Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Occupational Therapy

What a great field Occupation Therapy is. The bridge to all sorts of ways to make life easier for a patient. They are dedicated to help you be able to stay at home in as much as is possible. We are moving forward towards purchasing a hospital bed, getting a wheel chair and other equipment which we need to make life easier for Ed.

For the first time in our entire marriage of 54.5 years Ed has spent the day in bed. He was always one to be up and dressed long before I would manage to abandon my housecoat and nightie!

Ed's uncle and cousin were both physicians; his uncle was a General Practitioner in small town Ontario and his cousin was an OB/Gyn in the United States. One of his cousins was a pharmacist but Ed decided on Chemistry (Phd) as his field of research and eventually with all the draft dodgers taking all the University positions at the time he graduated (along with his classmates) he did his Masters in Library Science and worked at the National Research Council for thirty years. He was a very effective researcher (judging by the citations to his original work) when he was working in Chemistry but he enjoyed working as a Technical Scientist as well. I still wonder what the world missed with his leaving research (I am a great believer in the idea that everybody has a gift to give  to prosperity unless thwarted by some external force!). 

He is eating much better now (has had his breakfast later than usual and just finished his lunch). Dinner will be sole and stewed tomatoes. NO salt so somewhat bland. I grew up with a mother who was on a low salt diet so I find the food delicious without salt!!

Cleaning; if I can finish the dusting then I will have accomplished cleaning the two floors in the allotted time although this is actually my day off cleaning.

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