Monday, March 30, 2020

Approaching April

Looking out the window at 7:00 am and no traffic once again. One solitary figure walking pushing a baby carriage and a dog on a leash ahead of him. What a strange Monday morning to start a new week that takes us into April. The month of regrowth, renewal as the small animals appear out of their winter hiding spots. The chipmunk (or maybe there are more) has arrived back sitting upon the bird feeder demanding his morning feed. Generations of them have lived in our yard somewhere emerging every spring and looking for the bird seed on the tray. They do not eat a lot but they have certainly become part of the family. Enough so that they run across in front of us moving hither and yon around the yard.

Yesterday I mused about life after COVID-19 but I really do wonder if mercantilism will take charge once again and the larger corporations will continue to choke off the smaller ones if they stand in their way of controlling empires of purchasing. That has been the way of the human race it would appear if one looks at history. Always aggressive; always wanting more. It has got us where we are although I suspect many of us are much more mellow than our ancestors were.

I did manage to get in some time on Chromosome 2 but double vision plagued me yesterday for some reason. Probably too much computer time so will set that aside today and watch a movie instead of concentrating on the computer. There is a desire on my part to collect and preserve what I have done thus far in the one name studies and I may direct more time to that over the coming weeks.

But overall this is another day like the last. Isolation Day 17 has dawned somewhat gloomy but that is April for you; a rainy month that brings forth the best that Mother Nature has. There is nothing like the spring as the trees burst into bud, the grass turns green and the small creatures that surround us emerge from their winter darkness to the banquet to come as summer beckons us forward.

Will COVID-19 retreat just a little as the weather improves? That would be helpful although with our physical distancing we may just slow down this march towards death for so many. I guess in the back of my mind is the thought will COVID-19 return to ravage us once again as the long days of autumn return and winter to follow? But for the moment no thought of that; summer beckons us to welcome spring more fully as April waits around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. I have also wondered about life after COVID-19. I live walking distance from Elmhurst, Queens -- the epicenter of the epicenter -- so am on pretty much total lockdown except for weekly-is 6 am trips to the grocery store for essentials. It almost seems indulgent to be doing the A to Z Challenge in these circumstances, but we are all in need of distraction to keep us sane. Stay safe and well and good luck with the challenge.
