Sunday, March 7, 2021

Managed some of my church service today

 I managed a little of my Church Service today. Hopefully I can expand on that. The PSW comes right in the middle though and I need to let him in and then be ready to help if Ed needs me during that time period. Lifting him is a problem as his back bothers him a great deal and the method of lifting him by putting one hand under his bottom and the other in his armpit seems awkward to some. Hoping that his back strengthens. He is walking around more and that will help. 

Big washing day today; I try for a quiet Sunday but haven't succeeded in quite a while. Using our sharp blade to take some of the ice out of the laneway. I have pretty much cleared the top end but the bottom end is pretty thick ice but we actually have some warm weather coming so maybe a thaw! That would be lovely to have a thaw. The snow is pretty deep in the backyard. I haven't been out in the backyard really at all this winter. My daughter dragged out the snowshoes and has walked around quite a bit out there. There is a definite track. I am wondering if those huge marks have kept the racoon away as he/she hasn't been seen for several months now. 

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