Saturday, June 27, 2020


Yesterday was a weeding day; with rain promised for the next couple of days I wanted to get as much weeding and cultivating done as I could. I did get the entire vegetable garden cultivated. Everything is growing very well. It is the first year that we have planted a variety of vegetables in a half dozen years. Somehow COVID-19 brings you much closer to Nature as you appreciate both the power of Mother Nature and the benevolence. Still our neighbours to the south are being savaged by COVID-19. Prayers for them and that they will bring those numbers back into a manageable level. Many times I think we have dodged a bullet here in Canada but there is still the second wave if and when it comes. I am thinking about it already as we use up all the stored food from March and April. We always had a months supply on hand and have begun planning and buying for the possible next stage. It is so hard to say how much effect it will have on us. But Ed has to have a completely salt free diet for the most part so I need to have a lot of basic things on hand to prepare food. I bought two large bags of flour (more than half gone now) and that proved to be a good item as we bake all of the extra sugary things since they tend to be high in salt. I do not have a sweet tooth; preferring sour to sweet and lemon and cranberry to just about anything. We had about ten bags of elderberries that we froze last winter and they make a wonderful dessert which Ed quite enjoys.

I was shopping at Toys R Us yesterday and everyone was wearing a mask including the young children. I wanted to get end of the year presents and something special because I think this is hardest on the children. I can remember the Polio epidemics in London when I was a young child. One became quite fearful of touching anything or going anywhere. The effect on the children is concerning. Although we may find that this narrows their minds towards environmental concerns putting them front and central in their lives as goals that we must met and attain no matter what. That would be one good thing that could come out of this crisis. A new respect for Mother Earth and preserving her for the next generations of people to come and especially for our young people who will have to live with this enormous debt created by COVID-19.

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