Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Edward and Phyllis Kipp

 Edward and his mother were good friends. They were a lot alike so that they did clash on occasion but generally they got along very well. Ed is already taller than his mother and he thinks he was about ten or eleven in this picture.


Although he had an older brother (eight years older) when we talked about his story he always sounded lonely as a child. I found that somewhat heart wrenching as I grew up in a large family and lonely was not likely a term that I would have ever used for the busyness of our household as a child. Along with that his mother only had the money that she earned from working so their life was fairly controlled. I was always of the opinion that a man should spend his money the way that he wants as I always intended to return to the workforce. When he saw something he wanted I was always supportive of buying the item. As we downsize I must admit fewer items would now be nice and finding homes for some of them is difficult during a lockdown. 

In any marriage I guess it is good for one to be a minimalist and the other is then free to pursue their fancy.

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