Sunday, July 18, 2021

Beautiful Sunday

I love Sundays; the quiet and the holiness of it surrounds me. It reminds me of Sundays past when my children were small and we would get up and get ready to go to Church. Worshiping as a family was important to both Edward and I but we all went our separate ways when we got to Church with Edward in the Senior Choir and our daughters in the Junior Choir and managing the Sound Room. I would sit by myself near the back (at the back) so that I could help my daughter with the Sound Room if too much was going on. I could have not been there and many Sundays I did consider that but we were worshiping as a family even if separately. Having Church on YouTube has so enlarged my ability to be at Church. COVID-19 has been a disaster in our lives but it did bring us Church on YouTube. 

It is interesting that it was Edward's brother's death and then his mother's death that brought us back together sitting in Church. It was his search for meaning in all of that that brought us from Orleans United to Dominion Chalmers and the scholarly minister there with his amazing sermons Sunday after Sunday (a chance mention in the Orleans United Church Bulletin brought us to that first sermon sometime in the 1990s). They were healing sermons for Edward. When the minister at Dominion Chalmers retired we started going regularly to Christ Church Cathedral (my Anglican Church) and Edward loved the music there (he also appreciated my being willing to go to his United Church and raise his children there as he had wanted for the twenty plus years that we attended Orleans United). My mother had been raised Methodist (later part of the United Church of Canada) but she had become Anglican in her teenage years and my father's family had always been Anglican and Catholic before that in their tiny little village of Upper Clatford, Hampshire, England. She carried much of the teaching of the Methodist Church though into her life as an Anglican (most of her grandparents had been Anglican).


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