Friday, December 18, 2020

Electric toothbrush

I like the idea of electric toothbrushes but was not having any luck keeping one running well that had batteries. Today I bought one that is rechargeable to try out. I am hoping that it will work well. Manual toothbrushes are okay but I tend to wear one out in just a couple of months. The electric I feel less of a need to press so hard especially as the rotating head does a good job on the teeth as it passes over them. 

Must try and get some work done but I am spending more time with Ed as he can not sit and work at his desk for long periods. We watched the Aeronauts today and that was a really good movie. It was especially interesting to see the views of London in the 1860s. We walked and walked the streets of Old London in 2013 and again in 2016. It was a marvelous experience. Although I have very few London people; I have a lot of material on those few about where they had their shops and where they lived and went to Church. So it was fun to wander about and see all of that. I had not expected to find the streets still intact as they were (certainly the housing was newer) as the area was heavily bombed during World War II.

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