Monday, June 14, 2021


I am going to start with the furtherest back Newsletter that I did not produce - Pincombe/Pinkham Newsletter for 1st of December. I have a rough outline and will try to get started at that today.

Rain came and hopefully more. When the sun just came out I was saddened! The rain makes it possible to start newsletters for sure. My mind is starting to come around again to thinking about these projects that are mine. Probably I need to get some semblance of my life before back again to really begin to accept the loss of Edward from my life. It is hard; though it is actually easier to just sit there and think about what was and the plans that we had in the works so to speak although I did realize that his traveling was not a really likely scenario but he had gotten better after the pacemaker insertion. I just didn't want to accept that this health issue was different and not one from which you recover; it is a serious chronic condition. I remember the doctor saying that back in July 2017 that it could flare up with serious consequences and unexpectedly. Probably I did not want to hear that and but let it guide me mostly to be careful of where we traveled. We made fewer and fewer trips into the United States or even for that matter out of province. Edward would have liked to have done more that is for sure but he too realized that if he became ill then I was on my own and as I aged with him that became more and more problematic for me to manage. He requested a lot more material by scanning which was actually cheaper than going there but less interesting. Our style changed for sure those last four years. 

 So Pincombe it is. I noticed that I had this very negative comment on one of my newsletters. Did not agree with me at all. Said they had the right to use the Pincombe coat of arms. I actually didn't say anyone in the present has or has not the right. You can pay for it at the College of Arms and have the right I believe so long as you can trace back although they might make you change the original one. From a historical point of view one can show the Pincombe Coat of Arms as it was in 1600 but actually using it as your own better minds than mine know the truth of that for sure. 

I love the Coat of Arms for the Blake family of Calne and have it as a watermark on the Blake Newsletter but would never use it as a personal coat of arms. That wouldn't be my thing at any time for sure. I like the anonymity of my life and I am surely not going to start using a Coat of Arms from the 1500s as my own without requesting permission from the College of Arms. Plus the rules seem to indicate that so long as there are males in the line one doesn't use that Coat of Arms as a female. Anyway probably a lot for me to learn on that subject and not likely going to happen as it doesn't interest me that much.

I can feel anonymity swirling around me and I am holding it close. The Ottawa Branch suggested a Memorial Lecture for Edward but we suggested a nice plaque to commemorate his work with the Branch. I think that is a nice way to remember a person. He wanted to do all the things that he did and didn't do it for award but rather as something that meant a lot to him. He was even quite quiet about his Queen Elizabeth II Medal although he loved receiving it but his first comment to me was there are so many people who deserve to have this Medal too bad only 60,000 were available. That was Edward. 

Will I attend any more meetings? That is very unlikely that I will do so. Ed was the one to do all those things. I am really just a Church person and a home person my life doesn't extend beyond that now that I am retired. Will I go to Church again?  That is also unlikely although time will tell on that. I really like going to my Church using You-Tube.The last service had some still images inserted and I found myself in tears as I looked at a picture of the pew where we normally sat at Church. But it was also a good memory of our times together and Edward loved the choir singing and organ music at the Cathedral.

On to the day.

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