Sunday, July 4, 2021

Transcription proofed but discussion still in thought process

I completed my proofing of the transcription and will move forward to the discussion. I could compare this statement of land with the will of Gertrude Pyncombe and may do that; I have not yet decided. Because of common law some of the properties did pass to the families that married into the Pincombe family but the vast amount of this estate were given to Charity. 

Recorded: 29 Jun 2021
Source: John Rylands Library; University Library, University of Manchester, England, UK
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: An extent of all the manors, etc. of the late John Pincombe, gentleman, inherited by his son and heir, John Pincombe the younger; taken at South Molton, co. Devon, Parchment roll. Seal missing. 3 Apr 1605
Dated: 3 Apr 1605
Condition: photocopy, bold, old English writing

1    Th[e ]extente and clere yerelye value of all the manors    
2    mess[uage]s lands ten[emen]ts  and hereditaments late of John Pincombe gent   
3    deceased the xviijth daye of November last past before the finding of   
4    Th[e ]Office and w[hi]ch ben defended and comen in possession and reversion   
5    unto John Pincombe the younger his son[n]e and next heire beinge of the   
6    age of Twenty yeres two monethes and thirteene daies at the death   
7    of his Father do by th[e ]office thereof found at Southmolton in the Countye   
8    of Devon the third daye of April Anno do[mino] fortie Jacobi Regis Etc appeareth    
9    viz   
10    Coun[tie] Devon   
11    The manor of Bickington als Buckington loges w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in ye said   
12    Countye twelve mess[uage]s one Corne mill xij gardens xij orchards L acres land forty    
13    acres meadowe Lx acres pasture xiiij acres woods L acres heath and furze and   
14    iiij s rent w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Leghe neer lerghe Yealand Bickington als    
15    Buckington Loges and Highe Bickington in the Countye afforsaid The manor of   
16    Bekington als Bekington loogs w[i]th the app[urte]nancs in the said Countye vij mess[uages]   
17    vij gardens iiij orchards fourscore acres lands xvj acres meadows L acres pasture   
18    viij acres woods xl acres furz and gorse and iij s rent w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Bekington   
19    Als Bekington looges and highe Bekington in the said Countye Are holden of   
21    the Kings ma[jes]tie of his honor of Ex[ce]llenc by the viij th p[ar]te of a Knighte Fee and are   
22    Worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    vi £ xiij s iiiij d
24    The manor of Br[o]adridge w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in the said countye Devon mess[uages]
25    Gardens v orchards Cxx acres land xx acres meadowe four score acr[e]s pastures   
26    viij acres wood xl acres heath and furz and xx d rent w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Br[o]adridge   
27    and Poughill in the said County Are holden of James Courtney esq[uire] as of his mano[r]   
28    or liberty of Langhleighe by fealty but by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth   
29    by yere in al yssues above Repris    vi £ xiij s iiiij d
31    The Reversion of the moyitie of the manor of Eshe Renye als Ashe Reignye als Rings   
32    Ashe w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in the said Countye The Reversion of the moytie of viij mess[uages]   
33    And Te[nemen]te viij gardens CC acres land xviij acres meadows xl acres pasture L acr[es]   
34    Wood C acres furz and gorse and xiiij d rent w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Eshe Renge als   
35    Ashe Rengay als Rings Ashe in the said Countye The Reversion of the moytie of the   
36    P[ar]ishe Church of Eshe Reny als Ashe Reigny als Rings Ashe in the said Countye now   
37    Or late in the tenure of John Acland knight and mary his wife as in the right   
38    Of the said mary for terme of her life Are holden of the Kings Ma[jis]tie as of his   
39    Honor or fee of Ex[cel]lenc by the moytie of a knights fee And are worth inl durant   
40    veta dre marie sepostea ped mar ob df mod valet    x s
42    A mess[uage] gardene an orchard x acr[e] land foure acr[e] meadow lx acr[e] pasture one  
43    acre wood and xvj acres furfse and gorse w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Ridge Arrundell in the p[ar]ishe   
44    Of Morcharde Bishoppes in the said Countye Are holden of the lord Arrundell as of his   
45    Manor of Morchard Bishopp by fealty and two graynes of pepper and by what other servics   
46    ig[nor] And are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris    xv d
48    A mess[uage] and ten[ment]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Pulsworthie Silcombe meade and Silcombe  
49    wood w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of Twychine in the said Countye Are holden of Arne Bamfeild   
50    knight as of his manor of north molton by fealtye but by what other service ign[o]r   
51    And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    ij s vj d
53    Two mess[uages] or ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Gatcombe in the p[ar]ishe of molland Botreaux in the   
54    said Countye are holden of Phillipp Courtnye esq[uire] as of his manor of molland   
55    Botreaux by fealty and by what other service ign[o]r And are worth by yere in all   
56    Yssues above Repris   
58    Two mess[uages] or ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in north pransley als northe Pransleighe in    ijs vj d
59    The p[ar]ishe of north moulton in the said Countye Are holden of Amyas Bamfeld knight   
60    as of his manor of northe moulton afforsaid by fealtye but have other s[er]vic ig[no]r And   
61    Are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris    xxij d
63    One ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Easter meaddowe in the p[ar]ishe of hartland in the   
64    said Countye Are holden of Giles Risden esq[uire] as of his manor of Upcot by fealty   
65    and the yearlye rent of iiij s and sute of courte twice in the yeare And are worth by   
66    Yere above all chargs    xiiij s
68    Two mess[uages] and ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Bircham in the p[ar]ishe of Borington in the saide  
69    Countye now in the occupation of Wybell widdowe for tearme of her life Are holden of   
70    John Sturley esq[uire] as of his manor of Borrington by fealty and what other servics   
71    Ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    j d
73    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Butporte in the p[ar]ishe of Borrington in the said County   
74    Are holden of John Molford and marke Cotte esq[uire]s as of there manor of Sansford by   
75    Fealty and what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   
77    A mess[uage] a gardene an orchard CC acres land foure acres meadowe Cxx acre pasture    iij s iiij d
78    xxxvj acr[e] wood and cc acr[e] heath and gorse w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Birkombe in   
79    The p[ar]ishe of Okeford in the said Countye Are holden of Thomas Cole gent as of his   
80    Manor of East Knowestone by fealty and by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by   
81    Yere in all yssues above Repris    xij d
82    [Margin] It is said by John Pincombe the ward that Anne Pincombe mother of the ward is livinge   
84    A peec of land w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs called wheydon in the p[ar]ishe of Okeford afforsaid   
85    holden of Richard Spurwaye gent as of his manor of Okeford by the Rent of ij s   
86    but by what other servics ig[no]r And is worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    j d
88    One other mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in mill in the said Countye is holden of Will[ia]m   
89    Forteseue knighte as of his honor or Castle of Torrington magna by fealty and the rent   
90    of v s And are worth yerelye above Repris   
92    Eight mess[uages] seven gardens fouer acres land seven acr[es] meadowe seven acr[es] pasture    xx s
93    And ij s rent w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Barnstable in the said Countye Are holden of Roberte   
94    Chichester knighte as of his Castle or honor of Barnstable by fealtye onelye And   
95    are worth yerelye above Repris    xij d
97    Three acres of land or meadowe w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Newport in the  
98    P[ar]ishe of Tawton Bushopp in the said Countye Are holden of Ed   
99    ward Erle of Bedford as of his manor of Tawton Bushopp by   
100    fealtye and by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by yere in   
101    all yssues above Repris    ij d
103    Two p[ar]ts of one mess[uage] one gardene one orchard one corne mill seventeene   
104    acres land three acres meadowe and of tenne acres pasture in   
105    three p[ar]ts to be devided lyinge in newtone als Coletowne w[i]thin the   
106    p[ar]ishe of Chittlehamptone in the said Countye And holden of Willm   
107    Erle of Bathe as of his manor of Warkleighe by fealtye And are   
108    worth by yere above all charges    ij s
110    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Carsford in the p[ar]ishe of    iiij d
111    Crediton als Kirton in the said Countye Are holden of the Deane’s   
112    Chapter of the Cathedrall Church of St Peter in Oxonford as in   
113    Right of the Squire by fealtye And are worth by yere in all yssues   
114    Above Repris   
116    One other mess[uage] or ten[emen]te called mares land in the p[ar]ishe of Brodwood  
117    Kellye in the said Countye is holden of John Pearse a yoman as of his   
118    Manor of Inleighe by fealtye and by what other services ig[no]r And   
119    Are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris   
121    One other mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Radhey and Clashe     iij s iiij d
122    w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of Yonslowe in the Countye afforsaid Are holden   
123    de quo vel de quibus ant p que s[er]vic jurator peinbus ig[no]r And   
124    are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    ij s x d
126    Two mess[uages] w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Thorne in the p[ar]ishe of Langtree in   
127    the said Countye Are holden de quo ael de quibus ant p que s[er]vic   
128    Jurator pd ig nos And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris   ij s
130    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Swimbridge in the County   
131    afforsaid Are holden of the marques of Wynton as of his manor   
132    Of Tawton Bushopp by fealtye and what other servics Jurator ignor   
133    And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    ij s
135    An other mess[uage] or ten[temen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Wottene in the p[ar]ishe of   
136    Buckland Brewer in the said Countye And holden de quo vel de quibus   
137    Jurator peintus ignor And are yerelye worth in all yssues above    
138    charges and Repris    ij s
140    The moyitye of a mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in wrokesland in the p[ar]ishe of  
141    A[th]erington in the said Countye is holden of Robert Bassett knight as of his manor   
142    Of umberleighe by fealtye and one grayne of wheate and are worth by yere above all chargs   
144    A mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in furze downe in the forsaid p[ar]ishe of A[th]erington in the said    vj s viiij d
145    County is holden of the kings ma[jes]tie that nowe is as of his honor of E[xcel]lenc by knights   
146    service And is clerlye by yere in all yssues above Repris    iij s iiij d
148    The third p[ar]te of a mess[uage] or ten[men]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Luke’s and northminster in the p[ar]ishe of    xij d
149    Abbottsham in the said countye in three p[ar]ts to be devided is holden de quo vel de quibus ant   
150    P que servic ignor and are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris  xij d 
152    Two p[ar]ts of a mess[uage] or ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in three p[ar]ts devided in Heale in the p[ar]ishe   
153    Broadworthie in the said Countye Are holden de quo vel de quibus ig[no]r And are worth paum vltr ps    iij s iiij d
155    The third p[ar][te of a Burgage w[i]th th[e]app[ur]tancs in the Burroughe of Broadworthie in the said county  
156    in three p[ar]ts devided the holden de quo vel de quibus Jur[ator] ig[no]r And is by yere agove all Repris    j d
158    A mess[uage] and ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Smithstone als west Smithstone in the p[ar[ishe of Iddesleighe   
159    in the said countye Are holden of Anthonye Copplestone esq[uire] and Thomas Chapple gent as of   
160    The manor of Iddesleighe by fealty And by what other servics ignor and are worth by   
161    Yere in all yssues above Repris    viij d
163    Foure mess[uages] and ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e]app[ur]tancs in Buston Apsknights downe and Este Furlonge in the  
164    P[ar]ishe of Littlehame in the said Countye Are holden de quo vel de quibus Jurator penitus   
165    ignor And are worth yerelye in all yssues above Repris    xx s
167    Two mess[uages] and ten[emen]ts w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in the p[ar]ishe of marwood als merewood in the countye   
168    afforsaid Are holden de que vel de quibus Jurator penitus ig[no]r And are worth by yere   
169    in all yssues above Repris   ij s vj d
171    Three cotags three gardens one orchard six acr[e] land two acr[e] meadowe and eight acr[e] pasture  
172    w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in the p[ar]ishe of Branton in the said countye Are holden of Richard Bellowe esq[uire]   
173    as of his manor of Braunton George by fealty and by what other service ignor And   
174    are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    ij s
176    A mess[uage] and ten[emen]te w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs in Neales Towne in the p[ar]ishe of Southmoltone in the said county  
177    Are holden de quo vel de quibus jur[ator] ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    v s
179    Two mess[uages] two gardens three shopps and iij acre land three acres meadowe and tene acres pasture   
180    W[i]th the app[ur]tancs in the Burrough of Southmolton in the said Countye Are holden of the Farmer   
181    of o[u]r Soveraigne lord the kinge as of his Burroughe of Southmolton in free forage   
182    and not in chief And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    viij d
184    One Burgage one gardine one shoppe w[i]th th[e ]app[ur]tancs called Curries land in the  
185    Burroughe of Southmolton aforsaid Are holden of the farmer of our said soveraigne   
186    Lord the kinge’s ma[jes]tie of his Burroughe of Southmolton afforsaid by fealtye but   
187    by what other servics ig[no]r And are worth by here in all yssues above Repris   v s 
189    The fourth p[ar]te of xi en mess[uages] xi gardines one mill C acres land xvj acres   
190    meadowe xxx tie acres pasture three acr[e] woods and xl acres furse and gorse   
191    w[i]th the app[ur]tancs in Swimridge als sworridge Aliards land hatch mill and    
192    Southmolton in the said Countye Are holden de quo vel de quibus ant p que   
193    Servir Jurator ig[no]r And are worth by yere in all yssues above Repris    xij s
195    Sum tol[tal]is £ xv lxiiij s ij d whereof   
197    Two p[ar]ts to come to the kings ma[jes]tie   
197    Durringe the minoritie w[hi]ch cometh   
198    to S[um] v £  xj s iiij d ob   

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