Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ed and his scooter

 Ed put this picture from 1949 when he was six years of age. He went to school a little early when he was just five into Grade 1 and he was sure that this was taken the spring of that Grade 1 year when he had turned six. I think they are on Church Street looking at Main Street and their home is on their left. The house at the very end of the street was quite large so I think I might be right. We did not get to talking much about the pictures when we were writing his story but he would mention them sometimes. He loved going to school.


If Ed was six then Allen is 13 and a half. The boys were still close at this age. Both were at the same school but Allen left school at 16 and went to work. He bought a car and was out and about more. Ed spent most of his growing up years with his mother and when she was working he would stay with his Grandmother Kipp.

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