Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Guaranteed Minimum Income

Reading both sides of the Occupation comments and again does it come down to a Guaranteed Minimum Income ? During the worst of COVID-19 shutdowns money was made available to people CERB I think it was called. This no longer is active and are people living on a margin so narrow that they cannot manage without aid? I do not know the answer to that but I continue to support the idea that every person 18 years and over should have a guaranteed minimum income of $18,000 per year. I do think we need to insure that people are able to have the basic needs in our country. Is that why Ottawa is occupied. Does no one want to say that in the convoy? We do need answers to all of that. Why are they still here? 

I do think they should leave though as they are totally making life unlivable for the people in the area. They do not have the right to do that. COVID has been long; it has been hard for so many people. The measures taken were needed and are still needed to a certain extent. We do not want to have pockets of COVID that overwhelm the system. This is an orderly way to manage a pandemic but it appears to be largely endemic now although will wait on Public Health to declare it as such. Our hospitals still have a lot of patients and unless the patients are compromised they are primarily unvaccinated. So the health measures are helpful to keep the amount of virus present low.

The restrictions are coming off. It is not due to the protesters being here. We have all found COVID to be long but in a democratic society we respect our fellow citizens and do not claim rights that inflict harm on others.  

Just reading the editorials, well said Albert Dumont from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation our anglophone Poet Laureate of Ottawa.

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