Monday, February 28, 2022

Looking at the Trill family

I decided to start my work day looking at the Trill family. Grace Trill married Thomas Escott of Withycomb  at Selworthy 14 Feb 1759 (Find My Past). 

There is a baptism for Grace Trill 12 Jan 1711 at Selworthy daughter of Thomas Trill and Margaret but this would make her 48 when she married in 1759. Thomas Trill married Margaret Clerk 7 Dec 1706 at Selworthy. A Thomas Trill was baptized at Selworthy son of Thomas Trill 27 Dec 1675. This does not appear to lead me to the Siderfin family.

 There is a burial for Mr Thomas Escott 23 Oct 1765 at Withycombe.  There is a will for a Thomas Escott, Gentleman of Withycombe probated 7 Dec 1765 PROB 11/914/215. I have downloaded the will for free which is amazing really. I have visited Kew three times now and each time downloaded wills for my Blake and Pincombe study but to be able to do it from far-away Canada is truly a gift. I have bought a lot of wills over the years as well. 

I will transcribe this will as he does mention that Grace is his wife and see what I can discover. I did find one Thomas Escott descended from a Benjamin Escott which corresponds to the Escott which later married into the Nurcombe-Siderfin family. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Feb 2022
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/914/215
Name of Testator: Thomas Escott
Place: Withycombe, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 13 Apr 1765, probated 7 Dec 1765
Read: Electronic copy
Condition: scan, old English writing good, contrast excellent

[Left hand corner] Thomas Escott

1    The Last Will and Testament
2    of Thomas Escott of Sandhill in the parish of Withycombe in the
3    County of Somerset Gent made and published the thirteenth day
4    of April one thousand seven hundred and sixty five First I give
5    and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Grace Escott all my
6    Leasehold Estates situate lying and being in the parish of
7    Sellworthy in the said County for and during the Term of her
8    natural Life also I give and bequeath unto my Kinsmen
9    Robert Newton John Towill and William Towill the Sum of one
10    hundred pounds each all the Rest Residue and Remainder of
11    my Lands Tenements hereditaments and premisses and also all
12    my Rights Credits and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever that
13    I shall die possessed of (not herein before given and disposed of my
14    just debts and Funeral Expences being first satisfied and discharged
15    I give devise and bequeath unto my Nephew Thomas Escott to
16    his only proper use and Behoof of my said Nephew the said
17    Thomas Escott his heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for
18    ever whom I do hereby constitute nominate and appoint whole
19    and sole Executor and Residuary Legatee of this my last Will
20    and Testament hereby revoking all former Will and Wills by
21    me heretofore at any time made In witness whereof I the said
22    Thomas Escott the Testator have herewith to set my hand
23    and Seal the day and year first above written Thos Escott
24    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator as and
25    to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us who have
26    subscribed our Names as witnesses in his presence at his Request
27    and also in the presence of each other Thos Leigh Mary
28    Leigh Jno Best
29    This Will was proved at London on the seventh day
30    of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
31    and sixty five before the Right worshipful George Hay Doctor
32    of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court
33    of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of Thomas Escott
34    the Nephew of the said deceased and sole Executor named in
35    the said will to whom administration of the Goods Chattels and
36     credits of the said deceased was granted he having been first
37    sworn by Comm[issi]on duly to administer

As I work my way through the documents I have a clearer picture I think. This was actually being given to the Siderfin family by Thomas Escott as a result of the deed of settlement on the marriage of Thomas Escott and Grace Trill. It is property that he appeared to be holding. 

Back to the third generation again. I became distracted by the Escott-Siderfin marriage in the second generation (Christian Siderfin married George Escott).

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