Friday, October 1, 2021

Ursa Major and the North Star

 Last night a clear viewing of Ursa Major and the North Star; the winter sky is coming and hopefully some good viewing. The North Star was prominent in the sky overhead at 8:00 pm. My first introduction to star gazing and wild plants was my parents although mostly my mother. She liked us to know all of those things. Both my parents were very active in scouting and guiding in the twenties and thirties but after children (and there were seven of us) life was too busy for them to be part of that very much. My father ran his own business and my mother helped him with that. I always remember my childhood as very busy; phones ringing a lot and just busy all around. I think that was one of the first things I noticed when we were married; just how quiet our home was!

Living in the attic as I did I was away from some of that busyness. I could listen to it from afar. I loved the attic as I had all that room to keep things prepared. I was always afraid of being late for school after being punished in Grade 1 for reading a book after finishing the assigned work. I had no idea what they would do to a child that was actually late for school without an excuse! So every night I would prepare my clothes and anything that had to go to school with me so that I was already in the morning to quickly eat my porridge and be on my way. Generally I was ready very early and would have to wait until it was time to go but I felt better being ready like that. It did influence my entire life as I still have to be ready in advance for doing anything!

Today I must get to work on a few new things that need doing. My first act though must be to publish the Blake Newsletter.

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