnabie    Joane    daughter    Barnabie    Baldwin            1620    May    3               
1593    Peterson    Robert    son    Peterson    Robert            1620    May    12               
1594    Buckler    Thomas    son    Buckler    John            1620    May    20               
1595    Mooring    John    son    Mooring    Walt.            1620    May    23               
1596    Veager    Alice    daughter    Veager    George            1620    May    25               
1597    Rutley    Joane    daughter    Rutley    John            1620    May    28               
1598    Livelocke    Margerye    daughter    Livelocke    Richard            1620    May    28               
1599    Marshall    Anne    daughter    Marshall    Mr. Hugh            1620    May    29               
1600    Edmunds        son    Edmunds    John            1620    June    20               
1601    Templer    William    son    Templer    Richard            1620    June    4               
1602    Hiller    Marie    daughter    Hiller    Edward            1620    June    12               
1603    Kilberrie    William    son    Kilberrie    John            1620    June    14               
1604    Horne    Alice    daughter    Horne    Simon            1620    June    24               
1605    Rime    Mary    daughter    Rime    William            1620    July    23               
1606    Knight    Dorothie    daughter    Knight    Stephan            1620    July    30               
1607    Byrd    Elinor    daughter    Byrd    Roger            1620    August    2               
1608    Mountaine    Robert    son    Mountaine    Robert            1620    August    2               
1609    Girdler    Thomas    son    Girdler    Daniell            1620    August    6               
1610    Board    Philip    son    Board    Philip            1620    August    6               
1611    Bunny    Dorothie    daughter    Bunny    Thomas            1620    August    18               
1612    Baker    Edmund    son    Baker    Thomas            1620    August    19               
1613    Jarvis    Abigail    daughter    Jarvis    Mr. William            1620    August    20               
1614    Staniford    Bartholomew    son    Staniford    Mr. Thomas            1620    August    26               
1615    Bath    Prudence    daughter    Bath    Tristram            1620    August    27               
1616    Trulove    Alice    daughter    Trulove    Henry            1620    September    3               
1617    Wheatley    Jane    daughter    Wheatley    John            1620    September    19               
1618    Dawbey    Thomas    son    Dawbey    John            1620    September    19               
1619    Bushnell    Joane    daughter    Bushnell    Nicholas            1620    September    23               
1620    Turner    Elizabeth    daughter    Turner    John            1620    September    24               
1621    Dowse    William    son    Dowse    John            1620    September    24               
1622    Pettie    Richard    son    Pettie    Edmund            1620    October    1               
1623    Bezar    Elizab.    daughter    Bezar    Toby            1620    October    1               
1624    Jewell    Andrew    son    Jewell    William            1620    October    7               
1625    Jewell    William    son    Jewell    William            1620    October    7               
1626    Bath    Jane    daughter    Bath    Thomas            1620    October    22               
1627    Butte    Samuell    son    Butte    Jerom            1620    October    31               
1628    Tredgold    William    son    Tredgold    William            1620    November    8               
1629    Mondie    Elizabeth    daughter    Mondie    Edward            1620    November    8               
1630    Chennell    Ralphe    son    Chennell    Robert            1620    November    12               
1631    Blake    Elizabeth    daughter    Blake    Mr. William            1620    November    12               
1632    Blake    Nicholas    son    Blake    Mr. William            1620    November    12               
1633    Church    Sara    daughter    Church    Thomas            1620    November    26               
1634    Bennett    Joane    daughter    Benett    Thomas            1620    November    26               
1635    James    Anne    daughter    James    John            1620    November    28               
1636    Goodall    Richard    son    Goodall    Richard            1620    December    3               
1637    Proctor    Elizab.    daughter    Proctor    Martin            1620    December    10               
1638    Payne    Alexander    son    Payne    Richard            1620    December    10               
1639        Thomas    son                    1620    December    10                "nobody" in the parent spot
1640    Ward    William    son    Ward    William Couper            1620    January    14               
1641    Twichin    Andrew    son    Twichin    Mr. Andrew            1620    January    12               
1642    Deane    Ralphe    son    Deane    William            1620    January    13               
1643    Carde    Ralphe    son    Carde    William            1620    January    17               
1644    Yong    Thomas    son    Yong    Thomas            1620    January    27               
1645    Spradbury    John    son    Spradbury    Richard            1620    January    21               
1646    Cletsham    Joane    daughter    Cletsham    Richard            1620    February    6               
1647    Haiden        son    Haiden    Thomas            1620    February    11                baptized at Penton
1648    Miller    Elizabeth    daughter    Miller    William            1620    February    28               
1649    Blake            Blake    Robert            1620    February    22               
1650    Seward    Joane    daughter    Seward    Mathew            1620    March    11               
1651    Toms    William    son    Toms    John            1620    March    11                John junior
1652    Sweetaple    Marie    daughter    Sweetaple    Robert            1620    March    11               
1653    Berwicke    William    son    Berwicke    Will            1620    March    17               
1654    Berwicke    Thomas    son    Berwicke    Christopher            1620    March    18               
1655    Price    Marie    daughter    Price                1620    March    20                widow
1656    Swift        son    Swift    Joane            1620    March    16                by Reece
1657    Rowbottom    Christian    daughter    Rowbottom    John            1621    March    28               
1658    Brampton    Andrew    son    Brampton    Andrew            1621    March    30               
1659    Bradborne    Anne    daughter    Bradborne    Richard            1621    March    25               
1660    Blanchard    Dorothie    daughter    Blanchard    Roger            1621    May    3               
1661    Dawbey    Thomas    son    Dawbey    John            1621    April    3               
1662    Veagar    Anne    daughter    Veagar    Thomas            1621    May    4               
1663    Chard    Dorothie    daughter    Chard    Edward            1621    May    22               
1664    Julians    John    son    Julians    William            1621    June    4               
1665    Palmer    Richard    son    Palmer    Richard            1621    June    17               
1666    Waterman    Edward    son    Waterman    William            1621    June    16               
1667    Waterman    Mmargerie    daughter    Waterman    Will            1621    June    16               
1668    Harfield    Elizabeth    daughter    Harfield    John            1621    June    19               
1669    Rives    John    son    Rives    John            1621    June    26               
1670    Titcombe    Richard    son    Titcombe    John            1621    June    1               
1671    Scullard    Nicholas    son    Scullard    John            1621    July    1               
1672    Calvard    Dorothie    daughter    Calvard    Bernard            1621    July    11               
1673    Hillers            Hillers    John            1621    July    15               
1674    Rawleigh    William    son    Rawleigh    William            1621    July    23               
1675    Scottesden    Nicholas    son    Scottesden    John            1621    July    28               
1676    Foster    Richard    son    Foster    John            1621    August    5               
1677    Dowse    Margarite    daughter    Dowse    Thomas            1621    August    5               
1678    Waterman    John    son    Waterman    John            1621    August    7               
1679    Tanner    Alice    daughter    Tanner    Thomas            1621    August    18               
1680    Ashe    John    son    Ashe    Valentine            1621    August    19               
1681    Carde    Robert    son    Carde    Robert            1621    August    19               
1682    Painter    Robert    son    Painter    Robert            1621    August    19               
1683    Fludde    Edward    son    Fludde    John            1621    August    24               
1684    Sutton        son    Sutton    Thomas            1621    August    25               
1685    Dyer    Prudence    daughter    Dyer    John            1621    September    7               
1686    Wheatland    William    son    Wheatland    Nicholas            1621    September    8               
1687    Lovegrove    Anne    daughter    Lovegrove    John            1621    September    22               
1688    Waight    Beniamin    son    Waight    Silvester            1621    September    23               
1689    Fosbury    Margarite    daughter    Fosbury    John            1621    September    26               
1690    Veare    Richard    son    Veare    John            1621    October    3               
1691        Feincis    daughter                    1621    October    4                a stranger
1692    Lecie    Anne    daughter    Lecie    Henrie            1621    October    30               
1693    Julians    Joane    daughter    Julians    Ezekiel            1621    October    7               
1694    Beckley    Jane    daughter    Beckley    Nicholas            1621    October    7               
1695    Sweetaple    Paul    son    Sweetaple    Paul            1621    October    7               
1696    Cleve    William    son    Cleve    John            1621    October    9               
1697    Persie    Dorothie    daughter    Persie    John            1621    October    20               
1698    Glover    Margarite    daughter    Glover    William            1621    October    11               
1699    Stoner        son    Stoner    Richard            1621    October    13               
1700    Scullard    Peter    son    Scullard    Sirach            1621    October    15               
1701    Wheatley    Thomas    son    Wheatley    Thomas            1621    October    21               
1702    Pressey    Mary    daughter    Pressey    William            1621    November    4               
1703    Note    Martha    daughter    Note                1621    November    4                of H…iwell
1704    Francis            Francis    John            1621    November    10               
1705    Chenell            Chenell    Robert            1621    November    10               
1706    Westcombe    Margarite    daughter    Westcombe    Walter            1621    November    11               
1707    Warde    Abigail    daughter    Warde    Robert            1621    November    18               
1708    Thurman    John    son    Thurman    William            1621    December    9               
1709    Scutte    William    son    Scutte    William            1621    December    9               
1710    Matkin    Maria    daughter    Matkin    Mr. Francis            1621    December    13               
1711    Childe    Gerrard    son    Childe    Maurice            1621    December    16               
1712    Childe    John    son    Childe    William            1621    December    16               
1713    Pierce    Nicholas    son    Pierce    Nicholas            1621    January    1               
1714    Cooke    Robert    son    Cooke    Robert            1621    January    6               
1715    Simonds    Elias    son    Simonds    Ellis            1621    January    20               
1716    Hinxman    Alice    daughter    Hinxman    Joseph            1621    January    20               
1717    Greene    Nicholas    son    Greene    Phiness            1621    January    23               
1718    Veager    Dorothie    daughter    Veager    George            1621    February    2               
1719    Hacker    James    son    Hacker    John            1621    February    5               
1720    Penton    Sara    daughter    Penton    William            1621    February    6               
1721    Baverstoke    Agnis    daughter    Baverstoke    John            1621    February    7               
1722    Trulove    John    son    Trulove    Henry            1621    February    7               
1723    Hyde    Anne    daughter    Hyde    Christopher            1621    February    10               
1724    Beare    Debora    daughter    Beare    Silvester            1621    February    11               
1725    Baker    William    son    Baker    Robert            1621    March    1               
1726    Huntingford    Nicholas    son    Huntingford    Thomas            1621    March    2               
1727    Tubbe    Elizabeth    daughter    Tubbe    John            1621    March    3               
1728    Traverse    John    son    Traverse    John            1621    March    8               
1729    Cletsam    Jethro    son    Cletsam    Richard            1621    March    17               
1730    Sweetaple    Alice    daughter    Sweetaple    Michael            1622    March    26               
1731    Vivash    Joane    daughter    Vivash    Joseph            1622    March    26               
1732    Bayley    Dorothie    daughter    Bayley    William            1622    April    7               
1733    Clerke    Brigitte    daughter    Clerke    Richard            1622    April    9               
1734    House            House    Nicholas            1622    April    20               
1735    Monday    Marie    daughter    Monday                1622    April    27               
1736    Samwell    Margarie    daughter    Samwell    Peter            1622    May    4               
1737    Blake    John    son    Blake    Henry            1622    May    4               
1738    Noyes    Anne    daughter    Noyes    Mr. Peter            1622    May    5                Peter junior
1739    Thurman    Penelope    daughter    Thurman    Mr. Edward            1622    May    7               
1740    Binson    Edmund    son    Binson    Edmund            1622    May    10               
1741    Noyes    Joane    daughter    Noyes    John            1622    May    11               
1742    Rowbottom    Rebecca    daughter    Rowbottom    John            1622    May    14               
1743    Barnaby    Elizab.    daughter    Barnaby    Baldwin            1622    May    25               
1744    Tomkins    Nicholas    son    Tomkins    Giles            1622    May    26               
1745    Purveyor    Alexander    son    Purveyor    John            1622    June    3               
1746    Piddle    Anne    daughter    Piddle    Robert            1622    June    16               
1747    Russell        daughter    Russell    William            1622    June    17               
1748    Wells    Thomas    son    Wells    Henry            1622    July    19               
1749    Knight    Elizab.    daughter    Knight    William            1622    August    4               
1750    Segrove    Richard    son    Segrove    Rowland            1622    August    11               
1751    Ilderwell    Sara    daughter    Ilderwell    Robert            1622    August    4               
1752    Edmunds    Richard    son    Edmunds    Thomas            1622    August    22               
1753    Miles    Anne    daughter    Miles    Thomas            1622    August    27               
1754    Rutley    Sara    daughter    Rutley    John            1622    September    2               
1755    Kestch    Christian    daughter    Kestch    William            1622    October    6               
1756    Kersey    Joseph    son    Kersey                1622    October    6               
1757    Blake    Martha    daughter    Blake    Mr. William            1622    October    13               
1758    Holdway    William    son    Holdway    Alexander            1622    October    13               
1759    Bunnie    William    son    Bunnie    Thomas            1622    October    24               
1760    Wateridge    Mary    daughter    Wateridge    Walter            1622    October    24               
1761    Dines    John    son    Dines    Robert            1622    October    27               
1762    Harris    Jane    daughter    Harris    Edward            1622    October    28               
1763    Little    Richard    son    Little    Henrie            1622    November    7               
1764    Hichcocke    John    son    Hichcocke    Thomas            1622    November    2               
1765    Cooke    John    son    Cooke    Edward            1622    November    10               
1766    Mountaine    Anne    daughter    Mountaine    Robert            1622    November    17               
1767    Taylor    Dorothie    daughter    Taylor    Thomas            1622    November    19               
1768    Church    Abraham    son    Church    Thomas            1622    November    26               
1769    Moringe    Katherine    daughter    Moringe    Walter            1622    December    1               
1770    Lewis    Alice    daughter    Lewis    John            1622    December    8               
1771    Payne    Deborah    daughter    Payne    Richard            1622    December    14               
1772    Twitchin    Barbara    daughter    Twitchin    Mr. Andrew            1622    December    29               
1773    Brooade    Dorothie    daughter    Brooade    William            1622    December    18               
1774    Berwicke    Martha    daughter    Berwicke    Christopher            1622    December    19               
1775    Waterman    Thomas    son    Waterman    John            1622    December    27               
1776    Girdler    Sara    daughter    Girdler    Daniell            1622    January    6               
1777    Simson    Margaret    daughter    Simson    John            1622    January    7               
1778    Horne            Horne    Simon            1622    January    14               
1779    Hayward    Alexander    son    Hayward    Christopher            1622    January    6               
1780    Turner    William    son    Turner    John            1622    February    2               
1781    Alexander    Thomas    son    Alexander    Thomas            1622    February    9               
1782    Alexander    Sara    daughter    Alexander    Thomas            1622    February    9               

1783    James    Peter    son    James    John            1622    February    18               
1784    Waterman    Thomas    son    Waterman    John            1622    February    8               
1785    Tanner    John    son    Tanner    Thomas            1622    February    26               
1786    Berwicke    Robert    son    Berwicke    Edward            1622    February    27               
1787    Seward    Mathew    son    Seward    Mathew            1622    March    2               
1788    Childe    John    son    Childe    Maurice            1622    March    2               
1789    Knight    Joseph    son    Knight    Stephen            1622    March    6               
1790    Godden    Richard    son    Godden    Robert            1622    March    9               
1791    Rattive    Christian    daughter    Rattive    Thomas            1622    March    17               
1792    Beare    John    son    Beare    John            1622    March    18               
1793    Fielder    John    son    Fielder    Robert            1622    March    21               
1794    Bradborne    Francis    daughter    Bradborne    Richard            1622    March    23               
1795    Knight    Alexander    son    Knight    Robert            1622    March    23               
1796    Alford    Dorothie    daughter    Alford    Beniamin            1623    March    30               
1797    Bird    Robert    son    Bird    Roger            1623    April    20               
1798    Watrish            Watrish                1623    April    23               
1799    Bezar    Dorothy    daughter    Bezar    Toby            1623    April    28               

Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp by the 15th of June for the 1st July issue.

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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