Saturday, June 26, 2021

Vaccination day plus six

Yesterday by evening I had a bit of a headache once again but by morning I was again headache free. I do notice when I am running that I become a little winded after 4000 steps but my heart rate is about the same as always.

I have been working with SCIO on the Chair Lift for a person who has need of one. It was set up to remove it this morning but today it was pouring so I cancelled that for another time. I am not in a rush and there isn't anyone apparently who needs it at the moment. It would just be in storage so it might as well sit on my stairs for longer. It is really the first medical aid that we brought in for Edward and he enjoyed having it. He was as mobile as he had been with the chair. He would walk up the stairs during the day just for exercise but he had the chair for the tired times when he wanted to go up and down as he always had. It probably does take a strong need to motivate me to give these items away. Probably unreasonably I feel like a small amount of Edward disappears as his items are donated and I probably need to see that they are serving a good purpose. His books are all packed up now and await the process of them being amalgamated into the Ottawa Branch Library of the Ontario Genealogical Society. I can go there anytime and see his books and that makes that donation so much easier.

Today I am thinking about the next newsletter which would be Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. I am trying to decide content and technically it would be the March edition so I am actually catching up slowly as I am just missing March and June for this newsletter. I will be putting in the usual North Molton baptisms and I am considering doing a second one of the nearby Devon villages. I believe I will go with Landkey. Baptisms, Marriages and burial all begin in 1602 and the transcriptions run to the mid 1700s.  The Landkey interest results from the children of Hugh Pincombe who was married to Sarah (unknown). He was one of the sons of John Pincombe and Johane Blackmoore who married 25 Sep 1655 at Bishops Nympton and were my 7x great grandparents. Hugh was the youngest son and my line descends from the eldest William Pincombe married to Mary Vicary 17 Jun 1685 at Bishops Nympton. Hugh's line daughtered out in the second generation it would appear. 

I have a number of items to transcribe for the Pincombe family but I suspect that work will wait until next fall and winter.

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