Monday, October 18, 2021

My mother would have been 105 years of age today

Today would have been my mother's 105th birthday. Her last birthday on earth was her 85th and we all celebrated together with her at her favourite restaurant with her brother, my uncle Edwin Pincombe and his wife. Unbelievably in just over a year they were all gone - my mother, her brother and his wife. They were all frail at that last birthday party as age was catching up to them. My uncle was two years older than my mother. 

Lots of love to my mother (my father, and uncle and aunt) on this Day of Remembrance. My oldest daughter and my mother had a very special bond. She was lucky to be the only small one for eight years before the large group of grandchildren that followed our youngest daughter, in total another four grandchildren that occupied her to the end of her days. She was a wonderful grandmother to all those grandchildren. 

 My parents (my father was 85 (he lived to be nearly 95) and my mother was 73). My father would have been 117 on his last birthday (August 20).

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