Thursday, June 18, 2020

Exciting time of the year

I always find this to be an exciting fast moving part of the year. Probably I prefer the slower days of winter when I can get my work done but summer can be exciting. Not really a gardening fanatic I do find it exciting to look out the window every morning at the garden in the back yard and see the neat rows of vegetables steadily reaching upward towards the sun. It is a fabulous sight to see Mother Earth produce the many different plants that we just pop into that warm earth as seeds/bulbs and she does the rest along with the rain. All rows can be distinctly seen now and the green onions as usual lead the rest in reaching upwards. Another couple of weeks there will be green onions for the salads and other dishes. The radishes are equally hurried in their movement both downward to produce the product itself but also the leaves are quickly expanding in size. The beans are most interesting as the primary leaves unfold from the seed pod. Still waiting on the gladiolus bulbs and the sunflower seeds to show forth their grandness.

Another beautiful sunny day here in Canada. I was not overly disappointed at the vote for a seat on the Security Council. We chose way back at the foundation of the United Nations not to have a permanent seat but we should have suggested having a seat for five years every twenty years. With a population of nearly 38 million it would seem to be more logical to choose us since we represent a larger fraction of the world but there may be a thought that we might be influenced by the United States in our decisions. Living next to them that is a thought that likely crosses many people's minds when they voted. So once again we do not receive what is likely our due because of our great effort in WWII  but on the other hand we do not have to be part of a group that makes decisions that overall affect the entire world and making them brings down the ire of one side or the other on our shoulders. Sometimes it is just nice to be neutral which we cannot of course be because we do live next to the United States and what affects them affects us. Another interesting fact is the number of Americans who have Canadian ancestry with many Canadians having moved south over the last one hundred and fifty years. The weather is definitely better as you move south and for many that is a plus. I could never leave the snow behind; it is part of my soul to have winter every year and the solitude that it brings with it; my working time.

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