Monday, July 5, 2021

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2021

 Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter

Volume 6, Issue 2, 2021

Table of Contents
1.    Transcription: An extent of all the manors, etc. of the late John Pincombe, gentleman, inherited by his son and heir, John Pincombe the younger; taken at South Molton, co. Devon, Parchment roll. Seal missing. 3 Apr 1605
2.    Landkey Parish Records
3.    North Molton Parish Records continued

1.    Discussion: An extent of all the manors, etc. of the late John Pincombe, gentleman, inherited by his son and heir, John Pincombe the younger; taken at South Molton, co. Devon, Parchment roll. Seal missing. 3 Apr 1605

This rather interesting set of documents is held by the John Rylands Library University Library at the University of Manchester. I was able to obtain copies of the two page document but I am not permitted to share those originals. However, I am able to discuss them within the realm of Pincombe Research and transcribe them.

First of all what do I know about John Pincombe, gentleman, of South Molton who died the 18th November 1604. He left his will dated 25 Jul 1604 and probated 15 Apr 1605

Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, # 770
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 25 Jul 1604; probated 15 Apr 1605  
Condition: photocopy, bold, old English writing

[In margin] T[estator] Johannis Pincombe

    Anno Regni Jacobi Regis Anglie etc Secundo et Scotie xxxvij
1    In the name of God, Amen.  The fyve and
    [page 2]
2    Fyve and Twentithe daie of Julie Anno domini millesimo sexcentesimo Quarto. I John Pyncombe
3    the ellder of Southmoulton in the countie of Devon merchante beinge perfecte of mynde and memorye
4    (thancks be geven to Allmightie God) doe revoke annihilate and make voyde all former wills, testaments
5    legacies, bequeathes, and executors by me heretofore made, willed, devised and ordayned, and doe make this
6    my laste will and Testamente in maner and forme followinge. Firste I geve and bequeath my soule
7    unto Allmightie God my creator and Redeemer, and my bodye to the grave untill the ioyefull daye of
8    resurrection. Item I do geve and bequeath unto Rebecca the wife of Hughe Tucker beinge the daughter
9    of Alice Webber my daughter deceased Thirtye poundes of lawefull money of England. Item I do geve
10    And bequeathe unto Agnes Webber one other of the daughters of my said daughter Alice Webber deceased
11    Fiftie poundes of lawefull Englishe money. And further I doe geve & bequeathe unto her the said Agnes
12    Webber all and singuler those messuages landes and Tenements withe the appurtenances called or knowne
13    by the name or names of Upcotte sette lienge and beinge in the parishe of Hatherleighe in the countie of
14    Devon nowe or late in the tenure or occupa[t]ion of George Hutchin his assignee or assignes. To have and
15    to houlde the saide messuages, landes and Tenementes withe the appurtenances to her the saide Agnes Webber
16    her heires and assignes for ever. And if yt shall happen that the saide Agnes Webber dye without heires
17    of her bodye begotten Then my will is that the aforesaid messuages landes and Tenements withe the appur-
18    tenances shall remayne and be to Margarett Webber sister of the saide Agnes, and to the heires of the saide
19    Margarette for ever. Item I doe geve and bequeathe to the said Margarett Webber fiftie pounds of
21    lawefull Englishe money. Item I do geve and bequeathe unto John Webber sonne of my foresaide daughter
22    Alice Webber Twentye pounds moreover I do geve devise and bequeathe unto the saide John Webber
23    all those messuages, landes, and Tenementes w[i]th all and singuler the appurtenances whatsoever scytuate
24    lienge & beinge within the parishe of Ath[e]rington in the said countye of devon com[m]only called or knowne
25    by the name of Fursdowne, and nowe or late in the tenure or occupa[t]ion of John Matha. To have and
26    to houlde unto him the said John Webber and to his heires in Fee for evermore Item I do geve & bequeathe
27    unto Susanna Webber one other of the daughters of my foresaid daughter Alice Webber and unto the
28    foresaid Rebecca the wife of the foresaid Hughe Tucker, and unto the foresaid Agnes Webber and
29    Margarette Webber all suche debtes as after my deathe shal[l ]be due and owinge unto me by Bondes, obliga[t]ions
30    deeds obligatorye, billes, notes of scripte, and all other specyalties whatsoever, and as allso whatsoever debte
31    hereafter shal[l ]be due unto me after my deathe withoute specyalltie or specyalties, or else by my booke, or by
32    promise coven[an]te or otherwise whatsoever. All whiche debts my will and meanyinge is, and I do ordayne and
33    appoynte that they shal[l ]be niselie, indifferentlie and equally devided amongste them the said fouer sisters
34    Rebecca, Agnes, Margarett & Susan. Item I doe further geve unto Jone Selye daughter of my daughter
35    Agnes deceased fyve poundes of lawefull Englishe money. Item I do geve and bequeathe unto the poore
36    people of Southmoulton Twentie shillinges And Lastlye I doe geve & bequeathe unto the forenamed
37    Susanna Webber all and singuler other my goods, plate & Chattelles not before geven nor bequeathed. Item
38    whereas the foresaid Margarette, Agnes and Suzanna Webber by vertue of the laste will & Testamente of
39    Alice Webber deceased have rights or maye pretende rights, tytle, terme or intereste for yeares not yet
40    expired determynable uppon lyves in and to that messuage, burgage or Tenemente withe the appurtenances
41    scytuate lienge and beinge within the burrough of Southmoulton aforesaid betweene the landes of Tho[mas]
42    Hunte there nexte on the easte parte, the landes of the heires of Thomas Hache esquire deceased there nexte
43    on the weste parte, the Kings Streete there nexte on the southe parte and the land called Shaplande there
44    nexte on the northe parte, the moietie or haulfe deale of whiche messuage was graunted unto Roger Webber
45    Father of the said Margarette, Agnes, & Susan by John Pyncombe for tearme of fourescore and of
46    nyneteene yeares, if John Webber, Rebecca Webber, and Agnes Webber or either of them so longe shoold lyve
47    as appeerith by an Indenture thereof made by the said John Pincombe dated the fouretenthe daye of
48    Auguste in the foure and Thirtithe yeare of the raigne of the late Queene Elizabeth, and the other moiety
49    thereof was by Indenture bearinge date the twelfte daye of Aprill in the Thirtithe yeare of the said late
50    Queene graunted to the said Roger Webber by John Webber alias Turner of Wynckley in the countie aforesaid
51    yeoman for terme of fourescore and Tenne yeares if Roger Webber, John Webber, and Roberte or either
52    of them shoolde so longe lyve, my desier beinge that the said Rebecca wife of the said Hughe Tucker her executors
53    and assignes shoold have and onelie enioye bothe the moieties of the said Tenemente duringe the foresaid
54    severall tearmes, I doo therefore ordayne and my will is (notwithestandinge any thinge before said to the
55    [page 3]
56    to the contrarie) that if the said Margarett, Agnes and Susan Webber their executors, admynistrators or
57    assignes or any of them, or the husband or husbands whiche they or any of them shall happen to marrye
58    shall not after my deathe permytte and suffer the said Rebecca her executors and assignes payenge doinge
59    and performenge the yearlie rentes, coven[an]tes and promises contayned in the said Indentures quietlie
60    and peaceablie to have, houlde, occupie, possesse, and enioye bothe the moieties of the said Tenemente to the
61    onelye use, benifytte, and beheese of the saide Rebecca her executors admynistrators or assignes. Then my will
62    is that every of the saide Margarette Agnes and Susanne Webber whiche shall contrarye to this my desier
63    not to suffer and permytte the said Rebecca her executors admynistrators, or assignes so to enioye the same
64    shal[l ]be debarred of the somme of Twentie pounds to be abated and defaulted oute of her or their former severall legacies
65    legacies by me bequeathed to her or them, whiche money so defaulted respectyvelie accordinge to her or their non
66    sufferance or permission as aforesaid shal[l ]be and remayne too the onelie benifytte and beheese of the said
67    Rebecca her executors and admynistrators And for the better performance of this my said desier my will
68    Is that the saide Margarett, Agnes, and Susan comenge to the age of one and Twentie yeares, or the
69    husbande and husbands of everye of them beinge marryed before her or their severall ages of one and
70    twentie yeares, shall for his or their partes respectyvely at the requeste of the said Rebecca her executors
71    admynistrators or assignes make in wrytinge a sufficiente, lawefull and absolute release of all her
72    his and their righte estate and clayme for ever, whiche shee, he, or they have or maye have to bothe the
73    moieties of the saide messuage unto the said Rebecca her executors admynistrators or assignes. Item my
74    will is and I doo ordaine that all the foresaid legacies geven and bequeathed to my foresaid daughter's chilldren
75    shal[l ]be paide unto them at their severall ages of one and Twentye yeares or at their severall dayes of
76    marryage w[hi]ch shall seeme good to my executors for the greater parte of them, and unto those that are
77    allreadie of age of twentie one yeares or maried, w[i]thin sixe monethes nexte after my decease. And if
78    it shall happen that any of the said Agnes, Margarett, and Susanna shall happen to dye before the
79    accomplishem[en]te of the age of Twentie years or before her or their maryage as aforesaid. Then I will and
80    ordayne that the before named portion of her or them so dyenge shall remayne and be equallye devided amongst
81    the reste of the foresaide chilldren of the saide Alice Webber my daughter deceased. And my will further is
82    that if anye of the said Agnes, Margarett, and Susanna Webber shall marry and take to husbande anye person
83    without the consente likinge and good wille of my Executors or the greater parte of them firste obtained
84    and hadd then every and either of them so marryenge contrarye to the true meanynge of this my Will
85    shall have but the haalf deale or moietie of all or any the legacies whiche I have by this my Will geven
86    unto her or them. And the other moietie of the saide legacies or legacie shall remaine and be equallie
87    devided amongste the reste of the chilldren of my said daughter Alice Webber deceased, yf it shall so seeme
88    good to the greater parte of my executors. And for the better performance and faithefull execution of this
89    my will I do ordayne and make my trustie and welbeloved frendes and kynsmen John Bonde and Roger
90    Prouse of Tawnton in the countie of Somersett gent, Will[ia]m Tooker mayor of Southmoulton, and
91    Stephen Domynecke mercer my whole and sole Executors thereof, onelie in truste and confidence so to
92    contynue and remayne my said executors untill the foresaid Susanna Webber shall or mighte accomplishe
93    the age of One and Twentie yeares. And that then and from thenceforthe the said John Bond, Roger
94    Prouse, Will[ia]m Tooker, and Stephen Domenecke, and every of them shall cease any longer to be my
95    executors, and the said Susanna Webber shall then and from thenceforthe be my whole and sole executor
96    of this my laste will. And touchinge the education, maynetenance and bringinge uppe of the saide
97    Susanna, Margarett, and Agnes, my will is that the charge thereof be defrayed oute of a reasonable and
98    competente por[t]ion growinge and arisinge of and from the use and benifytte of their severall legacies
99    And further that their saide legacies be employed to their beste use and beheese in suche sorte and maner as
100    shall to my saide Executors or the greater parte of them seeme moste behee[s]full and expedyente for the saide
101    Susanna, or Margarette and Agnes or any or either of them. And further my will is that is my said executors
102    and everie of them in their accompte and accomptes hereafter to be made to the saide Susanna Webber or
103    anie other shal[l ]be allowed, acquited and discharged of and for all, and any suche some and somes of money
104    as my said executors and every of them shall necessarilie and truelie paye disburse and laye oute in and
105    aboute the execution of this my will, and in and aboute the sui     te and recoverie of anie my debtes, and in
106    and aboute any matter or thinge whiche shall any waie concerne the righte intereste or clayme of the
107    saide Susan, Margarett, and Agnes or any of them Or shall concerne the defence or protectyon of anye
    [page 4]
108    any cause, matter, or thinge growinge or arisinge by reason of this my will againste any person
109    or persons w[hi]ch shall conduce, prosecute or reckon in any sorte or action againste the saide executors or
110    any of them. In wytnes whereof I the said John Pincombe have hereunto sette my hande and seale
111    the daie and yeare above wrytten. By me John Pincombe the elder. Theis witnesses Anthonye
112    Amorye parson of Asheholte, by me Thomas Slader, and Laurence Rowe Teste me Johannis Bonde
113    Willyam Tooker, Teste me Stephan Domineck A Codicill added to the laste will and
114    Testamente of John Pincombe the elder made the laste daye of Februarye Anno domini One Thousande
115    Six hundreth and foure. And further I the said John Pincombe the ellder beinge of perfecte and sounde
116    memorye thoughe sicke in bodye, knowinge howe my undeserved foes are bente wrongfullie to impugne
117    and frustrate my honeste and lawefull intentes and purposes to my great greife and sorrowe, have
118    therefore called and desired my honeste frendes and neighboures whose names are underwrytten to testefie
119    that the will whereunto this codicill is annexed together with this said codicill is my true and laste
120    will and Testamente, And doe further add to my said will and ordayne touchinge suche debtes as shal[l ]be
121    due unto me at and before the tyme of my deathe that it shall and maye be lawefull to and for my said
122    Executors mentioned in my saide will or the greater parte of them to compounde and agree withe all or
123    any person or persons that shal[l ]be indebted unto me at the tyme of my deathe for a lesser some, or somes of
124    money then he, shee, or they, or any of them shal[l ]be indebted then unto me, by bill, obliga[t]ion, specialtie,
125    covenante, promise, contracte or by anie other waye or meane, as my said executors, or the greater parte of
126    them in their discretion and consideration of the unhabilitye or insufficiencie of the partie, or parties,
127    person or persons so indebted shall thincke, reasonable, meeke, behee[s]full or conscionable, and that for suche
128    Composi[t]ion and agreemente so made withe my saide debtor or deptors the said Rebecca Tooker, Margarette
129    Agnes, and Susanna Webber or anye of them or anie other person in the names of them or any of them
130    shall not make demande or bringe action againste my said executors or any of them for any greater some
131    or somes of money due from all or any such debter or debters other than for the some and somes of money so agreed
132    and compounded for, but my will is that my said executors and every of them shal[l ]be discharged and acquitted
133    againste the said Rebecca, Margaretta, Agnes and Suzanna and every of them for and concerneing
134    the serplus of anie suche debte, or debtes so agreed and compounded for. Any thinge contayned in my saide
135    will to the contrarye not w[i]thstandinge. In wytnes whereof I the said John Pyncombe have hereunto
136    sette my seale the daye and yeare above wrytten in the presence of me Willyam Hunte, John Allen, Thomas
137    Slader. Another Codicill added to the laste will and Testamente of John Pincombe
138    the ellder, made the firste daye of Marche Anno D[o]m[ini] millesimo sexcentesimo Quarto. And further I the
139    saide John Pincombe the ellder beinge of perfect and sounde memorie thoughe sicke in bodye, knowinge howe
140    my undeserved foes are bente wrongefullie to ympingne and frustrate my honeste and lawefull intentes
141    and purposes to my greate greif and sorrow, have therefore called and desired my honeste frendes and
142    neigheboures (whose names are underwrytten) to testifie that the willl whereunto this codicill is annexed toge
143    ther withe this and the other codicill is my true and laste will and Testamente. And doe further add to
144    my saide wille and ordaine touchinge suche debtes as shal[l ]be due unto me at and after the tyme of my
145    deathe that it shall and maie be laweful to and for my said executors mentioned in my said will or the
146    greater parte of them to compounde and agree with all or any person or persons that shal[l ]be indebted unto
147    me at the tyme of my deathe for a lesser some or somes of money then he, shee, or they or any of them shal[l ]be
148    indebted then unto me by bill, obliga[t]ion, specyalltie, covenante, promise, contracte or by any other waye or
149    meane as my said executors or the greateste parte of them in their discretion and consideration of the unhabi
150    litie or insufficiencie of the partie or parties person or persons so indebted shall thincke reasonable, meete
151    behee[s]full, or conscionable. And that for suche composi[t]ion and agreemente so made withe my saide debtor or
152    debtors, The said Rebecca Tucker, Margarette, Agnes and Susan Webber or any of them, or any other
153    person in the names of them or any of them shall not make demande or bringe action agaynste my saide
154    Executors or any of them for any greater some or somes of money due from all or any suche debtor or debtors
155    other then for the some or somes of money so agreed and compounded for, but my Will is that my saide executors
156    and everye of them shal[l ]be discharged and acquitted againste the saide Rebecca, Margarett, Agnes, and
157    Susan Webber, and every of them for and concernenge the serplus of any suche debte or debtes so agreed
158    compounded for anythinge contayned in my said will to the contrarye, notw[i]thstandinge. And moreover
159    My will is that all and everye some and somes of money heretofore payde and payde oute and by me yet
    [page 5]
160    yet unpaide and w[hi]ch at any tyme or tymes hereafter shal[l ]be disursed, payde or laid out by my executors of anye of them
    ^ in or about any suche moles[tation] or accom[modation] in lawe brought or to bee brought againste  m[e]and my executors or any of th[em] for
161    for^  or concernenge any matter or matters thinge or thinges specified or contayned in my said laste will
162    and Testamente, or for, in, or aboute any suite, molesta[t]ion, or trouble whiche shall, or may arise, or
163    growe to my saide executors of anye of them by reason of my said laste will and Testamente, or by reason of any
164    matter or matters whiche concerneth the same, that the coste, expenses, and chardges thereof shal[l ]be defraied
165    allowed, and borne, oute of the debts due unto me at the tyme of my deathe, and afterwardes payable to my
166    said executors. And if my said debtes shall not suffice to beare the saide coste, and expences. Then my will
167    is that every Legatee men[t]ioned in my said will shall beare his, her, and their parte and por[t]ion of the saide
168    coste and expenses proportionablie oute of the severall legacies of money geven and bequeathed to them. Any
169    thinge in my said will contayned to the contrarye notwithstandinge. In wytnes whereof I the said John
170    Pincombe have hereunto sette my seale the daye and yeare above wrytten. In the presence of theis
171    wytnesses, George Classe, Thomas Slader, Thomas Heardinge.
172    Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testamentum
173    unacum Codicillis eidem annex apud London decimo Quinto die mensis Aprilis Anno domini millesimo
174    Sexcentesimo Quinto coram duo Johanne Benet milite legum doctore curie Prerogative Cantuariensis
175    Magistro custode siue commissario l[egi]time deputato Juramento Johannis Bonde unius executorum in huiusmodi
176    Testamento nominatae cui commissa fuit administrat[i]o omnium et singulorum bonorum Jurium et creditorum dictum
177    defuncti et prefatorum Testamentum unacum Codicillis eidem annex qualrrnng, concernieum sub limitacionibus in
178    huiusmodi Testamento specificat de bene et fideliter administrand omnia et sing[u]la bona, Jura et credita dri
179    defuncti nixta vim formam, effectum, tenorem, viz, tabulas huiusmodi Testamenti durante minor etate
180    Susanne Webber Executricis in huiusmodi Testamento, nominat, videlicet doner et quovs Susanna Webber
181    Executrix antedicta etatis siue Anno pleno attigorie et complenerit et non aliter neq alio
182    modo Ac de pleno et fideliter Invetar etc exhibend necnon de plano et vero compoto etc inde redden etc ad sancta     
183    Dei Evangelia Jurat Reservata potestatem similem Commissionem faciend Rogero Prouse William Tucker
184    et Stephano dominicke Executoribus in huiusmodi Testamento unden predicto Johannis Bonde __ limitataco
185    Inibus predictis etiam nominate cum venerit vel____ similiter respective venerit eadem in debita Juris
186    forma petitur similiter admissur
187    Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testamentum
188    Unacum Codicillis coram venerabli
189    Viro duo Johanne Bonde
190    Milite legum doctore Commissario
191    Etc viresimo seute die mensis
192    Novembris Anno domino 1612
193    Juramento Susanna Webber
194    Executrics etc Cuit etc de
195    Bene et vigore commissis Jurat

Looking at Chart 1-2 created by the earlier researchers (Richard Pinkham, MD and Galen Pinkham) I do find a John Pincombe but the details given do not appear to fit with this will dated 1604 and probated 1605. I then went to the Visitation of Devon dated 1620 page 594 and titled Pincombe of Southmolton (copy of the Original Visitation (material in italic in the image below) Visitation of Devon 1620, Hurl. MS. 1163 fo. 95b, not signed).

As can be seen there are several John Pincombes on this chart – son of Christopher Pyncombe of Southmolton and another John Pyncomb son of John Pyncomb of Southmolton. In neither case are the grandchildren named in this will or the children listed on the Visitation. My thought was that this John Pincombe is likely one of these two men.

In this will John Pincombe mentions that he is the elder of Southmolton but that could mean that there is a younger John Pincombe but does not imply that that person is his son. He mentions his daughter Alice (now deceased) who married Roger Webber and they have five children Rebecca married to Hughe Tucker, Agnes, Margarett, John and Susanna. The will is mostly about these children and principally the daughters. The testator does not name any sons in this will. He names his youngest grandchild as Executor when she is 20 years of age which she attains in 1612 giving her a likely birth year of 1591-2. As her mother’s likely youngest child her mother was perhaps born in the 1550s-early 1560s and this John Pincombe was born possibly in the 1520s. With that in mind I return to the visitation and the top of the chart is an unknown Pyncomb who arrived with Lord Zouch at the beginning of the reign of King Henry the 7th (1485). He is listed with three children John of Northmolton, John of Southmolton and Thomas of Filleigh, East Buckland. So an interesting view of just whom this John Pincombe might be. Personally I am not sure that he appears on this Visitation but he could be the one at the top under the unknown Pyncombe who could have come as a very young man (straight from the Battle of Bosworth so not particularly in favour with the King that is for sure). If he was just in his teens in 1485 then a son born by 1520 sounds possible although more likely a grandson. One item that I do notice is that he does not name any Pincombe relatives which is perhaps suspicious in itself. 

Recorded: 29 Jun 2021
Source: John Rylands Library; University Library, University of Manchester, England, UK
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: An extent of all the manors, etc. of the late John Pincombe, gentleman, inherited by his son and heir, John Pincombe the younger; taken at South Molton, co. Devon, Parchment roll. Seal missing. 3 Apr 1605
Dated: 3 Apr 1605

1    Th[e ]extente and clere yerelye value of all the manors    
2    mess[uage]s lands ten[emen]ts  and hereditaments late of John Pincombe gent   
3    deceased the xviijth daye of November last past before the finding of   
4    Th[e ]Office and w[hi]ch ben defended and comen in possession and reversion   
5    unto John Pincombe the younger his son[n]e and next heire beinge of the   
6    age of Twenty yeres two monethes and thirteene daies at the death   
7    of his Father do by th[e ]office thereof found at Southmolton in the Countye   
8    of Devon the third daye of April Anno do[mino] fortie Jacobi Regis Etc appeareth    
9    viz   
10    Coun[tie] Devon   
11    The manor of Bickington als Buckington loges w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in ye said    vi £ xiij s iiiij d
12    Countye twelve mess[uage]s one Corne mill xij gardens xij orchards L acres land forty    
13    acres meadowe Lx acres pasture xiiij acres woods L acres heath and furze and   
14    iiij s rent w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Leghe neer lerghe Yealand Bickington als    
15    Buckington Loges and Highe Bickington in the Countye afforsaid The manor of   
16    Bekington als Bekington loogs w[i]th the app[urte]nancs in the said Countye vij mess[uages]   
17    vij gardens iiij orchards fourscore acres lands xvj acres meadows L acres pasture   
18    viij acres woods xl acres furz and gorse and iij s rent w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Bekington   
19    Als Bekington looges and highe Bekington in the said Countye Are holden of   
21    the Kings ma[jes]tie of his honor of Ex[ce]llenc by the viij th p[ar]te of a Knighte Fee and are   
22    Worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
24    The manor of Br[o]adridge w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in the said countye Devon mess[uages] vij     iij £ vj s viij d
25    Gardens v orchards Cxx acres land xx acres meadowe four score acr[e]s pastures   
26    viij acres wood xl acres heath and furz and xx d rent w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Br[o]adridge   
27    and Poughill in the said County Are holden of James Courtney esq[uire] as of his mano[r]   
28    or liberty of Langhleighe by fealty but by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth   
29    by yere in al yssues above Repris   
31    The Reversion of the moyitie of the manor of Eshe Renye als Ashe Reignye als Rings    x s
32    Ashe w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in the said Countye The Reversion of the moytie of viij mess[uages]   
33    And Te[nemen]te viij gardens CC acres land xviij acres meadows xl acres pasture L acr[es]   
34    Wood C acres furz and gorse and xiiij d rent w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Eshe Renge als   
35    Ashe Rengay als Rings Ashe in the said Countye The Reversion of the moytie of the   
36    P[ar]ishe Church of Eshe Reny als Ashe Reigny als Rings Ashe in the said Countye now   
37    Or late in the tenure of John Acland knight and mary his wife as in the right   
38    Of the said mary for terme of her life Are holden of the Kings Ma[jis]tie as of his   
39    Honor or fee of Ex[cel]lenc by the moytie of a knights fee And are worth inl durant   
40    veta dre marie sepostea ped mar ob df mod valet   
42    A mess[uage] gardene an orchard x acr[e] land foure acr[e] meadow lx acr[e] pasture one    xv d
43    acre wood and xvj acres furfse and gorse w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Ridge Arrundell in the p[ar]ishe   
44    Of Morcharde Bishoppes in the said Countye Are holden of the lord Arrundell as of his   
45    Manor of Morchard Bishopp by fealty and two graynes of pepper and by what other servics   
46    ig[nor] And are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris   
48    A mess[uage] and ten[ment]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Pulsworthie Silcombe meade and Silcombe    ij s vj d
49    wood w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of Twychine in the said Countye Are holden of Arne Bamfeild   
50    knight as of his manor of north molton by fealtye but by what other service ign[o]r   
51    And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
53    Two mess[uages] or ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Gatcombe in the p[ar]ishe of molland Botreaux in the    xxij d
54    said Countye are holden of Phillipp Courtnye esq[uire] as of his manor of molland   
55    Botreaux by fealty and by what other service ign[o]r And are worth by yere in all   
56    Yssues above Repris   
58    Two mess[uages] or ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in north pransley als northe Pransleighe in    ijs vj d
59    The p[ar]ishe of north moulton in the said Countye Are holden of Amyas Bamfeld knight   
60    as of his manor of northe moulton afforsaid by fealtye but have other s[er]vic ig[no]r And   
61    Are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris   
63    One ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Easter meaddowe in the p[ar]ishe of hartland in the    xiiij s
64    said Countye Are holden of Giles Risden esq[uire] as of his manor of Upcot by fealty   
65    and the yearlye rent of iiij s and sute of courte twice in the yeare And are worth by   
66    Yere above all chargs   
68    Two mess[uages] and ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Bircham in the p[ar]ishe of Borington in the saide    j d
69    Countye now in the occupation of Wybell widdowe for tearme of her life Are holden of   
70    John Sturley esq[uire] as of his manor of Borrington by fealty and what other servics   
71    Ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
73    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Butporte in the p[ar]ishe of Borrington in the said County    xij d
74    Are holden of John Molford and marke Cotte esq[uire]s as of there manor of Sansford by   
75    Fealty and what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
77    A mess[uage] a gardene an orchard CC acres land foure acres meadowe Cxx acre pasture    iij s iiij d
78    xxxvj acr[e] wood and cc acr[e] heath and gorse w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Birkombe in   
79    The p[ar]ishe of Okeford in the said Countye Are holden of Thomas Cole gent as of his   
80    Manor of East Knowestone by fealty and by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by   
81    Yere in all yssues above Repris   
82    [Margin] It is said by John Pincombe the ward that Anne Pincombe mother of the ward is livinge   
84    A peec of land w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs called wheydon in the p[ar]ishe of Okeford afforsaid    j d
85    holden of Richard Spurwaye gent as of his manor of Okeford by the Rent of ij s   
86    but by what other servics ig[no]r And is worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
88    One other mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in mill in the said Countye is holden of Will[ia]m    xij d
89    Forteseue knighte as of his honor or Castle of Torrington magna by fealty and the rent   
90    of v s And are worth yerelye above Repris   
92    Eight mess[uages] seven gardens fouer acres land seven acr[es] meadowe seven acr[es] pasture    xx s
93    And ij s rent w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Barnstable in the said Countye Are holden of Roberte   
94    Chichester knighte as of his Castle or honor of Barnstable by fealtye onelye And   
95    are worth yerelye above Repris   
97    Three acres of land or meadowe w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Newport in the    ij d
98    P[ar]ishe of Tawton Bushopp in the said Countye Are holden of Ed   
99    ward Erle of Bedford as of his manor of Tawton Bushopp by   
100    fealtye and by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by yere in   
101    all yssues above Repris   
103    Two p[ar]ts of one mess[uage] one gardene one orchard one corne mill seventeene    ij s
104    acres land three acres meadowe and of tenne acres pasture in   
105    three p[ar]ts to be devided lyinge in newtone als Coletowne w[i]thin the   
106    p[ar]ishe of Chittlehamptone in the said Countye And holden of Willm   
107    Erle of Bathe as of his manor of Warkleighe by fealtye And are   
108    worth by yere above all charges   
110    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Carsford in the p[ar]ishe of    iiij d
111    Crediton als Kirton in the said Countye Are holden of the Deane’s   
112    Chapter of the Cathedrall Church of St Peter in Oxonford as in   
113    Right of the Squire by fealtye And are worth by yere in all yssues   
114    Above Repris   
116    One other mess[uage] or ten[emen]te called mares land in the p[ar]ishe of Brodwood    ij s x d
117    Kellye in the said Countye is holden of John Pearse a yoman as of his   
118    Manor of Inleighe by fealtye and by what other services ig[no]r And   
119    Are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris   
121    One other mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Radhey and Clashe     iij s iiij d
122    w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of Yonslowe in the Countye afforsaid Are holden   
123    de quo vel de quibus ant p que s[er]vic jurator peinbus ig[no]r And   
124    are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
126    Two mess[uages] w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Thorne in the p[ar]ishe of Langtree in    ij s
127    the said Countye Are holden de quo ael de quibus ant p que s[er]vic   
128    Jurator pd ig nos And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
130    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Swimbridge in the County    ij s
131    afforsaid Are holden of the marques of Wynton as of his manor   
132    Of Tawton Bushopp by fealtye and what other servics Jurator ignor   
133    And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
135    An other mess[uage] or ten[temen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Wottene in the p[ar]ishe of     ij s
136    Buckland Brewer in the said Countye And holden de quo vel de quibus   
137    Jurator peintus ignor And are yerelye worth in all yssues above    
138    charges and Repris   
140    The moyitye of a mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in wrokesland in the p[ar]ishe of    iij s iiij d
141    A[th]erington in the said Countye is holden of Robert Bassett knight as of his manor   
142    Of umberleighe by fealtye and one grayne of wheate and are worth by yere above all chargs   
144    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in furze downe in the forsaid p[ar]ishe of A[th]erington in the said    vj s viiij d
145    County is holden of the kings ma[jes]tie that nowe is as of his honor of E[xcel]lenc by knights   
146    service And is clerlye by yere in all yssues above Repris   
148    The third p[ar]te of a mess[uage] or ten[men]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Luke’s and northminster in the p[ar]ishe of    xij d
149    Abbottsham in the said countye in three p[ar]ts to be devided is holden de quo vel de quibus ant    xij d
150    P que servic ignor and are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
152    Two p[ar]ts of a mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in three p[ar]ts devided in Heale in the p[ar]ishe    iij s iiij d
153    Broadworthie in the said Countye Are holden de quo vel de quibus ig[no]r And are worth paum vltr ps   
155    The third p[ar][te of a Burgage w[i]th th[e]app[ur]tancs in the Burroughe of Broadworthie in the said county    j d
156    in three p[ar]ts devided the holden de quo vel de quibus Jur[ator] ig[no]r And is by yere agove all Repris   
158    A mess[uage] and ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Smithstone als west Smithstone in the p[ar[ishe of Iddesleighe    viij d
159    in the said countye Are holden of Anthonye Copplestone esq[uire] and Thomas Chapple gent as of   
160    The manor of Iddesleighe by fealty And by what other servics ignor and are worth by   
161    Yere in all yssues above Repris   
163    Foure mess[uages] and ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e]app[ur]tancs in Buston Apsknights downe and Este Furlonge in the    xx s
164    P[ar]ishe of Littlehame in the said Countye Are holden de quo vel de quibus Jurator penitus   
165    ignor And are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris   
167    Two mess[uages] and ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in the p[ar]ishe of marwood als merewood in the countye    ij s vj d
168    afforsaid Are holden de que vel de quibus Jurator penitus ig[no]r And are worth by yere   
169    in all yssues above Repris   
171    Three cotags three gardens one orchard six acr[e] land two acr[e] meadowe and eight acr[e] pasture    ij s
172    w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in the p[ar]ishe of Branton in the said countye Are holden of Richard Bellowe esq[uire]   
173    as of his manor of Braunton George by fealty and by what other service ignor And   
174    are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
176    A mess[uage] and ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Neales Towne in the p[ar]ishe of Southmoltone in the said county    v s
177    Are holden de quo vel de quibus jur[ator] ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
179    Two mess[uages] two gardens three shopps and iij acre land three acres meadowe and tene acres pasture    viij d
180    W[i]th the app[ur]tancs in the Burrough of Southmolton in the said Countye Are holden of the Farmer   
181    of o[u]r Soveraigne lord the kinge as of his Burroughe of Southmolton in free forage   
182    and not in chief And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
184    One Burgage one gardine one shoppe w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs called Curries land in the    v s
185    Burroughe of Southmolton aforsaid Are holden of the farmer of our said soveraigne   
186    Lord the kinge’s ma[jes]tie of his Burroughe of Southmolton afforsaid by fealtye but   
187    by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by here in all yssues above Repris   
189    The fourth p[ar]te of xi en mess[uages] xi gardines one mill C acres land xvj acres    xij s
190    meadowe xxx tie acres pasture three acr[e] woods and xl acres furse and gorse   
191    w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Swimridge als sworridge Aliards land hatch mill and    
192    Southmolton in the said Countye Are holden de quo vel de quibus ant p que   
193    Servir Jurator ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
195    Sum tol[tal]is £ xv lxiiij s ij d whereof   
197    Two p[ar]ts to come to the kings ma[jes]tie   
197    Durringe the minoritie w[hi]ch cometh   
198    to S[um] v £  xj s iiij d ob   
In that this newsletter has now exceeded the usual length I will continue discussion on John Pincombe in the next issue of the Newsletter. 

2.    Landkey Parish Records

These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for Landkey, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for Landkey directly from my Excel file.

  #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details

1    Waldens    infant    child    Waldens    Thomas            1602    May    14   
2    Maniey    George    son    Manieye    Symon            1602    June    23   
3    Budd    William                        1602    October    6   
4    Pope    Jane    wife    Pope    John            1602    October    16   
5    Walter    John    son    Walter    William        Elizabeth    1602    November    21   
6    White    William    servant    Donacott    William            1602    November    23   
7    Burges    Mary    wife    Burges    Symon            1602    December    26   
8    Pearce    Katheryn    widow                    1603    May    2   
9    Mansome    Costy                        1603    June    27   
10    Honacott    Alce    daughter    Honacott    Hary        Audie    1603    September    30   
11    Dorund    Agnes    daughter    Dorund    Thomas            1603    October    1   
12    Bale    Elizabeth    daughter    Bale    George            1603    November    23   
13    Finale    An                        1603    January    25   
14    Courtney    Anthony                        1604    April    23   
15    Fingale    Anne                        1604    May    8   
16    Honacott    Henry                        1604    September    13   
17    W____d    Anne    wife    W_____d    Thomas            1604    October    26   
18    Richardes    John                        1604    December    18    hussbandman
19    Budd    Mary                        1604    December    27   
20    Herder    Water                        1604    January    1   
21    Honacott    Johan    wife    Honacott    Anthony            1604    January    28   
22    Doracott    Onner    wife    Doracott    Thomas            1604    February    28   
23    Pasmoore    Anthony                        1605    March    31   
24    Honacott    Anne                        1605    April    20   
25    Courtney    Tamsyn                        1605    May    28   
26    Pasmore    John                        1605    June    26   
27    Doracott    William                        1605    August     9   
28    Darch    Johane    daughter    Darch    Mathew            1605    November    8   
29    Towelle    Richarde                        1605    November    20   
30    Cruse    Johan    wife    Cruse    Anthony            1605    November    17   
31    Ackeland    Henry                        1605    December    19    gentleman
32    Pasmoore    Mary                        1605    January    27    widdow
33    Drew    William                        1605    March    1   
34    Mane    Jone    wife    Mane    Symon            1605    March    11   
35    Illegible                            1606    June    20   
36    Bayly    Alce                        1606    August     31   
37    Downe    Em                        1606    September    15   
38    Yoland    Bastian                        1606    October    1   
39    Davie    William                        1606    October    15   
40    Nott    Priscilla                        1606    November    4   
41    Thomas    Agnes                        1606    November       
42    Pope    Jess                        1606    January    4   
43    ?    Elizabeth    daughter                Joane    1606    January    12   
44    Cruse    Willyam                        1606    January    26   
45    Pope    John                        1606    February    28   
46    Pasmore    William                        1607    May    28   
47    Mane    Symon                        1607    June    21   
48    Pope    Matthewe                        1607    August     21    of Aclande
49    Cowle    Ellen                        1607    September    5    widdow
50    Cruse    Wilmote    daughter    Cruse    Anthonie            1607    December    6   
51    Miller    William    son    Miller    William            1607    December    23   
52    Clement    Joane                        1607    January    8   
53    Budde    Thomas    son    Budde    John            1607    January    29   
54    Downe    Thomas                        1607    March    4   
55    Darracott    Alce    wife    Darracott    Henry            1608    November    26   
56    Beaty    Alexander                        1608    December    4   
57    Leworthy    Joane    daughter    Leworthy    Christofer            1608    December    15   
58    Pope    Alexander                        1608    January    8   
59    Allyn    Margaret                        1608    February    9   
60    Tooker    Salome                        1608    February    11   
61    Cosower    Michaell                        1609    June    24    gentleman
62    Bailiffe    John                        1609    March    6   
63    Manyey    Maryan                        1609    March    8   
64    Cowle    Jone                        1609    March    23   
65    Blake    Jone                        1610    March    31    widow
66    Jese    George    son    Jese    Davye            1610    May    29    of East Buckland
67    Southwoode    John    son    Southwoode    Roger            1610    June    28   
68    Davye    Mary    wife    Davye    Richard            1610    August     28   
69    Vellacott    Bartholomew                        1610    October    21   
70    Heywoode    Anthony                        1610    November    4    a ward
71    Darch    Matthewe    son    Darch    Matthewe            1610    November    21   
72    Mangey    Thomas    son    Mangey    Richard            1610    January    7   
73    Honacott    James    son    Honacott    Richard            1610    February    10   
74    Courtney    Charitie                        1610    February    4   
75    Goule    Anne    daughter    Goule    Thomas            1611    April    14   
76    Rendle    William                        1611    April    22   
77    Budde    Joane                        1611    April    23   
78    Smale    Anthonye                        1611    June    10   
79    Pope    Jone                        1611    August     10   
80    Carder    Ists                        1611    August     25   
81    Herdinge    Margery                        1611    September    1   
82    Richards    Mary                        1611    December    5   
83    Darch    Elizabeth    daughter    Darch    Alexander            1611    January    1   
84    ?                            1611    January    10    of Aclande
85    Baylie    Alce                        1611    February    19   
86    Mangey    William    son    Mangey    Lewes            1612    April    13   
87    Leworthy    Jone    wife    Leworthy    John            1612    June    13   
88    Trix    Danes                        1612    June    20   
89    Padying    John                        1612    November    10   
90    Acland    Arthur    son    Acland    Mr. Francys            1612    November    12   
91    Smale    Elizabeth                        1612    December    25    widow
92    Miller    William                        1613    May    8   
93    Darracott    Henry                        1613    June    11   
94    Pawlyn    Agnes                        1613    July    8   
95    Pope    William    son    Pope    Roger            1613    October    24   
96    Courteney    Emme                        1613    January    14   
97    Davye    Edith                        1613    February    22   
98    Herdinge    Matthewe                        1613    March    1   
99    Huebury    Agnes                        1613    March    18   
100    Hutcums    Joane                        1614    April    20   
101    Doracott    William                        1614    May    29   
102    Darch    ?                        1614    August     20   
103    Trix     S?                        1614    September    10   
104    Hommet    George                        1614    October    20   
105    Leworthy    Jone    base daughter            Leworthy    Jone    1614    January    31   
106    Venner    Thomas                        1614    February    10   
107    Zennes    Aly                        1615    April    1   
108    Chilcot    Michaell                        1615    June    8   
109    Clarke    William                        1615    June    17   
110    Gorton    John                        1615    August     30   
111    Budde    Edmond                        1615    November    20   
112    Bright    Margery                        1615    November    30   
113    Courteney    Grace                        1615    December    13   
114    Allyn    John                        1615    December    15   
115    Acland    Humfry                        1615    January    23   
116    Darracott    Thomas                        1615    January    27   
117    Allyn    Lettuce                        1615    March    3   
118    Leworthy    William                        1616    April    4   
119    Pawlyn    John                        1616    April    7   
120    Pope    Matthewe                        1616    May    4   
121    Walter    Margaret                        1616    May    9   
122    Herdinge    ?                        1616    May    14   
123    Downe    E?                        1616    May    17   
124    Facey    Elizabeth    daughter    Facey    Humfrey            1616    September    26   
125    Herder    Richard                        1616    December    19   
126    Herdinge    Elizabeth                        1617    April    21   
127    ?    William                        1617    December    21   
128    Barrut    Richard                        1617    January    10   
129    Budde    John    son    Budde    John            1617    March    4   
130    Jule    Jone                        1617    March    6   
131    Heywoode    Margaret                        1617    March    11   
132    Barry    Margaret    wife    Barry    Phillippe            1618    April    1   
133    Pope    John                        1618    May    26   
134    Downe    Rebecca    daughter    Downe    William            1618    November    28   
135    Southwoode    Phillippe                        1618    January    3   
136    Bale    Jone                        1618    January    20   
137    Herdinge    Mary    wife    Herdinge    Jonas            1618    March    17   
138    Yollonde    Roberte                        1619    April    7   
139    Pengellie    Mary    daughter    Pengellie    William            1619    April    14   
140    Franckling    Jone    wife    Franckling    Edward            1619    May    15   
141    Dennys    Jone    wife    Dennys    John            1619    June    26   
142    Budde    Margaret                        1619    August     7   
143    Rooke    John                        1619    October    17   
144    Coswoorthy    Debora                        1619    November    2   
145    Aclande    Margaret    wife    Aclande    Huigh            1619    November    4    Huigh Esquire
146    Meyre    Jone    wife    Meyre    Roberte            1619    January    28   
147    Budde    Ciciley    daughter    Budde    Arthur            1619    February    15   
148    Frayne    James    son    Frayne    James            1619    March    21   
149    Clemmet    Elizabeth                        1620    July    22   
150    Yollonde    Elizabeth                        1620    September    15    widdow
151    Pengellie?    Mary    daughter    Pengellie    ?            1620    November    13   
152    Pope    Elizabeth    wife    Pope    William    1620    December    26
153        Thomas                        1621    April    16    a welchman
154    Pasmore    John                        1621    June    7   
155    Allyn    James                        1621    July    5   
156    Pengellie    William                        1621    July    13   
157    Hauxland    Christofer    son    Hauxland    Edward            1621    July    27   
158    Chilcot    Huigh                        1621    August     2   
159    Scot    Jane                        1621    August     2   
160    Johns    Charity                        1621    August     15   
161    Johns    Griffith    son    Johns    Griffith            1621    August     16   
162    Yollonde    Elizabeth    daughter    Yollond    Alexander            1621    December    5   
163    Courteney    Mary    wife    Courteney    William            1621    January    5   
164    Walden    Jone    wife    Walden    Thomas            1621    January    25   
165    Tracy    Margaret    wife    Tracy    Thomas            1621    January    28   
166    Downe    Elizabeth                        1621    March    20   
167    Momoy    Maryan    daughter    Momoy    Richard            1622    April    10   
168    Hanacott    Elizabeth                        1622    May    20    of Bradnicotte
169    Acland    Hugh                        1622    May    22    of Acland, Esquire
170    Richards    unknown    a child    Richards    Christofer            1622    May    24   
171    Hauxland    William    son    Hauxland    Edward            1622    May    26   
172    Leworthy    Mary    daughter    Leworthy    John            1622    June    3   
173    Clemett    Hugh    son    Clemett    Thomas            1622    July    24   
174    Courteney    ?    son    Courteney    William            1622    September    8   
175    Courteney    ?    daughter    Courteney    William            1622    September    8   
176    Pengellie    Jone    daughter    Pengellie            Margarett    1622    October    28   
178    Pasmore    ?ayeseye                        1622    December    22   
179    Jones    Anne    daughter    Jones    Griffey            1622    December    29   
179    Mayer    Robert                        1622    November    7   
180    Combrey alias Hutchins David son Combrey alias Hutchins William 1622 January    4   
181    Hutchyns    Arthur                        1622    February    21   
182    Budd    Thomas                        1622    January    7   
183    Dorracott    William                        1622    February    12   
184    Mayer    Johane    daughter    Mayer    Hugh        Rebecca    1622    February    15   
185    Hutchyns    Adwlems                        1622    February    21   
186    Pope    Matthewe    son    Pope    Roger            1622    February    27   
187    Leworthie    Margery    wife    Leworthie    Christofer            1622    March    6   
188    Knight    Margerie    daughter    Knight            Margarett    1623    March    31   
189    Blake    John                        1623    April    30    of Donnacott
190    Blake    Katheryn                        1623    May    5   
191    Punchard    Anne    daughter    Punchard    Peter            1623    May    25   
192    Budd    John                        1623    June    7   
193    Pope    Kathern    wife    Pope    Roger            1623    July    7   
194    Squire    William                        1623    August     3   
195    Squire    Leonard                        1623    September    9   
196    Clement    Christopher    son    Clement    George            1623    September    11   
197    Walden    Thomas                        1623    October    12   
198    Webber    John    son    Webber    John            1623    October    30   
199    Hearder    John                        1623    November    18   
200    Wilkey    Elizabeth                        1623    November    17   
201    Hauxland    Edward                        1623    November    22   
202    Dennie    John                        1623    November    27   
203    Jones    still born    child    Jones    Griffey            1623    November    30   
204    Jones    Christian                        1623    December    1   
205    Mules    Judeth    daughter    Mules    Phillip            1623    December    31   
206    Blake    John                        1623    January    2   
207    Chapple    William                        1623    January    23   
208    Burges    John                        1623    February    6   
209    Dee    Florence                        1623    February    14   
210    Pope    Matthewe    son    Pope    James            1623    February    19   
211    Plymme    Anne    daughter    Plymme    Phillip            1623    February    20   
212    Mayer    Joan                        1623    February    21   
213    Beale    George                        1623    February    25   
214    Ashseley    Mary    wife    Ashseley    Mathew            1624    April    1   
215    Courtney    John                        1624    April    6   
216    Johns    Edward                        1624    May    6   
217    Pethorne    Peter                        1624    May    9   
218    Strillen    Johane                        1624    June    6   
219    Blake    Ursela                        1624    June    25   
220    Dartch    John    son    Dartch    Mathew            1624    July    31   
221    Lavercombe    William                        1624    August     21   
222    Lavercombe    Thomasyne                        1624    August     21   
223    Pope    James                        1624    December    5    of Clisten Acland
224    Payne    William                        1624    December    21   
225    Chapple    Wilmott                        1624    December    27   
226    Southwoode    John                        1624    December    28   
227    Mongey    Richard                        1624    January    2   
228    Striblen    Richard                        1624    January    16   
229    Baylie    Ellen    daughter    Baylie    Peter            1624    March    4   
230    Marten    John                        1624    March    13   
231    Mathew    Downe                        1624    March    13   
232    Blanch    Robert                        1624    March    23   
233    Sweete    Richard                        1625    April    2   
234    Hesses    Joanne                        1625    May    4   
235    Trixe    William    son    Trixe    William        Elizabeth    1625    June    17    Twins
236    Trixe    Paul    son    Trixe    William        Elizabeth    1625    June    19    Twins
237    Plymme    Abraham    son    Plymme    Phillipp            1625    July    1   
238    Plymme    Isaac    son    Plymme    Phillipp            1625    July    1   
239    Plymme    Jacob    son    Plymme    Phillipp            1625    July    1   
240    Plyme    Nicholas                        1625    July    18   
241    Bale    Ambrose    base son            Bale    Johane    1625    August     21   
242    Plymme    Phillipp                        1625    October    19   
243    Luworthie    Robert    son    Luworthie    John        Johane    1625    November    29   
244    Slocombe    Margarett    wife    Slocombe    Thomas            1625    December    6   
245    Downe    Anne    daughter    Downe    Downe    Alice    1625    December    14    widow
246    Cawsey    Amos                        1625    December    21   
247    Morrice    Hugh    son    Morrice    Thomas            1625    January    22   
248    Trixe    Alice                        1625    February    16    widow
249    Bale    Elynor    base daughter            Bale    Emme    1625    March    29   
250    Pope alias Sonders    Johane                        1626    July    1   
251    Clemmett    Thomas    son    Clemmett    Thomas            1626    October    1   
252    Darracott    William    base son            Darracott    Elizabeth    1626    October    29   
253    Cruse    Johane    wife    Cruse    Anthonie            1626    November    18   
254    Jones    Hugh    son    Jones    Griffith        Grace    1626    December    21   
255    Rendle    Nicholas    son    Rendle    Hugh            1626    December    24   
256    Hunacott    Anne                        1626    February    24   
257    Downe    Hugh    son    Downe    Matthew            1626    March    8   
258    Kuster    Joan    wife    Cruster    Christofer            1627    April    3   
259    Trixe    Steephen    son    Trixe    William            1627    April    19    Twins
260    Hales?    Elizabeth                        1627    April    27    widow
261    Southwoode    Alice                        1627    May    29    widow
262    Slader    Thomas                        1627    July    8   
263    Bale    Johane                        1627    July    23   
264    Pope    Richard                        1627    July    26   
265    Pope    Johane    wife    Pope    Richard            1627    September    27   
266    Dunscombe    Hugh    son    Dunscombe    Ambrose            1627    October    9   
267    Rendle    Anthonie    son    Rendle    Hugh            1627    January    21   
268    Gooshame    Nicholas                        1627    January    22   
269    Heardinge    Anthonie                        1627    February    23   
270    Mudd        child    Mudd    William            1627    March    2   
271    Cruse    David                        1627    March    2   
272    Acland Sara    daughter    Acland Right Worshipful John 1627    March    17    Esquire and Colonell
273    Dee    Elizabeth                        1628    April    17   
274    Hunnacott    Mary                        1628    April    19   
275    Mayer    Bartholomew                        1628    April    21   
276    Goule    Joan                        1628    May    10   
277    Clemmett    John                        1628    May    14   
278    Harell    Rebecca    daughter    Harell    Peter        Emm    1628    July    3   
279    Walter    Eme    wife    Walter    Walter            1628    August     16   
280    Heardine    Jonas                        1628    August     17    of Bradwedge
281    Joce    Marie    wife    Joce    John            1628    August     19   
282    Courtney    William    son    Courtney    William            1628    November    7   
283    Gooshame    Nicholas    child                    1628    November    30   
284    Yolland    Mary    daughter    Yolland    William            1628    December    12   
285    Jones    Jonathan    son    Jones    Griffith            1628    December    19   
286    Slocombe    Elizabeth    wife    Slocombe    William            1628    January    1   
287    Milles Diane daughter    Milles    Richard    1628    January    3    a poor traveller
288    Pope    Richard                        1628    January    16    of Newland
289    Westacott    John                        1628    January    31   
290    Chapple    William                        1628    February    23   
291    Budd    Thomas    son    Budde    Arthur            1628    February    25   
292    Slocombe    born dead    child    Slocombe    George            1628    March    10   
293    Slocombe    Joan    wife    Slocombe    George            1628    March    11   
294    Budde    William    son    Budde    Arthur            1628    March    13   
295    Pope    Grace    daughter    Pope    Roger            1629    May    17   
296    Cornifer    James                        1629    May    24   
297    Dartch    Matthewe                        1629    June    15   
298    Courtney    Clare    daughter    Courtney    William            1629    July    23   
299    Morrice    Margerie    wife    Morrice    Thomas            1629    August     18   
300    Cowle    Edward    son    Cowle    Christopher            1629    October    10   

3.    North Molton Parish Records
These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file. This complete the baptisms as far as I have copies of the original register on fiche. The next issue will have the marriages.
      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details
4901    Herding    Mary    daughter    Herding    William        Catherine    1706    Apr    23   
4902    Harris    Joan    daughter    Harris    George        Mary    1706    May    14   
4903    Snow    Margarett    daughter    Snow    Andrew        Damaris    1706    May    14   
4904    Seage    William    son    Seage    William        Joan    1706    June    11   
4905    Buckingham    William    son    Buckingham    Roger        Agnes    1706    Jun    18   
4906    Rumbelow    Mary    daughter    Rumbelowq    William        Anne    1706    Jun    19   
4907    Kingdon    Richard    son    Kingdon    Philip    Anne        Aug    4       
4908    Locke    Thomas    son    Locke    John        Wilomott    1706    Aug    6   
4909    Gould    George    son    Gould    George        Elizabeth    1706    Aug    20   
4910    Locke    James    son    Locke    John        Judith    1706    Sep    15   
4911    Locke    Nicholas    son    Locke    Christopher        Anne    1706    Sep    17   
4912    Thorne    Michael    son    Thorne    John        Phillis    1706    Oct    3   
4913    Parsemore    John    son    Parsemore    Philip        Joan    1706    Oct    6   
4914    Henders    William    son    Henders    Abraham        Mary    1706    Oct    8   
4915    Bleigth    Elizabeth    daughter    Bleiglh    Scipio        Joan    1706    Nov    5   
4916    Panter    Mary    daughter    Panter    Henry        Susanna    1706    Nov    11   
4917    Atill    George    son    Atill    Michaell        Margaret    1706    Nov    19   
4918    Barrow    George    son    Barrow    George        Agnes    1706    Dec    3   
4919    Shapland    Agnes    daughter    Shapland    John        Elizabeth    1706    Dec    15   
4920    Bushen    Richard    son    Bushen    James        Grace    1706    Dec    27   
4921    Locke    Joan    daughter    Locke    Charles        Rose    1706    Dec    29   
4922    Westcott    Joan    daughter    Westcott    John        Margaret    1706    Jan    9   
4923    Saunders    Anne    daughter    Saunders    Edmund        Dorothy    1706    Jan    14   
4924    Kingdon    Frances    daughter    Kingdon    William        Francis    1706    Jan    26   
4925    Harris    Humphery    son    Harris    Thomas        Mary    1706    Jan    27   
4926    Hodge    Grace    base daughter            Hodge    Elizabeth    1706    Jan    30   
4927    Gould    James    son    Gould    John        Amy    1706    Feb    11   
4928    Walland    John    son    Walland    Robert        Mary    1706    Feb    26   
4929    Shapland    William    son    Shapland    William        Martha    1706    Mar    16   
4930    Bradford    Catherine    daughter    Bradford    John        Agnes    1707    Mar    25   
4931    Vickary    Mary    daughter    Vickary    William        Elleanor    1707    Mar    25   
4932    Hazell    John    son    Hazell    George        Joan    1707    Apr    14   
4933    Davy    Elizabeth    daughter    Davy    Philip        Elizabeth    1707    Apr    22   
4934    Shapton    Grace    daughter    Shapton    John        Anne    1707    Apr    30   
4935    Davy    Giffard    son    Davy    George        Grace    1707    May    1   
4936    Locke    Elizabeth    daughter    Locke    Jonathan        Mary    1707    May    1   
4937    Cogan    George    son    Cogan    William        Joan    1707    May    13   
4938    Dee    Joan    daughter    Dee    Jonathan        Elizabeth    1707    May    20    junior
4939    Shraper    Susanna    daughter    Shraper    Christopher        Elizabeth    1707    Jun    17   
4940    Smith    William    son    Smith    William        Elizabeth    1707    Jun    30   
4941    Vickary    Mary    daughter    Vickary    William        Elizabeth    1707    Jul    1   
4942    Parkin    Joan    daughter    Parkin    Jeffery        Elizabeth    1707    Jul    6   
4943    Stoate    Joan    daughter    Stoate    Nicholas        Joan    1707    Jul    22   
4944    Pollard    Mary    daughter    Pollard    John        Elizabeth    1707    Aug    19   
4945    Summerville    Elizabeth    daughter    Summerville    Peter        Anne    1707    Sep    1   
4946    Williams    John    son    Williams    John        Anne    1707    Sep    1   
4947    Stephens    Mary    daughter    Stephens    Stephen        Joan    1707    Sep    9   
4948    Vellacott    Jane    daughter    Vellacott    John        Jane    1707    Oct    12   
4949    Harris    Henry    son    Harris    Justin        Mary    1707    Oct    14   
4950    Davy    Mary    daughter    Davy    Thomas        Ann    1707    Oct    14   
4951    Zeal    Mary    base daughter            Zeal    Mary    1707    Oct    16   
4952    Snow    Joan    base daughter            Snow    Isett    1707    Nov    2   
4953    Shapland    Elizabeth    daughter    Shapland    John        Elizabeth    1707    Nov    3   
4954    Sally    Joan    daughter    Sally    Robert        Joan    1707    Dec    11   
4955    Zeal    Mary    daughter    Zeal    Nicholas        Mary    1707    Dec    14   
4956    Bickham    Honour    daughter    Bickham    James        Mary    1707    Dec    16   
4957    Gould    William    son    Gould    William        Charity    1707    Dec    17   
4958    Snow    Salame    daughter    Snow    Andrew        Damaris    1707    Dec    26   
4959    Moorman    Joan    daughter    Moorman    Robert        Grace    1707    Jan    4   
4960    Herding    William    son    Herding    William        Catherine    1707    Feb    3   
4961    Squire    James    son    Squire    Michaell        Catherine    1707    Feb    19   
4962    Locke    Catherine    daughter    Locke    Charles        Rose    1707    Feb    29   
4963    Payne    Elizabeth    daughter    Payne    Charles        Rebecca    1707    Mar    23   
4964    Baker    Elizabeth    daughter    Baker    Henry        Elizabeth    1707    Mar    24                       

Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st June 2021) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the end of August 2021 and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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