Sunday, January 17, 2021

Snow Snow and more Snow

We did finally get our snow.  Lots and lots of white heavy snowman building snow. It was so nice to see the plow come and clear the laneway including after the graders went through and filled the laneway. There is another stack there now which the plow removed. 

Church today and it was an interesting sermon. Talked about Samuel living with Eli's family and God giving him directions and then moved to Rosa Parks who really set in motion the modern Civil Rights Movement in the United States. As a child I was absolutely horrified when I saw the police set dogs on people protesting. The image of that is forever burned in my memory. I didn't know that anyone would do that to men women and children just sitting quietly. I didn't know about racial issues then and had no idea that was why these people were protesting and having dogs lunging at them. What a frightening sight for a child really. 

We haven't gone anywhere since the optometrist appointment and purchasing new glasses all at the same place and time. My news was pretty good; my cataracts are still small enough although was advised to wear sunglasses regularly. I am not a sun worshipper and actually abhor lying in the sun at the beach. I do not always wear them when I am outside in the hot sun though and will do that. Ed has not been able to drive the last eight months and it would appear part of the problem is very large cataracts which will have to be removed. He is referred for that but given the present circumstances he will not likely get that elective surgery for another six to eighteen months since there is already likely a huge backlog. We will not go anywhere except for me doing my grocery run Monday or Tuesday. I haven't quite decided. We have to go to ParaMed to have bandages changed on Tuesday so might do the groceries then. Trying to absolutely minimize our trips out because we are in lockdown. 

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