Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Busy day yesterday

Yesterday was meant to be a slow day but turned into a busy day of shopping and building and creating.  I am pleased that The Kip-Kipp Newsletter has a draft form which I will add to over the next month to publish on the 1st of February 2022. It will be in memory of my husband and a tribute to his diligent work on the Kip-Kipp family of New Amsterdam. His interest went back to a chart made by one of his ancestors that hung on his uncle's living room wall. I saw the chart when we visited with them way back in the spring of 1966 when he took me to meet them as his fiancee. He was a lovely person very interested in Edward and what he was doing and proud that his nephew was going to do his PhD in Chemistry. He was the eldest in a family of four brothers (actually five but the first brother died as an infant) and Edward's father was his next to youngest brother. Tragedy had struck this family with both of the two youngest brothers dying rather young (the youngest was just 28 years of age and Edward's father was 45). We would spend the next 55 years trying to find the name of the father of their mutual 2x great grandfather Isaac Kipp. He was born/baptized 1 Nov 1764 likely in New York State as two of his sons gave New York as their place of birth. He was on the 1790 census at Northeast Town living next to or with his likely father in law Jonathan Mead (Isaac married Hannah Mead 29 Aug 1790). But that will come in the Newsletter and I am very glad to have it started. 

The shopping and filling the car with gas were the outings for the day and although I meant to clear the ice away from the laneway I did not do that. Today we have a covering of snow. Unless it is enough for the company to come and clear it we will do that later. 

Today I need to work on the Blake Newsletter which is due on the 1st of January. I believe I will write about Robert Blayke and Richard Blake (father and son). These wills are an interesting collection and the first one is mostly in Latin with the second one being in English. The linking part to the next generation is the reference to Richard's son Robert. I also want to finally look at the yDNA study for the Blake family. I have avoided it for ages partly due to lack of time this past year and a half but also the seven founding (at least) Blake lines are what I would have expected but not everyone expected to see that. 

Another beautiful winter has arrived and I shall enjoy it to the full. It is by far my favourite season possibly because you spend most of it indoors working away at projects which is my preferred way of life. 

On to breakfast. I am a little late today but I am not in a rush; the day beckons and being retired one just follows it about as the clock races towards bedtime!

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