Saturday, May 1, 2021

Edward and his Grandfather Link


One of Ed's very favourite people was his grandfather Link (his mother's father). He spent parts of his summer with his grandfather after he could bike to Woodbury which was about 2 kilometres from his home in Princeton. I met his grandfather shortly before we were married in September 1966. He was a very lovely person.


 Ed's mother had kept postcards and he continued on with this collection after he discovered it in her Hope Chest in 2000. There are now four books of postcards and I am trying to decide what to do with them. I think we will put them in the Hope Chest once again and I am hoping that one of his nieces will take the Hope Chest now. They grew up with Ed's mother in their lives every day and all of the items in that Hope Chest will have so much meaning for them. My girls loved their grandmother Kipp dearly but our time with her was visits only.

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