Thursday, May 28, 2020

End of the day

Generally I write my posts at the beginning of the day but this one has moved quickly from the beginning to now near the end of the day. All the dirt is moved now into the gardens or onto the lawns. Most of the bedding plants are planted. The garden will get rotatilled soon and then we will plant the seeds and the remaining bedding plants. This was a day of great accomplishment.

My husband seems a little stronger these days but it will be a while before he regains much of his strength. Perhaps one of his greatest gifts is his ability to keep pushing himself; he just keeps going. It is a good thing; he has generations of ancestors who lived into their late 80s and 90s and he isn't going to give up without a struggle I am happy to say.

We made a saltless meatloaf for dinner tonight. I grew up with no salt in my food so I do not really notice but I think it tasted pretty bland to him but he ate it anyway. It was quite a nice recipe. The meatloaf was extra lean beef and regular minced pork about half and half. Then 3/4 c of oatmeal and 2 large eggs along with a couple of cups of diced onion, carrot, bok choy and garlic cooked in unsalted butter and then added to the mixture. The final cake of meat was quite good and we had roasted vegetables along with that (potatoes, asparagus, cauliflower and peppers). We had a spinach salad with tomatoes and garlic to start which was quite nice (Canadian spinach and tomatoes is always a treat this time of year and our greenhouse industry is growing quickly).  A good meal after a long day working in the garden.

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