Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2019

 Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2019

Table of Contents
1.    The Pincombe-Pinkham Study at the Guild of one-name Studies
2.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
3.    Will of William Pincombe, 1625
4.    yDNA testing Pinkham descendants 
5.    North Molton Parish Records (Part 13)

1.    The Pincombe-Pinkham Study at the Guild of one-name Studies
A complaint was received at one of the Guild Conferences that I had not responded to an email request although I do actually respond to every email received including responding to one rather suspicious item that I received several months before the complaint. An email came to me from my Guild email account which was basically just an attachment with Blake in the Subject line. I never open attachments from unknown sources including my Guild email address. I did write back to the sender requesting information on the attachment but to date I have never received a reply. At the time I was coming to the thought that I would step down from my studies at the Guild as both of my studies there tend to be somewhat controversial (Blake and Pincombe). However, I did give it some thought and decided that I had not yet completed all of my intended work on this study. I still have several hundred images that I took at Kew that pertain to the Pincombe surname which I want to transcribe and publish in this Newsletter. I could still do that without being a member of the Guild but I strongly believe in the Mission of the Guild and will continue to support that Mission.

However, when I took over the Pincombe surname I was very very new to genealogy (indeed until 2003 I could honestly say that I never really looked at my family history). My husband is a keen genealogist having studied his family for over 50 years and I had, on occasion, looked up census, articles, etc for him but always felt that I knew my own family very well. Doing the one-name studies did show me that I did not know all there was to know about my family lines and I continue to this day working away on these two studies with the Guild plus many more surnames on my own account limited strictly to my own family.

At the time I took up the study I was aware that two earlier researchers had worked on the Pincombe-Pinkham surname for over 30 years and when the opportunity to go to the Society of Genealogists library in London, UK presented itself I did look at the material that had been placed with them following the stepping down from the study by the earlier researchers. Transcripts of wills that had been made prior to the bombing of the Exeter Record Office in WWII were an absolute gem and much appreciated. A set of bulletin board sized charts on the various families researched was also very handy and these were actually given to me by my cousin in England a couple of years before I went to the Library. I was hoping to see them once again but they could not be located at that time. I would have liked to take images of them to see if I could improve on the quality of the charts.

I will continue to pursue this study although anyone wanting to take on the Pinkham portion and work with me is welcomed to do so. Over time I have ascertained that the Pincombe line in the Barnstaple/Bideford area did take on the Pinkham spelling. I have not researched the Pinkham surname itself but the yDNA study does indicate that the present Pinkham testers and the present Pincombe testers belong to different sub haplogroups and are not related in a genealogical time-frame. My line was tested initially by my known cousin descendant of our mutual 3x great grandfather Robert Pincombe (baptized 4 Oct 1775 at Bishops Nympton, married to Elizabeth Rowcliffe 7 Jun 1803 at Bishops Nympton, died 23 Apr 1827 at Bishops Nympton and was buried 28 Apr 1827 at Bishops Nympton). Also at FT DNA a descendant of the father of Robert, John Pincombe baptized 13 Feb 1728 at Bishops Nympton, married Mary Charley/Charlie 8 Nov 1767 at Bishops Nympton and buried 9 Aug 1794 at Bishops Nympton, had tested. This tester was descendant of William, a brother to Robert. They were a perfect match. During the process of the study a third tester said to be descendant of the Barnstaple/Bideford line tested and is also an excellent match. The Barnstaple/Bideford line are said to be descendant of the South Molton Pincombe line which was located there in the 1500s. That proves my line back to that time period and the Visitations of Devon 1620 appear to also connect these lines. It does not necessarily prove that anyone is particularly right or wrong in their decision with regard to the ancient heritage of this family.

I would not like to see the study become mired in disagreement. We all have the same interest which is linking our family back in time with the history that has been recorded. Consequently I will not at this time or probably at any time in the future refer to the yDNA study other than what I have written above unless there are a lot more people testing to change the present look of the study.

I should also mention that the Pincombe family from which I descend was originally recorded as the Pencombe family and that according to the Devon Visitation of 1620 they arrived at North Molton in 1485 or thereabouts. No originating location is given on any documents that I have looked at thus far for the Pincombe family in Devon. However, there is a document in the Calendar of patent Rolls which reads as follows:

1395 20 May Westminster (membrane 5)
Licence, for 100 s. paid in the hanaper by Philip Webbe, chaplain of a
chantry of St. Mary in the parish church of Bromyord, for the alienation
in mortmain by John Falke of a messuage in Bromyord, and by John
Hunte or another there, and by Thomas Pencombe and Robert Stanford
of five messuages and half an acre of meadow in the same place, not held in
chief, to the said chaplain and his successors, in aid of their maintenance.
18 Richard II, volume 5, page 582

Bromyard is in Herefordshire. I do have the original copy of this document and will examine it to see if perhaps the spelling should have been Bromyard in the transcription. The date of 1395 is 90 years before the Pencombe family is found in North Molton.

A Cornwall researcher has mentioned to me that Pinkham/Tinkham is a Cornish name and suggested that as the origin of the surname. All that definitely needs to be looked at but time does not permit me to follow this idea at the moment.

2.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing a revision to the Beaford (Roborough) – Ramsgate Chart which was published in Volume 3 Issue 3, 2018.

The addition to the Chart is in the line of Lewis Pinkham (baptized 9 Jun 1799) and married to Sarah Rippon 16 Nov 1823 (at Barnstaple). Their daughter Elizabeth (baptized 13 Mar 1825) married John Gaydon a Jeweller who was a brother of Francis Gaydon (2x great grandfather of the correspondent).

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

3.    Will of William Pincombe 1625

Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/147 - Image Reference 501/397
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 28 June 1625 (probated 17 Dec 1625)

[in margin] T[estator] William Pincombe

1    In the name of God Amen
2    the eight and Twentyth day of June Anno Domino one Thousand sixe hundred Twentyfive
3    I William Pincombe of South Molton in the County of Devon gent being of good and
4    perfect memory (god bee praised) doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in
5    manner and forme followinge viz[ a vi]t First I commend my soule into the hands of god my maker
6    hopeing assuredly through the onely meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour to bee made p[ar]taker of  life
7    everlastinge And I commend my body to the earth where of it was made Item I give and bequeath to ye
8    poore of South Molton forty shillings And to the poor of East Buckland ten shillings Item I give
9    devise and bequeath unto Temperance my wife all my tearme and estate in the farme of  Barton
10    called haiche otherwise hatch in Southmoulton w[hi]ch I clayme to hold by the demise of Arthur
11    Ackland Esq[uir]e and Ellinor his wife by theire deed indented beareing date the Tenth daie of May in the
12    fortyth yeare of the Raigne of o[u]r late Soveraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth in as large and ample
13    manner as the same is graunted unto mee by the said recytes and Indented Together with the said
14    deed Item I give and bequeath unto William Pincombe my Sonne the Tablebord in the hall at west-
15    cott in East Buckland All other my other standing bedsteeds and one other bedsteed there the sealinge of
16    the hall. the cupbord in the said hall and all shelves and Tymber of mine whatsoever now w[i]thin ye
17    houses of the said Tenement or elsewhere on the said Tenem[en]t called Westcott wheresoever Item
18    I give and bequeath unto my said sonne my second best bedsteed my second best featherbed p[re]formed
19    w[i]th my second best bed clothes my best Cloke my Rapier and poyinard with all my girdles and
20    hangings and all my bookes and my spruce deske to bee all delivered unto him within one moneth after
21    my decease Item I give and bequeath unto the said William Pincombe my Sonne my great brasse
22    kettle my greatest brasse pan, my greatest brasse caldron and my two Silver Bowles my best
23    bedsteed and best featherbed p[re]formed with the best bedclothes that I shall have at the tyme of my
24    death And my will is that his Mother shall have the use of theis dureing her life if shee soe longe live
25    unmarried And shall not sell or ymbesill the same or any p[ar]te thereof Item I give and bequeath to my
26    loveing kinswoman Temperance Uppington five pounds of lawfull English money Item I give devise
27    and bequeath unto my said wife the mesuage and Tenem[en]t wherein I now dwell in South Molton w[i]th
28    the Courtilage Backeside and Garden to the same belonginge and the backeside where the Rackes
29    stand and the Garden now in the possession of Andrew Wescott To have and to hold unto the said
30    Temperance my wife for and dureing the terme of one and Twenty yeres if she soe longe happen to
31    live after my decease The remaynder of mine estate and terme in the premisses w[hi]ch shal[l ]be then to
32    come and unexpired I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said sonne William Pincombe w[i]th the
33    severall deeds of the same Provided allwaies and my will is that my said sonne William Pincombe
34    shall paye or cause to bee payd unto mine Executrix hereafter named the somme of forty pounds of
35    lawfull english money w[i]thin two yeres next after my decease by Twenty pounds a yere And if he the
36    said William my Sonne shall refuse soe to doe Then my will is that all these legacies by this my will
37    to him the said William my Sonne soe given and bequeathed shal[l ]be voyd and accrue unto the benefitt
38    of mine executrix as though they had never beene given or bequeathed unto him anythinge herein
39    conteyned to the contrary, in any wise notw[i]thstanding Item I further give and bequeath unto him my
40    said Sonne William Pincomb my Truncke covered w[i]th Sailes skines and my woodricke at
41    westcott w[hi]ch standeth by the East maynehouse there, All the residue of my goods and Chattles not
42    heretofore given and bequeathed I doe give and bequeath unto Temperance Pincombe my deare
43    and loveinge wife whom I doe ordayne and make my whole and sole Executrix of this my present last
44    Will and Testament And I doe appoynt overseers of the same my deere and much respected
45    cosin Mr. Christopher Rashleigh and my loveing Brothers John Pincombe and Richarde
46    Pincombe to see this my last will p[er]formed in all things And I give unto every of them for theire
47    paynes to bee taken therein ten shillings apeece In witnes whereof I the aforesaid William Pincombe
48    to this my present last will & testament myne hand and Seale have sett geeven the daie and yere
49    first above written in the presence of those p[er]sons whose names are here underwritten William
50    Pincombe Chr. Rashleigh Ivy Hurwood John Bradford by mee Mary Oliver
51    Probatum fuit Testamentum Suprascriptum apud London coram
52    venerabili viro Domini Henrico Martem Militis legum doctore Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis
53      magistro Custode sive Commissario L[eg]timo constituto decimo septius die mensis decembris Anno domini
54      millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo quinto Juramento Temperance Pyncombe relicte dicti defuncti et
55      executricis in huiusmodi Testamento nominat Cui Commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum
56      bonorum iurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem ad Sancta       
57      Dei Evangelia Jurat vigore comissionis in ea parte al[ia]s emauat coram Johanne Coven Clico jurat 

The Visitation of Devon for 1620 and 1686 do assist with linking this William (testator in the will dated 28 Jun 1625) married to Temperance Pollard as the son of William Pincombe of East Buckland (and his wife Emotte Snowe).

William Pincombe (married to Emotte Snow) left his will dated 20 Dec 1602 and probated 13 Jul 1605. He and his wife had seven sons namely John, William, Symon, Richard (my likely ancestor), Thomas, Lewis and Peter as well as two daughters Johane and Katherin.

His son William (the testator) was still unmarried when his father died in 1602. As can be seen on the 1620 Visitation of Devon William Pyncombe was married to [Emotte] da[ughter] of Snowe of Antstey Devon with three of their sons listed John, Richard and William (John and Richard are listed because they were overseers of their brother William's will). William (the testator) is listed with the following notations:

William Pynecombe of Southmolton and of of E[a]st Buckland in Devon,  Coroner of the same Countie 14 or 15 years together, aet 54, 1620. Will 28 June, pro[bated] 17 Dec 1625 P.C.C. (Clarke 138) and married to Temperance, da[ughter] of Hugh Pollard, 1 son of Robert Pollard, Esq[uire], brother to S[i]r Hugh Pollard, K[nigh]t, both sonnes to S[i]r Lewis Pollard, K[nigh]t, the Judge. Ex[ecu]trix of her husband's will. Will 7 Mar 1636/37, pro[bated] 15 June 1637. P.C.C. (Goare 94).
The information on William gives his date of birth as 1566 since he is 54 years old in 1620. John is the eldest brother in this family so must have been born earlier but after 7 May 1563 since their grandmother Johane does not mention the wife of William Pincombe or any children in her will dated 7 May 1563. This makes for a neat timeline for this family. We know the father of this William was dead by 28 December 1602, married by 1563-4 and possibly born in the 1540s or earlier.

The other item to ponder at this point is the will left by Emot Pincombe in 1620 according to the Devon Calendar of wills on Genuki Devon. Was this Emotte married to William Pincombe who died in 1602 or was this Emet Hodge married to John Pyncombe? If it was Emotte then she outlived her husband by 18 years and would have been in her 80s likely when she died (which isn't impossible as some people did live that long even back in the 1600s) giving her a possible year of birth in the 1540s.

The children of William Pincombe (the testator) and Temperance Pollard are listed (on the Visitation) as (William and John):

William Pynecombe, eldest sonne, aet 13, ano. 1620. Named in the wills of his father and mother, living 1637 and married to Bridget, da. of Henry Worth of Washfield, mar. lic. 14, mar. 16 Feb 1628/29 at Washfield. Named in the will of her mother in law, living 1636. (The chart from the earlier researchers has a baptismal date of 16 Mar 1606. The IGI has a baptism (patron entry) 16 Mar 1605 (new style would be 1606) at North Molton for a William Pyncombe son of William Pyncombe.)
John Pincombe, baptized 4 Aug 1610 (from the chart produced by the earlier researchers). Again the IGI has a baptism for a John Pyncombe 4 Aug 1610 at North Molton son of William Pyncombe (patron entry).

The children of William Pincombe and Bridget Worth:

William, Pincombe, bap 4 Feb 1629/30 at Washfield (executor of his grandmother's will) and married to Gertrude who was buried 8 Jan 1685/86 at South Molton.
Elizabeth, 1 da., bap. 17 Nov 1631 at Washfield, named in her grandmother's will, living 1637
Bridget, 2 da., named in her grandmother's will, living 1637.
Temperance, 3 da., named in her grandmother's will, living 1637

4.    yDNA testing for Pinkham descendants
One of the members of the yDNA study has purchased two kits which he is willing to donate to a male candidate who has a paper trail going back four generations. I think that finding a Pinkham descendant would be the best candidate but will leave that up to the purchaser. Please contact the editor ( for more details.

5.    North Molton Parish Records (Part 13)
These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file.
      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details
3101    Hanniford    Thomas    son    Hanniford    Richard        Grace    1655    Jun    2   
3102    Nogle    Margaret    daughter    Nogle    John        Martha    1655    Jul    11   
3103    Squire    Joane    daughter    Squire    John        Joane    1655    Jul    13   
3104    Goulde    John    son    Goulde    John        Elizabeth    1655    Aug    5   
3105    Blake    Mary    daughter    Blake    William        Joane    1655    Aug    10   
3106    Day    Joane    daughter    Day    Sebastian        Agnes    1655    Aug    29   
3107    Davy    Michaell    son    Davy    Michaell        Susan    1655    Sep    8   
3108    Crang    Richarde    son    Crang    John        Faith    1655    Sep    9   
3109    Davy    William    son    Davy    Henry        Susan    1655    Sep    10   
3110    Burges    Christian    daughter    Burges    Michaell        Christian    1655    Sep    13   
3111    Lawdy    Matthew    son    Lawdy    Richard        Charity    1655    Sep    19   
3112    Koceram    Hugh    son    Koceram    Robert        Elizabeth    1655    Oct    14   
3113    Burges    William    son    Burges    William        Susan    1655    Oct    16   
3114    Mole    Michaell    son    Mole    Michaell        Susan    1655    Oct    21   
3115    Dee    Wilmot    daughter    Dee    Jonathan        Anne    1655    Oct    23   
3116    Pullam alias Vicary    John    son    Pullam alias Vicary    John        Ursula    1655    Nov    2   
3117    White    Joane    daughter    White    William        Mary    1655    Nov    6   
3118    Balmant    Margaret    daughter    Balmant    William        Sibella    1655    Nov    6   
3119    Hobbs    Philip    son    Hobbs    Thomas        Anstice    1655    Nov    7   
3120    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    Thomas        Margarett    1655    Nov    8   
3121    Vicary    Sara    daughter    Vicary    William        Dorothy    1655    Dec    6   
3122    Goulde    Elizabeth    daughter    Goulde    William        Mary    1655    Dec    15   
3123    Huxtable    Margaret    daughter    Huxtable    Richard        Agnes    1655    Dec    27   
3124    May    Katherine    daughter    May    John        Joane    1655    Jan    2   
3125    Maunder    Elizabeth    daughter    Maunder    Thomas        Dorothy    1655    Jan    3   
3126    Moale    Joane    daughter    Moale    John        Elinor    1655    Jan    6   
3127    Shopland    Margeret    daughter    Shopland    Christofer        Margarett    1655    Feb    11   
3128    Davy    Fortune    daughter    Davy    Arthur        Joane    1655    Feb    14   
3129    Goulde    William    son    Goulde    Thomas        Hellen    1655    Feb    18   
3130    Westacot    Marian    daughter    Westacot    William        Petronell    1655    Feb    18   
3131    Hurfurd    George    son    Hurfurd    George        Elizabeth    1655    Feb    26   
3132    Thorne    Richorde    daughter    Thorne    William        Eliza    1655    Mar    7   
3133    Galhampton    William    son    Galhampton    Richard        Anne    1655    Mar    13   
3134    Galliford    Christofer    base son            Galliford    Joane    1655    Mar    23   
3135    Thorne George    son    Thorne    George    Margarett    1656    Mar    31    Birth: 26 Mar 1656
3136    Bushen    Mary    daughter  Bushen  Thomas    Anne    1656    Apr    13    Birth: 27 Mar 1656
3137    Stephens    Elinor  daughter  Stephens    John    Mary    1656    Apr    13    Birth: 10 Apr 1656
3138    Dendle William    son    Dendle    Richard    Joane    1656    May    11    Birth: 20 Apr 1656
3139    Hob    Joane    daughter    Hob    Philip    Joane    1656    May    18    Birth: 29 Apr 1656
3140    Kingland    Susanna    daughter  Kingland  Charles    Susan 1656 May    9 Birth: 30 Apr 1656
3141    Sage    John    son    Sage    George        Katherine    1656    May    25    Birth: 9 May 1656
3142    Shopland    William son Shopland  William Thomazin    1656    Jun    1    Birth: 13 May 1656
3143    Baker    Henry    son    Baker    Henry Joane    1656    May    21    Birth: 20 May 1656
3144    Goulde    Joane daughter    Goulde    Richard Joane    1656    Jul    3    Birth: 19 Jun 1656
3145    Webber    William    son    Webber    William Joane    1656    Jul    16    Birth: 22 Jun 1656
3146    Nott    Joane    daughter    Nott    Jonas    Joane    1656    Jun    26    Birth: 24 Jun 1656
3147    Sutton    Mary    daughter    Sutton    John        Mary    1656    Jul    20    Birth: 4 Jul 1656
3148    Marshall    Temperance daughter Marshall    John    Joane 1656 July    27    Birth: 13 Jul 1656
3149    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    John     Joane    1656    Jul    29    Birth: 14 Jul 1656
3150    Jacob    Grace daughter    Jacob John    Pentecost    1656    Aug    31    Birth: 15 Aug 1656
3151    Kingdon    William son Kingdon    William    Joane 1656    Sep    21    Birth: 18 Sep 1656
3152    Mole    William    son    Mole    William        Christian    1656    Oct    26    Birth: 18 Oct 1656
3153    Purchase    Joane daughter    Purchase    Will    Joane    1656    Oct    29    Birth: 2 Oct 1656
3154    Vanter Emmot    daughter    Vanter John     Elizabeth    1656    Nov    16    Birth: 1 Nov 1656
3155    Tailor    Hugh    son    Tailor    Richard    Thomazin    1656    Nov    8    Birth: 2 Nov 1656
3156    Dee    Joane    daughter    Dee    William    Grace    1656    Nov    16    Birth: 12 Nov 1656
3157    Tap    Joane    daughter    Tap    John        Katherine    1656    Dec    23    Birth: 30 Nov 1656
3158    Somerwell  John son  Somerwell  Alexander  Elizabeth  1656    Dec    14    Birth: 8 Dec 1656
3159    Thorne Elizabeth daughter    Thorne    Charles Joane    1656    Dec    9    Birth: 8 Dec 1656
3160    Smith    Robert    son    Smith    Robert Agnes    1656    Jan    11    Birth: 8 Jan 1656
3161    Smith Agnes daughter    Smith    Robert  Agnes    1656    Jan    11    Birth: 8 Jan 1656
3162    Allen    William    son    Allen    William        Julian    1656    Jan    21    Birth: 5 Jan 1656
3163    Treble Mary    daughter    Treble    George     Alice    1656    Jan    27    Birth: 11 Jan 1656
3164    Palfriman    Joane daughter    Palfriman    Robert    Joane 1656 Jan    25    Birth: 5 Jan 1656
3165    Harris    Michaell    son    Harris    John     Emmet 1656    Feb    6    Birth: 14 Jan 1656
3166    Zeale Elizabeth    daughter    Zeale  Michaell     Joane    1656    Feb    16    Birth: 7 Feb 1656
3167    Locke    Thomas    son    Locke Thomas     Margery    1656    Feb    22    Birth: 23 Jan 1656
3168    Pasmore    Matthew    son    Pasmore    Matthew   Mary  1656    Feb    24    Birth: 8 Feb 1656
3169    Huxtable    George    son    Huxtable    John Thomazin    1656    Mar    1    Birth: 10 Feb 1656
3170    Brey    Thomas    son    Brey    John        Jane    1656    Mar    5    Birth: 12 Feb 1656
3171    Thorne    Jane    daughter    Thorne    John    Joane    1656    Feb    18    Birth: 16 Feb 1656
3172    Wiseman    Anne    base daughter  Wiseman  Wiseman Joane 1656 Mar    8 Birth: 6 Mar 1656
3173    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Joane    1656    Mar    15    Birth: 8 Mar 1656
3174    Gould    Lewes    son    Gould William    Thomazin    1656    Mar    25    Birth: 11 Mar 1656
3175    Templar Agnes daughter    Templar    Martin Temperance 1657 Apr 12 Birth: 26 Mar 1657
3176    Hobs    James    son    Hobs    Thomas        Anstice    1657    Apr    12    Birth: 30 Mar 1657
3177    Davy    John    son    Davy    Michaell        Susan    1657    Apr    19    Birth: 3 Apr 1657
3178    Patricke alias Dew John son Patricke alias Dew    Joseph  Patience 1657 Apr    26 Birth: 7 Apr 1657
3179    Mole    Mary    daughter    Mole    John     Jane    1657    Apr    14    Birth: 11 Apr 1657
3180    Balmante    Margaret    daughter  Balmante  William   Sibella 1657 May 5 Birth: 18 Apr 1657
3181    Huxtable    Edwarde    son    Huxtable    Philip     Joane 1657 May    3    Birth: 19 Apr 1657
3182    Thorne    Margaret    daughter    Thorne John     Agnes 1657 May    12    Birth: 25 Apr 1657
3183    Reede    Mary    base daughter     Reed    Wilmot    1657    Apr    30    Birth: 25 Apr 1657
3184    Blake Richard    son    Blake    William     Joane    1657    May    18    Birth: 25 Apr 1657
3185    Huxtable    Agnes daughter    Huxtable  Charles   Agnes 1657 May    26    Birth: 15 May 1657
3186    Mogford    John    son    Mogford    Robert     Elizabeth    1657    Jul        Birth: 20 May 1657
3187    Zeale    George    son    Zeale    John        Mary    1657    May    30    Birth: 25 May 1657
3188    Reede Christian    daughter    Reede Henry     Margery    1657    Jul    7    Birth: 17 Jun 1657, of Bishops Nympton
3189    Pasmore    Gartred    daughter    Pasmore    Henry     Joane 1657 Jul    17 Birth: 20 Jun 1657
3190    Burges    John    son    Burges    Michaell     Christian    1657    Jul    14    Birth: 20 Jun 1657
3191    Vicary Joane daughter Vicary    William    Joane    1657    Jul    20    Birth: 5 Jul 1657
3192    Rumbeloe    George    son    Rumbeloe George     Mary    1657    Aug    9    Birth: 21 Jul 1657
3193    Eemes    Mary    daughter    Eemes Thomas     Dorothy    1657    Aug    2    Birth: 21 Jul 1657
3194    Reede    Joane    daughter    Reede    William     Susan 1657 Aug    9 Birth: 8 Aug 1657
3195    Locke Margaret    daughter    Locke    Charles     Joan    1657    Sep    27    Birth: 13 Sep 1657
3196    Berry    John    son    Berry    Alexander        Joane    1657    Oct    11    Birth: 19 Sep 1657
3197    Davy    Christofer    son    Davy    Henry        Susan    1657    Oct    19    Birth: 26 Sep 1657
3198    Milton    John    son    Milton    Hugh        Anne    1657    Oct    27    Birth: 19 Oct 1657
3199    Crang    Faith    daughter    Crang    John        Faith    1657    Nov    24    Birth: 3 Nov 1657
3200    Briant Elizabeth    daughter    Briant Elias     Barbara 1657    Nov    22    Birth: 3 Nov 1657
3201    Smith Daniel    son    Smith Humphrey    Hellen    1657    Nov    26    Birth: 6 Nov 1657
3202    Hobs    Hester    daughter    Hobs    Philip     Joane    1657    Dec    6    Birth: 12 Nov 1657
3203    Kingdon    William    son  Kingdon    John        Mary    1657    Nov    22    Birth: 14 Nov 1657
3204    Vicary alias Pulham    Richard son Vicary alias Pulham    John     Ursula 1657 Dec 13    Birth: 23 Nov 1657
3205    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Joane    1657    Dec    15    Birth: 27 Nov 1657
3206    Huxtable Temperance daughter    Huxtable    Richard Agnes 1657 Dec 21 Birth: 6 Dec 1657
3207    Squire    Mary    daughter    Squire John     Joane    1657    Dec    29    Birth: 6 Dec 1657
3208    Cole    Samuel    son    Cole    John     Agnes    1657    Dec    27    Birth: 18 Dec 1657
3209    Thorne Michael    son    Thorne    William     Gunnet    1657    Jan    6    Birth: 18 Dec 1657
3210    Bendum    Henry    base son    Bendum    Julian    1657    Dec    28    Birth: 22 Dec 1657
3211    Wigery    Thomas    son    Wigery    Walter     Susan 1657 Jan    10    Birth: 27 Dec 1657
3212    Chanter    John    son    Chanter    John        Margarett    1657    Jan    11    Birth: 3 Jan 1657
3213    Squire    Elizabeth  daughter  Squire Samuel     Catherine    1657    Feb    2 Birth: 14 Jan 1657
3214    Moale    Michaell    son    Moale Michaell     Susan    1657    Jan    24    Birth: 21 Jan 1657
3215    Slader    Michaell    son    Slader Peter     Elizabeth    1657    Jan    31    Birth: 26 Jan 1657
3216    Sage    Constance    daughter  Sage  George  Catherine    1657    Feb    24    Birth: 1 Feb 1657
3217    Widlake    Peter    son    Widlake    John        Rebeccah    1657    Feb    18    Birth: 2 Feb 1657
3218    Tailor    John    son    Tailor    Richard     Thomazin    1657    Feb    18    Birth: 4 Feb 1657
3219    Burges Mary daughter Burges    William     Susan 1657    Feb    23    Birth: 5 Feb 1657
3220    Shopland Christofer son  Shopland Christofer   Margarett 1657    Feb    19 Birth: 13 Feb 1657
3221    Shopland    Philip    son    Shopland    Nicholas Agnes    1657    Feb    28    Birth: 21 Feb 1657
3222    Beere    Robert    son    Beere    Robert     Anne    1657    Mar    2    Birth: 27 Feb 1657
3223    Vicary    English    son    Vicary William     Dorothy 1657 Mar    1    Birth: 28 Feb 1657
3224    Kingslande    Mary    daughter    Kingslande John  Emet 1657 Mar 21    Birth: 6 Mar 1657
3225    Pasmore    Joane    daughter    Pasmore    John  Joane 1658 Apr    2    Birth: 11 Mar 1657
3226    Moorman    Joane daughter    Moorman  William   Joane 1658 Mar    28    Birth: 12 Mar 1657
3227    Thorne Elinor    daughter    Thorne    Thomas Ellen    1658    Apr    4    Birth: 13 Mar 1657
3228    Mole    Susanna    daughter    Mole    William     Joane    1658    Apr    9    Birth: 27 Mar 1658
3229    Cokram    Simon    son    Cokram    Robert  Elizabeth 1658 Apr    18    Birth: 5 Apr 1658
3230    Mole    Elinor    daughter    Mole    William   Christian    1658    Apr    11    Birth: 7 Apr 1658
3231    Scot    Hugh    son    Scot    William     Emlen    1658    Apr    23    Birth: 9 Apr 1658
3232    Webber Elizabeth daughter    Webber William     Joane    1658    Apr    27    Birth: 7 Apr 1658
3233    May    Ellen    daughter    May    John     Joane    1658    May    2    Birth: 16 Apr 1658
3234    Brey    Anne    daughter    Brey    John      Faith    1658    May    6    Birth: 19 Apr 1658
3235    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    Charles     Joane    1658    Apr    27    Birth: 27 Apr 1658
3236    Tooker Joane daughter Tooker    William  Elizabeth    1658    May    9    Birth: 27 Apr 1658
3237    Tap    Margarit    daughter    Tap    William     Joane    1658    May    30    Birth: 16 May 1658
3238    Marshall    Joane daughter    Marshall    John  Joane    1658    May    31    Birth: 18 May 1658
3239    Williams    Joane daughter    Williams    John     Joane    1658    Jun    8    Birth: 30 May 1658
3240    Loverne    John    son    Loverne    Peter     Julian    1658    Jun    13    Birth: 7 Jun 1658
3241    Locke    George    son    Locke    John     Joane    1658    Jun    27    Birth: 7 Jun 1658
3242    Radly    John    son    Radly    Samuel        Mary    1658    Jun    23    Birth: 8 Jun 1658
3243    Treble    Jane    daughter    Treble    John        Jane    1658    Jul    8    Birth: 17 Jun 1658
3244    Maunder    Thomas    son    Maunder    Thomas     Anstice 1658 Jul 11    Birth: 29 Jun 1658
3245    Treble    Grace daughter    Treble William     elizabeth    1658    Jul    11    Birth: 6 Jul 1658
3246    Curry    Robert    son    Curry     Robert     Elizabeth    1658    Aug    22    Birth: 18 Aug 1658
3247    Goolde    Richard    son    Goolde    William     Mary    1658    Sep    20    Birth: 26 Aug 1658
3248    Nogle    John    son    Nogle    John        Martha    1658    Sep    21    Birth: 12 Sep 1658
3249    Goold    John    son    Goold    John        Elizabeth    1658    Sep    16    Birth: 3 Sep 1658
3250    Tap    Mary    daughter    Tap    Michaell        Mary    1658    Sep    19    Birth: 16 Sep 1658
3251    Burges    John    son    Burges    Henry     Christian    1658    Oct    14    Birth: 16 Sep 1658
3252    Slocombe    William    son    Slocombe    William  Grace    1658    Oct    18    Birth: 7 Oct 1658
3253    Rumbelow    Alice    daughter    Rumbelow    George     Mary    1658    Oct    17    Birth: 8 Oct 1658
3254    Not    Philip    son    Not    Jonas        Joane    1658    Oct    17    Birth: 3 Oct 1658
3255    Thorne Joane daughter Thorne    John        Joane    1658    Nov    16    Birth: 30 Oct 1658
3256    Radly Mary    daughter    Radly George        Mary    1658    Nov    7    Birth: 6 Nov 1658
3257    Locke Joane    daughter    Locke Philip     Joane    1658    Dec    7    Birth: 18 Nov 1658
3258    Scot    Roger    son    Scot    Guatier        Thomasin    1658    Dec    16    Birth: 26 Nov 1658
3259    Thorne Roger    son    Thorne    John        Agnes 1658    Dec    28    Birth: 10 Dec 1658
3260    Mole    Mary    daughter    Mole    John        Elinor    1658    Jan    9    Birth: 1 Jan 1658
3261    Moysey        daughter    Moysey    Henry         1658            Birth: 9 Jan 1658
3262    Hobs    John    son    Hobs    Philip        Joane    1658    Jan    30    Birth: 10 Jan 1658
3263    Clatworthy Elizabeth daughter Clatworthy Humphry Elizabeth 1658 Feb 10 Birth: 11 Jan 1658
3264    Jacob    William    son    Jacob    John     Pentecost    1658    Jan    30    Birth: 16 Jan 1658
3265    Davy    Jane    daughter    Davy    William        Priscilla    1658    Feb    20    Birth: 4 Feb 1658
3266    Elsworthy  Mary  daughter  Elsworthy  John  Katherine    1658    Feb    21    Birth: 5 Feb 1658
3267    Thorne Dorothy    daughter    Thorne    William     Elizabeth    1658    Mar    6 Birth: 19 Feb 1658
3268    Rooke Margery    daughter    Rooke Cornelius     Joane    1658    Feb    27    Birth: 25 Feb 1658
3269    Pasmore    John    son    Pasmore    Matthew        Mary    1658    Mar    14    Birth: 26 Feb 1658
3270    Shopland    Nicholas    son    Shopland    Nicholas     Agnes 1658 Mar    17    Birth: 27 Feb 1658
3271    Treble Robert    son    Treble    English     Joane    1658    Mar    21    Birth: 2 Mar 1658
3272    Day    Robert    son    Day    Sebastian        Agnes    1659    Apr    5    Birth: 19 Mar 1658
3273    Hallet    Thomas    son    Hallet William     Elizabeth    1659    Apr    19    Birth: 23 Mar 1658
3274    Crang    William    son    Crang    John        Faith    1659    Apr    14   
3275    Mole    Florence    daughter    Mole    Michaell        Susan    1659    Apr    19   
3276    Zeale    John    son    Zeale    Michaell        Joane    1659    Apr    23   
3277    Thorne    Joane    daughter    Thorne    John        Joane    1659    Apr    24   
3278    Bray    Charles    son    Bray    John        Jane    1659    Apr    25   
3279    Kingdon    William    son    Kingdon    William        Dorothy    1659    May    7   
3280    Davy    Mary    daughter    Davy    Arthur        Joane    1659    May    22   
3281    Slader    Margery    daughter    Slader    Thomas        Margery    1659    May    25   
3282    Huxtable    Thomas    son    Huxtable    John        Thomazin    1659    Jun    12   
3283    Davy    Susanna    daughter    Davy    Michaell        Susanna    1659    Jun    26   
3284    Davy    Christian    daughter    Davy    Henry        Susanna    1659    Jun    28   
3285    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    John        Mary    1659    Jul    3   
3286    Marshall    Archelaus    son    Marshall    John        Joane    1659    Jul    3   
3287    Burges    William    son    Burges    Michaell        Christian    1659    Jul    16   
3288    Mole    George    son    Mole    John        Jane    1659    Jul    19   
3289    Purchas    Joane    daughter    Purchas    Nicholas        Joane    1659    Jul    26   
3290    Dee    Margery    daughter    Dee    Jonathan        Anne    1659    Jul    25   
3291    Kingdon    Susanna    daughter    Kindon    George        Thomazin    1659    Aug    4   
3292    Somerwell    Thomas    son    Somerwell    Alexander        Elizabeth    1659    Aug    7   
3293    Bushton    John    son    Bushton    Peter        Joane    1659    Aug    14   
3294    Mole    George    son    Mole    Henry        Margarett    1659    Aug    21   
3295    Mole    Margaret    son    Mole    Henry        Margarett    1659    Aug    21   
3296    Burges    Elizabeth    daughter    Burges    William        Elizabeth    1659    Sep    11   
3297    Eastmant    Robert    son    Eastmant    Robert        Elizabeth    1659    Aug    30   
3298    Westacot    William    son    Westacot    William        Katherine    1659    Oct    4   
3299    Webber    John    son    Webber    William        Joane    1659    Oct    5   
3300    Chanter    Jane    daughter    Chanter    John        Margarett    1659    Oct    20   
3301    Treble    George    son    Treble    George        Alice    1659    Dec    4   
3302    Huxtable    Joane    daughter    Huxtable    Richard        Agnes    1659    Dec    11   
3303    Widgery    Walter    son    Widgery    Walter        Susan    1659    Dec    11   
3304    Mole    William    son    Mole    William        Christian    1659    Dec    20   
3305    Milton    Hugh    son    Milton    Hugh        Anne    1659    Jan    24   
3306    Sutton    Jane    daughter    Sutton    John        Mary    1659    Feb    5   
3307    Zeale    Jane    daughter    Zeale    John        Mary    1659    Jan    22   
3308    Bushton    Judith    daughter    Bushton    Thomas        Anne    1659    Jan    24   
3309    Locke    John    son    Locke    William        Elizabeth    1659    Feb    7   
3310    Lowdy    Anne    daughter    Lowdy    Richard        Charity    1659    Feb    9   
3311    Huxtable    Judith    daughter    Huxtable    Charles        Agnes    1659    Jan    28   
3312    Blake    Elizabeth    daughter    Blake    William        Joane    1659    Feb    22   
3313    Gould    John    son    Gould    William        Thomazin    1659    Feb    27   
3314    Moale    John    son    Moale    John        Joane    1659    Mar    12   
3315    Burges    Henry    son    Burges    William        Elizabeth    1659    Mar    15   
3316    Squire    John    son    Squire    John        Joane    1659    Mar    20   
3317    Sage    Rachel    daughter    Sage    George        Catherine    1659    Mar    8   
3318    Morish    Jane    daughter    Morish    Richard        Joane    1659    Mar    23   
3319    Reede    Joane    daughter    Reede    Henry        Margery    1659    Mar    21   
3320    Huxtable     Mary    daughter    Huxtable    Philip        Joane    1660    Apr    1   
3321    Vauter    Joane    daughter    Vauter    John        Elizabeth    1660    Apr    1   
3322    Goolde    John    son    Goolde    Thomas        Elinor    1660    Apr    17   
3323    Thorne    Michaell    son    Thorne    Michaell        Rose    1660    Apr    25   
3324    Thorne    Joane    daughter    Thorne    John        Joane    1660    May    2   
3325    Jacob    John    son    Jacob    John        Pentecost    1660    May    13   
3326    Hill    Elizabeth    daughter    Hill    John        Fayth    1660    May    13   
3327    Haniforde    Elizabeth    daughter    Haniforde    Richard        Grace    1660    May    14   
3328    Herford    Judith    daughter    Herford    Thomas        Judith    1660    May    16   
3329    Bryant    Elyas    son    Bryant    Elyas        Barbera    1660    May    31   
3330    Currey    Elizabeth    daughter    Currey    Robert        Elizabeth    1660    May    31   
3331    Thorne    Edmond    son    Thorne    John        Agnes    1660    Jun    11   
3332    Shopland    Elizabeth    daughter    Shopland    George        Joane    1660    Jun    11   
3333    Burges    Anne    daughter    Burges    John        Anne    1660    Jun    12   
3334    Pasmoore    William    son    Pasmoore    Matthew        Mary    1660    Jun    19   
3335    Dee    Dorothy    daughter    Dee    William        Grace    1660    Jun    26   
3336    Thorne    Joane    daughter    Thorne    Charles        Joane    1660    Jul    2   
3337    Dendle    George    son    Dendle    Richard        Joane    1660    Jul    8   
3338    Smyth    Susanna    daughter    Smyth    Humphrey        Elynor    1660    Jul    8   
3339    Kingdon    Elizabeth    daughter    Kingdon    Phillip        Mary    1660    Jul    8   
3340    Thorne    Dorothy    daughter    Thorne    William        Gunnet    1660    Jul    8   
3341    Balmant    William    son    Balmant    William        Sibella    1660    Jul    15   
3342    Maye    John    son    Maye    John        Joane    1660    Aug    6   
3343    Locke    Anna    daughter    Locke    Thomas        Joane    1660    Aug    28   
3344    Smyth    Robert    son    Smyth    Robert        Richord    1660    Sep    4   
3345    Squyer    John    son    Squyer    Samuell        Katherine    1660    Sep    6   
3346    Vicary alias Sanacott  Wilmott daughter Vicary alias Sanacott William Joane 1660    Sep    9   
3347    Smyth    Jane    daughter    Smyth    Thomas        Anne    1660    Sep    26   
3348    Kingslande    John    son    Kingslande    John        Emett    1660    Oct    7   
3349    Moorman    William    son    Moorman    William        Joane    1660    Oct    17   
3350    Locke    Alice    daughter    Locke    John        Johane    1660    Oct    17   
3351    Harris    Robert    son     Harris    John        Emett    1660    Oct    21   
3352    Westcott    William    son    Westcott    William        Katherine    1660    Oct    31   
3353    Squyre    Joane    daughter    Squyre    John        Elinor    1660    Nov    1   
3354    Slader    Mary    daughter    Slader    Petter        Mary    1660    Nov    6   
3355    Rew    Robert    son    Rew    Richard        Jane    1660    Nov    6   
3356    Loverne    Richard    son    Loverne    Peter        Julian    1660    Dec    9   
3357    Loverne    Rose    daughter    Loverne    Peter        Julian    1660    Dec    9   
3358    Treble    Joane    daughter    Treble    English        Joane    1660    Dec    20   
3359    Kingdon    John    son    Kingdon    William        Joane    1660    Dec    25   
3360    Davy    Robert    son    Davy    William        Priscilla    1660    Jan    20   
3361    Hobbs    John    son    Hobbs    Phillip        Joane    1660    Jan    20   
3362    Hobbs    Phillip    son    Hobbs    Phillip        Joane    1660    Jan    20   
3363    Williams    Grace    daughter    Williams    John        Joane    1660    Jan    22   
3364    Pasmore    John    son    Pasmore    John        Joane    1660    Jan    29   
3365    Notte    Margarett    daughter    Notte    Jonas        Joane    1660    Feb    13   
3366    Notte    Joane    daughter    Notte    Thomas        Joane    1660    Mar    17   
3367    Locke    John    son    Locke    John        Mary    1661    Apr    14   
3368    Squyre    John    son    Squyre    Charles        Joane    1661    Apr    15   
3369    Locke    Johane    daughter    Locke    William        Elizabeth    1661    Apr    18   
3370    Treble    William    son    Treble    William        Elizabeth    1661    Apr    18   
3371    Radley    Elizabeth    daughter    Radley    George        Mary    1661    Apr    18   
3372    Taylor    Gilbert    son    Taylor    Richard        Thomazin    1661    Apr    22   
3373    Moale    Susanna    daughter    Moale    Michaell        Susan    1661    Apr    23   
3374    Goold    John    son    Goold    William        Mary    1661    Apr    30   
3375    Balmant    Anthony    son    Balmant    William        Joane    1661    May    1   
3376    Marsh    Thomas    son    Marsh    Thomas        Mary    1661    May    21   
3377    Shattocke    John    son    Shattocke    John        Dorothye    1661    May    30   
3378    Dee    Joane    daughter    Dee    Nicholas        Joane    1661    Jun    21   
3379    Zeale    William    son    Zeale    Michaell        Joane    1661    Jun    23   
3380    Pulham alias Viccarie  William son  Pulham alias Viccarie  William   Joan    1661    Jun    23   
3381    Blake    John    son    Blake    William        Joane    1661    Jun    30   
3382    Leven    Emott    daughter    Leven    Jacob        Jane    1661    Jul    14   
3383    Bray    Mary    daughter    Bray    John        Jane    1661    Jul    21   
3384    Crang    Mary    daughter    Crang    John        Fayth    1661    Jul    27   
3385    Burges    William    son    Burges    William        Elizabeth    1661    Jul    28   
3386    Shopland    John    son    Shopland    John        Anne    1661    Aug    14   
3387    Eames    John    son    Eames    Thomas        Dorothy    1661    Aug    18   
3388    Shopland    Joane    daughter    Shopland    George        Joane    1661    Aug    21   
3389    Rooke    Joane    daughter    Rooke    Cornelius        Joane    1661    Sep    22   
3390    Davye    John    son    Davye    George        Mary    1661    Sep    29   
3391    Shopland    Agnes    daughter    Shopland    Nicholas        Agnes    1661    Oct    29   
3392    Purchase    Nicholas    son    Purchase    Nicholas        Joane    1661    Oct    31   
3393    Allen    Mary    daughter    Allen    Thomas        Elizabeth    1661    Dec    12   
3394    Smyth    Thomazin    daughter    Smyth    Nicholas        Emline    1661    Dec    13   
3395    Wilsheere    Elizabeth    daughter    Wilsheere    William        Margrett    1661    Dec    15   
3396    Elsworthye    Anne    daughter    Elsworthye    John        Katherine    1661    Dec    22   
3397    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    Henry        Temperance    1661    Jan    5   
3398    Davye    John    son    Davye    Henry        Joane    1661    Jan    12   
3399    Smyth    Mary    daughter    Smyth    Robert        Richord    1661    Jan    16       
Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st Dec 2019) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 15th of November 2019 and can be sent to:
Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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