Saturday, July 17, 2021

Blake Newsletter Volume 10, Issue 3, 2021

  Blake Newsletter

Volume 10, Issue3, 2021

Table of Contents
1.    Genealogical errors and their correction – Article by Paul Reed in TAG
2.    Blake Surname Study – Progress
3.    Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
4.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers – baptisms
5.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers - marriages

1.    Genealogical errors and their correction

Possibly what first inspired me to do a Blake one-name Study was the error in my line way back in the 1500s which was perpetuated in so many books that I had the opportunity to review. It was really a tiny error but being used so many times its significance was magnified through the years.


“Horatio Gates SOMERBY (1805-1872) is noted more and more for the frauds he perpetrated on the genealogical public in the last century. He was far more subtle that Gustave ANJOU, but not necessarily better at fakery than Mrs. DE SALIS. The first part of this article will examine SOMERBY's account of the ancestry of William BLAKE of Dorchester, and the second part will look at the BILLINGS ancestry, another example of his fraudulent technique.

“Perhaps the reason more of SOMERBY's frauds have not come to light is that he did not always concoct them to connect to some grand noble ancestor or royal line. For the BLAKEs, he traced the family back to the time of Edward III, but not to any notable person. SOMERBY worked during a period when records were less centralized or accessible, so he may have presumed that he was less likely to be caught. He was not wholly ignorant of genealogical technique, just of morals and ethics.
The genealogy in this book was definitely SOMERBY's creation, not something perpetrated on him or fictionalized by another individual: Whitmore stated on p. 4 that "[t]he work of the editor, in the main, has been merely to arrange Mr. SOMERBY's pedigrees in paragraph form . . . [S]o far as can be concluded [from SOMERBY's notebooks], Mr. SOMERBY's results are entitled to the fullest confidence." In a number of instances, including the BLAKEs, Whitmore, who was one of America's earliest critical genealogists, was taken in by SOMERBY.

“SOMERBY's technique seems to be that he would happen across a family with the same name "or, at least, surname" as that of a well-known immigrant. He would then either invent a document, such as a will, that seemed to prove the connection across the sea, or, in other instances, just imply that such a document existed, without providing any specific details, such as he did in the ancestry purported for Abraham, John, and Richard BROWNE of Watertown. Once he had "established" the connection into England and traced the line back as far as he could in local records, SOMERBY would then fabricate a link to another family of the same surname, often in an entirely different county.

“Sometimes SOMERBY took some of the information for earlier generations from printed pedigrees, such as visitations, but often he cited a will "usually from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury" to provide support and seemingly credible evidence to back up the pedigree. But we have found in examining his work that either SOMERBY could not read the handwriting accurately, or that he did not care to, as many of the wills he cited which actually exist do not contain the information he credited them with providing. In some instances, he also ignored information that contradicted his conclusions, even when citing that document or quoting part of it as evidence for his case.

“In his account of the purported ancestry of the immigrant William BLAKE of Dorchester, Massachusetts, SOMERBY linked three apparently unrelated BLAKE families. After falsifying the origin of the immigrant, SOMERBY fabricated earlier fraudulent connections by making Humphrey BLAKE, ancestor of the BLAKE family of Over Stowey, Somerset, a brother of the Nicholas BLAKE of Andover who died in 1547. SOMERBY then fabricated a parentage for Humphrey and Nicholas, making their father out to be one William BLAKE, and their mother to be Mary, daughter of Humphrey COLES of co. Somerset. Then he asserted that this William was a son of an earlier William, whom SOMERBY (falsely) connects back into the ancient BLAAGE alias BLAKE family who lived at Calne, Wiltshire. He put forth the descent thus:
1. ROBERT BLAKE of Calne, Wilts., living 1347; m. ANNE COLE, daughter of William COLE.
2. HENRY BLAKE, m.?????? DURANT, daughter and coheir of Edward DURANT.
4. HENRY BLAKE of Calne, m. MARGARET BELLETT, daughter and coheir of?????? BELLETT of Quemberford {a tithing in the parish of Calne}.
5. ROBERT BLAKE of Calne, m. AVICE WALLOP, daughter and heir of John WALLOP, Esq., of Nether Wallop, Wilts.
6. WILLIAM BLAKE of White Parish, Hants., d. 1471.
7. WILLIAM BLAKE of Old Hall in Eastontown, Andover, Hants.; m. MARY COLES, daughter of Humphrey COLES of Somersetshire.
8. HUMPHREY BLAKE, bur. Over Stowey, co. Somerset, 28 Dec. 1558; m. AGNES??????, bur. 24 June 1585.
9. JOHN BLAKE, b. 1521, bur. Over Stowey, 10 Dec. 1576; m. JANE??????, bur. 11 June 1595.
10. ROBERT BLAKE, bp. 12 May 1566, bur. Over Stowey, 25 Jan. 1626/7; m. ELEANOR??????.
11. WILLIAM BLAKE, bp. Over Stowey, co. Somerset, 5 June 1594; identified by SOMERBY as the immigrant to Dorchester, Mass.

“The evidence SOMERBY adduced for the identity of the immigrant would be conclusive if it were factual.

“First he states that James BLAKE's Annals of Dorchester includes under 1663: "This Year Died Mr. William BLAKE, who had been Clerk of the Writs for the County of Suffolk, & Recorder for the Town near 8 years. He was also Clerk of the Training-band. He Died the 25th of the 8th mo. 1663, in the 69th Year of his age." This does indeed appear in the Annals of James BLAKE (1688-1750), who was a great-grandson of William BLAKE; it would place his year of birth about 1594, and SOMERBY has a baptism for William BLAKE at Over Stowey on 5 June 1594.

“Secondly, SOMERBY states that Eleanor BLAKE (younger sister of that William), baptized on 26 February 1602/3, married James CLARK, "whom she survived, and in her will, dated at Over Stowey, June 19, 1647, she mentions her late husband, and bequeaths to her daughter Eleanor a house and lands, formerly in possession of her brother, now in New England." But there is no such will. Over Stowey fell within the probate district of the Archdeaconry of Taunton; this was a period when most local courts were suppressed and wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury [PCC]. Though the original Somerset probate records were destroyed by German bombing in 1942, indexes do survive. There was no such will proved in either the Archdeaconry of Taunton or in the PCC before 1700.

“Though no researcher "until now" stated plainly that SOMERBY's work on the BLAKEs was fraudulent, the immediate connection to the immigrant was disproved as long ago as 1891, when Francis E. BLAKE published his account of "The BLAKE Family in England." He states that further research in English records proves that the William BLAKE baptized at Over Stowey in 1594 was buried there on April 1617 ("William BLAKE the sonne of Robert BLAKE"). Though he acknowledges SOMERBY's claim "that a sister of this William, in her will of date 1647, mentioned a 'brother in New England,'" Francis BLAKE goes on to claim that no name for this brother was given (though no other meaning can be inferred from SOMERBY's text), leaving the reader to conclude that such a will did exist and that it pertained to another BLAKE immigrant, brother of Eleanor (BLAKE) CLARK.

“Francis BLAKE found that there was another William BLAKE, cousin of SOMERBY's candidate, who was baptized at Pitminster, co. Somerset, on 10 July 1594. he was son of William BLAKE and grandson of John BLAKE (1521-1576) of Over Stowey. This younger William BLAKE married "Agnis BAND" [i.e., Agnes BOND], widow, at Pitminster on 27 September 1617, and they had at least four children baptized there: John and Ann BLAKE (baptized 20 August 1618), William BLAKE (baptized 6 September 1620), and James BLAKE (baptized 27 April 1624). It is known that the New England immigrant had a wife named Agnes and children named William, James, Edward, John, and Anne, and that the immigrant was born about 1594, so the identification seemed to fit.

“Recently, Robin BUSH, former Assistant Archivist of the Somerset Record Office, has determined that the younger William BLAKE of Pitminster was cousin of several other New England immigrants, making this identification of the immigrant more likely; he has also verified the ancestry back to Humphrey BLAKE (died 1558) of Over Stowey, the great-grandfather of the immigrant [generation 8 in SOMERBY's pedigree outlined above]. But BUSH concluded that "tracing the ancestors of Humphrey BLAKE . . . has proved fruitless" and that the suspected connection to the ancient BLAKE family of Wiltshire has still not been made.

“BUSH found proof of the birthplace of William BLAKE, the father of the immigrant, through a deposition in which William BLAKE of Pitminster, yeoman, aged about 70, deposed in 1632, that he had been born in Over Stowey. This record also indicates that William BLAKE had a son John BLAKE, also a resident of Pitminster in 1632. The churchwarden accounts of Pitminster survive from 1589, though the detailed rates which list the parishioners who paid the rates for the poor law only begin in 1601. William BLAKE [BLACKE, BLAK] was an overseer of the poor in 1601, 1614, and 1618. He was listed as a resident of the tithing of Blagdon in Pitminster from 1601 through 1642, paying between 4s. and 12s. each year.

“John BLAKE [baptized 15 June 1597, son of William], William BLAKE [born ca. 1562], and Richard BLAKE [baptized 17 April 1603, son of William] were listed next to each other in the 1641 list of males aged 18 and over who swore oath to uphold the English church and government. A notation next to William BLAKE's name reads "aged & not able" [to appear and swear the oath; he would have been nearly 80 years old]. That the younger William BLAKE [baptized 1596; married 1617] was not included in the 1641 list or buried at Pitminster indicates that he had left the parish with his family, presumably for New England.

“Having briefly discussed the tactics SOMERBY used in connecting the immigrant to the Somerset BLAKEs (in this case, he was lucky to have chanced across a cousin of the real immigrant), we turn to an examination of the techniques he used in his account of the BLAKE families of Hampshire and Wiltshire. This is easiest tackled in descending order of generations, starting with the earliest occurrence of fraud in this ancestry, adding SOMERBY's generational numbers in the summary above. SOMERBY presents the following:

“ROBERT BLAKE [gen. 5], of Calne, and of Quemberford in right of his mother. He married Avice, daughter and heir of John WALLOP, Esquire, of Nether Wallop, in the County of Southampton. By this marriage he acquired estates in that county, one of which, in Andover, was subsequently transferred to their younger son William [gen. 6]. An Inquisition was held after the death of his wife, which occurred on the 29th of October, 1474, to determine the tenure of her estates in Hampshire and her successor, when it appeared that John BLAKE was her eldest son, aged at the time of her death forty years and more.

“When we examine the actual records, the invented nature of this account becomes apparent. No pedigree calls Avice an heir, and the BLAKE family did not quarter the WALLOP arms, as they would if she were indeed an heiress. There was an inquisition, but it concerned no lands in Hampshire. The inquest was taken on 29 October 1474, but Avice had died one year earlier, on 29 October [sic] 1473. The inquisition concerned only lands in Erchfont [Urchfont] and Wedehampton, Wiltshire, which Avice held as widow of Roger MALEWYN, by whom she had been enfeoffed for the term of her life. They had issue a daughter, Joan, to whom the reversion of the messuages descended after Roger's death. Avice then married Robert BLAKE. John BLAKE, her son, was found to be Avice's heir, aged 40 and more.

“The following summarizes SOMERBY's account of their children:
1. Gilbert and Alexander BLAKE, who both died unmarried.
2. John BLAKE, born ca. 1434, died 2 March 1503/4, leaving a will dated 24 Feb. 1503/4 and proved 24 April 1504, mentioning his late wife, his present wife, his son-in-law, and his brother Robert BLAKE. He desired to be buried in the sepulcher at Nether Wallop where his first wife was buried, but he also mentioned Calne. He left two surviving daughters, Joan (born 1484) and Alice.
3. Robert BLAKE, who succeeded his brother in the estate at Calne, died 11 Dec. 1515. He married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas ENGLEFIELD, of Englefield, co. Berks. They had a daughter, Anne BLAKE, married to Robert BAYNARD of Lackham, and a son, Roger BLAKE.William BLAKE [gen. 6], youngest son.
4. Elizabeth, Alice, and Joan BLAKE.

“The pedigrees do indeed record that Robert BLAKE of Quemberford married Avice WALLOP, that they had three daughters, Elizabeth, Alice and Joane, and that the two eldest sons, Gilbert and Alexander, died without issue. A much later visitation makes Robert BLAKE to be the third son and John the fourth, but the information in the inquisition would indicate John was the elder if both were children by Avice. Robert BLAKE's son John did die in 1504, leaving a will and inquisition, but Robert had no son named William. This connection is fraudulent. SOMERBY makes this William BLAKE [gen. 6] to have resided at "White Parish," Wiltshire. "After his death in 1471, his widow, with her two sons, removed into Hampshire, and settled at Andover, upon an estate called Eastontown, formerly a part of the possessions of her husband's mother." This is complete fiction. No authority was cited in reference. There is no evidence that Eastontowne was ever in the hands of any WALLOP, and it is distinctly different and separate from Nether Wallop, which is in the same county. SOMERBY gives this William [gen. 6] and his unnamed wife two sons: William [gen. 7] and Robert BLAKE. Robert is stated to have resided in "West" Enham "in Andover," to have married a daughter of [C] SNELL of Wherwell, Hampshire, "by whom he had sons William, of Benham, who died in 1552, leaving descendants: John, Richard, and Robert, who settled at Cutcomb in Somersetshire."

“SOMERBY's methodology was again to find a will in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and tie in the individual using completely unconnected and false information. There was a William BLAKE, yeoman, who died at Benham, Berkshire, leaving a will dated 10 June and proved 28 July 1552, but he did not have sons named John and Richard. They were named as his brothers. His only known child was named Anthony (he did not prove his majority until 18 May 1571). This William BLAKE was actually son of Robert BLAKE, Nicholas BLAKE's brother (see below). The BLAKEs of Cutcombe were a separate family. A John BLAKE of Cutcombe left a will dated 22 June 1532, mentioning his wife, Jone, and witnessed by a Robert BLAKE.
Now to William BLAKE [gen. 7]. SOMERBY said he "resided at Old Hall in Eastontown, in the parish of Andover." He also had lands and tenements in Knights Enham, which were in the occupation of his brother Robert in 1504. By his wife Mary, daughter of Humphrey COLES, of Somersetshire, he had two sons, Humphrey BLAKE [gen. 8], of Over Stowey, Somerset, and Nicholas BLAKE, of "Old Hall, who made his will on the 31st of May, 1547, which was proved on the 20th of the following June. He names his wife Margaret, and sons, William and Edmund, and daughters, Elizabeth and Alice." This is the next fraudulent connection.

“There were BLAKEs at Calne, Wiltshire, but there is no evidence of a connection with the BLAKEs of Andover, Hampshire. And there is no evidence of a connection to Somersetshire. An undocumented anonymous typescript at the Society of Genealogists, London, states that William BLAKE, of Whiteparish, Wiltshire, died before 1471 and was son of Henry BLAKE by his wife Margaret BELLETT. William was here purported to be brother of the Robert BLAKE [gen. 5] who married Avis WALLOP, not a youngest son who was not named in the pedigrees. This typescript goes on to state that William BLAKE of Whiteparish was father of a William BLAKE of Andover. I have found no evidence of a William BLAKE of Andover. No William was listed in the early subsidies.

“It is difficult to know where this anonymous undated typescript "Story of the BLAKEs" got its information. It may actually have been taken from SOMERBY, adjusting the generations to account for obviously impossible chronology, following a manuscript pedigree by A.E.J. DE CRIET, also at the Society of Genealogists, which shows a dashed line under Henry and Margaret (BELLETT) BLAKE to "______ BLAKE of Whiteparish[,] Co. Wilts.[,] d. before 1471" "a quo BLAKEs of Hampshire." But this manuscript goes on to say, "Their exact connection with those of Wilts is not yet fully established. The line . . . here seems the most probable" [emphasis added]. It is apparent that the author of the anonymous typescript amalgamated information from several sources, including SOMERBY.

“SOMERBY seems to have felt obligated to add several Somerset connections to explain why Humphrey BLAKE [gen. 8] of Over Stowey would have come from Hampshire. He picked on Humphrey COLES of Somerset, who was not actually old enough to fit SOMERBY's scenario. 38 Humphrey BLAKE, of Over Stowey, Somerset, gentleman, mentioned "My friend, Humphrey COLES, esq.," in his will dated 19 November 1 Eliz. [1558] and proved 11 May 1559. It should be pointed out that if Humphrey BLAKE's mother had been Mary, daughter of Humphrey COLES, it is unlikely he would have called the younger Humphrey COLES, esquire, "[m]y friend," instead of "my brother." SOMERBY abstracts the will in his text but completely leaves out the reference to this "friend, Humphrey COLES, esq.," who was given, 5 and requested "to see my will performed. SOMERBY picked on Nicholas BLAKE (died 1547) as brother of Humphrey [gen. 8] because Nicholas's will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and thus easily obtained, but he did not realize he had stumbled into a very complex family of BLAKEs who had lands at Andover, Kings Enham (or Enham Regis), Knights Enham (a distinctly different place), Penton Mewsey, and Clatford, Hants.
The Robert BLAKE of Enham (there is no West Enham) who was Nicholas BLAKE's uncle is ancestor of Mary BLAKE, grandmother of the immigrant Shadrack HAPGOOD. The will of this Robert BLAYKE [sic] was dated 16 December 1522 [sic], and though no date of probate was attached, it is listed in the year 1522 in the manuscript calendar. He mentioned his son Thomas BLAYKE, his son Richard BLAYKE (executor), Andrew BLAYKE, William BLAYKE [no specific relationship stated], and Robert BLAYKE [no relationship stated]. The son Richard died the same year as his father. Richard's will, recorded in Latin, was dated 12 April and proved 23 May 1522 [sic]. He mentioned his wife, "my brother Thomas BLAYKE," "Robert BLAYKE my father," and "my mother."

“As Richard BLAKE died a married adult with children in 1522, he was undoubtedly born before about 1500, probably several years earlier. As he was his father's residuary legatee and executor, he would have been the eldest son. Chronology indicates that the younger son, Thomas BLAKE, was also born before 1500. Thomas died, leaving a will dated 9 October 1541 and proved 15 June 1542. As his unmarried daughter took administration of his estate when his will was proved, she must have been born by 1524, probably earlier.

“SOMERBY claimed that Robert BLAKE of Enham had a son named William, ancestor of the BLAKEs of Cutcomb, Somerset. The above information shows this to be completely false. SOMERBY said that Robert was in possession of tenements in Knights Enham in 1504, but Robert's holdings were in Kings Enham, not Knights Enham. SOMERBY also gave only two sons to this Robert's brother: Nicholas and Humphrey [gen. 8]. This is again incorrect. The name of Nicholas BLAKE's father is not certainly known. His mother, Johane, left a will dated 28 March 1527:

“In dei noie Amen The yere of our lorde gode ml vC xxvii the xxviii day of marche I Johane Blake, wydow wt a hole mynde & a gudde memory make my last wyll & testament in this manner First I commend my soule to allmyghty gode, or lady seynt mary & to all the seynts in hevyn and my body to be buryed in the Churche or in the churche litten of seynt Mighell of Enah[a]m Itm I gyve & bequeth unto the mother churche of seynt Swyth[in] xiid Itm I gyve & bequeth to S[ir] John BATTE xxd Itm I gyve & bequethe to the maynteynyng of Jh[es]us masse in the churche of Andov[er] xxd Itm I gyve & bequeth to ye por of the Freers Augustines in Wync[hester] xxd Itm I gyve & bequeth to s[ir] John WHIGHT freer xxd Itm I gyve & bequeth to ev[er]y freer of theseid augustines that ys a prestii i id & to ev[er]y noves iid of theseid place Itm I gyve & bequeth to the churche off foskett [Foxcot] to the maytenyng of the light byfore seynt Johnys & seynt Sonday xxd Itm I gyve & bequeth to my doughter Elsabethe MYLNE xxti shepe beside those she hath Allredy & one cow yt I bought of her & xiiis iiiid of money & my gretyst panne & four platters Itm I give & bequeth unto my son[ne] Nycholas BLAKE the tabull in the hall & one clothe called the hallyng & ii Iron rakks Itm I gyve & bequeth unto my son[ne] Rob[er]t BLAKE one Iron broche & xviii shepe the whiche shepe he hath in his kepyng Itm I gyve & bequeth to Thom[a]s IESRA of Foskett & theseid goods to be devyded amongs them equally ev[er]y of them lyke moche Itm I make my sones Nycholas BLAKE & Robt BLAKE my trewe executors and Thomas IESRA of Foskett my sup[er]visor that he se [sic] my last wyll & testament Implete [sic] & fulfilled & theseid execut[ors] to dispose for the helthe of my soule as the[y] shall se[e] most expedyent These witnesse S[ir] Ryc[hard] MERSSER S[ir] John BATTE Nycholas BLAKE Robt BLAKE wt other mor

“It is clear that she had no interests in Somerset, and the name Humphrey is completely unknown among the BLAKE families of this region. Nicholas BLAKE's mother was certainly not Mary COLES, daughter of Humphrey COLES of Somerset; she was this Johane who died about 1527, leaving two sons, Robert (completely overlooked by SOMERBY) and Nicholas, and a daughter, Elizabeth BLAKE.

“The elder brother, Robert BLAKE, of Enham, in Andover, left a will dated 28 April 1543 and proved 22 March "aforesaid" [1543/4]. He named his "eldest" son Robert, "second" son John, his wife Agnes, Wyllyam, and Rycharde, his youngest sons, and son Thomas BLAKE. Nicholas BLAKE was a witness and, with several others, asked to divide the testator's goods equally among the children.

“Nicholas BLAKE of Enham left a will dated the last day of May and proved 20 June 1547. He named his wife, Margaret, sons (1) William and (2) Edmund, and daughters Elizabeth BLAKE and Alice GODWYN. He stated that he held a lease of the farm of Andover from Lord SANDYS "which Robert BOSWELL occupyeth," a tenement in Kings Enham held of Lord SANDYS which his son William "occupieth," another tenement called "olde Hall" held of Lord SANDYS in Knights Enham, freehold land in Knights Enham, the lease of SEMERs farm and Walworth, held of Lord SANDYS, a lease of a tenement in Kings Enham held by John CALL, and freehold land in Andover held by Thomas WESCOMBE.

“It was Nicholas's son, William, "yeoman," who is first called "of Eastontowne." Bishop [Robert] HORNE, of Winchester, entrusted the, 200 bequeathed by John HANSON in 1569 for the foundation and maintenance of a free school at Andover (the schoolmaster to be a graduate of Oxford or Cambridge) to William BLAKE Sr. and his son William BLAKE Jr., who gave bond with John BLAKE for the proper fulfillment of the trust. The bond was not found at the Bishop's death, and sometime thereafter, William BLAKE of "East Anton," "being moved in conscience for that the said sum of, 200 was given to so good a use and purpose," entered "into another [bond of] obligation  in the sum of, 400 to make good the loss." Richard BLAKE gave the land for the site of the schoolhouse.

“The will of William BLAKE of Eastontowne, Andover, yeoman, was dated 27 July and proved 4 November 1582. He was father of nine children who survived to adulthood, all named in his will: five sons, (1) John, (2) William, (3) Peter, (4) Thomas, and (5) Richard (the order is specifically stated in the entails and remainders of his lands), and four daughters, Agnes KYNTON, Amye ROMBOLD, Margaret JARVIS, and Elizabeth BEALE. His long, seven-page will mentioned many tenements, including the farm of Andover, a tenement called Brayes, and the house called Smythes "whiche I nowe dwell in." He also mentioned his brother Edmund BLAKE and sisters Elizabeth MONDAY and Alice GODWYN. He made his son William executor, and requested Richard SOTWELL, "Doctor of the Civill Lawe," and Andrew READE to serve as executors. William SOTWELL and John SOTWELL also witnessed the will. William BLAKE may be ancestor of the Maryland immigrant Charles BLAKE (died 1733), whose son-in-law, Dr. Charles CARROLL, wrote that the BLAKEs belonged to "an ancient family in Hampshire." I am currently preparing an article showing that Johane BLAKE, wife of Major General Robert SEDGWICK of Charlestown, Massachusetts, is a descendant of this BLAKE family of Eastontown.

“This analysis helps us to understand Horatio G. SOMERBY's tactics. Everything he presents at first seems very believable. Enough details are provided to make the ancestry sound credible. The account is interspersed with real documents, the citations for which also seems to add credence. But on closer examination, it quickly becomes clear that SOMERBY changed a number of the facts to support his fabrications. In the end, SOMERBY became sloppy, adding connections to families in Somersetshire who were completely unconnected with the Hampshire family. Luckily, enough probate records survived in local courts to unravel his fabrication of the Hampshire BLAKE family completely.

“The remaining difficulty lies in the individuals he fabricated who never existed. Having no record to check against these phantoms, it is difficult decisively to lop off the William BLAKE [gen. 6] "of White Parish" or his purported son William [gen. 7], who was supposed to have removed to Andover. They remain in limbo without any evidence to prove or disprove their existence. This paradox is the bane of anyone following up on fraudulent lines such as this one. In this case, there is enough surviving evidence in other areas to prove the fraud. This examination is beneficial not only because it exposes SOMERBY's fraud, but also because the evidence presented here concerning the real people adds to our knowledge of individuals now known to be genuine ancestors of other colonial American immigrants.”

I have quoted this article at length to keep it active in the genealogical community because I continue to receive emails from people telling me that they are descendant of William Blake and Mary Cole; some even say that I have the wrong parent (mother Joan) for Nicholas Blake (they think the parents are William Blake and Mary Coles). I strongly suspect that Horatio Gates Somerby had no idea of how far reaching his genealogical frauds would eventually be. At a bare minimum sixteen books have been published on the Blake family of Boston (can be seen at the New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston) which either use his results or contradict those results. For the most part though these books accept Somerby's work as correct and simply connect their families back to the information which he created in the mid 1800s.

Usually his connections were back to royalty but in the case of the Blake family, he took them back to the Blake family of Calne, Wiltshire known to be there in the late 1200s. He did this by connecting them to the Andover Hampshire Blake family (my own line) with a fraudulent marriage between William Blake and Mary Coles giving them children Humphrey, Nicholas and Alice. In reality, Nicholas at Enham, Andover, Hampshire was the son of a Mr. Blake (forename unknown thus far) and Joan Blake (his widow). Joan Blake (widow) left a will in 1527 where she mentions her children Robert, Nicholas and Elizabeth (married to a Mr. Mylne). No mention of a Humphrey. Nicholas and Robert in their turn also left wills mentioning their children and the witness to Robert's will was Nicholas (Robert died in 1542 and Nicholas in 1547).

The interesting part of Somerby's creations is that he may have seen the Blake Pedigree Chart which I have mentioned earlier and is located at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office (can be purchased from them as images at a very reasonable cost). However, the furtherest back ancestor he names as Robert de Blakeland and the chart shows Richard Blague/Blaake/Blake as being the furtherest back. The interesting question for me is were these men the same person? Robert de Blakeland is a bit of a red herring in all of this. He is supposed to have paid a subsidy in 1286 on Blakelands (now Blacklands near Calne Wiltshire). I haven't pulled up that information yet to look at it. All in Latin and my skills are at best rather weak in Latin so it has waited whilst I improve.

How to rid the world of Somerby's errors though is an interesting dilemma and one that has been discussed in The American Genealogist (TAG). Fortunately, the author Paul C Reid of the above quoted article written in 1999 exposing the fraud of Somerby with the Blake family and others. Clifford L Stott in the NEHGS Register has written an article on Humphrey Blake and his descendants also mentioning the fraud of Somerby. By constantly writing articles and blogging on these errors it may yet be possible to undo the fraudulence of Somerby's genealogical forays. That he did it solely for money, is perhaps the greatest crime of all. To have done it innocently could at least be understood by future genealogists but simply to make money is such a crime perpetrated against all of us who try to do a competent job on our one-name studies.

I am often having to deny people who write me asking for a genealogical descent chart particularly for William Blake and Mary Coles who never existed as far as I am able to determine. Certainly William Blake is not listed as a son of Robert Blake and Avis Wallop his supposed parents. His supposed children William Blake and Robert Blake along with their widowed mother are not in the Andover Hampshire area living on supposed Wallop estate (Eastontown). There is a Robert Blake at Enham just as there is a Nicholas Blake at Enham but they are the sons of Joan Blake (widow) and forename unknown Mr. Blake. It is the son of Nicholas Blake, William who first notes himself as living at Eastontown in his will. Nicholas and his wife Margaret have only four children: William the eldest, Edmund (minor at the time of his father's death in 1547) and two daughters Alice married to Mr. Godwyn and Elizabeth married to Mr. Monday. Edmund does have a son Steven but I have not been able to trace this line down. William's line is very large at Andover; he and his wife Elizabeth (unknown) have ten children. Robert, brother to Nicholas, is married to Agnes (unknown) and they have six sons.

My initial thought was that all of the Blake lines at Andover traced back to these two men, however the pedigree chart at Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office gives another William Blake also at Eastontown but married to Avice Ripley. Since the eldest son of William (John) married a Margaret Blake daughter of William Blake I was not surprised to find that there could be another Blake family at Andover and I am pursuing this notion that there was another William Blake there at the same time as William son of Nicholas since William does name his wife as Elizabeth. Could they be the same William? It would mean that his eldest son John married his half-sister Margaret. I doubt that happened. It was frowned upon by the Catholic Church and it is unlikely that one would record it on a Pedigree Chart.

My strongest suspicion is that there is a small error in connection on the chart and that Margaret was the daughter of William Blake and Avice Ripley and able to trace her line back to the Blake family at Calne. John who is shown as connected to this marriage was actually the son of William Blake and Elizabeth also of Eastontown (there were several farms at Eastontown according to ancient maps) but the connection back for him was to William and then Nicholas and unknown Blake married to Joan (widow in 1527). The Visitation which was used to create the chart is somewhat unclear on the parentage of William and it is from these Visitations that the chart was created.

The desire to have the male Blake line go back directly to the Calne Blake family may have been just too tempting (the female Blake line through Margaret definitely did do so I believe). Hence this small error crept in and allowed the descendants to use the coat of arms of the Wiltshire Blake family which included the Blake/Baynard/Bellet/Durrant family crests. It was Richard Blake Esquire, Captain of the Trained Bands in County Middlesex in 1662 who first used this crest on his Visitation although by then the Baynard crest had been forgotten and assumed to be an unfinished Blague/Blake crest. John is correctly identified as the progenitor of the family from Essington, County of Southampton. The Visitation is also signed.

How to prove that I am correct is the mystery at the moment. I am searching out material to either support my hypothesis or eliminate it. That is all that we can do as the successors of Horatio Gates Somerby's frauds.

Paul Reed is bringing to the forefront once again the fraudulent genealogies produced by Horatio Gates Somerby in particular that of William Blake of Dorchester, Massachusetts. I have mentioned before that Horatio Gates Somerby had taken the Andover line of Blake and mixed it in with the Plainfield/Overstowey/Bridgport Blake line and then had them both descended from Robert de Blakeland of Calne, Wiltshire. Still not sure about the link between the Calne and the Overstowey Blake families but definitely the Blake family at Andover did not have a Humphrey Blake who moved to Overstowey in the time frame that he stated.

Paul Reed has within this article in TAG  his reference to an earlier article published in the New England Historical Genalogical Register (NEHGR) 1996, 150, 141-156 which I shall also download and read (Dorothy ____, The key in our search for Shadrack Hapgood). At the time that I was looking at this material I was not far enough back to really examine this material in detail. The time has come most certainly to have a longer look at this paper by Paul Reed in NEHGR and his later paper in TAG which deals with Blake at Andover in this time period.  

Paul Reed states within the TAG article "The Robert Blake of Enham (there is no West Enham) who was Nicholas Blake's uncle is ancestor of Mary Blake, grandmother of the immigrant Shadrack Hapgood. The will of this Robert Blayke was dated 16 Dec 1522 [sic] [the footnote [41] points out the discrepancy which I noted that his son Richard's will was dated and probated before the will of his father and his conclusion is the same as mine that this will is indeed dated 1521 as the tiny j which denotes the number 1 does not have a complete i in front of it]." He mentions that the will includes reference to the son of Robert named Thomas Blake, other son Richard who is also executor, Andrew Blake (there is a footnote attached to Andrew stating no relationship stated and that Andrew was recorded in the 1523/4 subsidy of Knights Enham (PRO Subsidy Rolls, E179/174/291, 17 Hen VIII), William Blake (no specific relationship) and a Robert Blake with no specific relationship.

The Nicholas Blake to whom Paul Reed is referring  is presumably the NIcholas Blake who left his will in 1547 but he is not the ancestor of Mary Blake. The ancestor of Mary Blake is Nicholas Blake one of the sons of Robert Blake and a nephew to Nicholas Blake his brother. I believe that Nicholas and Robert are grandsons to the Robert Blake who left his will in 1522. If I have misunderstood the intent of Paul Reed apologies for that but it is not overly clear to which Nicholas he is referring at this point. Nicholas Blake (grandson of Robert who left his will in 1542) married his first cousin Dorothy Blake and they had three children Mary, John and Edward. Nicholas left his will in 1587 and Dorothy remarried to Thomas Noyes which Paul Reed recounts in the article in NEHGR in 1996. This I have in part from Charlou Dolan as I am still in the process of transcribing all of these wills but it is a good time to discuss this information prior to my looking at the wills to determine if indeed these thoughts are correct.

Richard's will (Robert (who left his will in 1521)'s son) was dated 12 Apr 1522 and probated 23 May 1522. Reed states that Richard mentioned his wife, his brother Thomas Blake and Robert Blake his father and his mother (the will of a Matilda or Mawde Blake was entered into the calendar in 1525 according to Paul Reed but is no longer available). Then he mentions that Richard Blake died as a married adult with children in 1522 (I transcribed this will and found that his eldest son was Robert, another child Nichi and an unnamed daughter). My latin skills are very very weak so I must work my way through all of his writings and see if I can discover any holes in my arguments created by documents that he has found. I do find in line 12 of Richard's will that he mentions his mother and gives her 40 pence and a place for her to live as long as she requires the same. I did not find mention of his father but do see now that the one line referring to the indenture has Robert Blake of the first part and himself and his wife must be of the second part including Nichi. Who is this Robert Blake, is it his son Robert or is it his father? If his father then his father has given his property to Richard and perhaps that is what is being said. That he is entitled to the property because of the indenture but he did give his brother some money for something.

Paul Reed suggests that Richard is younger (born in the late 1490s) which is possible but by 1527 when Jone dies their daughter (if I am correct that Richard is husband to Jone) is already married giving a likely date of birth for Richard in the 1480s. Nicholas and Robert both have children although I suspect Nicholas is rather younger than Robert.

Although Paul Reed's transcription of Richard Blake's will of 1522 has caused me to relook at my transcription and make a couple of changes and accept that he has not referred to a son Robert, I still will toy in my mind with the idea that he is the husband of Jone Blake who left her will in 1527 and the father of Robert, Nicholas and Elizabeth (Mylne). Allowing this will keep it to the forefront of my thoughts as I work through the wills to come for the Blake members in the 1500s at Knights Enham and Andover.  

2.    Blake Surname Study – Progress

Still in the process of redoing the classification of the kits. Hopefully I will get back to this in the Fall.

3.    Blake Autosomal Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)

Useful on an individual basis but I can not report on matching as that would interfere in the privacy of the individual members. In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.

4.    Andover, Hampshire, England, Parish Registers - Baptisms

Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.

Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.

Number    Surname    Forename    status    Fathers surname    Fathers forename    Mothers surname    Mothers forename    Year    Month    Day    Year    Month    Day    Details
3600    Goddin    John    son    Goddin alias Cleeve    Peeter            1656    May    14    1656    May    14    
3601    Goddin    Bridgat    daughter    Goddin    George            1656    May    16    1656    May    16    
3602    Tomes    John    son    Tomes    William            1656    May    26    1656    May    26    
3603    Jellif    Sara    daughter    Jellif    Richard            1656    May    27    1656    May    27    
3604    Tarlton    Abraham    son    Tarlton    John            1656    May    27    1656    May    27    
3605    Tredgoule    William    son    Tredgoule    William            1656    May    28    1656    May    28    
3606    Tredgoule    Ann    daughter    Tredgoule    Thomas            1656    May    28    1656    May    28    
3607    Brodborn    Thomas    son    Brodborn    Beniamin            1656    May    29    1656    May    29    
3608    Speering    Christopher    son    Speering    Thomas            1656    May    29    1656    May    29    
3609    Pricto    Elizabeth    daughter    Pricto    Thomas            1656    June    1    1656    June    1    Charlton
3610    Cooke    Jane    daughter    Cooke    Beniamin            1656    June    2    1656    June    2    
3611    Emmett    Barnard    son    Emmett    Barnard            1656    June    20    1656    June    20    
3612    Clarke    Richard    son    Clarke    Richard            1656    July    22    1656    July    22    
3613    Kingsmell    William    son    Kingsmell    Mr. John            1656    July    22    1656    July    22    
3614    Woller    Thomas    son    Woller    Thomas            1656    August    5    1656    August    5    
3615    Bigworth    John    son    Bigworth    John            1656    August    10    1656    August    10    
3616    Cooke    Richard    son    Cooke    Richard            1656    August    12    1656    August    12    
3617    Miller    Richard    son    Miller    Richard            1656    August    13    1656    August    13    
3618    King    Robert    son    King    Robert            1656    August        1656    August        Woodhouse
3619    Steares    Mary    daughter    Steares alias Chandler    John            1656    September        1656    September        
3620    Whetly            Whetly    Richard            1656    September    3    1656    September    3    
3621    Howse    Elizabeth    daughter    Howse    Zekell            1656    September    3    1656    September    3    
3622    Noyce    William    son    Noyce    Mr. Edward            1656    September    12    1656    September    12    Hatherden
3623    Pitman            Pitman    John            1656    September    13    1656    September    13    
3624    Homes    Mary    daughter    Homes    Mr. Samuell            1656    September    21    1656    September    21    
3625    May    Martha daughter May    Hennery    1656    October    22    1656    October    22    at the Cleeve house at Woodhouse
3626    Percie    John    son    Percie    James            1656    October    23    1656    October    23    
3627    Phillpott    Abbigale    daughter    Phillpott alias Purvior    John            1656    October    27    1656    October    27    
3628    Glover            Glover    John            1656    October    30    1656    October    30    
3629    Turner    John    son    Turner    Joseph            1656    November    2    1656    November    2    
3630    James    Nicholas    son    James    Peeter            1656    November    7    1656    November    7    Charlton
3631    Neale    Robert    son    Neale    Mr. Robert            1656    November    8    1656    November    8    Andover
3632    Cooper    William    son    Cooper Allexzander    1656    November    14    1656    November    14    the younger of Charleton
3633    Peeck    James     son    Peeck                1656    November    24    1656    November    24    Hatherden
3634    Peeck    Thomas    son    Peeck                1656    November    24    1656    November    24    Hatherden
3635    Sammon    Elizabeth    daughter    Sammon    William            1656    November    27    1656    November    27    Hatherden
3636    Hemlee            Hemlee    Francis            1656    November    27    1656    November    27    
3637    Spring    Thomas    son    Spring    William            1656    November    27    1656    November    27    
3638    Munday    Ann    daughter    Munday    Thomas            1656    November    29    1656    November    29    Charlton
3639    Wells    Allexzander    son    Wells    Richard            1656    November    29    1656    November    29    
3640    Knight            Knight    Richard            1656    December    2    1656    December    2    
3641    Noyce    Bridgat    daughter    Noyce    John            1656    December    4    1656    December    4    
3642    Read    Dina    daughter    Read    John            1656    December    8    1656    December    8    Wildhearne
3643    Beare    Sara    daughter    Beare    John            1656    December    9    1656    December    9    Charlton
3644    Robbeson    John    son    Robbeson alias White    William            1656    December    9    1656    December    9    
3645    Flitwood    Thomas    son    Flitwood    Mr. Edward            1656    December    11    1656    December    11    
3646    Aysh    Margeret    daughter    Aysh    Robert            1656    December    15    1656    December    15    
3647    Trollop    Mary    daughter    Trollop    John            1656    December    24    1656    December    24    
3648    Badger    John    son    Badger    Edward            1656    December    26    1656    December    26    
3649    Noyce    Ann    daughter    Noyce    Mr. Samuell            1656    December    27    1656    December    27    
3650    Blanchard    Mary    daughter    Blanchard    Richard            1656    December    27    1656    December    27    
3651    Smith    William    son    Smith     John            1656    January    1    1656    January    1    J Saroy
3652    Figgis    Addum    son    Figgis    Thomas            1656    January    5    1656    January    5    Charlton
3653    Tylie    John    son    Tylie    John            1656    January    11    1656    January    11    
3654    Clover    William    son    Clover    John            1656    January    12    1656    January    12    
3655    Bunny    Thomas    son    Bunny    Richard            1656    January    13    1656    January    13    
3656    Abbat    William    son    Abbat    John            1656    January    16    1656    January    16    
3657    Church    Phillip    son    Church    Phillip            1656    January    16    1656    January    16    
3658    Payne    Hester    daughter    Payne    William            1656    February    5    1656    February    5    
3659    Erlie    Bridgat    daughter    Erlie    William            1656    February    10    1656    February    10    
3660    Dixson    Steeven    son    Dixson    Nicholas            1656    February    15    1656    February    15    
3661    Smith    Rabecka    daughter    Smith     Thomas            1656    February    16    1656    February    16    
3662    Gray        daughter    Gray    Francis            1656    February    16    1656    February    16    
3663    Goodall    William    son    Goodall    Richard            1656    February    17    1656    February    17    
3664    Westcomb    Thomas    son    Westcomb    Mr. Thomas            1656    February    18    1656    February    18    
3665    Gibbance    Robert    son    Gibbance    Robert            1656    February    25    1656    February    25    
3666    Leggat    Abraham    son    Leggat    William            1656    February    28    1656    February    28    of Charlton
3667    Cable    Thomas    son    Cable    Thomas            1656    March    3    1656    March    3    
3668    Gilmore    Dina    daughter    Gilmore    Thomas            1656    March    3    1656    March    3    
3669    Helliar    Elizabeth    daughter    Helliar    John            1656    March    3    1656    March    3    
3670    Cartor    Richard    son    Cartor    Gyle            1656    March    16    1656    March    16    Charlton
3671    Sturrage    Edward    son    Sturrage    Thomas            1656    March    24    1656    March    24    
3672    Jackwayes    Ann    daughter    Jackwayes    Thomas            1657    April    1    1657    April    1    
3673    Juliance    William    son    Juliance    William            1657    April    2    1657    April    2    
3674    Hollice    Peeter    son    Hollice    Samuell            1657    April    9    1657    April    9    
3675    Houldway    Ann    daughter    Houldway    John            1657    April    10    1657    April    10    Enham
3676    Tomkince    Gyles    son    Tomkince    John            1657    April    14    1657    April    14    
3677    Burd            Burd    Roger            1657    April    16    1657    April    16    the younger
3678    James        daughter    James    William            1657    April    29    1657    April    29    
3679    Whatly    Thomas    son    Whatly    Thomas            1657    April    29    1657    April    29    
3680    Neale            Neale    John            1657    May    4    1657    May    4    of Hatherden
3681    Mountaine    Alice    daughter    Mountaine    Robert            1657    May    4    1657    May    4    the younger
3682    Noyce            Noyce    Thomas            1657    May    5    1657    May    5    
3683    Bond    Mary    daughter    Bond    Edward            1657    May    6    1657    May    6    Foxcote
3684    Gerle    Ann    daughter    Gerle    William            1657    May    12    1657    May    12    
3685    Bunny    Isaak    son    Bunny    Beniamin            1657    May    12    1657    May    12    
3686    Spradbery    Nathan    son    Spradbery    Nathan            1657    June    11    1657    June    11    
3687    Seagrove    Sarah    daughter    Seagrove    John            1657    June    12    1657    June    12    
3688    Tanner    Richard    son    Tanner    William            1657    July    1    1657    July    1    
3689    Gale    Richard    son    Gale    Richard            1657    July    3    1657    July    3    Wildhearne
3690    Baverstock    Elnor    daughter    Baverstock    Danniell            1657    July    3    1657    July    3    
3691    Sweetaple    Richard    son    Sweetaple    William            1657    July    8    1657    July    8    
3692    Bottum    Richard    won    Bottum    Nicholas            1657    July    9    1657    July    9    
3693    Templer            Templer    Edward            1657    July    10    1657    July    10    
3694    Painter    Katherina    daughter    Painter    Robert            1657    July    12    1657    July    12    
3695    Munday    Bridgat    daughter    Munday    John            1657    July    19    1657    July    19    Foxcote
3696    Drew    Thomas    son    Drew    Thomas            1657    July    24    1657    July    24    
3697    Popinioy            Popinioy    John            1657    July    25    1657    July    25    
3698    Bradly    John    son    Bradly    Mr. Edward            1657    August    4    1657    August    4    
3699    Hayward    Thomas    son    Hayward    John            1657    August    6    1657    August    6    
3700    Barrat    Liddia    daughter    Barrat    John            1657    August    17    1657    August    17    
3701    Hayward    Thomas    son    Hayward    Allexzander            1657    August    21    1657    August    21    
3702    Philpott    Mary    daughter    Philpott    Allexzander            1657    August    24    1657    August    24    
3703    Potter    Joane    daughter    Potter    William            1657    August    26    1657    August    26    of Enham
3704    Frompton    Ellen    daughter    Frompton    Robert            1657    September    3    1657    September    3    
3705    Pearce    Nicholas    son    Pearce    Andrew            1657    September    7    1657    September    7    
3706    Hunniwell    Thomas    son    Hunniwell    Richard            1657    September    9    1657    September    9    
3707    Barwicke    Joanna    daughter    Barwicke    Wiliam            1657    September    12    1657    September    12    junior
3708    Compton    Mary    daughter    Compton    William            1657    September    13    1657    September    13    
3709    Compton    Ann    daughter    Compton    William            1657    September    13    1657    September    13    
3710    Read            Read    William            1657    September    14    1657    September    14    
3711    Waters    William    son    Waters alias Woller    William            1657    September    20    1657    September    20    
3712    Ratty    Ann    daughter    Ratty    Edward            1657    September    20    1657    September    20    of Charlton
3713    Beazer            Beazer    Toby            1657    September    21    1657    September    21    
3714    Bancks    Allexzander    son    Bancks    Allexzander            1657    September    22    1657    September    22    
3715    Bennet    John    son    Bennet    John            1657    September    22    1657    September    22    
3716    Crouch            Crouch    Michael            1657    September    22    1657    September    22    
3717    Mountaine    William    son    Mountaine    William            1657    September    23    1657    September    23    
3718    Bray        daughter    Bray    Andrew            1657    September    27    1657    September    27    of Quarrie
3719    Scullard    Edward    son    Scullard    Edward            1657    October    1    1657    October    1    
3720    Summersett    John    son    Summersett    James            1657    October    2    1657    October    2    
3721    Whetly    Emblein    daughter    Whetly    John            1657    October    13    1657    October    13    
3722    Elton    John    son    Elton    William            1657    October    13    1657    October    13    
3723    Cornelius    John    son    Cornelius    Hennery            1657    November    9    1657    November    9    the _op....
3724    Gyles    Thomas    son    Gyles    Addum            1657    November    11    1657    November    11    to Charlton
3725    Strong    Mary    daughter    Strong    Richard            1657    November    14    1657    November    14    
3726    Turner    Peeter    son    Turner    Joseph            1657    November    16    1657    November    16    
3727    Goodenough    Mary    daughter    Goodenough    John            1657    November    20    1657    November    20    
3728    Earle    Rachaell    daughter    Earle    Robert            1657    November    21    1657    November    21    Foxcote
3729    Hinxman    Mary    daughter    Hinxman    William            1657    November    22    1657    November    22    
3730    Martaine    Alce    daughter    Martaine    Richard            1657    November    24    1657    November    24    
3731    Hinton    John    son    Hinton    Thomas            1657    December    10    1657    December    10    
3732    Russell            Russell    Thomas            1657    December    12    1657    December    12    
3733    Helliar    Chrystian    daughter    Helliar    Hennery            1657    December    13    1657    December    13    
3734    Grunsell            Grunsell    William            1657    December    16    1657    December    16    
3735    Walker        daughter    Walker    Anthony            1657    December    18    1657    December    18    
3736    Noyce    Ellner    daughter    Noyce    Thomas    1657    December    19    1657    December    19    the younger charlton
3737    Blanchard            Blanchard    John            1657    December    29    1657    December    29    Charlton
3738    Kingsmell    Frances    daughter    Kingsmell    John            1657    January    1    1657    January    1    
3739    Bugly            Bugly    Thomas            1657    January    5    1657    January    5    
3740    Joules        daughter    Joules    William            1657    January    6    1657    January    6    
3741    Speering    Ann    daughter    Speering    Thomas            1657    January    9    1657    January    9    
3742    Spanwell    Edward    son    Spanwell    Zidrach            1657    January    12    1657    January    12    
3743    Tatnell        daughter    Tatnell    Anthony            1657    January    11    1657    January    11    
3744    Knowles            Knowles    John            1657    January    14    1657    January    14    the younger
3745    Barloe            Barloe    William            1657    January    28    1657    January    28    
3746    Blake    William    son    Blake    William            1657    January    29    1657    January    29    W Penton
3747    Griffin    William    son    Griffin    Rowland            1657    February    3    1657    February    3    
3748    Knight            Knight    Richard            1657    February    4    1657    February    4    
3749    Munday            Munday    William            1657    February    5    1657    February    5    at Charlton
3750    Pittman    John    son    Pittman    John            1657    February    6    1657    February    6    Woodhouse
3751    Shipton    Peeter    son    Shipton    Morrice            1657    February    7    1657    February    7    
3752    Ogbourne    Peeter    son    Ogbourne    Peeter            1657    February    12    1657    February    12    
3753    Froud    Dorathy    daughter    Froud    Thomas            1657    February    27    1657    February    27    
3754    Beazer            Beazer    John            1657    February    27    1657    February    27    
3755    Flitwood    Jeffery    son    Flitwood    Mr. Edward            1657    February    27    1657    February    27    
3756    Knight    William    son    Knight    John            1657    February    28    1657    February    28    
3757    Goodall    William    son    Goodall    William            1657    March    2    1657    March    2    
3758    Dowling    Gyles    son    Dowling    John            1657    March    4    1657    March    4    Charlton
3759    Marshall    Ann    daughter    Marshall    Thomas            1657    March    8    1657    March    8    
3760    Jellif    Abraham    son    Jellif    Richard            1657    March    16    1657    March    16    
3761    K....    Edward    son    K.....    Sarah            1657    March    14    1657    March    14    
3762    Tomes            Tomes    William            1657    March    18    1657    March    18    
3763    Vice            Vice    William            1657    March    19    1657    March    19    
3764    Figgis    Margeret    daughter    Figgis    Thomas            1657    March    23    1657    March    23    
3765    Whetland    Joseph    son    Whetland    John            1658    April    1    1658    April    1    
3766    .orton    Robert    son    .orton    Robert            1658    April    11    1658    April    11    
3767    Harper    Elizabeth    daughter    Harper    William            1658    April    13    1658    April    13    
3768    Harper    Elizabeth    daughter    Harper    John            1658    April    15    1658    April    15    
3769    Hide    John    son    Hide    John            1658    May    5    1658    May    5    
3770    Sparkman    Nathanniell    son    Sparkman    Lionard            1658    May    12    1658    May    12    
3771    James     son    Mr. James            1658    June    6                
3772    Hunton    Jonathan    son    Hunton    Jonathan            1658    June    8                
3773    Bird    Roger    son    Bird    Roger            1658    June    13                
3774    James    Mary    daughter    James    Hugh            1658    July    27                
3775    Barwick    Ann    daughter    Barwick    Thomas            1658    August    2                
3776    Bond    William    son    Bond    Edward            1658    August    9                
3777    Goodale    Edmond    son    Goodale    Richard            1658    August    24                
3778    Church    Mary    daughter    Church    Phillip            1658    September    2                
3779    Goddin    George    son    Goddin    George            1658    September    23                
3780    Purde    Elizabeth    daughter    Purde    John            1658    September    23                
3781    Paine    Thomas    son    Paine    Thomas            1658    October    5                
3782    Painter    Katherin    daughter    Painter    Humphry            1658    October    26                
3783    Tredgoule    Mary    daughter    Tredgoule    John            1658    October    26                
3784    Sanders    Mary    daughter    Sanders    John            1658    October    29                
3785    Bigwood    Sarah    daughter    Bigwood    John            1658    November    5                
3786    Feilder    Joae    daughter    Feilder    Robert            1658    November    31                
3787    Dixson    Ann    daughter    Dixson    Nicholas            1658    August    31                
3788    Bevice    Elizabeth    daughter    Bevice    Richard            1658    December    1                
3789    Sturrage    William    son    Sturrage    Mr. Thomas            1658    December    3                
3790    Brice    William    son    Brice    John            1658    December    12                
3791    Hinchman    Ann    daughter    Hinchman    William            1658    December    13                
3792    Hayward    Thomas    son    Hayward    Thomas            1658    December    14                
3793    Paine    Robert    son    Paine    William            1658    December    14                
3794    Baverstock    John    son    Baverstock    John            1658    December    15                
3795    Steeres    Robert    son    Steeres    John            1658    December    26                
3796    Kill    Richard    son    Kill    Richard            1658    December    24                
3797    Tredgould    Richard    son    Tredgould                1658    December    27                Charlton
3798    Read    Joyce    daughter    Read    Richard            1658    January    2                
3799    Tarlton    Elizabeth    daughter    Tarlton    John            1658    January    10                
3800    Woller            Woller    Thomas            1658    January    14                
3801    clitsome    John    son    clitsome    Jethro            1658    January    18                
3802    Browne    Mary    daughter    Browne    William            1658    January    22                of Charlton
3803    Cable    Mary    daughter    Cable    Thomas            1658    January    28                
3804    Broad    William    son    Broad    William            1658    February    1                
3805    Poppinioy    Martha    daughter    Poppinioy    Mr. John            1658    February    1                
3806    Bath            Bath    Joseph            1658    February    3                
3807    Aysh    John    son    Aysh    Robert            1658    February    7                
3808    White    William    son    White    William            1658    February    25                
3809    Flitwood    Christian    daughter    Flitwood    Mr. Edward            1658    March    3                
3810    Seagrove        daughter    Seagrove    Richard            1658    March    3                
3811    Barlo    Mary    daughter    Barlo    Mr. William            1658    March    7                
3812    Cooper    Mary    daughter    Cooper    Allexsander            1658    March    10                
3813    Bray    George    son    Bray    George            1658    March    12                
3814    Homes            Homes    Mr. Samuell            1658    March    13                
3815    Russell    Richard    son    Russell    Thomas            1658    March    14                
3816    Doaty    Richard    son    Doaty    Robert            1659    April    3                
3817    _rance    Hennery    son    _rance    Nicholas            1659    April    11                
3818    Juliance    Susan    daughter    Juliance    William            1659    April    13                
3819    Orum    Elizabeth    daughter    Orum    William            1659    April    13                
3820    Deane        daughter    Deane    John            1659    April    13                
3821    Robeson    Mary    daughter    Robeson    William            1659    April    17                of Charlton
3822    Philpott    Thomas    son    Philpott    John            1659    April    18                
3823    Tomkince    Margeret    daughter    Tomkince    John            1659    April    20                
3824    Alline    John    son    Alline    Thomas            1659    April    22                
3825    Barber    William    son    Barber    John            1659    April    26                
3826    Read    Francis    son    Read    John            1659    April    29                of Wildhearne
3827    Neale            Neale    Mr.            1659    May    6                
3828    Barwick    Margeret    daughter    Barwick    William            1659    May    5                
3829    Board    Mary    daughter    Board    John            1659    June    12                
3830    Mountaine    Robert    son    Mountaine    Robert            1659    June    22                
3831    Flittwood    Joane    daughter    Flittwood    James            1659    July    6                
3832    Whetly    John    son    Whetly    John            1659    July    22                
3833    Merrick    George    son    Merrick    George            1659    August    2                
3834    Treadgould            Tredgould    Thomas            1659    August    3                
3835    Penton    Elizabeth    daughter    Penton    William            1659    August    24                
3836    James            James    Peeter            1659    August    24                Charlton
3837    James            James    Hugh            1659    August    24                Charlton
3838    Westcomb    William    son    Westcomb    Mr. Thomas            1659    August    24                
3839    Wescome    William    son    Wescome    Mr. Thomas            1659    September    24                
3840    Bankes    Peter    son    Bankes    Allexsander            1659    September    25                
3841    Hellear    Mary    daughter    Hellear    John            1659    September    29                
3842    Beazer    Mary    daughter    Beazer    John            1659    October    16                
3843    Fleetwood            Fleetwood    James            1659    October    20                
3844    Beard    Joseph    son    Beard    George            1659    October    26                Charlton
3845    Frompton    Mary    daughter    Frompton    Robert            1659    October    28                
3846    Waight    Elizabeth    daughter    Waight    William            1659    October    26                
3847    Woodman    Richard    son    Woodman    William            1659    November    4                
3848    Tarlton            Tarlton    John            1659    November    10                
3849    Cooke    Mary    daughter    Cooke    John            1659    November    10                junior
3850    Bunny    Timmothy    son    Bunny    Richard            1659    November    12                
3851    Meales    Thomas    son    Meales    Thomas            1659    November    14                Enham
3852    Titcome    Richard    son    Titcome    Richard             1659    November                    Woodhouse
3853    James    Martha    daughter    James    William            1659    December    11                
3854    Baylae    William    son    Baylae    William            1659    December    29                
3855    Joules    Mary    daughter    Joules    William            1659    December    29                
3856    Bond    Elizabeth    daughter    Bond    Edward            1659    January    3                
3857    Humphry    Andrew    son    Humphry    Robert            1659    January    25                
3858    Barwicke    Elizabeth    daughter    Barwicke    Thomas            1659    March    8                junior
3859    Chard    Mary    daughter    Chard    Edward            1659    March    22                junior
3860    Watters    Mary    daughter    Watters    William            1660    March    28                
3861    Cornelius    George    son    Cornelius    George            1660    May    20                
3862    Dixson    Judeth    daughter    Dixson    Mary            1660    May    22                Widow
3863    Earle    Mary    daughter    Earle    Thomas            1660    May    29                
3864    Sumersett    Margeret    daughter    Sumersett    James            1660    June    12                
3865    Mountaine    Mary    daughter    Mountaine    William            1660    June    13                
3866    Speering    John    son    Speering    John            1660    June    13                
3867    Bunny    Jacob    son    Bunny    Beniamin            1660    June    24                
3868    Barly    William    son    Barly    Mr. William            1660    August    1    1660    July    27    
3869    Cooper    Allexsander    son    Cooper    Allexsander            1660    August    12                
3870    Baverstock    George    son    Baverstock    John            1660    August    24                
3871    Seagrove    John    son    Seagrove    John            1660    August    24                
3872    Knight    Allexsander    son    Knight    Richard            1660    August    25                
3873    Scullard    Ann    daughter    Scullard    Zakarya            1660    August    28                
3874    Tamadge    Elizabeth    daughter    Tamadge    Edward            1660    September    6                
3875    Scullard    Thomas    son    Scullard    Edward            1660    October    21                
3876    Bond    Edward    son    Bond    Edward            1660    November    3                
3877    James    Hugh    son    James    Hugh            1660    December    13                
3878    Hayward    Thomas    son    Hayward    Thomas            1660    January    13                
3879    Barwick    John    son    Barwick    William            1660    January    12    1660    January    12    senior
3880    Keele    John    son    Keele    Richard            1660    January    12                
3881    Bray    Elizabeth    daughter    Bray    George            1660    February    12                
3882    Tappur    Margeret    daughter    Tappur    Richard            1660    February    12                
3883    Broade    Charles    son    Broade    William            1660    February    12                
3884    Knightly    Dorathy    daughter    Knightly    Thomas            1660    February    13                
3885    Pearce    Annis    daughter    Pearce    Francis            1660    February    14                
3886    Phillpott            Phillpott     John            1660    February    19                
3887    Tomes    Charles    son    Tomes    William            1660    February    19                
3888    Dounton    William    son    Dounton    Thomas            1660    February    20                
3889    Ogbourne    Dorathy    daughter    Ogbourne    Peeter            1660    March    3                
3890    Wells    Sarah    daughter    Wells    Richard            1660    March    15                
3891    Stanniford    Elizabeth    daughter    Stanniford    John            1660    March    24                
3892    Tarlton    Mary    daughter    Tarlton    John            1661    March    31                
3893    Waight    Hanna    daughter    Waight    William            1661    April    2                senior
3894    Orum    Burgis    son    Orum    William            1661    April    7                
3895    Miller    Richard    son    Miller    Richard            1661    April    13                
3896    Cooke    John    son    Cooke    John            1661    April    15                senior
3897    Carpender    Robert    son    Carpender    John            1661    April    16                
3898    Steeres    William    son    Steeres    John            1661    April    22                
3899    Head    John    son    Head    Anthony            1661    April    23                

5.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers    - marriages
I will publish the marriages for Blake in the Parish Registers of St Marys Andover. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for marriages begin in 1587 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.

Marriage Registers commenced in 1587

Number    Groom Surname    Groom Forename    Parish    Brides Surname    Brides Forename    Parish    Grooms Father    Brides Father    Year    Month    Day    Details
300    Moring    Elias        Streeke    Mary                1605    January    30    
301    Blake    William        Magick    Dorothye                1605    February    6    
302    Cooper    Bartholmew        Graunt    Elsabeth                1605    February    6    
303    Bawnton    Andrew        Scullard    Elsabeth                1605    February    10    
304    Bawnton    William        Croswell                    1605    February        widow
305    Hayward    William        Gilbert    Joane                1605    February    2    
306    Deay    Jeames        Emans    Jane                1605    February    3    
307    Baker    Thomas        Dunford    Elsabeth                1606    June    21    
308    Allen    Symon        Robinson    Alice                1606    July    26    
309    Wigmore    John        Atwell    Katherine                1606    September    4    
310    Abbat    John        G    Dorothy                1606    September        
311        William        Stevenson    Frannces                1606    February        
312                Dey    Susana                1606            
313                Haeth    .one                1606            
314                Bray        Smannell            1606            
315    Dey alias Figges    Thomas        Kent    Alice                1606            
316    Rattner    William        Fabin    Avice                1607            
317    Cobb    Edward    Hatherden    O    Jane                1607            
318    Mirge    Tobye    Penton    P…..                    1607            widow
319    Ogborne    William        Samuell    Jane                1607            
320    Goldwyre    John        Hua…                    1607            
321    Edwards    Robert        Beatch    Joane                1607            
322    Edmonds    Edward        H    Joane                1607            
323    Smith    Edward        Adames    Joane                1607            
324    Inwood    Christopher        Bastin    Alice                1607            
325    Cannon    Richard James            Jane                1607            
326    Roberts    Henry            Elizabeth                1607            
327    Bower    William        Jacob    Edith                1607            
328    Dowse    Thomas        Robinson    Elsabeth                1608    April        
329    Burmingham    Peter        Blake    Dorothy                1608    April    25    
330    Alexander    Thomas        Harvye    Elsabeth                1608    May    22    
331    Carter    John        King    Joane                1608    May    22    
332    Tucker    Daniell        Chubb    Mary                1608    May    23    widow
333    Robinson    Edward        Dyer    Joane                1608    July    1    
334    Kent    Peeter        Capen    Christian                1608    July    20    
335    Fosberrye    Richard        Gowing    An                1608    July    24    
336    Waters    John        Scullard    Cybell                1608    July    28    widow
337    Twyne    Richard        Smith    Franncis                1608    August    2    
338    Barton    John    Charlton    Isaack                    1608    August        
339    Bold    Michaell        Bryane    Joane                1608    August        
340    Binson    Edward                            1608    November        
341    Bath    Thomas        Barton    Dorothy                1608    November        
342    Rutleye    John        Cruch    Elsabeeth                1608            
343    Frannces    John        Noyce    Agnes                1608            
344    Squyer    Martyne            Mary                1608            
345    Talmadge    Peeter            Joane                1608            
346                Abree    Tamson                1609    October    22    
347    Harding            Lake    Elsabeth                1609    November    12    
348    Waterman            Stronge    Alse                1609    November    13    
349    Huntingford            Hooper    Alice                1609    November    27    
350                Stanniford    Dorothy                1609    December    7    
351    ……elius            Townsende    Marie                1609    January    10    
352    Pette            Stronge    Alse                1609    February    5    
353    Beares            Blanchard                    1610    May    7    
354    Cooper            Faller    Ellenor                1610    June    25    
355    Monday            Cobbe    Eliz.                1610    July    2    
356    Chimney    William        Turner    Ellenor                1610    October    8    widow
357    Davies    Thomas        Stronge    Elizabeth                1610    October    14    
358    Eddover    George        Inwood    Mary                1610    October    24    
359    Aldrid    Nicholas                            1610    November    11    
360    Cufley    Peter        Waterman    Elizab.                1610    December    9    
361    Hinxman    Joseph        Blake    Elenor                1610    December    10    
362    Harfield    John        Blount    Margery                1610    January    13    
363    Inwoode    James        Cooke    Elizab.                1610    February    4    
364    Dowse    William        Rummin    Alse                1610    February    11    
365    Petersen    Antony        Snowell    Annis                1610    November    26    
366    Haslette    Thomas        Vineash    Dorothy                1611    April    15    
367    Blake    John        Cooper    Joane                1611    June    17    
368    Lydall    Thomas        Venables    Elizabeth                1611            
369    Jones    William        Goslinge    Elizab.                1611    July    29    
371    Marshall    Hugh        Twitchen    Mary                1611    August    31    
372    Kilbery    R        Abbotte    Sara                1611    July    27    
373    Woodman    W        James    Margery                1611    October    7    
374    Carde            Hellier    Alse                1611    October        
375    Chubbe            Lewis    Katheren                1611    October        
376    Bath    …..d        Tanner    Mary                1611    November        
377    B                                1611    November        
378    Greene    Phiness        Fisher    Joane                1611            
379    Powell    Robert        Hapgood    Agnes                1611            
380    Hayward    Christopher        Talber    Mawdlin                1612            
381    Monday    Richard            Margaret                1612            
382    Lillington    John        Pet…    Ellen                1612            
383    Daniell    Richard        Blake    Anne                1612            
384    Proctor    Henry        He….    Alice                1612            
385    James    Henry        Grant                    1612            
386    Mellage    John        Crate    Emlyn                1612            
387    Carleman    William            Catherine                1612            
388    Butte    Jerom        Smale    Elizabeth                1612    September        
389    Tanner    William        Crosswell    Cecilie                1612    May    31    
390    Segrove    Rowland        Godwin    Alice                1612    October    19    
390    Sweetaple    Michaell        Alexander    Winefride                1612    November    22    
391    Waterman    Richard        Waldren    Marye                1612    November    29    
392    Sweetaple    Robert        Hopkins    Anne                1612    December    6    
393    Myles    Richard        Grove    Margery                1612    December    21    
394    Howse    Nicholas        Jones    Elizabeth                1612    December    28    
395    Chamberlen    George        Banister    Marye                1612    February    1    
396    Lovegrove    Edward        Peterson    Annis                1613    April    19    
397    Jerom    William        Smale    Faith                1613    April    29    
398    Hayward    Christopher        Talbotte    Maude                1613    May    10    
399    Morgan    John        Bevis    Deonis                1613    September    15    
400    Gover    Thomas        Sweetaple    Elizabeth                1613    October    11    
401    Read    Henry        Hapgood    Mary                1613    October    11    
402    Vegar    Georg        Willyams    Julian                1613    October    11    
403    Clytsam    Rychard        Fuller    Dorothy                1613    November    7    
404    Bartlet    Andrew        Woodman    Jane                1613    November    18    
405    Norton    Roger        Webb    Annys                1613    December    7    
406    Floud    John        Waterman    Alice                1613    November    22    
407    Addams    John        Hopkins    Jane                1613    December    6    
408    Oswalld    Frauncis        Jones    Jone                1613    January        
409    Dible    John        Yonge    Christian                1613    January        
410    Russell    William        Peasly    Joan                1613    January    17    
411    Lyvelye    Henry        Russell    Annys                1613            
412    John        Wigmore    Katherine                1614            
413    Purveyer    John        Alre…    Dorothy                1614            
414    Cooper    Robert        Ryves    Jane                1614            
415    Bradborn    Richard        Rober….    Elne                1614            
416    Mounteyn    Robert        Holmes    Elizabeth                1614            
417    ….ller            …..or                    1614    October    27    
418                ….ynt                    1614    November    13    
419    ….nd            ….easole                    1614    November    27    
420    ….t            ….ws                    1615    April    13    
421    ….y            ….gan                    1615    April    17    
422    Fyveash    Joseph            Ellnor                1615    April    16    
423    Edmonds    Mr. Thomas        Venables    Mrs. Barbara                1615    June    5    
424    Wiltshier    Isaak        Leach    Mary                1615    June    5    
425    Toms    John            Martha                1615    June    5    
426    Dowse    Thomas        Pierce    Edith                1615    September    25    
427    Coomes    William        Wilde    Barbara                1615    October    2    
428    Water    William        Crosswell    Anne                1615    October    23    
429    Jonson    Thomas        Norton    Mary                1615    October    8    
430    Penton    William        Hyde    Elizabeth                1615    November    27    
431    North    William        Chubbe    Katherine                1615    November    10    
432    Barwicke    William        Beucham    Joan                1615    January    16    
433    Simonds    Ellis        Hardinor    Anne                1615    February    1    
434    Godden    Thomas        Fosbury    Annis                1615    February    12    
435    Godden    Robert                            1615    February    18    
436    Livetake    Thomas        Shorte    Mary                1615    February    26    
437    Reade    John        Phillips    Elizabeth                1616    April    13    
438    Savage    ….hard        Blake    Margaret                1616    April    7    
439    Shipton    …mas        Barwicke    Joyce                1616    April    11    
440    Baker    ……t        Mongeyes    Joane                1616    April    22    
441    Barnaby    …e    Rebecca                1616    May    6    
442    Bampton            Marshall    Elizabeth                1616    May    10    
443    …..mare            Scullard    Anne                1616    May    6    
444    Goodale            Fisher    Margery                1616    June    18    
445    Carleman    William            Margerie                1616            
446    Walker    Robert        B    Rebecca                1616            
447    Foster    John        Jam…    Mary                1616            
448    Goodchild    Christopher            A                1616            
449    Chard    Edmund            Susan                1616            
450    West    John            Elizabeth                1616            
451    Packer    Richard            Edi…..                1616            
452    Salter    Richard            Emlin                1617            
453    Beares    Jhon        Hu….    Joane                1617            
454    Turner    John        H….    Martha                1617            
455    Smerdon    Daniell        W                    1617            widow
456    Ash    Valentine        Walker    Barbara                1617    December        
457    Arthur    John        Pore    Dorothy                1618    May    2?    
458    Bushnell    Nicholas        Holdway    Joane                1618    May    25    
459    Thurman    John        Mountayne    Ellen                1618    May    28    
460    Wheatland    Nicholas        Reynolds    Dorothie                1618    May    31    
461    Somers    John        Hughes    Dorothy                1618    September    17    
462    Bundy    Stephen        Scullard    Sara                1618    September    24    
463    Austin    William        Gillet    Mary                1618    October    4    
464    Dean    James        Fuller    Margery                1618    September    14    
465    Elton    Nicholas        Sweetaple    Elizabeth                1618    October    25    
466    Hunt    Peter        Sutton    Jone                1618    November    8    
467    Hyde    Christopher        Cole    Alice                1618    November    16    
468    Samuell    Peter        Payn    Jane                1618    November    16    
469    Blake    Robert        Syms    Christian                1618    November        
470    Halle    Francis        Monday    M                1619    April        
471    Mounteyn    Robert        Hinxman    An                1619    June        
472    Johnson    Roger        Cobb    Dorothy                1619            
473    Waghty            W…    Elizabeth                1619            
474    Pettie    Edmund        Pope    Marie                1619    September        
475                James                    1619    September    20    
476                Watson    Elizabeth                1619    October    4    
477                Alford    Emlyn                1619    October    17    
478                Bolton    Mary                1619    October    25    
479                Silver    Margery                1619    November    8    
480                Green    Christian                1619    December    28    
481                Longham    Dewy                1619    January    18    
482    Beacham            Francis    Anne                1619    January    24    
483    Yonge    …..o        Buckler    Frannces                1619    January    26    
484    Monday    William        Millette    Katherine                1620    July    30    
485    Tredgold    William        Franncis    Joane                1620    July    3    
486    Scodsden    John        Scullard    Isotte                1620    July    6    
487    Waterman    John        Noyes    Dorothie                1620    July    20    
488    Freeborn    Henry        Langford    Anne                1620    August    20    
489    Benette    Thomas        Hewette    Elizabeth                1620    January    30    
490    Matkin    Mr. Francis        Twitchin    Dorothie                1620    January    11    
491    ….not            .aollys                    1621    April        
492    Baverstoke    John        Philipps    Annis                1621    May    2    
493    Noyes    John        Whiting    Elizabeth                1621    July        
494    Finkley    ……er        Foxe    Thomasin                1621    July        
495    West            Venables    Dorothie                1621    August        
496    Sweetapple    Robert        Fisher    J                1624    July    25    
497    Harper    John    Enham        Katherine                1624    September    12    
498                West    Joyce                1624            
499                Holdway    Joane                1624    September    12    
500                Butte    Elizabeth                1624    October    9    
501                Thurman                    1624            
502                Moore    Joane                1624            
503    Widlock            Hayden    Anyes                1625    May    5    
504    Bearey    Thomas        Symes    Askes                1625    April    30    
505    Palnlatt    Mr. George        Nicholson    Brudgett                1625    June    23    
506    Edington    James    Shalden    Hurst    Kristin                1625    August    1    
507    Livelock    John    Andover    Snowe    Mary    Andover            1625    August    1    
508    Hunt    Peetter        Tredgould    Frances                1625    August    15    
509    James    William        Weight    Elizabeth                1625    September        
510                Dyer    Alse                1625    September    22    
511                Douse    C….                1625    October    1    
512    ….ld            Tytcomb    Ann                1625    October    3    
513                Meales    Dorothy                1625    October        
514                Mumford    J                1625    October        
515                Sample                    1625    October        
516    Brunton    Robert                            1625    October        
517    Payntter    Robart        Tor…..    Elizabeth                1625    November    28    
518    Livly    William        S…..    Elizabeth                1625    December    19    
519    Barden    Simand        Maeede    M…..                1625    December    26    
520    Huse    Augustin        Bordore    Jone                1625    January    16    
521    Tredgoulde    Nicholas        Thorntton    Susane                1625    January    16    
522    Cook    John        Cook    Mary                1626            
523    Bodgley    Thomas        Mansack    Elizabeth                1626    October    9    
524    Peddinge    John        Corneles    Elenor                1626    October    23    
525    Godden    John        Deane    Annes                1626    November    6    
526    Brown    Thomas        Billes    Susana                1626    November    9    
527    Houldway    Henry        Savedge    Jone    Foxcott            1626            
528    Somersett    Edward        Curtes    Margreatt                1626    December    17    
529    Frances    ……well        Trulove    Alce                1627    April        
530    Ecton    Richard        Sandars    Elizabeath                1627    May    1    
531    Fedges    William        White    Dority                1627            
532                Bassatt    Elizabeth                1627            
533                    Mary                1627            
534    Bossington                                1627    October        
535                    Alice                1627            
536    Sweettapell    Robert        Shotter                    1627    October    15    
537    Colley    William        Hall    Brudgatt                1627    October    18    
538    Cox alias Waren    William        Edmandes    Jaone                1627    October    18    
539    Wayght    .lliam        Jud    Edithe                1627    October    22    
540    Kentt    Thomas        Robye    Jane                1627    November    13    
541    Roboson    John        Hayward    Benatt                1627    December    22    
542    Pyper    James        Moringe    Elizabeth                1627    December    26    
543    Tytcomb    Robart        Bayley    Jone                1627    February    25    
544    Blake    Nicholas        Smith    Rebecka                1628    April    2    
545    …les            Swift    Margery                1628    June    8    
546                Thurman    Ann                1628    June        widow
547                Bassett    A                1628            
548                    Kohabehe                1628            
549    Wigmore    Thomas                            1628    July    7    
550    Beale    Thomas            Elizabeth                1628            
551    Moringe    John            Margaret                1628            at Horell
552    Garrett    Bartholomew                            1628            
553    Palmer alias Fedges    William                            1628            
554    Littell    Edmond    Andover                        1628    November        
555    Hopgood    Robarte        Scullard    Ellen                1628            
556    Smith    John        Smith    Alice                1628    December    11    
557    Brown    John        Drue    Annes                1628    December    9    
558    Daves    Merida        Kinge    Joane                1628    December    29    
559    Berry    Thomas        Allfard    Joane                1628    January    24    
560    Wadley    Frances        Tomes    Susand                1628    February    3    
561    Scullard    Thomas        Grace    Mary                1628        16    
562    Heath    William    Dam.ysey, Somerset    Julians    Elizabeth                1629    May    13    
563    Rook            Palmer    Elizabeth                1629    May    14    
564    Smith    John        Scullard    Mary                1629    May    21    
565    Longe    William        Rowland    Elizabeth                1629    June    8    
566    Fuller    John        Longe    Martha                1629            
567    Smith    Robert        Sweetapell    Sibell                1629            
568    Joyce    John        Welles    Amy                1629            widow
569        John    Wallop    Blake    Margaret                1629            
570    Welles            Julian    Emlin                1629    October    6    
571    Waterman            Hellyer    Elizabeth                1629    November    7    
572    Cornelis            Addams    Joane                1629    December        
573                Bray    ….thy                1629    January    18    
574                Gooddall    ….oste                1629        1    
575                                    1629    February    8    
576                Souch        Amport            1629            
577    Morten    ….mes        Hackly    Elizabeth                1630            
578                Aldred    Hester                1630            
579    Sweetapell    Pawle                            1630    July        at Horwell by Mr. Babtes, widow
580    Trekell    Robert        Herfeeld    Joane                1630    July    26    
581    Scullard    …..cry                            1630    July    26    
582    Bear    Thomas        Frances    Ammy                1630    November    5    
582    Glover    William        Goslinge        Chutt            1630    November    11    widow
584    Whit            Somers    Jane                1630    November    30    widow
585    Dawkins    Robert        Harris    Mary                1630    January    3    
586    Edmandes    James        Kent    Elizabeth                1630    January    6    
587    Hopgood    Thomas        Smith    Mabill                1630    February    7    
588    Badgantt    Silvester        Sotton    Alce                1630    February    10    
589    Ruttley    John        Barnard    Edeth                1630    February    17    married by license
590    Coxe    Robert        Juell    Frances                1631    April    25    
591    Samuell    William        Morton    Adrid                1631    April        
592    Hatchatt    William        B    Elizabeth                1631            
593    Fleetwood    William        Sonton    Elen                1631            
594    Lovegrove    John        Tredgould    Elene                1631            
595    Huntt    Peetter        Sk..    Isacke                1631            
596    Day    Thomas        Jerman    Dorithy                1631            
597    Lucas    Symon    Seend, Wiltshire        Elizabeth    Andover            1631            
598    Jaques    Thomas            Susane                1631            
599    Larrance    Robert        Fisher    Mabel                1631    October    17            

Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp for the 1st September 2021 issue by the middle of August 2021.

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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