Sunday, September 5, 2021

Grocery Shopping

I was contemplating whilst I grocery shopped yesterday that I have been shopping alone for groceries and at the drug store for nearly a year. Edward stopped going in September last year. He was still pretty active walking around the garden and a walk up and down the street every day but he just didn't want to grocery shop or go to the drug store anymore. We still went out when we could to the retail stores; his favourites were definitely Canadian Tire and Home Depot. It was nice to be able to wear a mask in Home Depot since the sawdust can be a little annoying in the nasal passages! He especially liked walking in the mall every day. Each day is a milestone in some ways as I relive the events of last year in my mind with each passing day. 

Another couple of weeks and I will be 76. It is amazing really to be 3/4 ths of a century old. Today is Sunday and off to YouTube for Church today.

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