Sunday, February 16, 2020

Will of Susanna Blake, spinster of Dover, Kent - The National Archives PROB 11/2109/264, probated 20 Mar 1850

This will links back to the earlier will of the mother of the testatrix, Susanna Blake, and she was named Susannah Blake (late of Sittingbourne):

Susanna Blake, present testatrix, adds some more family information. The children of Thomas Blake (her brother) were named: Thomas Blake, George Blake, Richard Turner Blake, Frederick Blake, Francis Blake and Jane Blake. Susanna names her sister Elizabeth King’s daughters :  Eliza King and Emma King. Two nieces Anne Blake and Susan Grant. One more legatee is named Anne Grant Giret.

Again searching on these children did not lead me to this Blake family. It is somewhat of a mystery actually.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Feb 2020
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2109/264
Testator: Susanna Blake, spinster
Place: Dover, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 16 Oct 1846, probated 20 Mar 1850

[Margin]: Susanna Blake 14

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Susanna Blake late of Sittingbourne in the County of Kent
3    but now of Dover in the same county spinster whereas my Mother
4    Susannah Blake late of Sittingbourne aforesaid widow deceased by
5    her last will and testament bearing date the thirty first day of May
6    one thousand eight hundred and forty one did give all her personal
7    Estate and Effects unto me the said Susanna Blake her nephew George
8    Blake and Thomas Pain of Dover aforesaid Gentleman their executors
9    administrators and assigns Upon trust for sale as in the said Will is
10    particularly mentioned with a direction that the said trustees should
11    invest a sum of three thousand pounds in their his or her names or
12    name in the purchase of any of the parliamentary Stocks or public
13    funds of Great Britain or at Interest upon Government or real securities
14    in England to be varied for other Stocks funds or securities of the like
15    nature at the direction of the said trustees and that the said Trustees
16    should stand possessed of the said sum of three thousand pounds and
17    the Stocks funds and securities upon which the same should be invested
18    and the interest dividends and annual produce thereof upon such
19    trusts intents and purposes and under and subject to such powers pro
20    visoes and declarations as I the said Susanna Blake should legally
21    Deed or Will appoint and dispose of the same or any part thereof
22    unto or in favor of all or any of the children of my said Mother and
23    their issue in such manner and portions in all respects as I the
24    said Susanna Blake should think proper Now I do hereby by virtue
25    of the said power and authority enabling me in this behalf con
26    tained in the said Will of my said Mother and of every other power
27    or authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf appoint and
28    dispose that immediately after my decease the said sum of three
29    thousand pounds or the Stocks funds and securities upon which
30    the same shall be invested in the manner and proportions after
31    mentioned as to the sum of one thousand pounds part thereof I
32    give unto my cousin the said George Blake his executors and
33    administrators Upon trust to pay the interest dividends and annual
34    produce of such one thousand pounds unto my sister Elizabeth King
35    during her life and from and immediately after her decease upon
36    trust to pay the interest dividends and annual produce thereof unto
37    and equally between her two daughters Eliza King and Emma King
38    for and during and so long as they shall both remain single and in
39    case of the marriage of one of them then the whole of such interest
40    dividends and annual produce thereof to be In trust for such one
41    as shall so remain single and from and after the marriage of both
42    of them the said Eliza King and Emma King then upon trust to
43    pay the said sum of one thousand pounds or the Stocks Funds or secu
44    rities upon which the same shall be invested unto and equally
45    between the said Eliza King and Emma King but if they both shall
46    die single Then I direct the the said sum of one thousand pounds or the
47    Stocks Funds and securities upon which the same shall be invested
48    and the interest dividends and annual produce thereof shall be paid
49    unto and equally between all the brothers and sister of the said Eliza
50    King and Emma King and as to the sum of one thousand pounds
51    further part of the said sum of three thousand pounds Upon trust
52    to the interest dividends and annual produce thereof unto my Sister
53    Ann Smith during her life free from the control of her present or any
54    future husband so that her receipt along shall be a sufficient discharge
55    to my trustee or trustees for the time being for the same and from
56    and immediately after the decease of the said Ann Smith upon trust to
57    pay the said sum of one thousand pounds or the Stocks Funds and secu
58    rities Upon which the same shall be invested unto Anne Grant Giret
59    and as to the sum of five hundred pounds further part of the said sum
60    of three thousand pounds upon trust to pay the same or the Stocks Funds
61    and securities upon which the same shall be invested unto and
62    equally between my five Nephews Thomas Blake, George Blake, Richard
63    Turner Blake, Frederick Blake and Francis Blake and my niece Jane
64    Blake children of my late brother Thomas Blake and as to the sum of
65    five hundred pounds (the remaining part of the said sum of three
66    thousand pounds upon trust to pay the same or the Stocks Funds and
67    Securities upon which the same shall be invested unto and equally
68    between my nieces Susan Grant and Anne Blake and I declare that
69    the receipts of my said trustee or trustees for the time being for all monies
70    Stocks funds and securities as shall be paid or transferred to him or
71    them by virtue of this my Will shall effectually discharge the persons
72    paying or transferring the same from maturity to see to the application
73    thereof and I do declare that my said trustees shall be answerable for
74    their respective acts receipts and defaults only and shall be _____ to retain
75    and to allow to each other out of the monies coming to their hands by
76    virtue of this my Will all expences incurred in the activities of the
77    trust thereof and I declare that on the death refusal or incapacity of
78    the said trustee or of any trustees or trustees to be appointed under this
79    clause it shall be lawful for my said trustee or trustees or the survi
80    vor of them and after the death of such survivor for the capable
81    trustees or trustee if any for the time being of this my Will whether
82    refusing further to act or not of if none for the executors or administrators
83    of  the last deceased trustee to appoint a fit person or persons to supply
84    the place of the deceased refusing or incapable trustees or trustee And I
85    declare that the previous clauses so far as they concern my trustees
86    herein before named shall extend and be applied to the trustees and
87    trustee for the time being of this my Will And I do hereby nominate
88    and appoint my said Cousin George Blake Sole Executor of this my
89    last Will and testament In witness whereof I have to this my last Will
90    and testament in three sheets of paper contained set my hand this
91    sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
92    hundred and forty six Susanna Blake Signed by the said
93    testatrix in the presence of us present at the same time who in her
94    presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto
95    subscribed our names as Witnesses the words “so long as” between the
96    second and third lines the word “Sister” between the fourteenth and fif
97    tenth lines and the words “and my niece Jane Blake” between the twenty
98    ninth and thirtieth lines of the second sheet being first severally made
99    and interlined Nic Isaac Notary Public Dover Geo Rose his Clerk
100    Proved at London 20th March 1850 before the Worshipful Robert
101    Joseph Phillimore doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of George
102    Blake the sole Executor to whom Admon limited to the sum of three
103    thousand pounds and the Stocks funds and securities upon which the
104    same hath been invested and the dividends or interest thereof but
105    no which or otherwise was granted having been first Sworn duly
106    to administer Special Admon of rest of goods passed this month
107    On the 1st June 1869 Admon of the rest of the personal estate and effects
108    (in respect of which she is dead intestate) of Susanna Blake Sittingbourne in the
109    County of Kent afterwards of Dover in the said County But late of Boulogne
110    Sur Mer in France deceased who died 14 December 1849 at Boulogne Sur Mer
111    aforesaid a Spinster without a Parent left was administered by Ann Smith (Wife
112    of John Grant Smith) deceased whilst living the natural and lawful Sister and one of
113    the next of kin of the said deceased was granted to Ann Marshall (wife of Robert
114    Marshall) the lawful niece and one of the persons entitled in distribution to the
115    Personal estate and effects of the said deceased All _____ of _____ ______ ______
116    George Blake the natural and lawful Brother and Elizabeth King Widow the natural
117    and lawful Sister also and only Sister next of Kin of the said deceased having _______
118    her interest without having taken upon herself the Letters of Administration of
119    the rest of the personal estate and effects of the said deceased left unadministered
120    as aforesaid

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