Sunday, April 25, 2021

Edward and his mother

This picture of Edward and his mother and he is perhaps two or three years of age. I realize he never actually dated this one. It is a bit deceptive because he was a big child for his age in these young years. His mother (Phyllis Margaret (Link) Kipp) was 37 years of age when she was widowed. She raised the two brothers on her own returning to work at the local store until she retired in 1973.



Edward was extremely proud of his mother and her accomplishments. She played the piano at Church as well as working full time. They used to sing duets together at home and Ed did learn to play the piano initially from her and then lessons later. 

In the picture he looks like he is trying to go towards the person taking the picture. I think it might be a warm spring day as no buds on the vine.  

After Edward's mother retired in the early 1970s she started to be a tour leader for bus trips to Florida from the Princeton/Brantford area. She loved doing it and it was interesting that when Ed was approached to co-lead tours into the Mohawk Valley initially he welcomed the opportunity to do so. His admiration for his mother was perhaps prompting him to follow in her footsteps. Although the opportunity to learn more about where his Link family (his mother's family) had lived in the Mohawk family certainly drove that enthusiasm as well. Ever the genealogist!

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