Sunday, November 21, 2021

Home again

Lovely weekend at the cottage and  home again. It was cold but very quiet. The blue jays were singing happily in the trees. Love the song of the jay for sure. Possibly heard some chickadees but did not have my binoculars with me to see if I was correct. The blue jays came quite close actually so that I could see them very well.

Worked at Sudoku puzzles once again. They relax my mind and I do enjoy working with numbers. However, I leave the book there as I have a lot of work to do and the puzzles are very addictive. I prefer to do the most difficult ones. 

Walked outside for a while and enjoyed the crisp cold air in the woods. It was most pleasant. Went down to the dock and there wasn't anybody out today. It is getting late to do any boating for sure. Spring will come and then back to swimming and boating. 

Will listen to my Church Service on You-Tube tomorrow. I could have sat outside and listened but decided the walk in the woods would be really good for me. The day moves along so quickly and it was nearly noon before I was finished so missed my service live but will see it tomorrow.


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